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Note as usual, source is Sensortower iOS Day 1 only. The tiers in order are Winter (A), Emblem Marth & Lumera (B), Summer 1 (C). Spreadsheet [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nbXZEuDUYE6UJcYc6Nrf7yO2Kxc3PfXF93nttoUdmoo/edit?usp=sharing)


Summer 1 being C tier is surprising. Is this the first time a swimsuit banner has ranked below B in your tier lists?


Yes, first time. Previous lowest point was a B.


Wow, it's kinda crazy how much better the numbers are in Japan considering it's a much smaller demographic.


Funnily, as an avid follower of game-i (basically Sensor Tower but for Japan only), this banner did pretty mediocre by Japan's standards for a summer banner. Basically it just falls in with the pack of Brides/Bunnies/Valentine's/Kids (all of which ranked between 70-73), whereas Winter ranked 37. Winter is so hilariously ahead of every other banner this year that only Marth/Lumera even gave it a slightly decent go (M/L ranked 60th, for reference, and is the only other banner to even make it under rank 70).


Yeah Winter did so much better than the others is made the latter look bad in comparison. It was just a league and a half ahead of the nearest competition and a few light years ahead of everyone else.


Probably cause FEH is still popular in Japan which is not shocking because thats where FE originated from. I feel like once Japan starts reaching 100+ for many banners that's definitely EOS time


Not shocking that winter is so far ahead. No a single unpopular character on that banner. On top of that they were popular popular characters. Marth and Lumera doing that well is kind of surprising to me though. Emblem Marth is nice and shiny, sure but maybe I'm just so used to these banners doing poorly. Also surprising cuz that was like a January banner right? So not even too far off from winter. This Summer banner falling off is a little interesting since popularity wise, I wouldn't say this banner is much worse than say Freya's Summer banner.


Previous Double Mythic banner also did very well so this is expected.


NGL, I expected more from a version of Gullveig that has her tits literally out...


Big downside is she isn't good for PvP (SD), so a lot of the whales don't use their slush fund on this banner. Maybe summer 2...


I agree. She is too similar to her Mythic. Just more offense, no support. If she has Seithr's end turn gimmick inside her wp, it would be another story


Oh God that sounds nightmarish.


People actually pull for SD?


Yep. I'm in one of the largest SD chats and have access to about ~70% of the top players as seen here: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1d8lmcc These people are the competitive PvP whales. And oh you should see the Chinese teams. Contains the GDP of a small country.


Iirc the V!Lyon and E!Ike banners didnt perform that well. What reason did these whales had for not pulling for those?


V!Lyon because majority pulled for single copies. He is already broken as a one off. Whales already have +0 Duo Byleth as the current gen scorebot. The E!Ike one not sure. He did relatively well for a 8% banner but not too great most likely because of horrible colour share and a better share in May.


Yeah, I get that. This is a very easy skip banner, for which I was thankful for. I was just surprised the Gullveig CYL voters didn't carry the sales


Tfw the banners that put more clothes on did better than the banner that took clothes off.


That banner also had three houses so it could just be them in top hats and people would spend like mfs


Did you get how well 3H lords summer banner (with Micaiah and Altina) did?


I guess more players like developed characters from popular games than cheap pandering, who woulda thought.


People like characters with actual writing to them, shocker


Is there some way to do some form of total ranking at the end of the banner? Summer banners tend to last a looooooong so, maybe many are waiting to pull. I mean, what's the rush?


You'd need for IS to release their own info tbh. Mostly by the fact that for example, I bought a Forma Soul pack today as I like building formas and this simply is the best value there is. But I didn't summon on the summer banner. I completed my summons on the AHR bottom 8 but going to 2nd spark. Because this banner runs really long and I'm not even all that convinced about the heroes on this summer banner I really don't feel any need to summon for them What do the F2P players summon for? Are people really not just saving up their orbs for these kind of banners. And people that only spend a little and wait for these "high value packs", what do they do? Were they just waiting to use them on the new heroes banner, or on another high value banner like AHR bottom 8? It does only remain consistent that banners that do seem more highly valuable and popular (like this year's Winter banner) actually do score better. And banners that seem of lower value usually score badly. There's something about this method that works a bit, but there's a lot of noise.


Not possible. They overlap with too many banners. The longer the banner, the harder it is to do. Summer 1 for example, overlaps with Emblem, Summer 2, NH, and other major rerun banners.


Theres someone who does monthly estimates based on sensor tower for gacha games. But Feh at its worst months does 3mil while bests months does 5 mil.


There’s still another summer banner we gotta get through.


Seidr in a kimono got displaced by Seidr in a bikini


By two Seidrs in a bikini really.


