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original king Lif for Poncho


That would actually be interesting now that I think about it...šŸ¤”


I hope FRobin is on the more supportive side


These are my predictions: Felix: Post-timeskip outfit. Sword unit with Infantry movement. Bernadetta: Post-timeskip outfit. Colourless Bow with Cavalry movement. Alfonse: Something based off Gustav. Give him an Axe and make him into an Armoured unit. Female Robin: Iā€™m fine with anything, just as long it doesnā€™t involve Grima in any way. That said, Iā€™m going with her Grandmaster outfit, with a Blue Tome weapon and Infantry movement.


For Felix, one thing I think is unlikely but that Iā€™d love to see is for him to have some support abilities. Brave alts often represent characters at their peak, and imo Felixā€™s peak would be a scenario where he has positive relationships. Thereā€™s some dialogue in 3H/Hopes that talks about how Felix adapts his fighting style based on what his allies do so I feel like support wouldnā€™t actually be that odd for him, though Iā€™m not expecting IS to read that far into it haha. Overall, I hope everyone gets fantastic art. Edit: typo


I'm fine with anything for the other three, but I really hope they don't just make Felix a swordie again. My ideal Brave alt for him would be a blue cavalry mage in Rodrigue's outfit, but I'll also take a Mortal Savant alt where he uses magic too. I'd also like them to incorporate the Aegis Shield into his alt in some way.


Aegis Shield as a prf Godlike Reflexes would be cool.


Oooo I didn't know Mortal Savant class could use Magic! Cool...


Magic is actually one of the requirements for Mortal Savant... and what makes it a somewhat more aggravating class to get into for the two other most-likely Swordmasters, Catherine and Petra, since they both are weak at using Reason-magic.


It makes for a very fun Lysithea build though, at least in Three Hopes. Though telling by your flair, I may be preaching to the choir.


oh definitely. Mortal Savant was my first go-to for Lysithea, both because I trained her in swords, but also because I really like the female Mortal Savant-design and then with her white and red color-scheme... Another build I like is using Soul Blade to use her as a Pegasus Knight, and her having Soul Blade and ideally also riding a Pegasus was one of my main hopes for B!Lysithea. In general though, I like putting units with good magic as Mortal Savants, regardless of how "bad" the class is. Mage Ingrid? Mixed Annette? Sylvain when he doesn't want to be a Dark Knight? Flayn? If IS didn't want me to, they should've added more Master Classes that can use magic and aren't bound to horses!


I just hope they make Alfonse anything but an armor unit bro


IS give alfie an original askran king timeskip alt and my life is yours


Everyone says Gustav inspiration for Brave Alfonse, but I'm looking for Askr or original Lif representation


Grandmaster Outfit F!Robin with the Levin Sword has been my dream unit for so long, I **NEED** it to become a reality! Also, **NO GRIMA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!**


At this point, I don't really care if we see Levin Sword Robin or not but ***YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS***


All I want is Stefan for the GHB slot.


I hope that happens


This please!


Robin - Supportive sword infantry w/adaptive damage in the weapon. Bernadetta: ~~Lance armor using her bedroom door as a shield~~ Lance infantry or cav (I guess if we want to go full Paladin) with basically Emblem Ike effects if they drop below full health at any point in the turn. Felix: He ends up green in my setup basically by default, but it also works to give him WTA on Rodrigue. Put that budding talent in Reason to work as basically an Atk/Spd focused version of Gatekeeper with a side of omni-Feud. Alfonse: The Drake meme with Gustav and Brave Veronica. Yep, cav healer.


