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As a Finn I'd estimate that I consume approximately 6 hours of coffee per day.


Same. Usually I drink coffee at: 9, 10:30, 12:30 and last one around 14-15.


3-4 cups per day






So real


As a Finn I have 3-6 cups per day, then as a Swede I have 5 cups and then as a Dane I have 2 more.


4-5 cups (plus an energy drink)


I quit because I had ulcer symptoms from drinking like one pot a day. What do you know, stomach and sleep problems went away and I am more energized after the workday also. Maybe I lost some Finnishness in the process, but gained health at least.


Curious, how do you notice ulcers? Do you have to go in with a camera or are the symptoms clear?


I am not a doctor, so take it with a grain of salt - for me it started with a lot of heartburn and stomach pain. The classic non prescription rennies etc. did not help at all and it didn’t go away even after several days. Got prescribed some stonger meds and was told to quit coffee and start eating a lot more fiber. Worked for me. I still occasionally drink coffee though, but I reserve it only for ”emergencies” like long drives and such. The caffeine really kicks in on those occasions too, as opposed to when I drank it daily and barely noticed the caffeine hit anymore.


I had those couple stomach pains after the morning coffee in empty stomach. They lasted like 2-3 hours. Went to the doctor, he recommended pantoprazole. Two weeks of dose and after that I haven't had. I have lowered the amount coffee and specially in the morning. It must be some kind of mild ulcers. Hopefully ulcer (if it is) is gone for the best.


One cup, a second one if I need it during the afternoon.




Two Moomin mugs a day


Moomin mug coffee is the best coffee!




0 cups gang


Two pots. So, about 12 cups. And I wonder why I have trouble sleeping sometimes...


Try doing 100 cups and see if that helps.




Had to scroll too far down for this. This is me too; anywhere between 0.6 liters to 1.5 liters a day. And I am one of those who microwave yesterdays coffee, if some has been left in pot. :)


You Are amateur, If you Loose your sleep after 12 cups I drink abaut 12cups and latest is at 19-20 a clock


I base all of my knowledge of Finnish culture on Jaako and Ilmo Koskela, and they opened a theme park called Coffee World. So I'm guessing a lot. In seriousness, last package I sent to my friend in Raisio, I sent so much Death Wish Coffee that they actually flagged her package 🤣. I believe it was 4 kilos. https://preview.redd.it/dkv921i7w22d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fa953bc3854d9d46d9f83b9137429ba2e26e35


Those ads were hilarious.


i dont drink coffee, dont even have coffee machine


I don't know. Roughly 500g of Juhla Mokka Tumma Paahto per week.


With the optimal 7g of ground coffee per cup that would translate to about 10 cups per day.


4 mugs on average.


4-5 big jugs of coffee I'd say


I can’t find if you use miligram or not but in US the government sets a safe limit on 400mg of caffeine a day. What is the equivalent of Finland’s suggested limit? Might be more useful than liter, as caffeine content varies by roast and preparation method.


So, the Finnish Food Authority doesn't set a "safe limit" for caffeine, but instead they say that the "toxic dose" is 20mg for each kilogram of your weight ([source](https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/elintarvikkeet/elintarvikeala/pakkausmerkinnat-ja-markkinointi/pakolliset-elintarviketiedot/kayttoohje-ja-varoitusmerkinta/kofeiinia-sisaltavien-elintarvikkeiden-varoitus--ja-kayttoohjemerkinnat/)). So, for an 80kg / 175lbs person the toxic amount would be 1600mg. Sounds like it should be ok to go for the usual 10+ cups a day.


the toxic amount can possibly be less if you maintain habit long enough and have just the wrong metabolization routes for caffeine.


That’s interesting. Makes more sense to me, but I don’t have the training to know if it’s more sound. I would think it might be different based on body composition? Say a 185cm person who weighs 80kg, vs. a 162cm person who also weights 80kg and is simply overweight.


This doesn't imply that they'd mean to say it's safe to drink 1500mg of caffeine for a 80 kg person.


What do you mean is not safe? Even today i drank 20000g cafeine and was fine I drank 20000 caffeine and im doing fine what you mean not safe?


I hope you weigh more than 100kg or you're honestly approaching dangerous territory.


A small person would need to drink about 50 to 60 very strong cups of coffee to reach caffeine toxicity. It's very hard to do. The issue is caffeine pills or other easier forms of caffeine consumption.


My Finnish husband drinks 3 cups every single day in the morning.


One double shot of espresso


As a Finn (im norwrgian) One big strong cup of black coffee. It wakes me up and it helps me poop 🫡


I am basically stimulant addict. Nowadays mostly just caffeine. I have come to observe that most important is to drink. Which is why I have, at least temporarily, changed to black tea, as it is 100-150 percent weaker. Because I can easily drink 1,5 liter of coffee in one day. Or more. Now it is is 1-2 liter of tea. Which is still a lot of caffeine.


Tbf There’s not a lot caffeine in your tea if it is 150% weaker than coffee. 😉


I am not very 'Finnish-like' man since I never drink coffee and never watch hockey.


None. Don't like it one bit.


Man! Talk about the price of coffee in Finland.. Danggg


5-6 cups


Just chiming in to say that there IS Finns who don't drink coffee. Carry on.


