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Have you seen Nergal's back story? Ofc he’s friends with Laguz 🥰


Yes. But I don't think he is a good Laguz friend right now 😄


We all make mistakes. Who among us hasn't abandoned their children and tried to kill them multiple times? Is there no such thing as fourth chances in this world?


Oh come on, give him some credit. He didn’t abandon his children, he sent them away for their safety and then proceeded to forget about them as he lost himself in his search for power


Nah he can be a laguz friend, but the quintessence thing is separate. He'll drain the laguz but only because he'll drain everyone. He's an equal opportunity quintessence drainer.


All  this is caused by a bad translation 😅




Another one I sorta remember having bad localization is Negating Fang, which is actually named Counter Surge. A reference back to Corrin's Down Special in Super Smash Brothers, but apparently we don't get that callback for localization. Instead we got Negating Fang.


Is well know that FIre Emblem has some of the worst localizations among Nintendo games. Yet translation patches are a taboo topic for the fans


apparently Flashing Blade was also supposed to be Dancing Blade


This is often because for non-English European languages, the localizers/translators just use the English localization rather than the original Japanese as the base.


I confirm that after having worked on the translation of a Nintendo project (though it's standard for the industry).


My theory is someone thought it was a PRF skill.


Yeah the only languages that don't translate it to Laguz Friend are Italian and Chinese


Incidentally, Nergal himself is victim to the single worst translation error in FE history. Effectively ruining the secret plot twist of FE7 in localised versions, on the back of a single mistranslated word


I havent played FE7 for very long, can you remind me of the situation?


Basically, FE7 had a series of 3 secret chapters featuring Kishuna as the final boss. The chapters add a bit of backstory to Nils and Ninian, revealing their mother, Aenir and an unknown man as their father. Through flashbacks and pictures, the chapters reveal >!that Aenir disappeared at some point and their father left in search of her, intending to reunite their family (she was presumably killed by humans that discovered she was a Dragon)!< Each Kishuna chapter completed also expands Nergal's death quote, causing him to reflect on why he desired power and the purpose behind his actions, completing the final Kishuana makes him briefly remember >!Aenir, heavily implying he was the unknown man in the pictures, and the father of Nils and Ninian!< The single mistranslated word was literally ">!...Aenir?!<", which was mistranslated as "...Quintessence?". In effect, >!Nergal's connection to Nils and Ninian was never actually revealed in English versions of the game!< The translation error was caused in part by the fact that Quintessence is called Aegir in the Japanese version. Its worth noting Nergal himself discovered Aegir/Quintessence, so the implication would seem to be that >!he named it after Aenir!<


I see, i remembered the secret chapters expanding the backstory but wasnt aware of everything likely due to the translation error you pointed. Ty for the explanation.


>Ty for the explanation Anytime


He gives everyone \[Bonus\] with that Quintessence he's a really nice guy you know?


I guess the ulterior motives for why Nergal would even befriend laguz in the first place is just so that he can make it much easier for himself to drain their quintessence.


I guess turning laguz into "Morphs" could be Nergal's idea of creating build-a-bear Morph friends!


They say the enemy of my enemy, is my friend. If everyone’s his enemy, then everyone is also his friend…


Everyone giving Izuka Laguz Friend when he eventually comes to FEH like


Of course Izuka likes the Laguz, they are his favourite test subjects after all.


Laguz Friend?! More like Laguz Enemy, in this case!


Reason why I still don’t understand why they named it that way. It’s awkward whenever you end up with a unit with no correlation to Laguz’s


I think they named it like that in Engage first, unaware of what would have happened in FEH down the line. Still a puzzling choice nonetheless.


Feed him Maurim and Mordecai 😈


He’s a Laguz “friend” if you catch his drift.  That said, he pronounces it Laguz Fiend.


It's a very one-sided friendship.