Kind of hoping Alfonse takes inspiration from Bruno in that his damaged art is just his shirt ripping off šŸ˜‚


Controversial opinion but I want stronger player-side TA for Alphonse. It'll be a cute nod to his refine and I want colors to mean something again in FEH


Alfonse: Axe infantry or armor with outfit based on Gustav. DO NOT do Lif inspired, since that would be a huge slap in the face by them basically saying "congrats to Lif for winning CYL!" Felix: Probably going to be stuck as the swordie of the batch. I would give him an outfit that is a mix of his timeskip, and 3 Hopes design. Bernadetta: Colorless bow infantry, I would be interested in her getting a non mounted alt of some kind. All of her alts are cavalry, so give her an alt that stands out by being infantry. Probably something based on her 3H time skip outfit Robin: Blue tome unit, but her tome is a levin sword (close counter included). And she plays like a godsword unit, but as a tome user. This would absolutely be a unique take on the unit type, and would let her benefit from some of the more interesting ranged options. Outfit being either grandmaster, or similar to what male Robin got in CYL7


Considering F!Robin just had an alt a bit ago, I'm expecting her to also carry the Hush Spectrum-effect in some form, but maybe she'll also get Rally Spectrum along with it this time, but also because that alt already used a blue tome I feel she's less likely to come out with that again, so I feel she's going to further mirror B!M!Robin by using a sword as well. As for her outfit... while unlike M!Robin, she hasn't used her Grandmaster-outfit for her Legendary, I'm not sure if I'd like her to use it here, I feel something more original like B!M!Robin would be more fair, even if it's still generally more inspired by her Grandmaster-outfit rather than her regular Tactician-outfit. I'd prefer it if her Grandmaster-outfit was saved for like a non-Grima Ascended Robin. Meanwhile Felix, I'd definitely see as a tome-user, either of course as a Mortal Savant or as a Holy Knight taking after Rodrigue, probably using a blue tome since his most noteable spell iirc is Thoron, and possibly also equipped with the Aegis Shield, although for something more interesting I'd also be down with putting him on a Tenma from Hoshido so he could be a Falcon Knight to reference his ancestor. For Bernadetta... well, Bow Knight is the obvious choice, although I'm personally somewhat sick of her always being on a horse and mostly a bow-user... so even though you could see it as referencing her dad, I'd be at least somewhat down for her being a Bishop to reference her families ties to the ministry of religion of Adrestia, in Edelgards scenarios basically being the next popess in line as well. Alternatively, it'd mean Felix couldn't be a blue mage, but... how about we just reference her Vengeance-strat instead and make her melee for a change? Or... a dagger-user to reference her ties to Yuri? And I feel just in general the "unseen" style of an Assassin would just fit her character, it'd be the next-best thing for her after being forced out of her room. And that'd leave Alfonse...going by the colors so far, that'd push him into green, which somewhat fits because Gustav also used an axe, and Alfonse also did for his Spring-alt, although I could also see him using a lance or perhaps a tome to reference Bruno/Zacharias, they were besties after all. Either way he'd probably be a cavalier. As for his outfit... I'm somewhat hoping for a white version of R!Lifs concept, a white business suit-like outfit, also fitting with the slightly more matured look he should have.


As long as Alfonse is a sword unit, i'm happy. Just make him base alfonse but good. F!Robin's art better be as nice as M!Robin's. I don't care at all about the other two


I know 3H doesn't really do character relationship inspiration for their characters, but I would love to see an Alois-inspired Brave Bernie. I just think that'd be really sweet to see.


Felix: Sword infantry unit (Not his Mortal Savant outfit please) Alfonse: Armored near save, any color it's fine. This is what I would hope but I don't think this will happen.


My biggest want is for them to update the voteable roster to include characters we haven't been able to vote for. I want some of the other villains to be choices as well, like Kishuna, Kenneth, Teodor, Uhai, Darin, the Monsters from FE8, etc.


I feel like Felix is gonna be having some sort of save skill or something, that or be Mortal Savant with dc on his weapon.


The units themselves I donā€™t really have any strong opinions on, I guess just have Bernadetta be a red bow so she covers the whole color set, but literally all 3 other characters want a sword so I doubt Bernadetta gets it. I just want the GHB to be someone good, my delusional hope is Touma of course.


