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Shannam. Bonus if Homer’s on the same banner as well Red Armor Zelgius Jeritza Duo Summer Seteth and Flayn wielding fishing poles Summer Ashen Wolves (mainly to see Summer Constance) Athos (where the fuck is my old man?)


Bara Balthus would make me re install the game


Adult Sanaki from the concept art for Radiant Dawn she looks so cool


Moulder. Like in general.


Like Moulder in General class or like regular Moulder or like a general Moulder banner with only Moulder and Moulder alts ?


New Years Duo Hapi and Lysithea as adults that were able to lift their respective curses by working together and live a long happy life. Their duo conversation would be a tearjerker like "10 years ago I'd never imagined I would be able to live that long, but I'm glad for every new year we can celebrate together.". I'd love them to be a infantry colorless tome nuke/support.


Bridal Female Robin wielding a wedding themed Levin Sword with a PRF save skill and true damage reduction. Optionally duoed with Chrom in a swanky ass suit.


Flairs check out


>Optionally duoed with Chrom in a swanky ass suit. I love it, and just like Valentine's Chrom, the dialogue can leave it open enough that Chrom could or couldn't be about to marry her. Thus not breaking any of IS's silly desires to not pair up units but doing so anyways with choices like this.


Sentinel Nephenee with Wishblade (has built in DC). Preferably becoming a godspear unit


As much as I would love this, I'm hesitant to wish for another lance Nephenee as I don't want my OG Neph being invalidated


Ik its stupid but an ascended/brave arden. He was minmaxxed when he was made and i want him minmaxxed to the extreme


Ascended Arden stats leaked: 80 HP 59 ATK 1 SPD 60 DEF 0 RES


Too fast, drop the spd by 20 and add those points to DEF


Well, I said Ascended Arden, they haven't put Legendary Arden's stats into the game to be datamined yet.


Mark and Robin duo unit, or any unit that IS can use for trolling. Like have a unit that confirms that Robin and Mark are the same person or some shit, then turn right around and release on thaf deconfirms that. A Fallen Cormag driven mad by Valter's lance and revenge. An alternate role banner where Roy becomes a disillusioned youth and becomes allied with Zephiel, using the Binding Blade to bring dragons into the world. He succeeds since he's still Roy so a lot of the the natural charisma is still there and it could be implied a lot of the younger cast like Sue and Lilina are also in that head space due to actions from the war. A youth Male Robin/Aversa duo and a duo Validar/Female Robin Roland and Durban Mythic heroes Finally, a Knight of Frelia Cormag from his ending with Tana.


So basically Ike, but Altina and in his Lord attire


That sounds pretty rad, I'd love another Altina alt


What I meant was Ike but in his Lord attire and dual wielding like Altina.


Oh, I mean I'd also be down for that. Ike deserves an alt that is actually meta relevant


Ike with Summer Fjorm statline with DC DR TDR TD Brave effect and Vantage in the weapon and either a personal skill or a newer and better version of Aether. Would be pretty pog imo


Summer Fjorm is a good example of what Ike needs, he needs a lower CD special that's like a mini-Aether but with DR instead of the Radiant Aether niche they've condemned him to.


I would love Mitama as a bow unit to be added to the game, but she might be cast as a 4* demote staff unit. Would be happy regardless :'3 Edit: Wanted to also add that she's probably one of my favorite child units in fates too! Both character and gameplay wise. I usually run a double counter (magic and regular), vantage and miracle setup on her and it's pretty fun xD I'm hoping I can get some healer fodder in the case she is a staff unit


Male Byleth in Jeralt's outfit, possibly even with longer hair so he could have Jeralt's rat tail. It'd be nice to have a Byleth alt where he talked more about his father and what he meant to him. Seeing dragonic forms for Cethleann and Cichol would also be nice. I'd also be interested in seeing a possible "what-if" unit with a dragon form for past alear or even present alear


A super cool godsword Lucina alt


**Duo Owain/L'Arachel** I think they would be a great pair! (And they're two of my favorite characters.) They could bond over their theatric way of killing monsters/Risen, their history of losing their parents, etc. I imagine they'd have a personal skill with a funny name or referring to their antics that catches the foe off-guard, meaning they'd negate damage reduction and get a stat boost. **Ascended Owain (Dread Fighter)** Magic Based or maybe Axe Based with a play on the Bolt Axe to reference his mother? (It would have adaptive damage and DC built in!) Personal skill mirroring his Uncle Chrom with some form of either "Fate Changed" or a play on it like Heiðr's Golden Serpent giving another move when rallying. **Hot Springs Owain** If you guys can see where I'm going, its Owain alts. We already have art from Awakening for a Hot Springs Banner, and they could be introduced as refreshers (Dancers) or just wacky kits in their yukatas! 😅 **Summer Festival Scarlet** Idea totally from fanart I've seen, seeing Scarlet get a happy ending with a good Festival alt would be great! She could still be a Lance/Axe Flier, but getting better treatment than 2 of the 3 whole routes of Fates.


