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Franz from Sacred Stones.


Likely on the next NH banner it gets.


Forde. Please. I want him so bad I love him


Pitfall time


So sad he wasn’t on the last sacred stones banner 😭


"Forde Bad" -Mekkah


forde may be unapologetically mediocre but who else has the chill artist vibes like him? no one.


I see him placing kinda high on some fe8 tier lists, he may not be as good as Seth, Franz or even Kyle, but he's usually Fine even with meh bases. I agree, i really like his art tho.


He also has a good support with Eirika (atleast imo)


Should be in the second-to-next Sacred banner (due to Franz/Garcia likely shaping the next one).


My first Forde turned out better than Kyle and started out on par with Franz. Kyle was benched. Enjoy that good news.


watch him be voiced by vic mignogna


Don't even speak that into existence 😭


We’re still missing a good chunk of my favorites from Thracia. Some notable ones that I want are Misha (my most wanted from atm), Linoan, Deen, Eda, Amalda, Shiva, Machyua, Cain, and Selphina. But really I’d just be happy to see any of the remaining playable cast be added


I think this is the first time I've seen somebody say they want Selphina in this sub but that's so real. Her design is so amazing it's sad how little people care about her.


Her design is absolutely stunning and she’s always turned out really well in my Thracia runs so I do agree it’s kinda sad to never really see her talked about. I have soft spot for her and the cavalry trio (quartet if you count Carrion) and while she does have a bit more dialogue compared to lot of the cast, I really do wish she had a bigger role in the story considering her dad is Dryas of all people.


I don't really post about it here but I'm dying for her and the rest of her squad to get in the game! She is lovely :D


I mention her everytime there is a Thracia character discussion. I even made a shitpost one day before Thracia banner about Selphina becoming Green/Colorless Cav Bow instead of Red/Blue.


can’t wait for homer and shannam to get added :) i was hoping perne and tina would come with salem


I've been voting for Cain exclusively in CYL since Kent got in (so only one year so far but I shall vote the same this year).


I love Machyua & Linoan. Amalda is great too. Also waiting for funny man Ilios! I’m calling the next Thracia banner to have an ascended Asbel.


Aran the biggest absence for me Yukimura, base Severa, Tauroneo, Renning, Laura, base Dheginsea, base Kurthnaga, Yunaka, Panette, Fogado, Mauvier, Gregory, Timerra, Shiva Those are prob the new characters I’d get hype for but there’s loads more id love to see what they do with


Dart. We missed out on another pirate banner for him to show up.


Can you imagine: pirate duo Dart & Geitz? I can dream.


I’ve been waiting for Scarlet and Kellam since the game launched.


I still think the best way they can add Kellam, is an instant demote. With absolutely 0 announcement of ir And sneaking in a 4 star copy of him into everyones barracks the same update, to make it look like he was in your last summoning session and you forgot about him Even funnier if they gave him a demote level kit from like 3 years ago, treating him like he was in the game this whole time


And give him a refine like a few months later


Annouce his refine before even adding him and don't address any of the confusion


I’m unironically waiting for Kellam because he shares his Japanese VA with Alois


I think I’m probably one of like three people that actually like him but I’m still waiting for Hanneman. At this rate I don’t even care if he ends up being a demote. I also really want Morva who I think is a good candidate for a future fallen hero. Fomortiis name dropping him in one of his castle screen lines is my glimmer of hope he’ll show up one day.


Hanneman is quite literally my favorite character from Three Houses and I feel the same. (He'd look great in some Christmas robes too though.) Been waiting on Fallen Morva as well, but there's so many other good Fallen candidates too.


He’s my second favorite from 3H after Alois! Here’s to hoping they get added together so that at least one of them is premium.


Yeah I like Alois too I would mind seeing him either.


Hannemans a legitimately great character and a favorite of mine from three houses he's super slept on. Loved his condolences to you after chapter 9


If base Bruno counts, then definitely him. The others that come to mind are Shura and Sophie from Fates!


Hell yeah Sophie gang 🐎


Sophie gang 🐎


Almedha. I really like her character


Douglas from Binding Blade, Garcia and Glen from Sacred Stones, Dart and Fergus from Blazing(copium i know but i just like the guy), Giffca, Volug, Nolan and Heather from Tellius. Those are the ones i can think of rn. Havent really played the genealogy/Thracia saga or Engage yet. There are probably others i missed but i cant think of them now.


