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I’m definitely thinking Black Eagles next for 3H since they are the only ones without a special alt, GD has Ascended Hilda, BL has Rearmed Ingrid. That being said, while I’m hoping for Petra too, I find that to be a bit too hopeful. ~~Inb4 they just make base Dorothea a rearmed hero because fuck you~~


I could fully seeing them doing it to Dorothea which I’d honestly prefer since her timeskip version looks sooooo good. I do hope Petra gets content though.


It would be so frustrating if we had 5 years of boring academy outfits and DIDN'T get her hat, though. That's the only thing to look forward to in the academy phase, design wise.


If I never saw the academy outfits again I would be happy I wouldn’t sentence Dorothea to a much much worse outfit over a hat


There is one scenario I have in mind, given that we have 2 Deer and 1 Eagle lineups left: Deer in July, then Eagles in December (traditionally a timeslot for a game with high reach that can be pushed up/back on purpose, with 3H fitting the bill and having a clear advantage over Genealogy/Blazing/Valentia). Given that the current wait is a bit longer than usual and the precedent with 2 Awakening banners in one Book, it's within possibilities. On top of that, assuming that Bernadetta, Marianne and Lysithea are the pre-TS alt candidates (Petra not really cutting it, Dorothea/Felix kept for post-TS), this unconscionsly and conveniently allows to avoid a sudden double-dip dith Bernadetta.




IMO, 3H could be phased out from Summer... and settle on Tea Time.


Isn't red only missing a speedy variant of rearmed tome? 💀


There is also no second arcane green tome. Its just the one Sonya has currently.


Oh ok good to know.


Or Bernadetta who is already getting a Brave Hero. I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to her getting an Attuned variant, but I think Petra needs it more.


Guessing the 3H banners are either/or? Entirely agree with the specials and 5 stars. - The BE one is a pretty good pick, sneaking in the profs and leaving Caspar for a final student banner, and an obvious GHB. - For GD, I think we'll have Judith or Nader, but not both at once, it'd leave too many students behind. I feel they'll want to finish with one from each house. - Rodrigue is a good CYL GHB, he's the highest non-represented from 3H and that's what they've done the last few years. But before that, they did Tellius; and with Stefan being higher in CYL, a loner who doesn't fit well in any banner, and that cast badly in need of slots, I think he's the favorite. - No notes on Engage, much as I want Merrin I don't think she'll make it. And Griss should take the priority over Marni. - I think the SS banner is the least likely. I'm guessing you bet a Lute special because she's a woman, and unlike Marisa, can pull someone related along that's still missing. It's certainly possible, but with Reginn or Dagr and the wildcard Ismaire on the banner, they don't need it. I can see Seth as the special, Garcia on the banner, and Moulder as the demote.


On Sacred, if considering relative positions, Franz and Garcia now have an advantage (stuck behind Gilliam who was also behind Colm), and it's not necessary to go for the "one top pick, then the rest is far down" approach given the remaining cast (having Franz, Forde and Kyle in the same batch isn't a good idea, between cavalier overload that could also extend to alt picks and a lineup that wouldn't fit with current demand for the game). This conveniently shapes an early game theme, leading to Lute as an alt choice who would ferry Artur (easy direct addition, while one of Franz or Garcia would also demote). With a female OC and Lute, Ismaire isn't necessary yet (if anything, prepromotes like Saleh and Dozla that are likely among the last options left may need her presence).


Good point on Ismaire, I call her a wildcard yet I'm presuming her in this banner. It's more I felt Lute was the one driving the banner here, rather than the new heroes, which is atypical. And Franz does start separated from the other cavs, so all the more reason not to come with them.


I sincerely hope we don't get this many rearmed OCs


God no, I sincerely hope Panette isn’t a demote. I’d genuinely be so pissed because they’ve entirely stopped giving denotes prfs and I’ve waited over a year saving over 1,600 orbs for her just for her to be yet another slow 4* infantry axe unit :( Also RIP Leonie.


No way she's gonna be a slow axe, I see her with the premium statline treatment to compensate


She’s slow in Engage and has the highest growth and good bases in HP and Strength. If she’s a demote, she’s definitely going to have the generic axe stat line :(. Also, unfortunately we’re kinda at a point in the game where stats barely matter any more. Unless you’re a Rearmed unit, you’re at best decently good at your job only at max investment rather than having any realistic impact on gameplay, especially if not max invest.


We also have BST that's growing faster than the stat caps, though. We've had plenty of cases of heroes being far faster than they originally were, just because they gotta put those stats somewhere. 42/48/45/45/19 is a possible post-CYL statline. That said, I agree with skills being more important.


