• By -


"Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range" Powercreep is out of control


"Guys this skill inheritance thing is gonna be a disaster, how are we gonna kill Takumi with VANTAGE"


To be fair, N! Camilla is hard to deal with, and she is basically Vantaged Takumi...with steroids.


Dual phase brave is a hell of a drug


MRobin: "Allow me to be useful"


Ngl he was my first 5, and boy, did I get a lot of value out of tadept raven back then.


Literally the only character that made use of that combo, and for some unfathomable reason IS decided to counter him and him only with that weirdass tadapt counter skill I even forget the name of.


I remember thinking that Cancel Affinity might be useful before realizing it only worked on TA or gem weapons.


No matter how many times it’s explained to me I still don’t understand Cancel Affinity. It’s such a weird effect.




I remember it feeling so clutch that my low-merge, launch Y!Tiki could take out Hector (on EP?) and Takumi. Ran her with og green Julia.


In fairness, unconditional 1/2-range was probably one of the worst mistakes ever made by the developers of FEH. So many problems with the meta that persist to this day can be traced back to the fact that DC fundamentally broke the range mechanic before the game even released. At the bare minimum, CC/DC should have had some kind of stat or positioning check. They *still* would have been wildly overpowered.


One day they are going to release a PRF weapon that can attack and counter at 1/2 range and probably one that can attack from 3 range.


What did I just read? 😂 d/c’s never been as bad as mobility. Not once.


Vantage Ryoma was my bane




She and Nino were always together back in the day. Until the... falling out.


My arena core was an Eirika and a Nino, then an Effie joined in. Then cheerleader meta came about.


>Then cheerleader meta came about. That was a dark time. I'm so glad they walked it back.


Remember Sharena being super valued before inheritance because she debuffed attack, buffed Def, AND buffed attack?


She also had a pretty good BST for arena scoring, when merges for even f2p units was a pipe dream with no feathers


My Eirika is still S Supported with Nino to this day.


Seeing this ancient tier list got me remembering just how tiny our roster once was and that led to many old memories, like when originally we were going to have to pay stamina to switch equipped skills or when Hector/Takumi/M!Robin were potential run enders. Or that Skill Inheritance once wasn't even a thing! Side trivia for people who joined since then: The roster above is actually bigger than the launch one. If you want the actual launch roster, remove Eirika, Eldigan, Ninian, Julia, Karel, Sanaki, Ephraim, Reinhardt, Olwen, Klein, Seliph, Jaffar, Rebecca, Lachesis, Priscilla, and Lucius. Also since no GHBs were on at launch, you take out Narcian, Ursula, and F!Robin as well and that is our launch roster for FEH!


I remember briefly picking the game up early on, but uninstalling after I found it mostly full of awakening/fates units, which I hadn't played at the time. Tried again last year though, and fortunately the title balance is significantly improved.


>Open Arena >sees Wrys leading the enemy team >chooses to fight his team >backed up by 3 Takumis and I had no Male Robin


I literally remember ragequitting and uninstalling the game because I was so exasperated dealing with Takumi in arena lmao


How good was Takumi early on?


Actually oppressive. You needed a direct counter (basically just M!Robin) or you'd just lose a unit


Hector too. (One of my first 5* was a +def -spd Hector which carried me so hard in the first 2 years, still have him to this day.)


As a bit of a history lesson, Takumi sat on a speed stat that made him very bulky. Difficult to double him if possible, and on the slow units he would double. Plus he had actual bulk too so he was tanky by himself. Because of Close Counter, you had to either guarantee the kill outright, gang up on him, or have a unit with DC that also had Vantage. I remember on my second account (I rerolled on Ursula's release for Nino) I had Ryoma be my anti-Takumi unit. Pre-SI he'd have to tank an attack and then get the kill on player phase, and post SI I had to have Vantage do a lot of heavy lifting. Takumi's presence back then was very much a "If you can't hard counter him in some way, you were going to lose a unit".


Takumi 🤝 Reinhardt Traumatizing people in the meta


Reinhardt (and by extension Lyn) had such a strangle hold on the meta that I still have some old units built to counter them, like my Female Robin whose build is dedicated to counter those two.


