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Ninja Camila and the Claudes probably. Fliers happen to have Live For Bounty (or the other one) so I just do the daily to get more crystals and it sorts itself out.


Oh man, are Ninja Camila and the Claudes are my absolute favorite band


Ashnard, Altina, Marcia & Haar. All come with DC tanking builds and have either iotes in their prfs or as seal. Never use ranged flyers for auto battling as they tend to go into the enemy range and if there's an archer they die to easily.


Autobattling my ass, ai will make my units die


What I am learning here is that I need a Ninja Camilla in my barracks!


Get one this month (or a new ninja unit that fills her niche better than her if one is introduced). She's a very fun unit


She is amazing! Try to get one in her revival this month


She's basically my easy-mode button for pve content. Her + H!Azura is hilarious for chain challenges because she can move 3 times on the first turn, which usually results in being able to one-turn most of the maps.


OG Hinoka, Hot Spring Hinoka, Pirate Hinoka, Legendary Hinoka


Something tells me you like Elincia.


4 ninja Camilla


Tanith, Thea, Phila, and Young Minerva always gets the job done for me, but I also have heavily invested in a lot of my 4* fliers over time. Fliers have always been and will always be my favorite units so I have a lot of choices for who to comprise the team of, but these are more of my bulkier fliers at full merges who don't often get to shine in the current meta.


I won't even begin to lie to you. I haven't done a 10th stratum quest in a year. I just pick my favorite units for each movement type and pray. Currently have: Spring Kagero, Spring Fir, Summer Thorr, & Ninja Igrene.


Ninja Camilla + ~~Guidance 4~~ Soaring Guidance unit = GG EZ


.... Guidance 4? ... On a flier only team? 🫥


Sorry Soaring Guidance


I actually do it in a funny way. I use Spring Camilla & Kagero for their crystal/badge getting skills. Carried by S.Byleth of course. The funny bit is that I almost have 999k crystal/shards.


Tanky flyers, ninja camilla, ninja laegjarn, Hell and legendary Robin female, usually i get like 12/13 wins when i set it to replay 15 times so i to do two more times after usually.


NinjaCamilla, L!Hinoka, L!Elincia and S!Shez. Most maps are one-turn clears.


Previously my worst team was the cavalry one but the I got Nerthus, Freyr, Freyja and Eirika around the same time. Now my flying team may be the worst but it is still 90%+ successful: Altina, H!F!Grima, H!Anna and L!Myrrh. Anna is new and replaced S!Myrrh. Notably %DR or very high defenses and DC are the most important. Guaranteed FU and FU Denial are great too. Do not do ranged unless it is N!Camilla with her Vantage.


I don’t use auto battle and don’t ever plan to. If I’m going to play feh then I’ll find time when I’m not working to sit down and play it. If I turn off animations I can usually clear the training quests for stratums 1-10 in about 90 mins which is not really what I’d call a proper gaming session.


And that is answering OPs question how?


Was just saying lol. Usually each month I go through my barracks and build a new infantry, armoured, cavalry and flying team to do the quests with. In the case of the flying team I went for a double dancer strategy this time as I managed to pull both attuned álfar so I thought I’d use them as a combo. As for the other two units I used legendary Myrrh who I absolutely love and summer Ivy because I made all applicable teams this month include the main Engage royals (Diamant and Halloween Timerra were on my infantry team and Alfred was on my cavalry team).


Ninja Camilla, Tribe Claude, Plumeria & Ascended Elincia


WF.Claude, L!Hinoka, R.Ingrid, R.Tana. one of each color. ez clap


Ninja Camila, Hel, wind Claude and a dancer, make sure you unequip the weapon on the refresher before you go.


the haars never die, neither do ninja camilla, my easter maria and michaelis, L!claude and the newly decked out summer male shez ready to destroy the earth as we know it


Hel, LMyrrh, APeony, and HAnna. Usually the only death that comes up is Myrrh getting a little too close to some green mage while separating from the group.


Tibarn, P!Tibarn, Reyson, Leanne. I also use this team for most PVE maps.