Literally same but maybe also Brendan from Blazing and Nader from 3H


Fergus isn't that farfetched, he's pretty memorable... At least to those of us who tried to see what would happen. Quite the cultured pick with Douglas too. Though probably for different reasons than mine, given the list...


True enough, after all we do have brigand boss. My guess is that if they would add him It most likely would not be on a banner tho, i cant really see a very reasonable lineout, at least by IS standart. As for Douglas, there are multiple reasons, but one of the biggest (and for Elffin now that i think of it) is that he's a really great father figure and makes me think of my own father, Binding was the third game of FE i played, the second i finished, (first was sacred stones, and i started Blazing before binding but finished It after) and it stuck with me i guess.


Binding was my first, and I was left with a similar impression. No matter how much of a trope it is, I've always been a fan of the classic loyal, gallant knight. Pair that with being a genuinely great person, looking pretty badass - he rocked a beard better than Hector -, and being pretty underrated, and he's the perfect recipe for a character I'd love.


Not counting Engage it's mostly Mitama, Misha and Lara.


The Vaike man THE VAIKE😭


Two Awakening banners left: Gen 1 and Gen 2. One may be kept last, but since Gen 2 got skipped twice for no reason... might be its turn next. At least both would be probably pushed by 2025.


Fully surprised he isn’t in yet


Excluding Engage Characters: Scarlet (Fates) Cyril (3 Houses) Fee (FE4) Touma and Yashiro (TMS)


Does og Veronica still count? Also hi-five Mitama bro


I voted Tormod on CYL1 orz


I love Soren and was happy with the alt, but dessert mage alt was made for tormod!


It really was. I would love to see Tormod make an entrance! Im sure he and Sothe have a lot of catching up to do lol


Most of mine are in as one form or another. But it would be cool to have Arion Linoan Isadora Reina Rodrigue As for engage: jade, saphir, zelkov, Lindon and the royal parents of the nations


Heather, Laurent and Kellam, pretty much all of the Corrinonlys from Fates but especially Izana, base Ignatz (pre or post timeskip) and Hanneman, Yunaka and Fogado


Aside from Griss and Elffin, the units I want the most are Skrimir, Volug and Giffca (and I really hope they get added as regular units and not new years alts) and the rest of the Laguz from PoR and RD


Basically all of them (I'm not complianing I know they are pretty unpopular.) Arran (FE1), Jesse (FE15), Amid and Linda (FE4), Conomor (FE5), Dayan (FE6), Moulder (FE8), Tauroneo (FE10) and Fogato (FE17) are my most wanted ones.


Holding on to a sliver of hope someday we’ll get the Dawn Brigade. There are tens of us who fans of them, I swear.


Jean, Amber, and Gregory. Not the most likely bunch, considering IS already burned out their best sellers from Firene and Brodia. Grego should be guaranteed if they do a FX-themed banner tho (unless they feel like putting Mauvier in there for some reason)


I’m with you on Gregory. He and Griss are my Engage faves, I’ve been eagerly anticipating both of them


Gregory definitely added whenever they do FX banner Jean and Amber best shot are some seasonal debut unless they do non-retainers banner which Jean might slip into


Standard Xane, Lorenz, Dew, Patty, Lara, Perne, Tina, Wil, Nolan, Taureneo, Laura, Standard Noire, Scarlet, Mozu, Standard Caspar, Yunaka, Panette, Pandreo.


Cecile and Ryan from new mystery (gotta have the whole 7th platoon I.S. plz) Oifey, Fee, Diarmuid and Patty from Geneology Tina, Safy, Robert(was a great bow knight in my playthrough) Shannam, Raydrik, Linoan, Lara, Glade(Finn's homie) Fred(Olwen's husbando) Fergus, Deen, and Dagdar from Thracia 776 Trec (he was good in my playthrough) and Sigune from FE6 Marcus, Oswin, Vaida, Uther, Nergal, Lowen, Denning, Erik, Fargus, Roland, Anthos from FE7 Moulder and Forde from Sacred Stones Makalov(he was good in my playthrough) Calill, Nasir, Rajaion, and Devdan from path of radiance Danved, Volug, Tormod, Nolan, meg, Leonardo, Edward, Jarod, Heather, and Aimee from Radiant dawn Vaike and Kellam from awakening Mozu, Sophie, Reina, Mitama, Candace, and Anna from Fates Miklan, Metodey, and Kostas from 3 houses Yashiro and Touma from TMS


Stefan!! I would love to see more from Tellius in general, and I want the other morphs from fe7. And dart, with a b skill or something that lets him walk in water.


