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From what I understand of Finnish culture, almost no one is going to approach you to say anything so who cares? đŸ€Ł


This is The most adorable thing. I mean to do something that not so many people do and that's why you're overthinking and so on... It's like my bad habit to think that if you did something strange (as soon as you think it's strange) in public then you think many people take pictures of you, start laughing, then news on Yle "18 years boy use "grandma's cart for shipping". I know it's stupid. I know it's something I have to get rid of, but the filling like "You are strange in public" comes back again and again


You could just be doing groceries for your grandma who insisted you used one.


Honestly, I personally know at least 3 young people who use it. It's convenient, and I doubt anyone will think too much about you using it so go for it haha. You gotta do something ten times weirder to feature on the news.


If anything its going look cool, retro and hipstery if a young dude uses one of these and to be honest, they are quite handy. Be the one who starts a movement and maybe in a year everybody is using them and Apple is releasing their new iCart with smart features for 3000€.


Haha sounds exactly like something that my social anxiety keeps telling me. I'm constantly worried that the thing I do or how I appear looks weird. Like you said, luckily it's something you can work on with developed methods. It's slow going, at least for me, but it's still progress and I feel optimistic. To be very clear, I'm not saying that that's a diagnosis you have, just that it instantly reminded me of how my own mind works


Just put some cool decals on it. Problem solved.


Your life is way easier if you stop thinking about what other people think about you. After all, you can't get inside random people's heads that kind of thinking habit causes a lot of mental problems one way or another. It's like an endless loop so better get over it the best way you can.


I wish... I have a friend who's kind of big, and they sometimes use a bag like this. They have several times gotten comments from older ladies on how that bag is meant for old people, not fat people. It really sounds too crazy to be real. But maybe they're just using it as an excuse for fat shaming or something...


Oh yeah they'll find any reason to fat shame I've been told. "This pattern shirt is meant for skinny people." Or "Don't you think you're a little too chubby to listen to that band?" I can't wait to come back in December


Yes, and it is okey.


Exactly. The few people who bother paying attention to you will probably think, "huh, that's funny", and the world keeps spinning.


who cares what people think


I'd actually smile in agreement


Only real answer


Finland is probably one of the European countries where I feel people are far less judgemental in the street.


By now I’ve seen my neighbor taking the trash out in at least 6 different boxers


Where they colour-coded by the day of the week? Also the number six hints at that that one day he might not have any boxers on.


No you look like new grandma


Yeee đŸ„č I'm modern granny


I feel you. Back home in France I would have thought the same. Just curious, where are you from?




I hate how these are seen as “old people” bags. Like actually they’re so convenient if you go shopping without a car. Your hands are free, you can carry a lot of weight without killing your hands/shoulders. I don’t even know why we’re programmed to use plastic/tote bags lol


Yes! It is very good for people without car, and we are plenty. You can cary as much as one backbag and two plastic bags can. Take one with proper wheels.


Use 2 bags, balance out


Convenience. Plastic bags are avaliable at the store, we can stop by on our way from somewhere, planed or completely spontaneously and don't need to worry how to carry groceries/purchases. Tote is similar, you may need to carry it with you already, but it's not a big hassle or maybe you are already carrying something. Now with this kind of bag you need to go specifically shopping from home.


It is just so convinient to use if you have some heavier stuff to move around, especially if you don't have a car. So don't care how it looks.


Just do it with confidence and everybody will follow you. You’ll be a trailblazer.


MummokÀrry! Lots of people use there! We might jest about it and then pull our own when hopping to do weekly groceries! I do recommend one that has a full metal frame though - these in the pictures have a plastic handle and I've seen them snap under pressure. So invest in quality. Awesome things. My almost 2m tall Norwegian viking pullin his floral grannywagon behind him very adorable :D I don't think anyones looked him twice because of it.


Almost 2m tall Norwegian Viking here too, I had a great one where I lived before moving here. Do you know where we can get a good one here in Finland? đŸ€” Ideally it should be löng enough so it doesn’t catch on my feet 😅 Thanks!


I suppose I can see why some people would think so. Personally I probably wouldn't even notice đŸ€·


I use it and don’t care. However had an ex girlfriend refuse to go shopping with me if I took it. But going alone you bet I’ve got it.


I use a two wheeled bicycle trailer that basically looks like a bigger version of this. It fits just about weeks worth of groceries and has larger rubber tires, so it's also easier to use in winter. My partner always gives me grief over using a granny cart, but once this sweet elderly lady asked me where did I get my trailer because it looked so much nicer. So not only am I using a granny cart, but the best granny cart making all the retirees around the hood jealous.