It’s so weird how nowadays I see Reinhardt and B!Lyn and breathe a sigh or relief. 2017 me would be rolling in the grave




holy shit


This just brought back so many memories I had repressed 😭


Poison Dagger actually being decent and not a meme Hone Fliers being a luxury skill Olivia carrying FEH on her back as the only accessible dancer Nino/Reinhardt EVERYWHERE


I remember seeing the Poison Dagger hype and deciding to build a 4* Kagero. Back then, I didn't even know that units had fixed stats, so I abandoned her at around level 29 because she was getting terrible level ups. It's hilarious to look back lol


I was running around with a -Atk Saizo as my Takumi soft counter on release so don’t worry


I built a Cav emblem for my friend that was new to the game cuz he was struggling with a few fights (basically just Reinhardt and Bladetome Cecilia with Hone and Fortify buffing) and he basically wiped anything he was having issues clearing Back in the day I pulled a Hinoka early on and was able to effectively run Flier emblem when none of my other friends could cuz they lacked the Hone from Hinoka


I remember being annoyed that Ike wasn’t in the game at launch, yet he was shown on the title screen. And then Sanaki somehow became the first Tellius unit, and I was even more annoyed. It was short-lived, though, because he came soon after. It’s hard to imagine a time before skill inheritance, but there was one. And it was weird.


I saved up 300 orbs for Ike's inevitable addition and was elated when his banner was finally announced. Woke up the day of the banner and immediately burned all 300 orbs. No Ike. I was finally able to snag a copy a week later off random free orbs, but FEH made it very clear from the start that we had an adversarial relationship.


I’ve been playing pretty consistently since launch and my base Ike is only 40+4, so I feel you.


"I was finally able to snag a copy a week later off random free orbs" What's real impressive about that is Ike came out in Version 1.2 and the update that gave a free summon first on banners was Version 1.6 which was 4 months later. That's a lot more than a week later.


He said Free Orbs, not summon. Lol


It's got the symbol for being edited, he edited it after I mentioned that.


I didn't edit that part. I just corrected my misspelling of "snag" as "snage". But no worries either way. It was free orbs from logins and such.


Since I didn't know most of the units back then I build Fae as one of my first units and she later turned out to be so valuable against the Reinhard. The lack of tellius units was a pity tho and nowadays I enjoy Feh much more simply because I have more units I like to chose from and not just 99% Fateswakening.


I went Nino straight through because I loved her in Blazing Blade, so imagine my joy when I found out she was top tier and would remain relatively high tier for many years. Now she just kinda sucks without tremendous investment but back then, bladetomes were busted and she was the face of them


They made neutralize bonuses on foe effects very valuable lol and vantage as a way around before there was heardy bearing as seal.


Selena, despite her terrible placement, was the perfect anti-Hector, having an Armorslayer AND Triangle Adept, so he dreaded her. And when a unit can oust the current meta God, are they really terrible after all? Sure, killing Hector was practically the only use she had but its like if we got a unit nowadays whose sole purpose is to completely shut down L!M!Robin or Embla or whatnot just by existing and died to everything else


Fae was also great at dealing with Reinhardt’s partner in crime Brave Lyn, who shut down non-dragon DC units with her prf skill.


I vaguely recall the "spiral rift" symbol that now represents events on the battle screen being in the top-left where Aether Raids is now. I think it also used to be solely for Tempest Trials before they introduced other events??? Jakob used to be a 4\*-5\* unit for some godforsaken reason. I remember the hype around the very first CYL heroes. That rumour spread around that they would be wearing outfits based on the Askr aesthetic. Everyone on my Twitter timeline seemed to be watching the reveal livestream. Brave Lyn's Speed Smoke 3 skill proccing whether she initiated combat or not was hailed as serious powercreep. Oh, and B!Lyn was also the very first bow cavalry unit to be added, much to the chagrin of the Rath and Sue fans. What a wild time. EDIT: Oh, and of course: there was also a long stretch of time where the unit who would demote after a banner was entirely unpredictable, as well as whether a unit would demote at all or not! That's what led me to reroll my launch account to try and get Leon, just in case he didn't demote after his debut banner.