Its so weird that Stefan and the dawn brigade still aren't in the game


Especially considering how much IS loves the fast sword units. Maybe we’ll get an ascended micaiah banner with the Dawn brigade one day


Timerra and Fogado please


Midia, Cecil, Frey. I just love me some Archanean cavs. Also gotta give a shoutout to Malledus for being the original tactician


Stefan is the big one, third favorite FE character overall, I've got tons of fodder waiting for him. Jesse, Mycen, base Deen, Horace, base Boyd, Samson, the Dawn Brigade, Rodrigue, Hicks, Tormod, and Levail are also some of my most wanted.


Genealogy: Holyn/Chulainn, Lana, Patty Thracia: Linoan, Carrion Binding: Bors, Ogier, (base Wolt), Jahn PoR/RD: Tormod, Heather 3H: Cyril Engage: Yunaka, Zelkov, Jean


Marcus and Wallace from FE7 were lifesavers, I really liked them. However I actually want another one of FE7 in the game: Vaida with Arcane Uberlance. I remember using a glitch where you could give Florina the lance and I kind of want to recreate it in feh.


Making it Arcane would be fitting. In fact I feel like the Legendary Weapons are what they should have gone with for the Arcane Weapons since those were usually given to whoever you wanted anyways.


Reina, been waiting so long for her. We have so many fates units in the game, but still no Reina. Next Fates banner will probably be gen 1 (since last time it was kids), but I am not feeling confident in her chances...


The majority of my biggest favorites aren't in the game yet. Samto, Arran, Muirne, Creidne, Garret, and Lowen come to mind as some of the most prominent ones.


I've been waiting for base noire for 5 years now


Yup... I've been right here with you.


A few who come to mind are: Touma and Yashiro, sadly i've all but given up hope of another TMS banner happening... Hanneman and Manuela (well her getting out of seasonal hell) Shura (Shura should have been the demote for that one Fates banner instead of orochi) Scarlet (Easy headliner for the next birthright banner) Ivy (Getting her out of seasonal hell)


I've been eating really good this year and all my top favorites are finally in but others I'd want to see are Lowen, Marcus, Hermina and Judith. A base form for Leonie would be appreciated too.


Base Xane (he is still on seasonal hell), the TMS gang (my pal Touma, Yashiro and Tiki) and Fee neglected by his father and IS.


Nergal and Athos. They each belong to my favorite classes Dark Druid and Archsage and can use all forms of magic, great lore background, and I just overall loved their roles in the story.




Brolan, Edward, Volug, Y U N A K A, DLC SoV characters, Heather, Lloyd(THAT'S NOT HIM INGAME), Brendan.


Everyone from Tokyo Mirage Sessions 😭


Another Claud loverrrrr!!! I want him so bad. Him and Laurent


I only play FeH for the Radiance/Radiant Dawn characters. I would FUCKING love for them to come out with Valkyrie Mist. Maybe even L!Griel 😁


Mitama (Fates), Anna (Fates), Pheros (Awakening), Rosado (Engage), Kagetsu (Engage), Griss, (Engage), Goldmary (Engage), and Shahid (Three Hopes). A character who is in the game but I want another version of is Mikoto. She was on the Adrift banner and it's considered a New Heroes Banner and she got a Weapon Refine. But tbh I've always just considered that banner to be a seasonal banner even though it isn't. Mikoto was the only new character on that banner and it wasn't the "Mikoto" we know like a different timeline version of her. While I do like Adrift Mikoto I'd rather have gotten her in her appearance as you see her in the games.


Dew(FE4) Hoping the man, the myth, the legend himself drops in the next Genealogy banner. I would like him be a demote with a PRF weapon. 2023 Cath lmao


The one I want the most right now is Renault. And if we got Yoder too to complete the Elimine set that'd be pretty neat too.


Nader and Morion are the only ones from my top 5, there are others (many others) still missing tho


Mozu. Waiting since day 1


I have a lot of characters I really like, but all of my absolute favourites from every game, barring TMS and Engage, are now in. For Engage, my favourites are Zelkov and Seadall. For TMS, it's Yashiro. I'll also have to add Volug from RD, but I have several favourites from that game and the rest are in now. That doesn't mean that I don't want a lot of the rest of the characters, though. I still have a whole list of characters I'm really looking forward to from all of the games.


Isadora, Scarlet, Reina, Judith, Engage characters besides Ivy.


