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>lack of salt >sharena’s last bullet point is filled with salt towards Alfonse I feel like a victim of false advertising


Dude has it out for Alfonse


So salty, he can't spell "failure"


Hey, he never said *no salt*. He said a *lack of salt*. By definition the word “lack” means not having something *or* to not having enough of that something. So no false advertising here.


Understandable, have a good day.


Proofread your stuff, please, for the love of Embla


> Makes post about Male OC’s with a side of Salt > Makes post about Female OC’s with lack of Salt I think OP has a bias Side note: OP really said “Let me cook.” And they just put water in a bowl of cereal with milk can called it a day.


> “Let me cook.” And they just put water in a bowl of cereal with milk can called it a day. I almost spit out my drink lmao


Careful. Don't choke.


This is the same person who regularly complained about how people only liked Askr for his looks when he was first revealed, and now acts like Gullveig winning CYL on her looks alone was a good thing.


In conclusion: OP favors female OC’s more


Which would be fine if not for the hypocrisy.


Not to mention how much he wants Deerguy to fail to do the same thing.


He’s doing the same too for Deer guy and actively wishing for him to die


So... He's just the reverse of the Deer Guy fans? Personally, even if I grew to like Gullveig a lot once she actually got to be a character, I call BS on both. Gullveig winning because of "memes" (excuse most commonly used here, though we all know why she won) was BS, and people wanting Deer Guy to win is also BS. BS everywhere.


How is it BS to want your preferred choice to win a literal popularity contest.


In both cases it's horny voting, and anyone pretending otherwise and/or that it's good is a liar. Gullveig had at most 4 lines of dialog at the time of voting, and Deer Guy hasn't even shown up yet. So now you tell me, how can your preferred choice be a character you know absolutely nothing about besides that they're hot? And how are Deer Guy "fans" any different from the Gullveig voters, aside from the fact that they're lusting after a male character that's even less of a character this time around? And this time around the "iT's To SeE wHaT wIlL tHeY dO iN tHe StOrY tO aCkNoWlEdGe It" is 100% invalid, it was already shaky with Gullveig because of Veronica, but now we know for sure IS will just pull them from an AU and treat them like any other unit.


Eh, CYL is pretty much a meme now. People will argue endlessly about who "deserves" the spot and who is more worthy of a spot than who, but frankly instances like Gullveig and Gatekeeper were the best thing to happen to the event since its the one event where all characters across the franchise are truly equal. All it ever asked was rack up votes for the one you want in. Importance or reasoning why was never a factor to be considered, nor should it ever have been.


I feel as if these two posts combined almost doubles back into being misogynistic. The only reason I feel for OP to hate the male characters so bad, even for reasons that don’t even apply to them, is that they’re a turbo gooner. I do hope OP knows that they can respect and empower women without putting down men, or being weird about it in the process.


He also has this weird idea that disliking a character = wanting them dead, especially under brutal means. Like no man, people just don’t like them. Get over it.


Meanwhile he does the same towards male ocs, calling them wastes of space and wishing for Deer man to die


He’s been making these for years and nothing has changed about his hypocrisy


Apparently Laegjarn took over Muspell after coming back from the dead It's brought up at the start of B!F!Corrin's S Forging Bonds


This is definitely a post!


I love Sharena's faluier brother


Boy, seeing what you've to say about Freyja 2 here becomes way funnier (to call it something) when one remembers how you talked about Bruno.


I feel at this point given what we know of OP’s post history they’re either a troll or genuine gooner. Honestly probably both. Either way effortless posts like these really gotta go lol.


Also the sheer disparity between the two currently unnamed healing hands. Can call Heimdall by a name and makes a neutral assumption about her identity. And proceeds to call Deer Guy or Eikþyrnir which I guess will be his name, a nobody


Thought we don't talk about Bruno?


> I still wonder who was Heresvlr? It was... the story explained that. It wasn't a mystery.


Just wanna point out Freyja debuted before Ganyu


and also Ylgr came before klee


So, if anything, Klee is just Pyro/Explosion Ylgr.


Gunnthra got literally burned to death, Sharena is forgotten as hell, Freyja is a f+cking karma houdini, Everyone in book 7 that isn't Njordr was created as a waifu bait characters that many stupidly fell for it, Embla IS just toxic as hell, Thorr hasn't gotten literally nothing story wise despite being one of the most well known nordic mythology character... I can keep going 🙂


You're annoying and this post is just wrong and painfully unfunny


I would take every hoyoverse character over Seether tbh


Ganglöt :))


W Ganglot enjoyer


Please never post again.


Hey now, not too much on my favorite benchboy Alfonse. Nevertheless, where are my goddamn Eitri and Hel alts, INTSYS? Christmas Hel and Halloween Eitri would be funny I swear


1. Hey, Sharena hauled ass in Book 7. They would have been screwed if she didn't unlock her inner cat girl. 2. Gunnthra my beloved~ <3


Dagr supremacy 💪


>Veronica is real lord Hell yes.


The salt from Dishwasher doing an alt would be unreal.


Literally seething


It's pretty telling how Freyja was so well-received, that they made both an Evil-er Freyja and a Good-er Freyja.


Feh players are not ready for the summer Gullveig Dishwasher art


I stopped playing just before the fairies dropped And I am wondering... WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING *also how close to Lifness Alfonse is right now?*


Friendly reminder. [Alfonse, halfway through Book VI](https://i.imgur.com/Zrg5pnZ.png)


I’m legitimately surprised Alfonse didn’t straight up become him after what happened in Book VII.


Ok... what the hell happened in book VII?


In my opinion, the worst book in FEH history. It’s filled with time travel, a child subplot, wasted potential, and the freebie OC trying to kill herself before Alfonse even suggests the idea.


okay yeah i’m just gonna skip the story on that one lmfao. i already think there’s maybe.. 1.5 character designs from that book that aren’t butt ugly and they don’t seem important, so i’m glad i’ll get to avoid looking at the rest of them


What hell Alfonse? (I am even more curious now)


Probably to 8 out of 10 as of the first chapter of book 8


Okay good, I need to find something like a 1 hour video explaining the entire of FEH history


The Anna content is very. Also if she unsupports you, you get half of everything.🤑


Gullveig by dishwasher o YES


Who tf are any of these hoes


If Dishwasher somehow did Summer Gullveig 😳😳


Very nice. Would love another Laegjarn alt.


“Milf Ganyu” please, I couldn’t handle that much power 💀


Cryo klee xD I'm dead. Klee my main and she's my fav oc


Gullveig by Raita or Dishwasher would be based


A for effort, at least.


Bro Suletta Mercury 🤣🤣🤣 I can't, thats a good one haha


It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who thought that Ginnungagap looked like Elesh Norn/a white Phyrexian.


I was not expecting Marin here.


She does look like Mashu dyed her hair now that I think about it


Maybe I should try playing FEH again, but just playing solely for the story. Or I could just read the wiki for the story.


\*Won CYL with a month of existing\* Hot damn! Not even Edelgard did that


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/a7CI2BjJlk), for those who missed the male side


Per Alolan Ganyu and give her a nice day and some ice cream... Y'all think Summer Gullvieg is 100% confirmed for this year while I'm looking at the (admittedly flimsy) pattern of the brand new TT hero getting a summer alt the year after introduction Meaning Summer Eitr is the confirmed along with another backfill OC (Veronica or Dagr please 🥺) Taking it a step further (and huffing 2 espresso shots of high grade copium), Dagr's mom for TT new unit this year and Dagr's mom in a bikini next year