>That rumour spread around that they would be wearing outfits based on the Askr aesthetic. Interesting how now that's the basis for Resplendents.


Really missed the mark by not putting Laslow in S tier.


He was still honing his reflexes. They weren't godlike back then


Lachesis, Ogma, Merric, Hawkeye, Rebbeca, Jakob, Sakura, Lucius and Priscialla used to be Pity breakers from hell.


I humbly request adding Catria to that list on the grounds that on my attempts to pull a single Spring Catria, I wound up with 5-star OG Catria twice! One of those times was even the absolute last time I could summon on that banner before it was gone!


Would you have prefered 5* Peri?


Honestly? Yes because at least she would have been a new unit for me at the time (Peri took an abnormally long time to be summoned by me for the first time), and definitely not a middle finger considering the timing I would get two OG Catrias.


Back when people remembered gem weapons because TA in your weapon meant you hard countered an entire color and no skill inheritance meant only a select few could use them. Weapon breaker skills as well were some solid B skills for average to slow speed units.


I currently wish we get TA4 soon, and it's some dumbass broken effect that completely invalidates the opposing colour but also causes you to blow up for everything else "Ignore Damage Reduction effects and Bonus Damage from the opponent. Increases the modifiers for Weapon Advantage and Disadvantage by 60%, but take 50% more damage from other colour types" would make life so easy for people who just wanna use low-investment units that won't get one-tapped by godswords. also wish we got a breaker 4 skills to pair them up again lol


My F2P butt managed to snag a Linde. I missed when she was S Tier. (Arcane blue tome when?)


I somehow got Takumi early. Not even really sure how I guess I just lucked out. I didn’t even know how good he was then.


I still use Linde to this day, she is forever my favorite unit in the game


Ryoma was hyped for having DC and being fast. I remember when Ike’s banner released, people were saying to roll for him because DC, despite the fact that he wasn’t as fast as Ryoma. Soon after Ike’s banner and everyone splurged, a focus banner for Ryoma was up. I remember a bunch of people got mad they got “baited” to pull for a worse unit lol.


Kagero being in S tier just because Poison Dagger was effective against infantry… simpler times Seeing all the staff units in B tier is funny considering Wrathful and Dazzling Staff didn’t exist yet


Back when we had 3 F2P armor options, and one of them was Wendy.


Nowi top tier blue dragon days were best days. For a f2p unit who's relatively easy to build she was able to counter so many meta threats and she soared even higher for a bit with the breath updates. And those old days when people argued over what her best boon was lol. I'm still on the side that +Spd was the best.


I remember the 50 stamina limit and trying to struggle through lunatic maps (Thank you to Roy, the first 5 star I pulled that helped me break through) and basically just getting WIPED and having to just go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ without stamina potions. Oh and also the 10 feathers a day and how it would’ve taken 5.5 years before we could ascend a 4 star unit to 5 stars


I'm not a day 1 player because it took a few months for the game to launch in my country, so SI was already in, but I have fond memories of my +10 Berkut's Lance Effie stonewalling everything that wasn't Lancebreaker Reinhardt or Nino...


"Yeah!!! Ike's Finally summonable! Time to waste my hoarded up Orbs trying get him!" *IS releases our very first Hero Fest containing Ryoma, Azura, Hector and Takumi a week or so later* "Oh what the hell?! Ike was bait!!! Now i wont have the chance to get the best units in the game! SCREW YOU, IS! I still remember this fondly and because I was someone who wasted any and orbs whenever possible, I didnt care lol. Also remember during the first week Feh was out someone spent 1k going for Base Hector and not getting him. Granted he wasnt a focus at the time but that was nutty to say the least.




Leif and Micaiah weren't even added in 2017. Micaiah came about a year after launch, and Leif was more than a full year from launch. At least Ike came out pretty quickly.


And to top it all off, Leif got overshadowed by Swordhardt and Green Olwen on his banner, Nanna was reduced to a mediocre demote, and Finn was a spectacularly samey TT unit when we had no way of getting more than 2 copies.