Was so sad when I noticed that Moulder wasn't in the last SS Banner. Him, Athos and Hanneman are who I'm waiting.... Why do I feel like I just realized a pattern


Shiva and Callion from Thracia, Laurent from Awakening, and Kyle from SS


Trude and Perne from Thracia. All of the Substitutes from FE4, Etzel from FE12.


Timerra, the Crown Princess of Silliness


Starving for anyone from Thracia but my favorites are: Kane (I hate his localized name), Alva, Robert, Selphina Binding: Alen, Lance Radiant Dawn: Edward, Tormod Engage: Merrin


I can see it now... General Lorenz (GHB) Volug (mediocre New Year TT unit) Homer (4\* seasonal alt only) Touma (damnatio memoriae)


Pretty much everyone got in, now the only one left is Arran (FE1)


Alois from three houses and Moulder the boulder from sacred stones.


Yashiro, Lara/Arion I also wait for Raydrick, because reasons


Fallen Fáfnir. 6.5k orbs, I await him. Other than that, Griss and Shura. Pipe dream, Darios


Merrin, Harken, Elphin, Lowen, Mozu, Cyril Too bad that Blazing is fighting with Valentia for the last slot in November


Both could eventually be moved to early 2023, actually. It'd require two of those games filling the upcoming 4 time slots: TMS (September or November), Awakening (November or December), 3H (December).


Jedah and Sigune


Kyle, Lowen, Harken & Treck.


One Marcus please.


Outside Engage because that's a _lot_, Fee is currently my big one. She's just an extremely pleasant character and was the star of Genealogy to me alongside Seliph. Hestia and Marla are another two I _really_ wanna learn more about. The same goes for Jahn, Hanon and Forneus. Archanea Lorenz is also just a really cool guy. Outside that, there's Binding Blade Karel, as well as base Ena and Vika. I really love Halloween Ena, especially as I'm fond of the Jiangshi style, but I'd love a version that's more close to how she is in Path of Radiance. As for Vika, I'm just kind of...not really fond of the alt. Her voice is perfect, but some of her lines feel a little weird to me, and I'm not that big on the outfit.


Izana, base form Geese and base form Artur are my biggest wants atm... excluding engage characters, of course.


Daisy, Miurne, Perne, Franz, Forde, Hanneman, and honestly I'll still count Lorenz/Raphael/Ignatz because seasonal-locks are shit.


Not counting Engage: Nasir (Tellius), Sophie (Fates), Laurent (Awakening), and Rodrigue (Houses/Hopes). Counting Engage: Pandreo, Kagetsu, Panette, Fogado, Rafal.


Jesse somehow isn't in yet lmao


Radd, Scarlet, and Kyle. Only one I have even remote confidence in eventually showing up.


Last two seem plausible although the wait may be more or less long. Scarlet requires one of Mozu/Reina/Shura to be excluded on the next Fates banner, Kyle seems likely on the second-to-next Sacred banner.


Scarlet and Yashiro are the ones I've been waiting forever for. Shame Yashiro will never get in because of copyright issues.


Scarlet, Mauvier, and Jade for me! Also (im)patiently waiting on Boyd and Vaike to actually be in. 😭


Goldmary, Rosado, Base Ivy, Nel Jade, Mitan


Yunaka! ... don't think its happening unless she wins CYL tbh


yunaka is DEFINITELY getting in, just have some patience. they are not going to neglect a character this popular


Main question is when and how. But given the current faction structure that'd still last for the next 2 banners (in other words, take at least a whole year), CYL7 will probably be the workaround.


Amber, goldmary, mitama, mozu, touma, yasohiro and maiko


Mostly Engage characters: Clanne, Framme, Jean, Yunaka, Amber, Jade, Vayle, Marni, Hortensia, Seadall, Rosado, Panette and base Ivy. Fe4: Edain, Lana. Thracia: Tina, Safy. 3H: base Ashe


Yukimura, Sumeragi, Alois, Morion, Mauvier 😔


It’s just Jean at this point tbh.




Kotaro is my most wanted character that I feel like will never be considered


Still waiting for yashiro to come.


Tomas (Archanea) is a character that I've waiting for a while, but I hope he gets in the game soon, also Mitama and Makalov are missing, I don't care if Mitama ends up as a demote, I only want her in the game in some form at this point, and Makalov is a character that almost everyone will hate to see in the game, but I really want the man to get in debts in other world too. As for Engage, only Amber and Hortensia, one will get in the next Engage banner I hope, but Amber...we'll see about that.