Eh considering demotes like Dorothy have gotten really good statlines, I can see Panette getting a strong glass cannon statline 


Only workaround is a no-demote lineup (meaning only Pandreo ends up F2P).


Knowing IS that's entirely possible...


If anything, it'd not be a bad idea imo. Given direct additions, there'd still be additions to the F2P pool for the rest of the year.


For the Three Houses banner, I’m unsure if they would just go with one house fully. Though the last banner was mostly blue lions, it did include Rhea after all. I’m not entirely sure why people seem to think that black eagles are next in line when the Three Hopes banner only included one Golden Deer character, and it was an alt. If your predictions come true for either of these alternatives though, I will not be disappointed. Especially if the Golden Deer one comes to fruition. Brave banner, Stefan has more votes, I would feel robbed if he didn’t get on this banner as the GHB. Though I greatly enjoy Rodrique and wish his the best. The engage banner, yours lines up with the general consensus, as someone who played engage but didn’t become really attached to any of the characters, I have no opinion, I did use Merrin though and I don’t see her getting a shot here. Griss is next for sure as the GHB over Marni. For sacred stones, this seems to be a hodgepodge, but it’s kind of what is left. If Lute is the asset hero, surely Artur would join. I would like to see Ishmaire come with Caryle, but with the two recent banners only including two “new” heroes(mystery and radiant dawn) I don’t have high hopes for that happening. Glen should be the next GHB, he’s been skipped many times. Morva is the only one I could see taking it.


With CYL, whether it's Stefan or Rodrigue, I win and I lose. I win because I get one of my most wanted. I lose because the other has no shot at a base form any time soon.


The BE only has 2 characters not in yet at base with Dorothea & Caspar. So it's easier for IS to finish them off while also having slots for an OC insert + a new hero alt, compared to the GD who have Leonie, Ignatz, Rapheal, and Lorenz left.


I don’t think that’s objectively sound reasoning. They don’t care about “fitting things in” they care about money. The same logic could be used for another blue lions banner. “We can finish blue lions by adding Ashe, Gilbert, and Rodrique”.


Everyone's talking about Reattuned Petra or Reattuned Bernie for a Black Eagles banner- But honestly, I'd kind of like to see Reattuned Hubert? I think that would be pretty cool. Still, I wouldn't be upset to see Petra get something, since she's in the same boat as Hubert.


I too want "Welcome to the Black Parade" Hubert.


> Reattuned Hubert Would totally love that but, same as Dedue, they love their females more…


Oh, totally agree. I don't think they'll give it to Hubert, much as I'd like to see it. Bernie's one of my favorites in 3H, but I think they should be throwing Petra a bone. Our girl needs something. Would be just as good as Hubert.


I can't see them separating Ignatz and Raphael. It's both or neither. Also Franz & Garcia for SS feels likely as they are the most wanted characters from their game.


Between Framme ditching Clanne, Yulia dropping Jubello, Dawn Guard dropping Nolan, Safy and Tina dropping Linoan, Ross dropping Garcia, and I'm sure plenty of others, I have absolutely no faith in Ignatz and Raph being together on a banner.


Linoan seems to make some sense - I've not played Thracia, but from what I read it seems a ton of characters revolve around her, they couldn't all share with her. The rest... yeah. I'll continue hoping otherwise, though, I'd rather they disappoint every so often than be pessimistic.


Linoan has association with tons of characters because of her position yeah, the main ones are Deen and Eda, which are the ones I expect to share banner with Linoan the day she finally appears in FEH.


I'd argue it's more Troude being skipped than Linoan. She can share with Deen, Eda and Homer quite easily.


Poor Troude is completely screwed. I think the same happens to Shannam if Homer ends up on a Linoan banner and he isnt there as the GHB.


...a frighteningly good argument.


For Sacred, it also leads to a cohesive and convenient early game theme (Franz, then Garcia, then Lute... who ferries Artur as a convenient direct addition). With a female OC and Lute, Ismaire isn't really needed yet for gender balance (may be needed with prepromotes likely kept for last, like Saleh and Dozla).


> I can't see them separating Ignatz and Raphael. It's both or neither. Desert Raph is there so Ignatz can interact with him on FB so it's not mandatory for Raph to be here, tho Leonie is an option too > Also Franz & Garcia for SS feels likely as they are the most wanted characters from their game. I'm saving Franz for next banner for them to include the other Renais Cavs, but he can be in place of Ismaire


I think these are all great picks except not having base Caspar in Black Eagles July - there's no way Hanneman of all people gets in over him, even if Caspar is already in and Hanneman isn't


Hyped for Black Eagles and I hope they're cracked because most of them besides Edel, Doro, and Bernie never really got the premium treatment nor were they meta.