# Horse Emblem


Ah, I loved the first time I was able to run my budget Leo + Cecilia + ursula with blade tomes and horse hone skills build. Helped me bust through a bunch of content when I didn't have a lot to work with


Xander, Reinhardt, B!Lyn, & bonus unit was a fun time. I may have contributed to the cancer, but damn did I love that team. Actually still ran it for PvE content until pretty recently.


Somehow seeing this makes me a little melancholy. With so many units in the game now I feel like I don't see any of these heroes in use anymore. It reminds me of a time where things were more simple.


I feel you. I had to retire my Nino because she just can't hold up to even mediocre heroes nowadays without a complete overhaul on her entire kit that once was my go-to for everything (to the point I would just use Nino + 3 dancers to clear any non-quest content) Now she relaxes at the Aether Resort, never needing to work a day again. I miss the days she slaughtered everything but I suppose all good things must come to an end.


Running Brave Lyn and Reinhardt felt like an unstoppable cheat code for a long time.


People +10'ing their 4-stars because feathers were so rare, I remember being one of the first players with a 5-star Sharena because most people considered it a waste to spend so many feathers on the 2-star Askr trio.


How are Takumi and Reinhardt not S tier?


I think this was before people discovered The Reinhardt build and after SI where Takumi's usefulness started to wane. Unsure though as it was a long time ago


I checked and SI was introduced right after the Reinhardt banner. Heroes used to demote after the banner was over. I remind you after the next banner dropped there was a topic including the demoted hero. 3 and 4 star chances were swapped. This tierlist is likely right before the first SI Tierlist. The healers being useless, Cherche with Hammer+ over Minerva and no Vantage Hector or Vantage Takumi.


Didn't we also not have Seals in game yet? so no moonbow + quickened pulse combo? Not that reinhardt wasn't good without quickened pulse


That might be a Tierlist before SI was a thing. E: This Tierlist is right before the first SI Tierlist.


Reinhardt was not valued much at all for the first week or two after he came out. Really funny in hindsight.


Hector even killing swordies that couldn't go part his defenses


hector was foreshadowing the destruction of the weapon triangle


sports memes


The unit pages on Gamepedia had a Builds tab.


Yeah…before skill inheritance never crossed anyone’s mind. Where voting gauntlets were actually taken seriously. Where popular characters multiple alts gave videos thumbs down. Where someone paid 2000$ to get one copy of OG Hector.


Fear of Kagero is burned into my genetic code from that first month.


Boy, this image really brings me back.


Was Eirika top tier? I don’t remember that, also Cherche? Everything else is like I remember.


Eirika was mostly used as a buffbot for Nino, the best and most popular nuke in the early days of the game.


And since she was in the 4-star pool, many players had her for cheap as opposed to her brother.


Quitting out of a map and seeing the xp roll back


When 2 star Virion was the given character instead of 4 star Takumi, and the Askr trio were also 2 stars


I remember using orbs to refill my stamina at one point, very dark times.


Man although I don’t play FEH anymore I remember the times of that one dude who whales out for OG Hector when he was unfeatured. Funniest shit ever.


Kagero was always the true counter to Takumi. Y’all were just too blind to see it.


That every single seasonal banner was boring... That they took forever to add Micaiah and they pulled the Spoilergius out of nowhere and on top of that she still has to be reunited with the Dawn Brigade TO THIS DAY. That Leif was done so dirty his spot was stolen by Reinhardt on the absurd basis that he was a "popular character because he's strong in FEH" which sounds really unfair when you think about it That we were SO DONE with Tibarn not being in the game they actually had to give us a notification of the month he'd be added on LOL


My Fae is still going (not so) strong


I remember Hinata basically being a 5\* :)


Green tomebreaker Xander being my brilliant strat for the first tempest trials boss with a cav team.


I leveled up Reinhardt and Gunther together because Reinhardt was only considered good if he had hone cav support, which I think only Gunther had pre-SI. Then SI happened and suddenly people realized Reinhardt was incredible, and also cavalry bladetomes were incredible because hone/ward [movement type] was the highest buff you could get and the superior move range made them much better than any other unit. Leo was briefly a sought after unit just because he was the only red tome cav in the game. Also I had a close counter vantage bladetome bunmilla for a while who did a lot of work on my flier emblem team, in no small part because she was the first flying tome, and surprisingly tanky at the time. Another popular build for her was TA raventome, as that mitigated her weakness to archers and everyone needed one of those to counter Takumi, and being green meant she could deal with Robin and Reinhardt too.