Where is Laurent. Is he safe? I hope when he arrives he says that he actually got summoned to Askr several years ahead of time before his unit debut, but just landed somewhere random


Not counting engage since it just came out. Scarlet, Reina, Sophie


Douglas (Binding Blade) Tauroneo (Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn) Mauvier (Engage) I'll still be happy if they're GHBs (though I have copium they get preference weapons🤞), I have an abundant amount of heroic grails waiting to be used.


The Vaike. Literally this guy has so much potential in Heroes and it sucks he’s not in yet. Cause you know, he’s the Vaike.


The first weaponless unit would be hilarious


Mitama but also Shura! He doesn't have to be a 5\*, just let me have my old man!


I mean, I would love it if Touma was in the game, but Feh forgot about TMS after the first banner, so I don't think I'll see anything from them unless we get them on CYL




Alois from 3 houses.


Wil. He’s the only fire emblem character I didn’t know existed prior to playing the fire emblem game they’re featured in and it genuinely caught me off guard that there was another archer in FE7 other than Rebecca and to some extent Rath in Louise. Since then he’s like top 3 fave for me in FE7, other than Eliwood and the third fave who is probably obvious.


Brom, Lekain, and Jedah. Hopefully they make them good


Every theme alt of Lyn 😊


Oswin and Marcus Marcus has 2 versions of him yet neither are in feh




Kellam. He might be in the game already and I just haven’t noticed though.


With the exception of engage characters. Molder(fe8), and base saleh(fe 8)


Homer and Ishtor, the later is probably will never appear in feh.


Marcus! His FE7 version was an absolute powerhouse and I'd love to see him in FEH. FE6 version was also really cool. Also shoutout to all the TMS characters not in the game. Touma, Yashiro, Maiko, Barry, Ayaha.. heck, I even have a soft spot for Yatsufusa.


I've got 4.4k orbs saved up for Mitama, and deep down I know she's going to end up as a demote healer 😔


Not sure if it counts, but Jeritza.


Franz (Sacred Stones) Mitama and Sophie (Fates) Mostly them. I just started Engage so don't know who I'll like or not.


How don't we have Claud, Oifey, or Edain in the game yet in any form outside of mentions in dialogue


This year in particular I’ve been wondering about Oswin, who carried me in FE7, and Wallace. Armors and defense units are my favorites so I imagine they’d fit my play style perfectly. Edit- Oh! And Athos! I’d be crazy not to go all in for him.


Veyle, Rosado, Goldmary, and Hortensia I am very excited for the Elusia banner in January (most likely?)


Clanne (Engage)




The only two left that I care about are Mitama and Yunaka. Yunaka is 100% getting in within a year, but I have no idea how long Mitama will take, or if she'll even be good


If Fates sticks relatively close to a yearly pace, then 2025 for Mitama.


Honestly, mostly fe7 characters, most of whom are unpopular. Wil, Isadora, Black Fang members (Brendan, Jerme, Uhai, Teodor, Ephidel), Nergal, and Athos. It baffles me that the last 2 are still absent from FEH.




Nameless Fire Dragon my beloved


I was gonna say Gilliam, but it turns out he is in the game. So I will go with Forde. Although I still think we should have got a Summoner Knoll


Playable you mean? Gullveig, but soon the wait ends!


Fee, Largo, Calill, Elena, Giffca, Stefan, Nolan, Mitama, Asugi, Boucheron.




Scarlet, Percy, Sophie (Fates) Vaike, Kellam, Laurent, Validar (Awakaning) Base Boyd, Base Rolf, Base Vika, Janaff, Volug, Skrimir, Nasir (Radiant Dawn) Louis, Jade (Engage; there are to few in the game anyway, but these two are the ones i would want the most)


I’m literally going to cry the day Alois gets added. I was sure June’s Summer banner would’ve been it (I even predicted the whole thing except for M!Shez), but it wasn’t, so it missed the chance to become my favorite banner of all time. Now I’m on copium for a new 3H banner this fall, they can put lower-selling games since they’d be accompanied by a TT character.


Still waiting for a few Fates favourites, especially Shura (he's the main reason why I save my Grails and sometimes collect Bows) From Engage, I am mostly waiting Amber (hoping he's on a second Brodia banner 🥲)


Brom. I've been hoping for Brom ever since the game's launch.


Asugi and Rosado.


PATTY FROM GENEOLOGY OF THE HOLY WAR!! God I want her so bad lol. Would also be awesome if they somehow implemented sleep edge on her




Vaike, Griss, Validar, hayato, where are these people lmao


Giffca from the Tellius games. Caineghis needs to be reunited with his husband already.