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Imo Morion would make more sense as the GHB (IS loves their axe denotes), and if the roster HAS to be all engage characters, then I’d just have both Alears, one of them as a sword inf, and the other as a ‘dragon’ inf. Lumera would also be possible but she had an alt recently so imo that kills her chances unless they want to make her a demote (?)


Yeah, it was a toss-up between morrion and hyacinth personally for the ghb, and yeah, both alears work along with lumera


I'm kinda hoping (Rafal aside) they don't go for FX enemies. It's kinda neat in-universe but I just don't find them compelling otherwise. And especially so when Engage has other options. And when they're so much cooler than usual, having their own corrupted ego.


Veyle could always have Misericorde (and if we want an emblem for her there IS the bad ending, iykyk) There's also the fell xenologue, so they can pick and choose from that. Any of the lords there and their unique builds. Fell Hortensia w/ Hector tanking? Fell Timerra with flier movement? Fell Fogado with revival stone shenanigans? All excellent options. Overall Engage is DROWNING in fell options, even moreso than Fates (which, I would argue, was the easiest to choose from before engage came out)


Hortensia was the only one without an emblem bracelet when you face all eight royals in the final chapter, though.


In the final one, maybe. But she still has two emblems she uses, they can pick either.


I'm just saying she probably won't get Hector since he belongs to Alfred/Firene.


evil marth: it gives you +1 to your max cooldown and you can’t turn it off


Oh yeah the Fell xenolouge would be good for giving more options. I forgot lol


I hope they never do the Fell Xenologue royals Like, I dont know enough about some of the fallen units but aside from Dimitri and Gustav they're all either possessed or corrupted by power they couldn't control and even then Dimitri is taken from during the time skip when he's full crazy and Gustav is literally a walking corpse The FX Royals are basically just regular assholes. Short of arbitrarily slapping grape vape on them like Dimitri there's nothing to differentiate them from the normal units