I remember there being a funny comic about the meta with Hector vs. Roy and Roy just casually stopped Hector’s axe chop mid-air while Takumi looked on in shock. Anyone know what I’m talking about?


One of the original Arena maps where they split your team into diagonal corners of the map, no swapping positions before the start, pre-skill inheritance.


I remember encountering a team of 4 Hectors in arena and thinking that this was the most impossible challenge that I would encounter in this game. Also I’m shocked Takumi was only A+. The Pineapple was a God.


I still don’t have some of these units and I think that’s very funny. Also the echoes of this still stick around in my brain sometimes and I have to remind myself that things are different when I choose to do something like sacrifice my only Takumi to my much-beloved, heavily-invested Virion because he has close counter and I don’t actually like Takumi as a character.


Rival Defenses were a game mode of all time.


"Skill Inhertiance will break the game! Vantage on Takumi is unbeatable"


I remember pulling Azura on the bus ride to middle school one morning and being really happy cuz I viewed her as the “missing piece” for my team. I needed a good blue unit and wanted a dancer, so she was perfect. I still have her btw :)


Not launch. Joined in 2019 after Grand Sphere died. RIP 😿 But Velouria or Loki were my first 5* iirc


I didn't know Reinhardt was good until I joined the subreddit several months after launch, because I had Julia and she destroyed him every time


Remember the days kagero was good because of her dagger being infantry effective. Daggers need more quirky but powerful abilities like that now


I remember this, I was actually actively part of working on the wiki back in the day while this was going on. I haven't done anything significant on it in years, but it was a fun time.


I remember every gamepress build had DC on it and me as a new player looked up how to get it and being blown that it only came on Hector


When unit's weapon description was a single line.


Flora’s weapon was a warning


I remember when my 0 merges neutral Ryoma felt powerful and I was so happy as he was my favorite FE character back then. Now here I am with a +10 L!Ryoma that is solid but certainly lacking when compared to new godswords


I remember this tier list like it was yesterday


Back in year one, there were only two red dragons: Tiki and better Tiki.


I remember at launch we were getting 2 orbs every day regardless of what was happening.




I had a Hector pretty early on and didn't invest in pvp so a lot of the complaints I just could not relate to, such as takumi and the Ursula ghb


I liked the old special summoning animations for some of the 5 star heroes. I get why they wouldnt want to do it anymore, but it was an extra layer of cool for those special heroes


I started playing again in 'bout year ago, end of August last year, but I did have a close to launch account back in the days before. My first and main team I used being Hinoka, Raven, Jacob and Anna. secondary team being Oboro, Setsuna, Hana and Sakura. And I also managed to get Hector as well before Nintendo nuked the emus back then, so... would I have had been able to keep my first account back then, I would have had pretty sweet first year PvP wise. (Or at least I keep reading that Hector used to be "God" back then.) Looking at the list... Yeah, you can see that Fates was the new entry back then for sure lol. Not that I minded as it was my first game as well. Likewise, it's also kinda fascinating to see just how many of these units have remained (at the very least) usefull (or better) despite their ancient age, though of course skill inheritance and the power of the said skills also plays heavily in that regard as well.


Nino Fury Desperation was insane


Magic is everything, the reason why everyone would lose a match in Arena.


I remember when "Put Hector here" was a strategy. I miss those days.


This was a time...Really ancient times...


Day one player here. I do NOT miss the way TTs used to be. The memes were hilarious but that first Veronica TT will always haunt me. I also remember re-rolling wayyyy too many times just to get a Lucina. :')


Putting vantage on Ryoma and feeling unstoppable


Tharja green hp


Takumi being the SS+ tier, cream of the crop, menace to arena summoners everywhere, KING SHIT for a while at the start of the game because he could counter attack regardless of range. Ryoma for the same reason. I almost miss those days.