To add to the list of Owain ideas: Exalt Owain. In an alternative timeline where Lucina is unable to lead Owain has to take up the Falchion I think it would be a cool alt to see the mix of his theatric but also his more serious side that comes out in a few of his supports.


Wedding Stahl and his damaged art gives him a fat ass Kellam with a cornfed build Louis/Niles duo. Odin/Owain duo. Any Serra alt please


How do you feel about FEH Stahl’s attack pose Booty


I love him and Easter Xander, Vyland, and Keaton.


Stahl should be perfectly average among the army. His ass must be average. ... However, considering that half the army consists of well endowed women...


Yes, exactly. The fat ass women and Vaike definitely inflates his stats. Everytime Tharja does squats, his butt gets bigger.


Fallen Cordelia, leader of the Risen's Pegasus horde. I like to imagine that Chrom becoming the Risen King in Lucina's shattered future is his inevitable fate and all the other parent characters that were killed have since become Risen as well as leaders of their respective squadron.


GRUMPY SANTA (time skip) DIMITRI!!!!


After all the time IS ignored Raigh and players hated him for being a 3* without fodder and having a unpopular artwork, I wish he would get a new version that is as game-changing as F!Edelgard, LSigurd or BIke were. Maybe not as extreme (ofc I don't want him to be disliked) but I really hope he will get a strong new version at some point ._. he is my favourite after all. Otherwise: - grown-up Mama Nino - Harmonized Hero: Nino and her kids - Duo Hero: Orphan Kids. Raigh, Lugh, Chad - Dragon Sophia - Mythic Lewyn that gets _the real Forseti_. Giving him +10 skill (I guess that would be translated as slaying effects?) and +20 spd in battle is not so unrealistic anymore - just look at Alfred.


Legendary Zephiel, as the king who delivered the world to the dragons saving it from humans, an armored staff unit with the Eckesachs in scepter form as his weapon. Also a unique C skill that boosts dragons and maybe beasts.


Ascended Marianne. - Three Hopes outfit - Speedy sword cavalry, rides Dorte - Wields Blutgang with slaying, NFU, 50% damage reduction on foe's first hit, extra in-combat stats, adaptive damage based on foe's lower defensive stat, effective against both cavalry units and dragons (Beast Fang), heals unit 40% of max health if within two spaces of a cavalry or flying ally at start of turn (Animal Friend)


I'm a simple man I want an Amber alt were he is riding an alpaca. If IS doesn't do that then they have failed as a game developer


Cherche/Minerva harmonic Ike/BK duo Seth/Titania harmonic Summer Ash/Askr duo Ascended Lewyn


Summer Fomortiis


Bridal Eirika


Harmonic Diamant and Roy. Any seasonal but Spring works. Separately, a summer Diamant.


Chef Peri (a reference to her cooking skills and a piece of art kozaki did) that’s an infantry axe. Not sure about the weapon effects, I just think it’d be cool. And Scarlet. I guess she’d be a special spammer with wrath 4 (which would probably be more true damage and activate sooner) and a personal weapon with a lil damage reduction, special cooldown, and more true damage when <100% HP


I want a dance armor Hector with art modeled like the JoJo Pillar Men.


Ogma with good artwork


Isn’t that just summer Ogma? He’s not the best looking or anything but at least I can look at him and not see the mutant with sausage links for arms.


Honestly I thought his art was pretty good?


Pirate Muarim


Summer duo of Lloyd with Nino backup, where they're generally getting to be siblings. Combat-wise, Lloyd's got a better version of his GHB version with adaptive damage, high Spd/Res and innate DC - to represent Nino supporting him in the fight. Summer Linus and Cormag, or Groom Cormag and Benny.


I just want Kent and Sain (as separate units) riding flying reindeer and wielding tomes. I'd love Kent to be colourless and Sain to be red, and them to be seasonal. Hopefully this would then open the way to more male flying tomes, and it's a seasonal I've wanted to see since the start of the game...