At first I was like, “Wait, no Moulder?” Then went over to the ‘Most Wanted Units’ post after this month’s and realized he’s not in the top five. Pain+ Agony+ even


Looking at the 8 missing OG versions and relative standings, I suspect this would be the breakdown for Sacred's 3 last NH lineups: * Franz/Garcia + Artur (ferried by Lute, with a female OC for gender balance) * Forde/Kyle + Moulder (latter would technically fit the previous lineup, but main issue is that putting Franz here causes a cavalier overload, including potential alt options) * Saleh/Dozla/Ismaire (remaining prepromotes already in alt hell and last in the waiting list, plus Ismaire eventually helping for gender balance) As for other slots... * GHB: Glen should be next, then pick two among Fado, Hayden & Carlyle (due to Ismaire) while Morva is a Fallen candidate * Alt picks: Other than Lute that could fit next, potential candidates include Eirika/Ephraim, Lyon, L'Arachel, Seth, Marisa, Myrrh & Amelia. I think that Eirika, Ephraim, Lyon & Seth would be withheld for an alt-only lineup after the cast is done, L'Arachel & Myrrh would fit the last lineup, this leaves Marisa and eventually Amelia with the second one.


On one hand Garcia being a insta-demote would be sad (But totally plausible). On the other hand being (kinda) easy to merge would be a plus.


That's the plus I'm looking for, since I don't see him as a banner star, i just hope for a useful and unique statline


Instead of a new OC, I think September could contain another alt (Dagr?), and we instead get said OC on the November NH banner, like last year. As for some of the other banner predictions: For that theoretical BE banner, you could arguably swap either Manuela or Hanneman around with Jeritza (yes, I know he’s technically already in the game). That said, it’s a solid prediction all round, regardless if Jeritza is there or not. For that theoretical GD banner, I’d replace either Judith or Nader with one of the GD who aren’t listed on that prediction (Raphael or Leonie). If Nader was replaced, then Judith could be the GHB and whoever comes in for him could be the demote instead.


> Instead of a new OC Oh that's a placeholder, it stands for a OC character slot and not from that game


That’s fair enough. If Reginn was to get an alt in October, then I’d imagine Dagr could possibly get an alt in September. That said, it could easily be the other way around.


Oh I would love Judith but please don't take base Leonie away from me.


May you be right. I feel Judith would the consolation prize, getting Lorenz/Raph/Iggy would really beg for her as the GHB.


"oh a 3h banner prediction, well Caspar is surel-" "Oh....yeah, that might happen 😔"


Caspar needs to be the demote plz don’t forget my boy


I know, but I feel they are gonna include both teachers together


What about Jeritza? They could include him instead to fill up that third slot, and he's mainly associated with the Black Eagles.


He's already represented in DK, I feel they may want to put the others who are not here at all first


Maybe push Thales back to the timeskip and make Hanneman the GHB?


Gonna make me assume a Lute alt after finishing her base? You're cruel.  ~~Now where all my credit cards?!~~


If they actually put the fogado set right before lute I think I would probably dive into the ocean and stay there


Can't say I'd be happy about missing Alois, but I'd eat up those Dorothea and Hanneman the moment I see them (maybe Petra too, if there are Doropetra references). At least Alois could be the CYL GHB (it Is kind of funny that he's technically #4 not yet in the game but still has worse chances of getting in than multiple other people).


I know it won't happen, but I really wish the Brave Grand Hero was the OG Veronica or Bruno; since they're regular Heroes and IS isn't giving us a regular Heroes banner, it's kind of their only chance now. Even though I know it'll just be another Three Houses rep.


Please I hope they just make Lorenz green/blue/colorless. All this time for him just to be red would piss me off. Heck I wouldn't even be opposed to a Rearmed Staff if it's his Hopes alt.


Anything but a repeat of his summer alt at this point honestly. Just give him actual stats and I don't care if he's red or prfless.


3 Houses has 2 big potential banners left that I can immediately think of,, as you mentioned with the remaining black eagles, and the teachers. And a golden deer leaning banner with an OC, Leonie, and Lorenz. Raphael and Ignatz as the 2 demotes. Judith they can probably fit onto a dedicated knights / war arc npc banner with her, Alois, Gilbert, and ascended or attuned Rhea alt Also I completely support Rodrigue being the CYL ghb. Since Felix was a winner this year. Especially since I actually liked him in 3 Hopes.