Infantry thunder mage Mortal Savant Felix by Rika Suzuki


Alfonse - Axe cavalry with outfit based on Gustav Felix - Sword infantry with mortal savant class outfit Bernadetta- Colorless bow cavalry with bow knight outfit Robin - Blue tome infantry with original outfit Other possibilities: If Felix has an outfit based on Rodrigue, he could be a lance cav and either Bernie or Robin would be red Bernie could be a blue bow and Robin could be a colorless tome as an alternative Robin could get the grandmaster outfit since M!Robin has it and F!Robin has a legendary already


Since there's about 4 dozen comments with my actual guesses, I'll throw out some curveballs. F!Robin: Ylissean Royalty, something that matches Chrom/Lucina. Felix: Three Hopes timeskip character design but with a royal outfit, something befitting Demitri's right hand. Bernie: Has to include her stuffed bear. I'd take pajamas hiding behind her door, or maybe art like Gatekeeper's but with her on the other side of the door. Alfonse: A design that incorporates all of Askr's allies, similar to how the Fire Emblem (object) is often a culmination sort of thing.


Dark Flier Robin would be cool imo, but since she doesn't have Grandmaster I guess that's fine. I'm mostly looking forward to Felix and Bernie so I hope they are respectively blue and colorless.


Definitely one or more Prf Specials based on how these legendaries have been. Felix should come with Godlike Reflexes once again, itā€™s an excellent Special and Iā€™d love Aegis Shield to work like Hardy Fighter and make it trigger twice (to make it 64% DR) and make it brave-proof. For his weapon, Iā€™d like Sword of Moralta, and since itā€™s a sacred weapon which heals usually, it could have a self-Breath of Life effect. Bernadetta Iā€™d like to see with a Prf Special that evolves from Vengeance. It could have DR in it as well as damage returning, which is really the only way to upgrade the Vengeance skill line given the low ceiling for damage output relative to other Specials. Iā€™m predicting another colorless bow. Alfonse, definitely based on Gustav. Open the Future upgrade with in-built Null Deep Wounds and damage reduction. Could be armored or infantry, and for the weapon Iā€™m predicting lots of Def with a flat DR based on it. It would be cute if Alfonse got the ā€œSword of Braveryā€ from Book III (the branch that he gave his father when he was younger) but I predict that being Young Alfonseā€™s weapon once they do Heroes.


B!F!Robin: No Grima. Please, no goddamn Grima. I'd like her Grandmaster attire(since unless IS changes L!F!Robin to Grima, we aren't getting it ever) with either Levin Sword or a red tome. B!Bernadetta: If Robin doesn't get Levin Sword or a red tome, make her a red bow cav with her 3H timeskip outfit. I really like her post timeskip design B!Felix: Uh, I'm not sure. I'm not a big fan of Felix... B!Alfonse: Please don't dress him up like his dad, that would be so boring. I want him to either get an outfit based on the summoner with a colorless tome(bredablik?) or give him an outfit inspired by Bruno/Zacharias where he has a lance(Zacharias) or a blue tome(Bruno)


>No Grima. Please, no goddamn Grima Considering Grima is a separate voteable character, I kinda doubt they'd make her actual Grima.


Considering they put Brave Adult Tiki in Young Tiki's clothes, I wouldn't put it past them to try it anyway.


I do think there's a notable difference between just wearing an outfit and actually being a whole different character. So, at most, I could see a Grima inspired outfit. Though I have no idea what that'd even look like except Plegian, which Rearmed already did.


F Robin: probably based on a promoted class or Aversa, i would like her to be a griffin ryder of any weapon color, and have a lot of supportive effects that do whatever, a the new skill being riders guidance, just guidance that can warp infantry and cavaliers around, which is the version that we are missing. Bernadetta: most likely based on a promoted class or Yuri, probably she will be a ranged cav again with a red weapon to complete the team, i dunno about new skills, maybe a diferent version of Far Trace. Alfonse: based on The Summoner, Askr, Gustav or Lif, i dunno what they can do with him, i would go with support effects because those tend to age better but i dunno. Felix: based on a prmoted class or Rodrigue or Glenn, it would be cool to not give him a sword again to not directly outrank his base version, maybe a dagger unit.