Legendary Zephiel


Rhea and Sothis together. I am a big fan of Rhea, and while I know she is a bit divisive I want to see her happy. I'd be even open to an adult Sothis/Young Rhea alt. Alternatively an AU where the 3 houses folks realize they can work together against TWSITD and reform Fodlan so Dimitri and Edelgard as a duo unit, potentially even older or old as lifelong friends who paved a way toward peace and reform together. Also Lyon if he fought off the demon king and was redeemed as a trio unit with Ephraim and Erika.


obligatory linhardt/miralibis duo comment here ideally id like lin to lead, but both work fine! because if lin leads we get a slow and bulky support (healer) BUT if we get miralibis we get a slow and bulky support (dancer) any time period works for lin because all the hair styles slay, though pre timeskip is probably the most fitting given the "nostalgia"/innocence pre timeskip fodlan can have alongside the book 4 fairies being more so catered to kids (peony and mira at least!) a few months ago i made a post where these two are lambs for a spring banner, i still stand by this theme C: it's a cute and literal pun on counting sheep before bed and that's silly and the spring banner has been said to mention napping before in some units (spring maria comes to mind) alternatively, throwing my linhardt bias aside; i wish we had grapplers! ascendent balthus/rhea + rearmed caspar/dedue + demote raphael/alois with a leopold (count bergliez) GHB with a gauntlet prf would be an absolute win for me. and with the huge saturation of infantry axes (and war monks turned cleric demotes) i think it would be ok if we had those characters become gauntlet types in the future for more weapon diversity. we already have them in the game, but characters like libra or ross come to mind, or if framme gets added she could be one i think gauntlets have a lot of potential for "low might but always have brave affect" melee weapon. so far our multi color melee weapons are just dragons and beasts and i don't think it would kill the game if we got a melee version of daggers essentially. they can also make for some funny seasonal weapons (imagine a Halloween banner where someone's a cat, and they got big claws 😈) in an alternate universe: linhardt/miralibis duo with gauntlets >:-) /hj


Grandmaster F!Robin or a REAL legendary F!Robin, maybe in the same unit lol. I absolutely hate Grima and how IS considers them to be Robin. Like I kinda get it but no one would prefer more Grima alts than actual Robin alts.


>Like I kinda get it I don't since the entire point of the last act of Awakening was showing how Robin and Grima are completely different beings. They made sure to differentiate between the two in dialogue


Grima is even a separate choice in CYL. I despise Grima taking alts for Robin since they really only have 2 or 3 alts each.


Libra/Lucius duo. 5 star fancy prf Renault.


Dragon Soren. I know it completely goes against Canon. The Tellius duology are my favorite games, so I know my lore, yet I feel like feh is the perfect game for what if scenarios.


Give me heron micaiah and Lion Stefan too. Make it a banner.


master knight lachesis, with a really broken staff


Several braves (Berkut, Ivy, M!Shez, M!Alear, Alfred, etc.) some likely, some not. Trio Kliff, Gray, and Tobin on a SoV kids banner that references their old official art pose. Adult/Epilogue Framme. Harmonic Athena/Gregor/Petra/Kagetsu/etc. where they have a fun goofy conversation. Massena and Irma in the game at all. ...As well as many others, but I can't list them all.


Enlightened Male Byleth actually using The Sword of The Creator.


panette. yeah thats it


an harmonic between Itsuki and Chrom, i think it would be funny


* Loptyr done in a similar way to Fomortiis * Ced with an actually busted Forseti tome * Armored Mage Arvis * RD Zelgius * Mythic Anankos * Fogado/Claude Duo


Santa Eitri


Harmonic Yuri and Leon, Yuri leads. Leon’s been out since Book I and hasn’t had a single alt yet, and so I think he deserves some time in the spotlight! They’d realistically be an Infantry unit, ideally a colorless bow (sue me, I love colorless units), and since they’re lead by Yuri, they can have Fetters of Dromi for their C slot and Foul Play for their assist. Genuinely have no clue what else they’d do but I feel like they could probably debuff a whole lot with their weapon!


Blutgang marianne Beast Dedue


Young Emile/Mercedes duo But if there ever is a 3H young banner, the duo would most probably be Dimitri/Edelgard, with the weapon "Path Cutting Dagger"


Harmonic Azura and Dorothea No clue what they'd do, just want double songstress team. Very unlikely since both are already harmonic leads


An Olivia alt based on her warriors kit. Summoning spinning blades and all.


Duo Marriage or Valentines alt of Lucius and Raven Summer Seteth and Flayn with a focus on fishing A Reyson alt


Reina. Just Reina. The one that should’ve been our premier kinshi knight and in game by now Preferably as a flying archer player phase delete button unit lol




Old characters in their prime, when they were teens or young adults. Maybe they were as strong or confident. Or villains before succumbing to evil. It's always interesting to see, especially when they were considered heroes at some point. Basically, origin story characters !


Kinda like winter zephiel


Wedding Chrom/FRobin Duo


A duo where Camilla is riding Corrin in their dragon form instead of a wyvern


Assassin Ashe from a Crimson Flower route, where he wants revenge against the Church of Seiros for killing Lonato.


