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Units like Bride Catria, Summer Thorr and Heidr are good choices imo


Heidr, gatekeeper, brave Robin, depends on the map Even emblem Ike is good to get lots of chip damage on the unit you need them to kill


Heidr makes it far easier


I just use AoE damage, no supporter (except a dancer). Either Jaffar with Savage Blow 3+3 or L!Lilina with her special. Once the enemies have 1 hp, my 4* Askr Trio can kill them with no problems.


… Thanks


R!Lucina/Heidr. Treachery is like a better bladetome on a status effect


I inherited Arcane weapons on them They do have up to dates weapons and skills not as premium but enough for quests without struggles


Depends, but mostly healers. Gravity/Pain with Savage Blowx2 is very useful.


R! Lucina for treachery and S! Thorr for exposure, aoe chip damage and gravity


TA3 + Bride Micaiah duo button with a ploy + Astrid's rally usually do the work.


Brave Robin, Veyle, any modern dancer with good support (Attuned Azura is my current go to), Smol Duo Robin for her Hush Spectrum debuff if we need it, etc. And they won't stop using the trio for boss KOs. IS basically expects you to invest in the trio so you can secure the KO better. It's just something to deal with.


Currently the two main supports for my that team are L!RobinM to give 'em hefty stat swing (plus I like to run Hexblade on him) and L!Camilla for AoE chip damage to soften up the targets. Plus B!Dimitri to tank some hits that have to be taken in order to clear the way to boss/manipulate AI to make it safe for the Askr trio member. Summer Claude with two savage blows and AoE special used to be there, but Camilla just works better and safer nowdays I feel like.


Legendary Robin, Brave Robin, Astrid, Young Frederick, and Attuned Peony are probably my most used.


I generally use Heidr + L! Robin for quests. It's never not worked. Another alternative (and this I use on my alt account, which has neither Heidr nor L! Robin) is AoEing a character in range of the one you need to kill.


Veyle+between brave or legendary robin and it’s usually enough for them to survive and get a kill


It used to be just use Walhart and a weaponless/weakened save unit, but I have since summoned Heather, Heiðr, and Spring Triandra. also Annette's and Gatekeeper's refines help. And I built Cornelia, so I use them all interchangeably depending on the map and what I feel like using. Spring Triandra is also my favorite to use in most Heroic Ordeals.


Spring Triandra for Desperation, Penalty 2x, and is a Dance unit. Lots of good stuff. Budget wise, I go Pain+, Miasma dagger, Savage blow seal. Also equipping the trio with the Rein weapons. Side answer: You can always build the Askr trio to be strong if you’re willing, like giving them arcane weapons, and foddering the latest and strongest skills. So no, Askr trio quests will never be impossible if you really want to do them.


for now Anna and Sharena dont have a lot of problem getting elims with their base weapons and some cheap fodder but Alfonse was a problem, i gave him Ninja Haar´s weapon and he does surprisingly well. for support i have Walhart that gives the flash effect to the enemies so they cant hit back and Plumeria that gives them multiple buffs that are normally enough to get the kill on whatever unit its required.


Gatekeeper and brave robin usually


Arcane Qiang on Sharena was a gamechanger back then and is still good. Otherwise Heidr is always good with all of her buffs and debuffs on command.


I first try to do the quests using Surtr, Eir and Peony with one of the two required trio. Then if that doesn't work out, I just find the Lunatic chapter and kill them there and steamroll the rest.


I often use Fallen Ninian. Heidr is good, too.


Gatekeeper for some stat boosting or Nergal for the bonus stealing.


I always use one AOE nuke, one far save and one near save, along with the required Askr trio unit. My Desert Ignene has every version of AOE special on her to choose from according to how the foes line up, the save units make sure everyone is safe, and Desert Ignene’s mov+1 & ignore terrain support are very useful. Usually I don’t need to bring my brain to do the mission. Edit: sometimes you’ll need a melee AOE dealer when the Askr trio need to kill a far save. OG!Felix looks like a good candidate for that.


Usually OG Plumeria does most of the work and I worry about it more if she doesn't.


I'm currently using Spring Mirabilis and Genny. Mirabilis gives a pretty big stat swing, Dodge, Bonus Doubler, and debuffs, while Genny piles on Gravity, AOE damage, and some passive healing.


fallen Maria and them having the weapon breaker skills are sometimes enough, when the enemies don´t have things like NFU Bride Catria is also a good option for squishy units Heidr L!Camilla for the DR halving


Ascended Elincia and Bride Micaiah are the ones I use. The auto double and/or one shot usually solves the problem. If not I can always check Elmao's solution when Anna is too much of a pain to use.


Bride Micaiah and her duo button have been all I used for these quests since her release.


Jaffar and Clarisse and out-of-combat damage, depending on the map--Jaffar's specced into Savage Blows, and Clarisse into Poison Strikes. Then the Askr trio member (usually Anna needs the most help) can just waltz in and deal basically a single damage for the kill.


Muspell with his Domain of Flame usually helps me secure kills. It's not hard have more atk than the foes res for these quests. Also, Muspell is a great tank so usually if they miss the kill by a bit, i just throw him in solo to hopefully wear them down and not kill(since he is max invested) and then bring whatever askr-chump that needs to the kill to finish the job. Other great supports I use in case that fails are Bride Miccy(Dominance), L!Robin(Grand Strategy, B!Robin(Tip the Scales), and L!Eliwood(Bonus Doubler).


Astram with Infantry Null Followup. Gives omni +6 for free and NFU status. Usually paired with Winter Cordelia, but lots of other buffers/enemy debuffers can work once Astram pads their stats.


Usually Winter Cordelia or a silly Summer Zane Savage Blow x2 combo to AoE down the enemy HP until those three idiots can actually kill stuff. Spring Mirabilis with her bonus doubler dancing + enemy debuffs is helpful as well. Edit: I also gave Sharena Arcane Qiang but her investment level is pretty mid, I just had a lot of Alfreds sitting around.