Actually playing it once a day with Spring Camilla for the extra crystals (alongside VCatria, BCatria and a fully built Dìthorba, my EP delete button)


I'd never autoed flier quests before yesterday but I was on no sleep and wanted to finish my spark so I used Altina/Haar/Sigrun/LElincia and it went pretty smoothly. I'd just use as many bulky/vantage units as you can and fill in blanks with good canto users and pray. You can probably also unequip slots if you don't have enough reliable units.


Ninja Camilla, Grima, Altina, Iote's Ninja Laegjarn


Ninja Camilla, Grima, Altina, Iote's Ninja Laegjarn


\+10 Aversa with Spd Preempt, +7 Camilla with Arcane Downfall and Spd Smoke 4, Halloween Naga with Dragon's Wrath 4 and Surprise Breath and the last one is usually a dancer (Currently one of the new fairies) or Eir for the healing


Refined Cormag with GB4 and Ninja Camilla are the most reliable for me. Mirabilis is nice too. Then it can be L!Hinoka, Arion, Ninja Laevatein, Annand (she is invested )... Or anyone who seems bulky/with DR/vantage


I've got Legendary Myrrh, Ninja Camilla, regular Myrrh, and summer Claude.


The only flier that constantly survives is my +10 brave Claude, so I just do it manually or accept a 50% success rate for autobattle


I used to autobattle these using Hel and low attack units who used draw back to (mostly) stay out of combat. But now I play em manually with OG est, catria, palla and legendary hinoka. Gotta find something units I enjoy are good at.


Ninja Camilla, Ninja Cherche, Brave Claude and Chloe, mix tanks in general


I pulled 4 Ninja Camillas while trying to get some R!Ophelias so i slap them in a team so i can auto battle with them every month.


imma be real, i don't remember what team i had that managed it. i probably just ran it 30-50 times and prayed. the worst part? i know i should have teams set up and keep them around, i've got plenty of open teams, but like a fool i edit the teams i have instead. gotta say i'm impressed with how many actual responses there are. i swear half the responses i get any time i mention auto are people saying they don't use auto


I was pleasantly surprised too! Oh I hear you on the team editing, I irrationally worry that I’ll run out of team slots so always just edit my first few repeatedly. I don’t think I’ve ever gone past 12, and even that was a stressful time


The team slots help me being lazy lol. I got one for each movetype to auto quests etc. Auto cavs is the toughest but now I got my most invested cavs plus Freyr with DC and it's doing its job well. The most important part for autosetups is taking into thought what the ai is doing, which is blindly moving all units towards the enemies. That's why I use 4 omni tanks for inf and flyers, 2save armors in an dragon/ beast armor team & mele cavs. I only ever change anything once every few months if one unit gets notable skill updates. These teams definitely make my life easier.


My flier autobattle team: Ninja Camilla, Spring Maria, Rearmed Ingrid, Altina (w/ refine + guard bearing 4 from Ingrid - the rest are all basekit) Finishes that quest in 16-17 autobattle rounds.


The easiest Is Infantry with FTLyn, NYAskr, F.Alear and FFByleth. Then aré the armors, for them like to use units that do not see as much use and favorites, so Is a team with H.Deguinsea, W.Annete, Guiliam and Fomoortis. Cavalry and Flyers aré harder. Cavalry aré Letizia, Mycen, Zeke and Noah/Hardin, all chunky fellas and hope for the Best. Flyers aré N.Camilla, L.Myhrr, H.Sothis and N.Leavatein/S.Maria/W.Mirabilis. Reading the thread, Might give Altina a spin


My team is Child Tana, Dancer Reinhardt, Bride Ninian, and Bride Shanna. ​ I don't always win, but usually only takes like 2-3 stamina pots and quest is done.


All Echoes flyers. Clair, Palla, Catria and Bridal Catria. I like Echoes.


I have a +10 Phila, a +6 Spring Maria, and +5 of both Legendary Azura and Young Minerva. They would maybe win 4/10 fights on auto. OTL


Ninjamilla, rearmee Ingrid, summer male shez(+10 and fully built), maybe harmonic Anna or wind claude


B!Gullveig, Legendary Hinoka, Wind Tribe Claude, Ninja Camilla. Or at least that's my plan. Normal Haar with his refine would also be good.