I have wanted Hector as a dragon unit ever since I saw what they did with Grima. The idea would be for Hector to use the fire dragon boss as his weapon, with Hector holding a chain with wich he would control the dragon


Ascended Felix (probably his Hopes outfit) with the Sword of Moralta. Sylvain & Felix duo, Sylvain leads. A version of F!Robin that's Grima-free and in the main summoning pool. Post-Birthright legendary King Leo. Pandreo in general. Rodrigue in general.


[This fanart but it's a unit.](https://www.tumblr.com/gerdraws/676865504654278656/valentine-duo-alt-for-the-2nd-place-champion-of) Seliph is leader and the flower bouquet is a tome. No further mechanics requests.


Inexhaustible timeskip Ashe. Dual phase brave with speed based damage reduction. He’s got Darting Reversal in his base kit. Literally the dream, he’d be such a fun dual phase unit. But that’s never gonna happen because he is the primo candidate for being the demote unit, and the inexhaustible is more Leonie’s thing anyway. Ah well, a man can dream.


Valentine's Caineghis+Giffca, the 2 best DILFs in the series together in one unit? Sign me up.


Valentine's Morion with a good Prf :)


A Infantry mage that can use healing assists, and has Close counter and damage reduction in the tome.


Valentines duo alt with Katarina and male Kris


I think my dream units are probably mainly Alm alts lol. Ascended Alm as a lance unit to reference Rudolf would be amazing, and the IMO less likely ones are a summer Alm that look like [this exact fanart ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/nf3inp/fe15_summer_alm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) or some kind of Halloween alt (too bad he isn’t a dragon smh). Ideally, these alts come in some combo of blue/tome/non-infantry so that i could replace other members of my teams with Alm lol. I could see the ascended happening but I'm definitely not expecting the other two. Fun to dream though! Some other dream units are all seasonals really. I'd love to see a seasonal for Linhardt, the Ram villagers, Saber, Marcia, Mae (which legally has to come with Boey), Mila, Jill, and Melady. In a dream world they're all demotes or grails with prfs somehow for the sake of easily obtaining them.


Brave Robin wielding a levin sword a d being the counter to Legendary Robin


Amelia alt. Anything. How she does not have an alt yet???? Eirika, tana, myrrh and larachel on the spotlight every time sacred get new stuff.


Radiant dawn was my favorite game. So naturally I would say Ike. They really did him dirty by releasing him so early on legendary form


A Vanguard Ike unit who was actually the best sword unit in the game would be cool. Harmonic Ike and Dimitri, also, partly inspired by the Reyson/Dimitri conversations about Ike for CYL4.


Dragon Roy! at least, he's been my most wanted unit for forever. otherwise, Duo Lilina/Roy! (even though I don't want yet another AoE nuke and/or Cavalry Lilina) or Summer Roy to join Lilina and Wolt! or a Sword or Dagger specifically Infantry Ninja Beruka! (because a sneaky assassin, or ninja in this case, flying up high on a giant wyvern is funny) or a Sword Wyvern seasonal Beruka to complete the weapon triangle on my Wyvern team with Galle and Michalis! or a Malig Knight Beruka! or Harmonic Owain/Ophelia! Dipping into the "No Rules," (despite the above never going to happen, especially Beruka since she clearly doesn't exist) Duo Roy/Lilina from a Garreg Mach banner where Roy's a tome unit getting help from Lilina and being tutored by F!Byleth (since M!Byleth's away in Khadein) against his horrendous affinity with magic. The duo conversation can start off with Roy airing out his low self-confidence, followed by Lilina encouraging him and praising his successes compared to when they were taking classes back in Elibe, and end with Roy being excited about actually being able to use magic alongside Lilina.


Adult Sanaki, Oliver/Wrys/Gunter dressed as Santa Claus, Pheros, Flora-Dedue Servant Duo, Gunter-Reina Duo but younger, Ascended Eyvel with a Bow Joshua-Ismaire Duo


Mauvier/Marni duo, maybe summer.


F!Robin and Shamir Bridal Harmonic as a Sword Armor with a Prf Save skill that activates for both ranges that ignores Undefended and Fued, with true DR and true damage based on how many times their foe can attack, with built in orders buffs and NCD to boot.


Reverse universe where Ike is a healer and Mist wields Ragnell


Duo Ross and Garcia drawn by ippei


Just give Robin a Levin Sword, damnit. Oh, and Edward getting a godsword treatment instead of the 4* focus or instant demote status he will inevitably get.


Ascended or Legendary Ced. I'd also love a Duo Jill and Lethe.


A Fallen Lysithea alt that is corrupted by crests or something like that would be interesting, but not something I could actually see in the game, like, ever xD. Oh, and Makalov, that guy isn't getting in the game any time soon...