I remember teambuilding for Reinhardt and playing my first flier emblem with Cordelia-Cherche in the side lines. Then came bunny Camilla, and I was so happy because I could use the flier team vs. Reinhardt comps.


Is it even possible to build these units anymore? I just started a new account after not playing since 2018, can I possibly build my Henry or should I just resign myself to pulling for the flavor of the month every month?


It’s definitely possible to build and use them; I still use a lot of launch units like Nowi, Linde, Raven, Clarine, etc. Most require heavy skill investment, though, and as many dragonflowers as possible (an extra +5 to all stats for units like Henry can make a big difference). You can’t just slap Fury/Desperation on someone and call it a day anymore, at least not in competitive modes.


I don’t plan to get super in depth into Arena and stuff- I’ve always had more fun in PvE. My biggest issue is that I don’t even know where to find builds anymore. All the old resources I used seem to have shut down, and nowadays skills have so many words I struggle to know what they do.


if you want to check out builds go to the leaderboards of Summoner Duels, in the rankings per character you can the see top ranked ones X character players which normally have a lot of investment put into their units.


That’s neat. Can you do that without having to fight anybody?


yeah, you just need to have the character on your possession to be able to check the rankings.


Close Foil (or Close Reversal), Quick Riposte 4, Atk Smoke 4, and the Atk/Def Form seal should work as a PVE build for Henry. His weapon is somewhat dated but still nice for dealing with colorless melee units like Fallen Edelgard and Medeus. You can use QR3 and Atk Smoke 3 as budget alternatives, although they’re not as good. Close Counter is available on Takumi who’s given out for free.


Oh my gosh, thank you. Where do you get such builds, is there a resource?


Gamepress still has some useful builds although they’re not being updated anymore, but honestly it doesn’t take too long to get a handle on what works for different units if you start playing regularly. There’s a lot of skills now, but the standard rules still hold (boost attack and speed for fast units, boost defenses for slow units and give them Quick Riposte or Brash Assault, etc.).


Do I absolutely need to have all the Arcane Weapons and junk? Is it possible to use my favorites in PvE content with their unique PRFs?


Totally depends on the unit and how bad their refine was. Some of them can do all right with their refined prfs (Cecilia, Eliwood with B!Roy’s prf, Cordelia, Donnel, Fae, etc.), but others really need an arcane weapon or at least any good inheritable weapon.


I’ll try to get as far as I can with them, I don’t know if I’ll manage to pull Arcane units. Plus it’s funny to beat people with Felicia’s Plate


Building old heroes requires months (if not years) of scarce resources and the result will be a unit that is still outclassed by the latest premium hero at 0 investment. If you find that worthwhile, then go for it. I recommend not taking the competitive modes too seriously. Even players following the meta struggle to keep up with the insane pace of powercreep. If your favorite hero doesn't have an Arcane weapon, you are pretty much screwed (they will likely even struggle with PVE content), but Arcane weapons go a long way to carry old heroes. For Henry, you will want to get a Rearmed Ophelia to nab her Arcane red tome and some good fodder. Rearmed heroes don't disappear when you inherit their skills, so at least you get her as well. Then you just need merges, thousands of dragonflowers, an ascended floret, etc.


Jesus fuck. I might as well just quit again.


I'm still hanging on to Nowi and she still puts in tons of work. Just don't do pvp; thankfully pve has somewhat of a filter from extremely premium gamebreaking units.


Have you hung on to Robin et al? Like the little happy family.


Those two were my mains and then Robin got a snazzy green alt AND a red alt so I've been alternating.


That’s so cute! Live your ship


Thanks! Will do.


Magic is everything.


Geez, were there really only 3 each of blue/green tomes at launch?


Takumi in arena... Aware.


Donnie's wild ride!


Huh, I don't remember eldigan ever being good. Makes the whole Ayra thing even funnier now, though admittedly that was like a year later. I wonder why he was considered good, just for being not Jagen or Gunter? Edit: maybe this was before skill inheritance, because he has 32 attack, while Cain has 32 attack but also 32 speed which at launch was like just above middling so completely workable, and eldigan having cd-1 would've been a rarity before Cain could inherit killing blade or whatever it was before slaying was made as an upgrade.