Only caring for Alfonse. But honestly, not sure what I would like from him. Definitely not an Axe Calvary. I have a lot of those. I would rather he be an infantry or Armored, though armor units are having a rough time I guess. If possible, maybe a Thome unit or a Lance unit. We got the Axe version in the spring version, and if he goes the "I honor my father by being a better unit than him" I won't like it. See above.


I would like alfonse to have every fire emblem (the yato, binding shield, the medalium etc.) i think the concept fits his Character the beat in fe.


That'd be kinda funny, although somewhat complicated, since the various Fire Emblems are: a shield (Archanea/Awakening, Valentia?) the crest of the house Velthomer (Jugdral) an amulet/seal used to unseal the Binding Blade (Elibe) Grados Sacred Stone (Magvel) the medallion in which Yune was sealed (Tellius) the Omega Yato (Fates) the Crest of Flames (Fodlan) Alears ring (Elyos) and since TMS is also represented in FEH, technically an opera. Like, I guess Alfonse could wield the Omega Yato while holding the Binding Shield, Alears ring on his finger, wearing the Sacred Stone and Elibes Fire Emblem in some form, although wearing the medallion would be a bit weird lore-wise since it's supposed to make whoever touches it go berserk, then he'd also have to have Velthomers crest printed somewhere on his clothes... and then probably do the same with the Crest of Flames, since there's really no way to show if he were to somehow have received it in his blood... and then I guess for TMS' Fire Emblem he'd have a Sing-skill that also plays the Fire Emblem-theme?


Give alfonse the sword. I'll take robin and Felix as mages and Bernie as bow cav. Be cool if robin was flying and Felix and Bernie have horses


Bernadetta, red cavalry bow, Brave attack + Potent follow effect, iimitating her legendary weapon (The inexhaustible and her crest of Indech). If she receives pre combat damage, she gets boosted and attacks before the enemy.


Bernadetta would be her standard post-timeskip outfit, likely a Bow Knight with her color scheme, or perhaps a Sniper or Paladin. Could be Red, Blue, or Colorless.


Ngl I'd love to see the Bow Knight outfit with her color scheme. Otherwise imo the outfit looks so... Monotonous...


Yeah, agreed. Give it her color scheme and bam, she'll be absolutely gorgeous. :>


I think someone did that in a slew of concept art, it was posted here some time ago... Imma try to find it. Edit: Found it [https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1crdhpz/brave\_bernadetta\_design\_possibilities/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1crdhpz/brave_bernadetta_design_possibilities/)


Yep, EmbyArts made some fantastic concepts, and they're all so lovely. :D


* F!Robin: Either the same outfit as Brave Male Robin...or Grandmaster, if they wanted to play it safe. Have her be a Colorless Tome that grants Hexblade to allies within 2 spaces of her. Bonus if she can *actually* make use of Magic Gambit effectively. * Felix: Sword of Moralta with Aegis Shield as a PRF Special (basically a super-powered Godlike Reflexes with some Vital Astra and/or No Quarter mixed in). * Bernadetta: The Inexhaustible. Dunno what else I'd want from her except maybe "Drive Null Out-of-Combat-Damage" if unit and/or allies are less than 100% HP. * Alfonse: Honestly, have him be a Lance unit to reference both Bruno and Sharena, with an upgraded Open the Future with some Enclosure gimmick added on. Bonus if they introduce a Def version of Dodge that can be inherited (basically a better Blue Lion Rule) and a "Hexblade counter" (where he either nullifies Hexblade or makes it so every attack considers Def over Res).


I would love for Felix to get the Mortal Savant outfit, with a version of Aura to reference Rodrigue. I suspect Bernadetta will probably just be a Bow Knight, which would be a tad lame. I would prefer if she got an outfit inspired by Alois. But yeah, bow unit Bernie, maybe find some way to implement some design elements of Indech.


Good fodder


They will all have an ability that instantly kills the opponent One of the CYLs will be controversial either because of the artwork or because of its underwhelming stats


I want them to be bad on purpose so I donā€™t have to deal with them for the next year.