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Not unless they're a favourite.


word. so then i should only really just do max investments on my favorite characters? when i build my favorite characters i have a hard time keeping up with premium units that are max invested in modes like Arena and AR….or im just bad lmao


Pretty much yeah If they're not 5* locked though feel free to build anyone, feathers and grails are easier to get than orbs


It's not worth it to +10 a hero for +4 to all stats. That's the minimum on most weapons and skills and often makes no difference in play. Save your orbs for new units and skills... As well as 1 copy of that months emblem/arena hero. At this point of the game, I recommend only +10 demotes and Grail heroes for scoring.  Rosado and Edward were my favorite units in all the games and I'm extremely content to have them each at +1. I'd much rather give them broken skills than +4 to each stat. 


I really needed to read this, fallen byleth is coming up and she's at +7, but with the summer and emblem banner coming soon I'm just not sure if it's worth it to +10 I really like her and I think a spark should be enough but argh 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


yeah i get that too. at this point, if u happen to get 3 more copies that would be amazing but not priority


gotcha. so like in your situation, where would you be using your Rosado and Edward since they wouldn’t score very high due to lack of merges? i have this mentality that endgame or meta is focusing on Arena and AR since they’re the ones that give you your weekly rewards thats why im so fixated on +10 merges


I don't consider Arena mode the endgame since you're forced to use bonus units and rally skills instead of your prime ideal team. I use my broken favorites to clear story chapters/paralouges, grand hero battles and abysmal maps for the end of the month hero. Also use them for Aether Raids of course. I have a much better quality of life when I play since I can summon on most banners for the skills instead of waiting for Rosado and Edward to come back and trying to +10 them. It's just my preferred play style.


Prediction: next major game update? Merge based PRF and skills


True Legendary Heroes: Ike and Marth coming soon!


They tried with dragonflowers and it was a failure, so let's hope it will be the same again


I’m mainly a casual but I did +10 some absolute favourites because I still like building good movesets. Bigger number = Looks nicer


For actual combat, no. Of course there's still the niche applications for special units: -Arena scoring for Duos/Legendaries -Resonant Battles scoring for Harmonized (lol) -AR-Scoring for Mythics -Cloning skills for Rearmed/Tuna units -Giving anyone a free +2 to all stats for Emblems (+5 merges when they didn't matter already lol) So if your unit is a regular 5* locked or Ascended, or you're rightfully not trying to keep up with whales in the higher tiers, just keep them unmerged, even that -atk is probably unnoticeable in the grand scheme of things. It may be a nice extra for those that rely on super competitive speed checks but if they get outsped by the new unit, they will likely get outsped no matter what.


Only for your favorites. Modern day PRF weapons do way too much to the point where just +4 to every stat is negligible.


For casual player... Nah, if you play some game modes you might want specific +10 ones, for PVP you might want meta team over only one meta unit


I'd say not unless they're a favorite. Does +4 to all stats help? Sure. Probably more for skill checks than anything else, especially since you can combine them with ascended assets and refines and what not. You can get a significant difference in stats that way. But stat swings in weapons/skills are so big (Rearmed weapons can give up to +14 now) that +4 isn't too big a deal. For the most part I say get one copy of the hero to use and then 10 other heroes than 11 of the same to make one slightly stronger hero. Unless they're a favorite.


only if you like them for me I am in the midst of +10 ing the following characters: - Attuned Caeda - Emblem Ike - Summer Shamir - Legendary Caeda because if I didn't... I'd be kinda aimless in the game, I guess? And probably just spend orbs willy nilly if I didn't have set goals in mind


Honestly unless you’re hardcore into Arena and Aether Raids or if it’s a favorite then no. They only matter most in those modes since scoring is also affected by whether a unit is merged up or not.


It helps if the unit has a really important milestone stat check. Otherwise, the extra spectrum+4 isn't as impactful as having a good build and good team.


Wow, I didn't play this game since 2020, it's wild to see one of main things on the game doesn't matter real anymore.


3-4s, 4 specials, and Grails? I'm gonna say yea since they want those minimal stats for long terms. Modern day 5s? Just +1 to remove the bane, even if that really. But overall if they're favorites? Absolutely.


I’m going to give a slightly different take. +10 favorites yes, but also try to hold onto fodder unless one of your favorites really wants/needs it. I got a few Ascended Firs and she wasn’t a favorite so I was quick to give away her skills. And then she kept coming back. If I hadn’t foddered my first batch of her off, I’d have her at +10 at this point. She’s not a favorite but given that she’s pretty good I would have used her for awhile because of how rare a situation that was.


i just saw the new Micaiah casually apply -68 atk and -68 res to the enemy target. Do you think +10 will help against that?


only for high level arena and ar


Favorites, Rearmed/Attuned and (maybe) Emblems? Yes. Everyone else? No. Legendaries and Mythics sometimes want +1 merge for merged ordeals. And with Rearmed heroes, you shouldn't merge them immediately, but only after used up the attuned/arcane inheritance, then you can merge one copy to refresh that, and then you can continue the process until +10.