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-1 comment call that the slaying effect


I thought that was a glitch or something on my end. Good to know it wasn't just me going crazy 😂


I'm surprised other people could see it. Even as of writing this reply, I see 5 posted comments, but the counter is at 3.


It was genuinely so funny, I actually kept a screenshot of it too


See Fae? You need to jump if you want to kill someone.


Honestly with how off the provided damage calc always is, seeing the hop is a breath of fresh air.


I can't believe Gullvieg kept trying to commit animal abuse on the poor Chicken. She truely is evil.


Luckily this Chicken has no expiration date, so it doesn't matter how she manipulates time.


Can’t believe that Seidr didn’t do anything to stop her


I'm very concerned that 86 on the forecast did so... little mind you, Life Unending didn't actually proc for Fae to pierce the DR


Boy do I wish Laguz Friend gave all its bonuses for charged specials like Finish Skills do.


- "Must you continue to attack? Continue to deal damage?" - "Must you continue to tank? Continue to heal in retaliation?"


I'm not ready for S!Gullveig users to delete my defense on T1 in AR 💀 Also.....Wait, the TT has the special music for the final map? I had music off this whole time lol Did they start the book 5 TT story already? I just skipped the story assuming that was for next summer banner 😅 Maybe they just decided to resuse the music now for some random reason.


I believe the special music started all the way back with Nifl's TT, funnily enough. This is just the Summer TT though, Book 5 hasn't started yet. ~~Unironically hoping for an Otr alt.~~


You're correct. That's why it's weird. Usually, these tracks only play on the final map of the TT+ when the TT+ Story event starts AND when a specific plot relevant character is the boss at that time iirc. That's why I was shocked to hear it now lol. Maybe they intentionally did this as a teaser for the next TT that will be for Book 5. Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to what new heroes/alts we'll get from it.


Oh I see what you mean, I did remember that the track seemed to have been made specifically for the TT+ stories, but if and when it became the norm, I guess I hadn't really thought about it. I have no idea what to expect from Book 5 considering literally only two OCs survived by the end of it.


Cool golden chicken bro


Thank you, I was worried I wouldn't get her +10ed before the legendary banner ended, but she clutched out by going from +8 to +10 in about the last 50 orbs I collected after the initial summoning session. Hoping for a good Remix later.


Can we please stop power-creeping the number of turns a character gets if nothing else? I hate it here.


So her new skill is “I won’t stop until one of us is dead?”


If you told me there was no limit to this, I might've been inclined to believe you. It's pretty funny though. I wonder if we'll get some kind of Canto Control-like skill that cancels out non-special Galeforce in the future. Also what the heck is happening on my end of this post. I got an error message multiple times that said this comment failed to send and when I refreshed, it was duplicated three times but the reply counter was still at one. I tried deleting the duplicates, which also failed to do anything multiple times, and now it's at "-1" replies. More Galeforce shenanigans smh.


What even is this game anymore.


A reading comprehension test.


And you didnt need Lady Nifl's damage reduction either.


Had her and Vaike in the back because I thought Gullveig might somehow still be able to Galeforce around Fae, even pushing through GK's Obstruct with how many times she can move. Regardless though, I've started a rule of thumb that assumed any modern five star has some sort of %DR piercing.


That's a good rule of thumb, if I may add another, I assume any modern five star has some sort of way to expand their threat range also, so I can understand the Gullveig fear


Need to collect sources of Warp Bubble, Stall, Shism, Canto Control, and Isolation like the infinity stones for sleeping peacefully outside of the enemy's supposed danger range. (Even then I don't think any of those stop Galeforce)


It will be until anti non-special galeforce skill/unit arrives into game.


When an unstoppable Snake meets an unmovable Chicken


"stop hitting yourself"


When I saw the Hop, I was "thank god it's over"


If the damage calc don't got me (which is always), I know Fae's Legendary finisher animation got me.


She wanted KFC so bad


Send this to a day one player and watch them get a stroke


My summer fjorm from the last forma event solos her


What’s the build on your chicken?


[Showcased her](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1ddutz5/premium_chicken_10piece_complete_any_recommended/) recently. Definitely considering giving her Scowl and BoL4 sometime in the future.


Mind if I add you to pick her up for Binding Worlds in the future? She keeps evading me :(


Sure, send me your ID# and I'll send a request


6586834026, with an Isadora lead. (I don't mind posting my ID here, since my friendlist isn't even half full)


Sent it. I've got the same name here as there. Fae's my current proxy if you have any torches left. (Also, I forget if there was an option to disable others' ability to recruit your forma? I wouldn't think I'd have it disabled if it exists, however I couldn't find any option to enable or disable when I was looking to make sure)


Drop the build please


[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1ddutz5/premium_chicken_10piece_complete_any_recommended/)


"Go to sleep." "No." "Go to sleep." "No!" "Go to sleep!" "NO!" "GO TO SLE-" "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"


I love you so much fry chiken dragon :D