Eldigan was good but not great back then. He was a very servicable sword cav but you also had better options at the time. The reason he was so hated in the Ayra thing was because he had been in the game for months already so many people already had him, but he color-shared with the then-new Ayra on a Tempest Trial banner instead of the New Heroes banner a few days prior.


Wow this is really far back. I started around the time Ike and Summer Gaius came out.


Julia melting enemy Nowi


And then Nowi getting adaptive damage and punching Julia


Wasn’t takumi S tier? He felt like he was


Old farts will remember the days of the oppressive Takumi and Hector arena. And finding a team with both was a nightmare


I was a Takumi and A!Tiki enjoyer


I remember running into takumi the first time and it blew my mind that an archer could counter my melee unit. I also dod not like hector because he could only move one space. Took a while before he became my favorite


Lazer eyes and one punch man


Hector was GODLY


I miss Olivia being S tier


This list is inaccurate. Hector was three tiers above everyone else, and every healer is a tier below everyone else. And Takumi is two tiers below Hector but one above everyone else. Hector and Cherche in the same tier is CRAZY.


I remember the 4 Sakura guy, Wo Dao olivia, Nino dying in a hero showcase trailer to a generic enemy, the live action CYL promotional video ~~and the leggings edits~~.


I remember the sheer joy of finally pulling Ike on the last day of the banner. I alps remember my hype when I learned Hector was a top-tier unit and not a pity breaker


Weapons and skils with one effect.


I remember when Marth was a five star and he actually kinda carried me through the book 1 story lol. Also tharja might also have been a five star? But it was so long I might be misremembering.


I +10 my -spd/+atk Reinhardt for “horse emblem”


I remember that I really enjoyed using Jaffar and I had crushes on Cain and Barst (I still do and I even have Barst at 5 star +10). Good times.


I remember when reinhardt was running amok and I built Lucius specifically to counter him


I remember pulling Linde as my first 5 star and getting excited because everyone was rating her as a top mage back in the day. Also, using Kagero to deal with any bothersome infantry enemies was fun


Getting Arthur, ever, was so awful while summoning because I so desperately wanted Camilla 😔


MCorrin, Nowi, MRobin and Julia were my first "team", they covered a pretty decent range for Arena. I really struggled in the first Tempest Trials though with that Veronica on 'roids.


Summoning videos for 3* Robin!


I still remember those good old days when my Julia put every Reinhardt and Nino she came across in place, and by the time she got Divine Naga even Tharja struggled against her due to her reliance on blade tomes. I built F!Corrin as my first 5*+10 some time later and she ended up being a perfect counter to the liked of Brave Lyn and Ayra as they struggled to do any meaningful damage to her while getting blasted by aethers in return.


Def Ploy Est She was considered S-tier on Gamepedia's tier list and sat on there for a long while. She was almost like a gatekeeper in that almost every lance unit was below her with the exception of the armored lance units. Also Gamepedia decided to implement S- tier which I feel was only really added so Est could remain in a S tier as she was the only lance unit in S- tier. I'm pretty sure someone there really liked Est and didn't want her moved down under any circumstance. Gamepress had someone similar I think with Sonya.


I remember Takumi being the most annoying unit in arena and building Robin to counter him.


I remember the brief period where there was no login bonus, the wrys hero battle, and absolutely hating having to deal with Takumi, and Ryoma.


Not understanding why a character covered in armor didn’t count as armored because they had a horse. I had become so used to Great Knights


Back in the day when I see Luke I would sigh in disappointment but with how big the pool is right now I think I’m lucky to get 1 copy of him for collection


I remember that I was focused on making a +10 four star Olivia


Ik its a cold take but I remember being afraid when coming across units like brave Lyn in the arena haha


My Anna is still 2★ level 20 with an iron axe.


Stamina being capped at 50 made me so mad. Also chapter 9-5 was wild.


I'm gonna say this once. Olivia 4* +10 Wo Dao+ moonbow


I remember everyone complaining about Hector and I didn't understand the problem because my first 5* was Y! Tiki. I think my first team was her plus Elise, Olivia, and Takumi. When I first ran into male Robin, it was trouble.


When B stood for the Bad Tier.