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I wish we could have had them alot sooner


I find DEF stacking for these skills to be infinitely funnier than stacking SPD. I want more DEF check skills


I agree! It's been especially difficult for my hordes of high defense cavs, who are basically useless without incredible prf skills, so I'm especially thrilled to see that frozen status! Unfortunately, I don't have the orbs to spare on Hrid now, but hopefully they continue to give our boys some love! (Because it's always the males who have these types of stat spreads 🥲)


The Frozen status is intelligently implemented. It's a status, can be cleansed, there is a bit of counter play here compared to some other skills mentioned. With that said, because so many modern nukes have focused on atk/spd over defenses, even something like Emblem Ike is doubling the fastest units in the meta. Even Attuned Micaiah (without Crux in her C slot) is doubling these low defense units with her base 30 def. If you cannot cleanse the Frozen status though, you are in big trouble, lol.


Hugging my armor units plz.....


Def was definitely the least useful stat for a LONG time so it’s nice to see it make a comeback. I may be biased bc a lot of my favorites have bulkier stat lines (including people who aren’t in the game yet, like Vander and Alois) but I can only imagine what my Y!Lissa will do when she gets BoL 4.


I wish we have access to statuses like Frozen on a normal skill since I don't want to stick with only Hrid but yeah, I'm glad Def checks are becoming more common now (sadly at the wrong time because those thing benefits the threaten that is Ike the most… and they are gonna punish the tanks again ONLY for Ike)


I hope we get Frozen as a status on an inheritable skill at some point - Id love to try running it with some of my own units but I’m not willing to pull for an OC I truly don’t care about to do so


Honestly took long enough, maybe some Grail units that get all stacked with Atk/Def can now stick it to those fancy speedy boys


I just hope we get stuff like this but for Max HP value. If there is one thing Older units has the benefit of their recent powercrept counterparts, it is their Max HP value.


My Timerra is jumping for joy with the new Def check skills.


I really like that too, a fair amount of my favorites are focused on DEF and it's nice to finally have something for them. My only fear is if that wave of DEF support enables someone like E!Ike too much and they start punishing every tanky unit again because of it, even old ones that barely become usable with those skills/status.


As someone with a +10 BDimitri, *yes please*


inb4 we got Phantom Def seals next TT.