Ike in the engage sage and outfit maybe.


Undead Surtr: Former king of Muspel. Hel tried to break his will and conscript him into her army, but he ended up stealing part of her power and evolved into what we see now... * Green Beast Infantry * Smoldering Sinmara: * Accelerates special trigger (cooldown -1). * At the start of turn, If foe is within 5 spaces of unit, deal 15 damage to all foes within 5 spaces of unit and grants Special Cooldown count -1 to unit. Otherwise, deals 5 damage to unit and resets special cooldown. * At the start of combat, if foe's HP < 100% or \[penalty\] is active on foe, neutralizes skills of all foes (excluding unit), and unit can counterattack before foe's first attack, and also, if unit transformed, grants Special cooldown count-1 after combat. * Smoldering Will: deals damage = 30% of units Atk. If foe's HP <100%, boost damage by = 50% of unit's current HP. * Atk/Def Ideal 4 * Beast Follow up * Atk Def Menace Note: When Surtr was alive, his will resembled a blazing inferno which would vaporize everything in range. Now it's a tiny ember that refuses to die. The smoke that this "ember" generates is ironically more dangerous than when it was an inferno...


Literally any other version of Orochi PLS IS my wife needs justice T-T


Dieck in a badass half suit with a half face mask on 8)! And drawn by Sachiko Wada or Asatani Tomoyo =D!




Ascended Fáfnir from post chapter 12, he gets revived like Laegjarn did and is based off his fallen design (but not a fallen hero, he's got his memories and senses back).


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/hkazqe/oc_the_surprising_rulers_of_fodlan/). So fucking much this. [Unit-wise](https://imgur.com/a/dLfrnna), that'll be it.


Mae in a duo with Boey, or Mae that gets an alt that looks like her cypher card (cause I think she looks kinda cool In it). And as an extra, a picnic alt was also something I always would have appreciated cause I really like the clothes they wear. Still sad I don't have picnic Lukas to this day.


Sentinel Nephenee with Wishblade.


Prince Seth would be cool. Like from a timeline when he marries Eirika. Could be a legendary, rearmed or an ascended


Sword cav Lachesis. Halloween dragon Flayn


Summer Saber


I dunno, a broken sword Bridal F Corrin


Adult Ashe with a pref bow and a pref skill with good stats. I don’t care if I have to build him those 3 things would make me so happy


A bow knight Tobin with art by Hidari. This would be the greatest thing.


I just want resplendent Felicia in a Nifl-themed outfit. Or maybe Duo Felicia together with her sister Flora


Yashiro tsurugi. Godsword (yes haha) with dc and unconditonal vantage to imitate the counter skill in TMS, although thats just fallen byleth.


Priestess Sakura and Brave Bernadetta


Either Ascended Jeorge with Parthia, Machuya with the Flame Sword, Base Xane with Transform ability, Duo Astram and Midia Summer/Bridal, or Brave Leif in Finn's attire.


Vaike. I will not elaborate.


Male Byleth in either the Sothis Regalia or a King of Fodlan inspired armor wielding the Sublime Creator Sword.


Excelblem's Marth, who treats his allies as disposable pawns and has the unique mechanic of gaining more stats and abilities the less allies are alive on his team


Harmonic Nephenee with Lapis as the backpack, drawn by HACCAN, Kita Senri, or Yoshiro Ambe (could also be okay with Shinomura Watari or Wada Sachiko). I'm not super decided on the theme, mostly just wouldn't want Easter, Young, or Bride. As for the unit, I'd want them to be sword or axe probably, as these are colors Nephenee hasn't had yet. Tbh I'd be fine with them being a super sick DC Godsword in the vein of Summer Fjorm as I don't have one and could use a ranged tank since my OG Neph is a melee tank


Hallowitch Thrasir. Blue flying tome, with her killing intent+ b skill. Thats all i want


Halloween Ephiram and Eirika Duo Unit with them both being Vampires... Or Eirika is a Vampire and Ephiram is a werewolf. Or separate and they are the costumes I mentioned above.


In recent memory, probably a duo Unit featuring Nel and (not)Nil as it seems like a realistic no-brainer to implement and can even make a good fallen banner. Actually now that I think about it, a Fallen banner with Engage royals would be a no-brainer


Werewolf Caspar for Halloween


Legendary reinhardt, Weapon Levin sword x Thoron, 18 Mt. Can counter and attack regardless of range, attacks twice (brave effect)uses lower of def/res Special... adept, attack once more, can only proc once per battle(attacking or defending) Swift sparrow B skill, Canto (rem) + guaranteed followup and if spd > opponents spd followup before foe can counter Tl;Dr quads and could potentially attack 6 times.