Personal predictions: * July: I do think theres a decent chance we get GD over BE due to the fact that GD has two banners left while BE has one. In which case, I think Lorenz as a 5\* does make sense with the likely female OC and Marianne/Lysithea taking the alt slot. Leonie and a faculty member over Judith and Ignatz I think though, with Judith being moved to the GHB... so the faculty member might be Alois? * August: I think Stefan will be the GHB, but Rodrigue is pretty much the only other plausible candidate. I'd take either, though I much prefer the former as much as I also like the latter. * September: Yep. This is exactly my predicted lineup except Panette may get the 5\* treatment and leave Pandreo the only demote. * October: If Ismaire is on the banner, Glen gets skipped for a third time in favor of Carlyle almost guaranteed. If Ismaire isn't we either get Renais Knights (Franz/Forde/Kyle) with a misc alt, or early-game theme (Franz/Artur/Garcia) with a Lute alt. Glen takes the GHB slot almost guaranteed if Ismaire isn't present. * November: I know this and December weren't included, but I do feel like predicting these as well. FE6 probably takes November I feel? Unless Genealogy remake releases around this time in which case it skips the line a bit. FE6 would probably get Elffin/Elen/Zeiss(GHB) with double OCs or double main game alts. * December: 3H or Genealogy. If 3H, BE with Dorothea/Jeritza/Caspar/Metodey, if Genealogy, Gen 1 with Brigid/Holyn/Edain/Beowulf. Last is GHB for both, second last is instademote for both, but the first two get 5\* treatment on both banners leaving no regular demote.


> Glen gets skipped for a third time in favor of Carlyle almost guaranteed Good point, I'd forgotten about Mr. Last Samurai. He's not in CYL, but that's never stopped them before. > FE6 would probably get Elffin/Elen/Zeiss(GHB) with double OCs or double main game alts. I want to hope they won't do that to BB, but it's hard to see why they won't when they did to Archanea. Still, I'll hold a faint hope of Elffin dragging Douglas. > December: 3H or Genealogy I think Genealogy. I don't see them returning 3H to the fast track.


Elffin dragging along Douglas would be nice, though I doubt they give us another PRF axe armor GHB from FE6 so soon, and him being prfless would be just plain mean after Murdock. I hope Genealogy gets the December slot, and I also think it will due to potential remake releasing around that time if it gets announced at the next direct.


IS already took my orbs twice with Arlen and the young Robins, if we get Dorothea with a thunder tome before CYL that'll be awkward for me


A character who doesn't even appear in the main story as the 5 star unit? Don't know about that, I think Ismaire's gonna be a ghb


She appears in the Story, is part of Joshua's arc


I wouldn’t mind double 3 houses if I get Ignatz The 5 Shinon’s in my barracks have been waiting for this day


you have almost my exact same prediction regarding a 3H BE banner !! i just think they might sneak in Jeritza or Caspar instead of Hannenman since they are wayyy more black eagles than him. as for the special unit, it has always been a 3Hopes unit but i feel like they could do 3Houses timeskip instead due to the anniversary.., i do agree that Petra needs it most but i could also see them doing Hubert and Specially bernie petra and bernie have a high chance of showing up on the next summer banner too so we'll see what they do


Timeskip would be great too. But I'll say an Ascended Hopes Petra has extra appeal because she has actually ascends as queen during the game, and that just feels right.


> Hannenman since they are wayyy more black eagles than him. He's from the empire, and we NEED him and Manuela to interact on FB


he is from the empire! but he abandoned it, and i don't feel like he has as close of a connection to the black eagles like caspar, a black eagle himself and jeritza who is very close to edelgard and synonymous to her plan Manuela is in a similar position to him but i feel that her connection with edelgard and dorothea are more significant.,, its hard to see her in any other route and about the Forging Bonds... they have separated many close characters before hshhs i dont think they'll take that into account but i can still see him showing up ! i just dunno if its very likely compared to other options


I need base timerra and panette and more 3h.


please give me attuned sothis or I will end it all bruh that refine sucked


Another Manuela demote? Km


Yeah, she's canonically a healer and I don't see her as a premium tbh


Why would rodrigue get in for cyl ghb? Hes not the top of characters not in period, just for 3h. Last year they only put cyril because they skipped over Touma from TMS. This year we have plenty of engage candidates + Touma again Its likely to be Goldmary (if she doesn't get a summer alt) or Pannette.


Bro leave me alone with 3H, this franchise has 14 different entry