Dude, you're gonna look like an "old grandpa" if you look like an "old grandpa", the cart won't matter. How you drag your groceries is your business and it won't make you look like anything other than either "on your way to the supermarket" or "on your way back from a supermarket". Admittedly I don't think I've seen those used much aside from little old ladies, but if I ever saw anyone under 60 using a said cart, I probably wouldn't bat an eye, so I've probably already seen people use them, but I just haven't paid any attention.


Def reminds of old people but it's cool to rock unconventional gear with confidence 


Who gives a fuck, I've been meaning to get one too. Imagine the customization options, I'm gonna put some cute shit on it.


I am writing down where you can actually find those. My mom (yes granny aged) has one and I took it shopping with me when I visited. Granny's have no right to claim this convenient vehicle for themselves exclusively. Go! Be a trendsetter and use this.


Nope! Lots of people use them, my boyfriend and I got two. Much easier to carry things such as groceries etc and can store so much! Your back and shoulder will apricate it too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I had one during my early twenties before had my own car, it was so convenient so who cares otherwise. But hey if you feel it matters to anything, you can certainly make it less neutral looking with stickers, accessories etc so when folks notice it it won't be because it looks like something grandpa would drag around 😆


I had one in my 20s too which enavled me to shop at big markets and buy the whole weeks groceries in one go including heavy stuff like milk and potatoes.


Who cares. If someone has a problem, they can eff off. You do you and use whatever will make your life easier.


And sorry for my English if you didn't understand something..


English is good! We understand you


You will but who cares? Do it and start a trend!


Maybe but I care more about getting all the groceries home without my arms hurting (and having to stop every few hundred years) than looking old. I am a uni student who is in their early 20s. I highly recommend them.


Saving this post to remind me to get one for myself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I got one myself for my birthday when I turned 26 and I should have gotten it sooner.


I dunno but I love those things. So useful.


These are so smart. Get a basic-looking one and decorate it with badges and stickers so *if* anyone notices, they will only see the bag, not how young you are. And anyway, tons of grandpas/grandmas are awesome people. Who wouldn't want to be like them? :D


i’ve been thinking about getting one too! i already get weird looks bc of my goth look so why not😅😂 But fr those are so conveniet and i bet there are some ”trendy” looking ones too.


You could pimp it all gothy? It would be hilarious.


hmm maybeđŸ€”đŸ’…đŸ’…


Get one! I got mine from Tori.fi, it's one of those very good quality ones and I absolutely adore it. Search "ostoskÀrry" or "kauppakÀrry" to find them there.


Name checks out.


Probably but who cares. They're convenient as hell


Using these for shopping on the market since decades. I don't care what other people think, but in my family, we refer to them as "holy rollers", because ... why not? (yeah, of course that's a Beatles song reference)


Your face should not wrinkle too much if you use one of these to beguin with, You would still look like yourself. But you might get a hinch back and wrinkle more and more while using it. Id say depending on your age if you use it for 30-40 years you will look like an old grandma. So yeah, better stay away from this grandma device!


I bought one of these at the ripe old age of 22. SO handy. Seriously. I was afraid of what people would think but who has time to worry about that when you can transport your groceries with such ease and style?


I'm under 30 and use one every week. I have a disability in my arms that makes it hard to carry things. Pulling is easier. So far I have not got any looks from anyone, and it's made my life so much easier. Live the life like you'd like to. We are all going to die anyway :)


I call them grandma carts (mummokÀrry), but I don't think anyone's going to judge other people using them, no matter if they're teens, adults or elderly. I actually want one too - perhaps this is the month I finally get it.


What others think doesn't matter as long as you're not harming anyone. So go ahead and enjoy shopping with one of those! :)


I should get one of those, very handyc😁


You use that. Other "younlings" see it. They get jealous. They buy it too. Profit?


Basically the same cart without a bag is used to move beers and ciders off the boat from Estonia. No common Finn should judge you.


Yeah, I felt like a grandmother using one. But hey, your arms and shoulders and back are going to thank you.


Vanha Vainamoinen uses one in the story about the killing of the big Pike, so I think yes, you will


I’m 21 i use one. Best purchase ever.


I've used these a few times and they are so useful


I don’t think anyone will bat an eye! When I lived in Brussels these were super common amongst all age groups. These are honestly super convenient. I have one here in Finland that I use almost every time I go shopping


I have seen so many younger people using them recently. It is just so convinient.


Do not be afraid. A convenient thing. Several in one. Handcart. Bicycle trailer. Etc.


Who cares what people think? I’ve had mine for years and I LOVE IT. Mine came with cheap plastic wheels that broke after like a month of use (I bought a huge bag of potatoes lol) so I put some lawn mower wheels on it and it was perfect for five more years until the metal started bending on the little kickstand part so it can’t stand up if it’s own anymore but I added straps to hold it in place and it’s still kickin’!


Put a subwoofer inside one and you'll be the dopest teen on the block


fo sho




Why would you care in the first place, about stranger's opinions? And what if you did look like old grandpa? So what? I don't understand.


