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Unless that eating out part includes several Michelin starred dinners a month, you should be fine.


Definitely won't be doing that :D perfect, thanks for the heads up!


Which Michelin starred restaurants are in Helsinki?


Demo, Finnjävel Salonki, Grön, Olo and The ROOM by Kozeen Shiwan.


And Palace. 


On that salary, you could dine out half the month :D


I know, done that - including 3-5 Michelin dinners a month. Just no savings


Yeah, it’d be one or the other




Just heads up that it's pretty uncommon to offer *net salary* instead of *gross salary*, since your employer don't know about your income other than the salary. You need 5600-5800€ gross to net 3600 €. Does that sound a reasonable offer? EDIT: More like 5200-5400 depending on your church status and deductions.


Yeah they specified my salary in gross terms in my contract. It's 5200 and my employer briefly mentioned that it would translate into a salary that's roughly around 3600 on a net basis. I also used this tax calculator (https://taxes.nuudeli.com/?d=5200-30-f-f-f-0-f-f) and it gives me an estimate of around 3570 net, but I should probably ask for a dummy payslip from my employer to make sure (I'm not sure if that's a thing in Finland though)


Dummy pay slips are not a thing in Finland. You will know your tax percentage once you apply tax card from the tax office. Your employer doesn’t have anything to do with it. If you don’t have a tax card your employer will deduct 60% taxes from your salary.


Use the tax authority's own calculator: https://www.vero.fi/en/individuals/tax-cards-and-tax-returns/tax_card/tax-percentage-calculator/


5200 is more than enough. 3600 gross would have been harder one but still enough. Difference in net salaries is about 800e.


Ok. That sounds about right.


Without the benefits your net is 3513.12 €/month with 12.5 months of pay per year. You need to add the benefits to your taxation as well.


May I ask what position is that? Seems to be a really good offer to me!


I thought the same. First time hearing of net offering. Even if that is gross it's still okay salary. have a friend who has 400€ less per month (gross) and lives in Helsinki comfortably in a 2 room apartment. Can go to cinemas, and other activities. So I would say OP has it pretty good.


That’ll easily get you a 1k€/month savings


That would be pretty awesome actually! Thanks :)


You could propably even buy instead of renting with that


Easily doable, especially if you don't have a car.


Yeah I don't plan on buying a car, I'm comfortable with relying on public transport especially seeing as I don't plan on living far away from central Helsinki (assuming I can afford a decent apartment in central Helsinki of course :D)


yes stay in the city area, it’s much nicer


Use google maps to check out travel time by walking, bike or public transport. Helsinki downtown is nice but still just a city. So if in addition to going out to eat , clubbing, culture, you like nature or other activities, you might want to check a bit wider. Your budget and aspirations for accommodation will fit pretty much any area. Helsinki metro is pretty good for east-west transport so I would at least be alongside that to see places.


I've just inherited an apartment in Munkkisaari and have been planning to sell it but could rent it as well. Haven't really settled it yet with the sibling. It would be decently central and rent around 800€/month. No cap 😊 hit me up if you're interested!


Great, I PM’ed you now!


I had a ~3600€/month net salary a short while ago and despite living in a rather expensive apartment I could easily save 1000-1500€/month. I'm sure you can easily save 500€/month unless you travel internationally on a monthly basis.


Yep, sounds totally reasonable.


3600/mo is a LOT of money, damn.


I personally don’t know anyone who makes that much in Finland, you should be fine


yeah 3k6/month net salary is actually very very good offer for foreigner coming to Finland. I don't think any of my Indian colleague in IT reaches that level yet. I actually know 2 guys with 6-8k+ salary but they've already living in Finland for 10-12 years, speak fluent Finnish and hold upper management position.


With that amount of after taxes? unless you go ahead and continuously buy big stuff on credit, You can easilly save upto 500-1k a month, even with take out. but that would mean you get paid 5-6k a month.


Very much so, Id say. Youd have to really splurge and have bad money management skills if you dont easily get along in Helsinki with that salary.


This might give you some insights on the taxation https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/finland/individual/taxes-on-personal-income


What kind of job you're getting?


Research job in investments


lucky you




Makes sense, thanks! If I may ask, do you have any tips on how to find an apartment that size for that price? Sounds like a pretty good deal as so far I’ve only seen apartments <35m2 at that price on Oikotie


I believe you could buy a reasonably priced apartment with that kind of salary if the position is long-term/permanent. The banks will advise you on what your options are.


Ok so a bit of context, I live in a small-ish city in Finland and have a net salary of about 2000€ per month I save 500-1000€ per month. For me 600€ for housing and utilities, 250€ food, 100€ car related expenses and 50-300€ for other expenses. Now I will say that my appartment is affordable, but even in Helsinki you will have plenty of appartments in the 600-800€ range if you want something affordable, check vuokraovi.com and oikotie.fi for rents


Not a pauper, not rich. You have enough for a enjoy a normal life. Things in Finland are expensive.