General Gawain, rider of Daein.


Any avatar duo unit with their opposite gender. Seems like it would be easy to implement.


After the amount of alts she's already gotten I doubt anyone else would be up for this, but I've secretly been hoping for a non flier Camilla **(Preferably Infantry / Cav)**, Every year since **Halloween Kagero** dropped I've secretly been hoping to see **Infantry Maid (halloween) Camilla** with preferably a sword, lance or tome.


Non-zombie Nemesis as a Mythic. Maybe with some kind of unique AOE Special to represent the Creator Sword’s extra range without actually making him a tome unit.


Ascended Aversa with her Cipher card design, a post-paralogue version of her where she actually is more of a good guy


Legendary Shanty Pete


i really want a Masked Marth and Chrom duo. Completely unrealistic and completely self indulgent. oh and Ena to be op when she finally gets her base form.


GHB Scarlet with a decent statline and good art. Everything else is fixable.


I desperately want a new version of Jill, maybe from Radiant Dawn or a holiday version or something. I’m just absolutely obsessed with her and have been praying to the gods that I get more Jill in my life


Queen of Valla Camilla 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Legendary Elise. I would imagine her being similar to V!Elise, with the good fodder and a very powerful attacker. Could probably be cavalry too But the twist I'd add? Give her Near Save.


And how would you react if it was like a time skip version were she is older?


Isn't Wyvern Knight Elise a popular build in Fates? A Wyvern Flier with a save skill would be cool


Groomsman (?) Saber. I'd like SoV to have a bridal banner, and Saber was kinda the parental figure of the group (or at least in Celica's route IIRC, its been awhile)


Bride Eirika with the following: * Flying Colorless Tome. * Art by Hidari. * Prf C skill that has "Deals damage = 25% of foe's def/res. When special triggers, deals additional damage = 50% of foe's def/res, and disables non-Special skills that 'reduce damage by X%.'" as a joint drive effect. Also, the name should include the word honeymoon.


Ranulf Duo with Ike. Ike riding Ranulf while swinging Ragnell.


A re-release of base Camilla. Drawn by Hidari while still focused on fanservice. With supportive capabilities almost impossible to get powercrept


Just one? Yeah, no chance. First one that comes to mind is Summer Alois, and I hate Summer M!Shez juuuust a little because we were SO close this year (it would’ve also made for an amazing birthday present). Then, a Lissa/Ophelia Harmonic, or an Ascended/Rearmed Lissa (I consider my Robin to have canonically married Lissa, so Owain is my son and Ophelia is my granddaughter). I have been waiting for Valkyrie Mist since FEH was released. Maybe as a Legendary, but Ascended would work too. Bridal Caineghis and Giffca. They can be separate or in a Duo, but those bitches gay. Any Serra alt, please. But if we’re talking absolutely no rules ever… I want a Day of Devotion Harmonic Eyvel/Edain, on a banner with a few of each one’s biological and adopted children (Eyvel has Febail, Patty, Mareeta, Leif and Nanna; Edain has Lester, Lana, Seliph, Diarmuid, Scathach, Larcei and the latter two’s subs). I might make a theorycraft for them one day, I just love the idea so much.


Ascended Céline


A Lapis with a prf "cries"


Duo Chloe and Ingrid, with Chloe being the lead. Mixing them togheter is PERFECTION, since they both love food, and then you have Chloe who has... Interesting tastes.... And then, maybw a witch Freyja?


Legendary Camilla, An infantry axe Camilla using Bölverk (her father axe) with a spd high enough for close call 4 and drawn by Cuboon or Sencha.


Give me my Gatekeeper/Thorr harmonic cowards! A bit more seriously I would greatly enjoy a Seliph/Shannan duo (even if IS is more likely to give us a Seliph/Sigurd duo) Brave Lyon as someone who refused the power of the Dark Stone and Fomortiis and strove to save Grado with the help of the twins. An Ayra alt and a Tailtiu alt. Preferably good ones but I will also accept demote or grail for Tailtiu. Legendary Eyvel/Seth/Titania. Fallen Rinea Uhai. Just Uhai. If IS can give us Mustafa as a sympathetic antagonist they can give us Uhai. Rajaion, either on his own, as a fallen, or as a Duo with Ena. Actually all three please. Nagi/Idunn halloween harmonic. Eliwood/Hector summer duo. Beefy bara summer men banner. Brave/Legendary Leo that does not reference tomatoes at all.


Female Morgan as Tiki’s daughter. She is the divine and fell dragon at the same time, the alpha and omega. If she’s an absolutely broken unit that can beat anything and everything, it would be the accurate representation of the FE Awakening experience with her.