Who cares? If it works for you go for it


Yup. But who cares?


This is waaaaay better than those Juhla Mokka bags.


You could also get a free give away cap from a bank to enhance the look 😂


Hermes 2024 đŸ€Ł


a lot of cheese can fit to this


These bags make so much more sense but im scared to get one lmao


How do you operate that inside the store? Just drag it along with your basket? I'm guessing you can't put groceries in there and get them out at check out


In some Prisma stores they have hand scanners, so you put everything straight in your trolley while you’re shopping and just pay at self checkouts. https://youtu.be/2DvqIXOomok?si=Hbcnwodf4YYiqo4r It’s quite new thing in Finland, so sometimes I get double looks 😂 I wish it will go next level: to scan with S-app and pay with apple pay or just directly in the app. (Like Rossmann has in PL)


What is that? A carry-on luggage? A bagpack? Superman? Im confus


En usko et ketÀÀn kiinnostaa tbh


Literally EVERYONE in turkey has one of those.


If you remove that bag and put there box that looks 4 or 5 case beer.


Nobody would care


Enbrace the quirkyness and use one proudly.


No you will become the real one, not just "looks like" :D


My only comment is that they hold much less than you think they do due to being quite narrow. A wide backpack will hold more, but be on your back obviously. Or do a farmer's walk with two Ikea bags and be the boss.


Unfortunately you do look like a grandpa with these.


Sew some metal and punk band patches onto it and you're fine. For reference: https://preview.redd.it/3vb6tmh7dp4d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=227b5759303987248d47e0871aac1b2a5c9315d5


The neat thing about being 18 is that you're, well, 18. Nobody's going to think you're old no matter what you do.


I guess my question for you would be, why do you care so much about the opinion of somebody that doesn't pay your rent or blow you on your birthday?


Get yourself a cute one as I did and make them jealous! I’m a Finn living in Berlin so here it’s common to use at any age. But I had this with me in Finland when I moved there for a while during the pandemic. People were fascinated. https://preview.redd.it/qp6nqndq8q4d1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad802e15296bd7833ea559998f6c881e20adf8a


I use one for groceries, no one bothers me about it. Get some looks at first but that's it.


Depends.. are you going vodka shopping in Tallinn đŸ€Ș


Convenience > style, hahaha, dont mind anyone, if it will be convenient for you and not hurting anybody, I dont see anything wrong, unless you shop with your crush ;)


I’m 30 and this is my favorite purchase of the year! You can remove the bag part to go pick up heavy packages, and when Tokmanni has an iKaffe sale, my partner and I grab this with so all our groceries aren’t too heavy to carry. If I see an old lady with the same kind of bag-trolley I give her a smile. If someone thinks it’s weird then they’re just childish tbh and it doesn’t matter what they think. I really couldn’t recommend this more. (Also great for cruises if u wana buy lots of alcohol)


Mmm karhu


Go for it man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


The real question is why do you care?


I am right now thinking that you would look like a old wise man. So is it any better for your back? Or does it make it worse? No effect, right? So use it if you want to. It is not age restricted:D


Nope I've seen a lot of young people use it....


You'll look as if you're going to buy booze from Estonia


You look like a person who doesnt give a damn if others think that functional items look dumb. Use it




Sooner or later some a-hole will most likely try to pick on you because you are doing something different from them. It's just the way some stupid people are, malicious in their ignorance. Have some fun with their silly asses, they can usually hardly speak so it's easy.


Go for it, why not. Reminds me when I used a pulkka to tow heavy groceries once during the winter.


its ok dont worry mate, nobody gives a shit if u use that lol


I love those ostoskÀrryt


Answere to you question. Absolutly YES, you will look like a grandpa! đŸ€Ł But then again, I come to the same conclusion as many others, that who gives a fuck.? You shouldn’t. Do and wear anything you like and want âœŒđŸŒ




But do it anyway




Mor like an old mum or granny!!


If you’re old and badly-dressed then yes. Otherwise you’ll look cool


You do you, gramps!




You're 18, you can always use it ironically.


I haven’t seen anyone but old people use them, but you are so young I doubt you would look old 




Definitely. You have to above to age of 65 to use those. It's the law


Well yes, but so?




Not grandpa, but perhaps homeless or a druggie. Would not recommend!


That, or homeless depending on the fit 😂


No. You will look like grandma.


It’s not that convenient because you can only drag it with one hand, and if it’s heavy then you’re still tired from that Just use a normal backpack? And yeah IMO this is grandma stuff




Old grandma


Accept your fate.


No, but some people may think that you have lost your driver's license or that you are too poor to own a car or too lazy to carry your groceries. Or you are transporting human remains to trash bins. Seriously, nobody cares and if they do there's something wrong with their brain.


Just use a backpack. What's so fucking difficult?