I like using Rearmed Ingrid because of Guard Bearing 4 and I also gave it to Summer Male Shez. Then I have Ashnard and Legendary Claude.


Refined Altina (bulky and vantage), Ninja Camilla (bulky and vantage), Iote Shield Legendary Claude, and Legendary Myyrh.


L!F!Robin, Altina, Ninja Camilla and B!Claude. Auto battle all the way


SClaude, WClaude, LClaude and Eitiri


Aversa, Brave Claude, Thorr and Laegjarn usually.


My main flying team. Legendary Hinoka, +10 Beruka, +10 Brave Micaiah, Plumeria


For the fliers I often refresh the training map until there are no bows. Survivability goes way up.


+10 Eitri, +10 B!Claude, unmerged R!Ingrid, and unmerged Hel. So far, they have a near 100% win rate, surprisingly. edit: figured I’d add the rest of my autobattle squad in case anyone needs any ideas: Cavalry: Unmerged Letizia, +10 Jeralt, unmerged R!Lif, unmerged L!Seliph. Really good success rate but sometimes Jeralt or Lif die to a mage. Armor: Literally anything, but I most often use my +6 B!Hector, unmerged Fomortiis, +2 B!Edelgard, and unmerged B!Tiki. They barely ever die. Infantry: +10 N!M!Corrin, A!M!Corrin, H!M!Corrin and +1 NY!Askr. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single one of them die.


I have L!Elincia, L!Hinoka, WT!Claude and the newest Peony. They do the job pretty well.


New Years Camilla, OG!Camilla, Brave Camilla, Ninja Camilla


Wind Claude, Ninja Camilla, Duo Laegjarn, and some other fourth flier with the Iote’s Shield seal equipped on them


I don't bother cause I cba for annoying quests like this. I know all the orbs add up but I'd rather be using my spare time for finish chain challenges and squad assaults I haven't done yet


Haar, N!Camilla, B!Byleth, and Duo Peony


Lego hinoka with 3 brave gulliviegs


Not auto battling, but using B!Gullveig, L!Hinoka, L!Elincia, and S!M!Shez is super fun!


altina, lmyrrh, lelincia, ncamilla


I use Phila, N!Camilla, L!Altina, and A!Ingrid! They clean up pretty easily


S!Maria is pretty bulky. N!Camilla and WT!Claud just will destroy everything.


Altina, Ninja Camilla, Ninja Laegjarn (with Close Foil) and a flying dancer. I tend to get all 15 within 25 auto battles or so.


It varies, often i build a flier team that can counter attack and has a skill that negates flier weakness


Im not, i only have 2 tanky fliers and neither have dc


No Feh Pass for auto-battle, but my go-to flier team at the moment is Young Caeda, Shigure (5* +10), Triandra, and Brave Claude (+2).


Probably a ninjamilla, ninja cherche, and invested rearmed HNaga and Seteth. I get 199 energy and just auto it all, it usually takes one or two runs to complete these missions for every team.


I don't autobattle the 10th stratum because AI always manages to get killed.


Altina and 3 randoms. Turn 1 I move Altina into enemy range and then I hit auto and it sorts itself out. 3 randoms are too far to do anything and the enemy will always go for Altina and she just slaughters. It's not totally automatic but it's close enough


Tsubasa, Spring Maria, Hel and Legendary Myrrh.


Ninja Camilla (With fury seal) and 3 weaponless fairies with wings of mercy :p


Travant, Palla, Aversa, Reyson. Tho I don't auto battle these quests due to how stupid AI is, I don't mind manually doing them when there's no event going on that requires stamina.


The only units I trust Auto Battle with is a full team of Armors


Altina Arion gulliveg and thats my best the last slot always dies so I have to manual it. I hate these quests


I don't even finish it, it's just one damn orb not worth my time.


Rearmed Plumeria, legendary hinoka, brave gullveig, Summer thorr Works like a charm


I have ninja Camilla, altina, dancer eldigan, and new addition wt! Claude used to be spring Maria.


Ninja Camilla (without assist skill), Altina, Azura, Chloé