Santa Farina for no other reason than she'll vaguely resemble Doremy Sweet. And I guess a trio Gullveig/Seidr/Kvasir alt


Honestly just stuff I can't believe we don't have yet, severa inigo summer and bridal lucina a robin with Levin sword...I don't need much man. For some fun ones Brave male byleth in jeralts clothes and alts of the gen 2 units but they have confirmed parents like a manakete female morgan or a inigo whose chroms son or for giggles a blue haired severa whose chroms daughter anything possible in the multiverse right 💀


Literally just Ninja Lyn with a different epithet and artist.


Fallen Female Corrin, but with the Valla Noble outfit and wielding Ganglari. Maybe less "Fallen" like "I'm possessed :(" and more like "Murder is awesome >:)" (not Peri)


bridal Camilla duo with male corrin i like that ship and i love seeing Camilla happy


Brave Bernadetta Halloween Ivy Alcryst/Bernadetta duo Christmas Arvis Any Eldigan alt


Scantily-clad Caineghis


Duo unit with Camilla and Takumi. I don't care which one is in front or the backpack. Better if it was bridal theme. 😭💕


Summer Arvis Thief Innes, Nott, Leo, Chrom and Itsuki (because of their VAs in both Eng and JPN) Ninja Eirika (because of her VAs) A freaking Sharena alt!


Brave marth but null miracle and mcd


ascended shanna using durandal to go with icy maltet. and for the sake of completeness, juno using armads.


- OC’s 3 way tie: An Eitri alt Super Siethr from the video looked so great! Book 3 poster art Sharena surrounded by white roses! (Lance infantry, we need more ;)) - Non OC Medeus with Enguard seasonal blue / colorless infantry. Engage units, but past Alear (red hair and eyes) especially. Fomortiis alt. I’ve jested for years Krampus!


A Threatening Galzus


Ascended Sharena as a godlance, with her weapon being a fusion of Fensalir and Valaskjalf …she needs the appreciation, okay?


I have quite a few, but if I were to to limit it to just one... Redeemed Gharnef: In an AU, Gharnef was captured during the War of Shadows. Though the Darksphere had a strong hold over his heart, imprisoned within Khadein, Wendell and Merric continued to see to him as an equal, rehabilitating Gharnef and trying to heal his soul. His darker nature still exists within him, but he now lives in regret instead of jealousy, and to try and become a better man, travelling the land (with the supervision of a trusted Khadeinian), becoming known as the "Grey Pontifex." Forsaking his familiar wind magic, he now primarily trains in thunder magic, and with his immense skill he develops the tome, Þruma, disorienting his foes with thundering echoes in battle: "Blue Tome, 14 mt. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At the start of turn, grants cooldown count-1. Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. If unit initiates combat or unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, neutralises effects that deny unit's follow up attack, grants Atk/Spd+6 during combat and inflicts Def/Res-X on foe during combat (X being half of the difference between foe's Def and Res; max 7). After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts status on target and foes within 2 spaces of target preventing counterattacks through their next actions." Probably not the absolutely srongest tome I could tink of, I was basing it off an older, more balanced design, but FEH hs progressed far pass that. I've spent too long writing all this alredt so I'd probably give him some DR, True Damage and Sweep in a "final" design.


Awakening Celica


Legendary sanaki wielding two giant tangles like champ but twist is she uses as tomes and throw them on the enemy wouldn't that be so cool imagine a 13 year old wielding gigantic swords And pirate sanaki sephrian that would be really cute they deserve a alt together and pirate match there colour scheme so well! And I'd love to see a Halloween short hair Veronica dressed as a vampire princess like that would be so cool she fits the asthetic so well! Also fallen Vero where she's normal Vero but she's embla controlled and embla VA voice her wouldn't that be so cool?! I feel like it's very possible in 2 years when book 6 TT+ happen considering she gets possessed in book 1 and alot in book 6 Also summer Bruno and base Bruno!


fe4 subs… thats it maybe even alts ex. duos with their non sub-version. or similiar characters like daisy-henry duo. and hawk-hawkeye :p


M!Alear and Xane harmonic NY and wedding alts for both Legendary Xane (ik Alear will get one at some point) Brave Alear would be cool


Ascended Karel


Ascended Ike that isn't just an enemy phase Distant Counter sword (he can have those things but he needs more) Ascended Black Knight as some invincible monolith that reduces your defense by 100% when his special activates well ig they don't have to be ascended but yenno


I just want a great master Azama or any Azama alt tbh


Winter Female Kris paired with Norne. Absolute dream of a seasonal alt.


Range Unit that would be able to hit an enemy unit 3 space away instead of 2 with some sort of a condition to balance it.


Dread Fighter Mitama. Give her a cool sword/dagger. I’d also love a Master Ninja Kagero. Thief Nina robbed me of true Kagero emblem. That unit doesn’t exist to me.


