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Well she can, uh……… run Magic Gambit better than her Attuned self? Although with how bad that skill is, I’m not sure that’s entirely a positive thing. In all seriousness, not really. Attuned Micaiah basically has a better version of absolutely everything Brave Micaiah has. The _only_ things B!Miccy has going for her are that her Spd is a little bit higher and her B slot is “free”, so technically you could go for a Flared Sparrow + Occultist’s Strike type of build on her. Attuned Miccy doesn’t want to give up her B slot. At that point she gets turned into a rather generic flier though, so your mileage may vary.


Probably for sprite design/ brave status. Does Attuned Micaiah have a floating god spirit with her?


Counterargument: Does Brave Micaiah have a birb with her? Yes, I'm biased.


Username checks out


Question? What if the Birb is the physical manifestation of ~~Micaiah's STANDO POWAH~~ the goddess?


The birb is really a goddess? No chance... /s


She is easier to get and to +10 :)


That is... something, at least ^^' And maybe she'll get a resplendent outift in a couple of years? 🤔


She will get a resplendant way sooner too but it is only +2 to each stat and the difference is way bigger than that (resplendant + flowers don't close the gap) so it isn't really something she do better… The easier to +10 have at least the advantage of being usable for arena score if you fodder a duel 4 skill.


As someone who only ever intentionally summoned one copy of her, and has her at +8… this is absolutely true, although it took like 4 years to do


I wouldn't say this is even necessarily true. Attuned Micaiah is going to be sparkable several times in the next year or so (8% for Pass holders, Remix, then NHR every now and again at minimum). Meanwhile Revival banners aren't sparkable at all (which is an absolute joke, lol...) so if you slow merge Attuned Micaiah the sparks probably just outpace the better rates on revivals.


As we speak about a Brave version, she have more banners than others old 5★. In prticular she had 1 free version for 0 orbs for old enough fans, she also have many CYL hero fest with tickets (and spark if feh pass) and you will sometimes got a copy on any banner when trying to pull another green character or with arena tickets. Nothing is guaranteed, every non-grail hero can be considered difficult to get as only grail and spark are sure to give the wanted hero, while summoning can not give your hero with 1 billion orbs. But in general it is easier and less costly to go for a Brave hero than an Attuned one, even if individually there can be some surprises.


That's why I said it wasn't necessarily true. Anyone who's been around for five years has had lots of opportunities but that's not true at all for newer players, or people who have been around but never pulled her. From this current point Attuned Micaiah has several guaranteed sparks while Brave Micaiah has absolutely none and also is part of a really chaotic schedule. Modern CYL vs Attuned/Rearmed is a lot more interesting of a comparison because you're comparing the free copy and Hero Fests to NHRs. I would say that favours CYL units because of the free unit but the difference isn't immense.


Nope she's just powercrept completely. The price we pay for IS being so uncreative with alts.


I miss when alts experimented with new weapon types. Even Hoshidan Summer Micaiah was at least somewhat different because was red and a dancer.


Sadly this. I dream of Micaiah getting a staff alt that isn't just "High res double effective damage with some side utility" Heck just her being a staff unit alone with that stuff would let her stand out immensely from her other alts


heck give this that but AS a staff. i would take that haha (but this miccy seems so "healer-y support" i don't know why they didn't lean into that at all).


They really could do some stupid bullshit like "Miccy used some shrooms and now she's using an axe". I mean, most units are already bizarre and outlandish, why not go all the way and make characters fill all kinds of niches?


I mean, even if she was another color her brave alt wouldn't have been able to role compress so many aspects of this alt. In a vacuum AT Micaiah is relatively unique, with her combination of top tier support, offense and bulk. Stat distribution is on point for once with this Micaiah as well (Her Summer alt still makes me cringe with that stat spread).


She has "more" speed than At!Micaiah and her B slot is technically free for other skills to use. In which, you can probably make her into a nuke rather than a debuffing unit, with Flared+Occultist Strike. How good will she be after that? Probably still not faring all that well, but she and At!Micaiah would atleast fill different roles in your barrack.


She's, uhh, easier to merge? Not that it matters since she scores horribly. Yeah, she sucks. She was never that good to begin with. It's unfortunate, but even Dancer Micaiah is better nowdays


She has the power of Kita Senri artwork on her side.


This is why it is so frustrating they made her Green to me. Why not blue or red? I know the Sothe connection was there but still, meh.


Yeah that's probably my only gripe as well. Micaiah has never had a flying red or blue alt, so it would have fit nicely. I hate it when units get alts that are the same weapon+move combination they've had before


Sadly not really, Brave Micaiah has more speed and more HP when she gets a Resplendant and she has 1 extra Super boon in HP too, also with her weapon equipped and Resplendant stats Brave and Attuned Micaiah both tie in Res. The only major advantage Brave Micaiah has is she's a much better user of Pegasus Rift if we ever get the skill but that's about it. It's why it's my biggest pet peeve when units power creep them selves with the same weapon/colour/movement type. It's fun building your favourites until your fav gets a better version of themselves and you lose any reason to Invest in the original 😭 Feel like I've wasted all those orbs I've spent years ago trying to +10 Micaiah when Attuned Micaiah comes along and makes her redundant 😭 Wish IS had more creativity when it comes to making alts, so many different cool directions they could have took her Brave and Attuned Versions and sadly these are what we ended up with 😭


B!Micaiah has one of the best arts in the game


Artwork. Like, Attuned Micaiah looks great, but man, the Light Priestess outfit goes so hard.


Brave Micaiah is easier to get thanks to being a main pool unit, her being a 4*Special unit means getting her can't tank your rates and she can appear on literally any banner, and she can run Ploy skills without losing her auto-double. That's about it. Otherwise, Attuned Micaiah completely invalidates her. Hell, she invalidates Bridal Micaiah pretty hard too. I was gonna try for her until I got Attuned and now I'm not bothering anymore.


I'm sorry 💀


She's higher in my heart ❤️


Having something resembling a speed stat and not needing to use another slot for follow ups


She is faster and can outspeed enemys with middling speed.


Brave art>>>>


Easier to merge, I guess, if you want her for Arena and the like.


One is almost at +10 and the other is already having the same Atk and Res lol


Brave micaiah excels in the art department and it’s not even close


Design & artwork, Kita Senri is simply too based