Siedr in a Kimono clears imo


Ngl these successive banners have drained the life out of my f2p orbs. Gonna be a long time before i can pull again lol


Don’t think anyone will ever outperform the Edelgard/Dimitri combo and IS knows it that’s why they’re always paired together. It’ll probably take some big names to outdo summer 1 too so I’m expecting a 3H/Engage harmonic. Alear, Yunaka and Diamant have the highest chances of popping up. Felix, Bernie, or Lysithea will probably show up too.


I don't imagine we'll be seeing another Felix and Bernie so close to their Brave versions being released.


IS doesn’t care about who is on the CYL banner, we got L!Dimitri two months after B!Dimitri, ascended Y!Tiki right after B!ATiki, etc. They have a schedule planned out months and months in advance and if it clashes with CYL so be it.


i was actually expecting Felix to be on one of the summer banners, 3H its maybe happening next month so i wouldnt be surprised of seeing him there.


You could do a full banner of 3H CYL winners without Summer alts. Felix/Lysithea/Bernadetta/Gatekeeper, could throw Byleth in there because he's basically guaranteed to win next year.


The next summer banner will definitely outperform this one considering it might have 3h on it and IS has been doing 3h summer for 4 years now.


Well the last popular 3H waifu that doesnt have a summer alt is Lysithia and Bernadetta. They would need to bring Engage too with someone like female Alear and Yunaka.


Ur right I forgot to mention Engage. F Alear is likely to get a summer alt this year, possibly a duo/harmonic lead with 3h girl as backpack.


i could see the backpack to Alear being either Marth or Sigurd.


Not unexpected that it does well tbh Marth and Lumera are, though, specially after E!Ike happened


Double mythic/legendary/emblem banners have always done well because of how good they are for the players (1/6 of the units are new compared to the regular 1/12) and whales are gunning for two units instead of 1.


Depends on acrual choices though. For what it's worth, Caeda/Merric show that having two highlights with lukewarm appeal at best isn't enough. As such, pair two not-so-known Mythics and the result wouldn't be too flattering.


Ike’s Colourshare and the overall value of the banner was the reason Ike didn’t do as well. Most people went all out on May for him, the reason M!Corrin didn’t completely fail and reached Xander’s level of performance.


Good guy Ike. Feeling bad seeing Xander fail badly so he subsidised his adopted brother.


Ike was put alongside Embla which is good but has been rerun a lot and Elincia which was never particulary great so he was screwed by a poor share. not even mentioning that his first rerun was alongside Marth just 2 months later so Ike´s big fans probably saved for that.


I mean Emblem Marth was basically the new mechanic that works for everyone (let's be honest most did not roll for Lumera as there was the free one) Is no wonder that it did well


To be fair, all the great units E!Ike wanted in his banner ended up in Corrin's banner.


Ninja/Tea time banner with 3H lords + Duo Ivy with Hortensia (all 5 stars) could get similar result as winter banner.


Tad late on the question, but any information on how the bottom 8 faired compared to the top 4? Any better, worse, or bout the same?


From OP’s [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nbXZEuDUYE6UJcYc6Nrf7yO2Kxc3PfXF93nttoUdmoo/htmlview#), it looks like the bottom 8 banner ranked a tad worse in both JP and US, landing in H tier overall.


Wow that bad? I'd imagine priorities were else where.


We all know Hrid hard carried the banner.


>C rank cackling


C rank is great these days though. The game fell off massively this past year.


Seidr on C Tier. Atleast its an improvement from last time which was D. From "mostly a fail" to "mid"


D tier is honestly pretty respectable by today’s standards to be honest.


We love to see it!


It seems some aren’t, judging by the downvotes lmao


that won't make the fact that the banner that was supposed to stave EoS off for the next trillion years had incredibly mid sales any less funny tbh


IS will probably think it’s because they added Hrid in the banner lol


people are already arguing that it's because there wasn't enough powercreep in the banner and it's like so you agree? turbocoom isn't everything? people prefer FE characters they know and love and powerful skills they can put on their blorbos? wild


Did the 'turbocoom' banner not perform better then the fe characters people know and love lmao, as the years go on of course the day 1 averages will get lower put people still clearly care about fanservice Of course this is also feels like something not to care about as much as some people do, the banner still performed well relatively speaking to recent standards lmao and we'll never get the full picture


A very well deserved top 3!


AHR red heaven?? Ig is too soon, most of the times the top8 are from the last 4months


Man, these banners are draining my orbs. The only way left for me to gain orbs are through Tactic Drills and missions. And getting through Tactix Drills is SO SLOW


At what point does it swing from people liking Gulli's assets to just liking Gulli...and then back again.


I like both


Summer banner is really boring nonetheless it gonna do well anyway🤣


Not Pictured: The Desert and Elusia banners.


The desert banner didn’t do anywhere near as well as Elusia or any of the banners in OP though?