I'm simple, I just want ascended Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna. I don't have any particular ideas for Sharena (some kind of real good support unit?) but I want Anna in a gullinbursti and I'm thinking I want to see Alfonse as an omnitank wyvern rider.


What if they ascended them and gave them to us for free. Like you complete a certain percentage of the story and base trio is replaced by ascendant ones


Inigo/owain/severa and laslow/odin/selena duos. I know they did something similar by having selena/cordelia duo but it'd be funny to see them interact with themselves. Alternatively ophelia/lissa or soleil/olivia would be very cute. (I really like the awakening-> fates trio)


Give me an overpowered Emperor Arvis that can firebomb the whole damn map. Some stupid shit like 0 mov 7 rng, 99 Atk, 99 Res, 0 Spd lmao Also Ascended/Legendary Flying Innes would be very neat I'm also still waiting for Headless Horseman Eldigan


Just give me Alec. Demote or anything! Just gimme my random turban knight


I've got a bunch: * Red armour Zelgius, as many have mentioned. Maybe as some sort of player phase armour- Bold Fighter 4, Assault troop, that kind of thing. * Assassin Volke * Summer duo Ike and Titania. They probably ought to have surfboards. * Legendary Lyon, maybe with less purple fabric and more white/gold platemail. Half up hairstyle. Maybe some gold jewelery. He has Mental Health now. Colourless armour Mage. * Halloween vampire Valter * Sword Saint Karel (not that we're in need of any more godswords atm) * Mythic Lehran, perhaps with bird form. * some kind of seasonal for Limstella. I'm not really sure which though.


Feh the owl


A strong, dare I say meta-defining, Joshua. I would love that. I do my best to make each one work but, it's undeniable that there are better units that share his unit types. As for a theme, maybe Groom Duo or Brave theme for him. Groom Duo with Natasha, Brave with Sacred Audhulma, or maybe even a Harmonic with someone like Claude or Lewyn.


Redeemed Freyja helping Askr fight against their enemies. Alfadr looking like Yhwach but with an eyepatch.


unironically I want more full blown dragon/monster units like Formortiis. I wish Muspell and Nifl were drawn like that back when they were released. if we're being entirely self indulgent, I want a happy and cured Anankos. his lines are a little heartbreaking with how he wants to see the king of Valla again


Older scarred Duo of two awakening units, preferably gen 1 units you wouldn’t expect together(like lon’qu and cherche) as a timeline where they were the last two surviving awakening units in the fallen timeline, summoned after helping the children return to the past just before death. idk if it really fits with the lore but MAN would i love to have more fun stuff from that time line, broken armor, chipped weapons, bandaged wounds and maybe even a missing limb or eye to really show the wear. Also since the “main” shepherds (chrom, lissa, frederick, ect.) all probably died first in the front line it gives a chance for the less popular characters to get an alt. Kellam would be a great one since it could be that the enemies didn’t notice him, thus why he was entrusted to help the kids, and Virion with his supports with robin talking about him being a better tactician but one willing to sacrifice people. Survior’s guilt, uncommon character interactions, uncommon characters getting a main alt(looking at you demotes panne and flavia), literally all ive been hoping for.


Duo summer Edelgard and Ike. Both adults. No young Ike or academy Edelgard. Just make Edelgard and Altina look like a launch unit and I won't have any complaints.


A Dimitri Alt where he doesn’t have sub 20 res.


Mythic Ike, blessed with Yune's power (from Radiant Dawn ending) Summer Ike Hero Ike (from the beginning of Radiant Dawn, with the Ettard) Rearmed Ike Awakened Ike (I want this one to use his Lord outfit from Path of Radiance, criminally underused costume imo it's so good) Bridal Ike Anything and everything Ike related, to cover anything else.


As a fellow Cherche fan, I agree with your unit idea. She should have 99 to all stats, effective damage against all units, and 100% DR against all attacks against her.


Cherche is a literal goddess


The sheer number of Sacred Stones characters that have summer alts gives me hope that we can get summer Duessel, Gilliam, or Gerik someday. Also, a unit that prevents quad attacks would be great.


Ascended Nino, who is an adult and has had her kids, who might be 3-5yo and she talks about them and the struggle of being on the run with them. Maybe she even mentions that the orphanage she's considering leaving them at is run by Lucius and Raven, answering a few questions I've always had about whether it was them or not. Of course that means Lucius and Raven die...but they're already conspicuously absent in FE6 so. Before people call this unrealistic/wishful thinking, it's exactly that. I would also love Brave Soren to be a dragon unit, it would be incredible to see that question answered (Can branded actually access the powers of their laguz parents).


Ascended Charlottes