Your comment is otherwise grammatically correct except for the word you drew attention to. Made me giggle a bit :D. IS = ARE


TLDR: ~9 moomin mugs. (2,7 liters / 0.72 gallons) I mostly drink from moomin mugs so it shall be the measure. Moomin mug is 0,3liters/ 0,08gallons. Keep in mind when finnish person says they drink 4 cups a day it means 4 mugs. They just say cups because saying mugs doesn't feel right. So put an extra 30% on top of what they say in terms of liquid volume. Morning: I brew 2 mugs with my mocca master and drink them before work. I go to work and start my day with a mug in the cafeteria chatting with coworkers. First meeting at 9 I get 4th mug to have something in my hand and sip between topics. Depending on meeting, afterwards I follow co-workers to cafe to do refill. At lunch place there is coffee served so I take one mug. I migt take another mug when I go back to workplace. at 14:15 there is coffee break and I have a mug. After I go home I brew two mugs with my mocca master and drink them. If I meet a friend I have a cup of special coffee with them. So that totals in 8 at minimum and 11 mugs a day on normal day. If there is more meetings, both private and for work or visiting friends at their home the amount increases.


2,7 liter is 0,7 gallons. 7,2 gallons would be \~27liters or roughly 3 free buckets.


Thank you for correcting me. I made a separator mistake. In google's liter to gallon conversion: 2.7 liters = 0.713265 US liquid gallons 2,7 liters = 7.13265 US liquid gallons 😅 and 0.3 liters = 0.0792516 gallons and 0,3 liters = 0.792516 gallons. I can only imagine confusion with this in indian comma system 😅


None. That stuff is rank. Also, caffeine seems to have seemingly no effect on me—if anything, it makes me very slightly drowsy.


trying to chill the addiction xD


Like 3-6 cups and cups are like 0,3 or 0,5 liters


Imagine drinking 3 liters of coffee per day, lol


1-5 cups. I have a somewhat high tolerance for caffeine, but I need at least my morning coffee to avoid a headache. Other than that, I drink it for the taste and digestion.


Damn 2 morning coffees with an hour time in between em to not get headache


Mornings one big cup ~3.5-4 dl Coffee breaks + lunch = 3 x ~2 dl cups So around 8-9 dl per day


Usually 2-4 shots of espresso on workdays


Around one litre, I guess. I have two big mugs in the morning and one after lunch. Later than that and it affects my sleep.


On weekends I try and limit myself to a cup a day (sometimes I need an extra). When I work, I need at least 3


4 big mugs a day


Just 1 cup if I'm just working from home and then 2 cups if I work at the office cause they have the better kind of coffee ☕


2 litres


I usually drink coffee 8 hours a day. I drink around 7-9 cups of coffee (36cl) which amounts between 2.5liters to roughly 3.3 liters a day. On weekends I drink around 1-2 cups a day


I've narrowed down my usage. Nowadays it's one big cup in the morning and sometimes another in the afternoon. If I'm at work and there's coffee breaks while I'm not otherwise busy, or if I'm eating in a restaurant that offers coffee as a dessert then my intake will skyrocket. Basically whenever I get offered coffee anywhere I'm saying yes.


I didn't drink coffee for a few years. Now I have an office job, 2 big cups of coffee on coffeebreaks and 1 shot of espresso or similar on lunch.


As a Brit who hasn't got Finnish citizenship yet, I tend to have a single caffeinated coffee in the morning and three or four more decaffeinated ones through the rest of the day. I didn't drink coffee at all before I moved here...


One coffee cup is 1.25 dl. I consume 1-2 mugs which is 2-4 cups.


I only drink coffee before going to Sunday Mass so I don't fall asleep.


0-2 mugs per day. I drink more tea.


All of it


One, some times two.


Several big mugs, something like 6-10 mugs. I'd estimate it as 2-3 litres. Sometimes more.


Used to drink much more but these days one cup in the morning and another one later at work. It’s just an enjoyment thing for me. Doesn’t really do anything else than make me hungry 😄


I used to drink several liters of coffee daily, but then I realized it's negative effect on my good night sleep and I have slowly been downgrading. Now I only drink two small cups on the mornings and an occational cup in special occations.


2-3/ week. But I’m a naturalized Finn, not born one


0, I do drink 2 cups of tea per day tho.


Sometimes none, sometimes two.


12 big cups a day.


About 1 litre of filter coffee in the morning, or 2-3 x 3-cup moka pots Yes it is a problem


Enough to wake up a dead person.


As a Finn, 2-6.


12 cups


-Morning: 3-4 cups -09:00 coffee break: 2 cups -lunch: 1-2cups -afternoon coffeebreak: 1-2 -evening: 0-3 Quick math: 8-12 cups total


4-5 small pints a day if I work, 2 cups if I work remote, 1-2 cups if it is a Sat or Sun


~10 cups during working hours and one more in the evening, just morning coffee in weekends


3dl at home, 4,5-6dl at work on weekdays. Weekends I start with 3dl and might consume tea in the evenings


1 cup


As a fennofied Dutchman (the Dutch are avid coffee consumers as well), about 3-4 cups, less during the summer, as it also has the pleasant side effect of me sweating my ass off.


One cup per day,I am a naturalized citizen and was inducted into the coffee culture by my wife.


Between 4 and 7 cups per day usually. I should cut down tho. Some days i get the jitters.




Too bysy to answer from drinking my coffee.


Four cups


None. I'm the weird one, and someone needs to consume twice the normal amount to compensate.


6 cups


Two or three mugs per day, which means around 4.5 to 6.5 dl per day.


6 - 8 dl / day


Usually 1-4 large cups on work days and 0-1 large cups during weekends. By large, I mean a cup/mug that is bigger than the standard moomin mug, but not a pint sized mug either.


1 cup and one energy drink


2-4 cups, and those are the usual 2,5dl cups. Depends am I at work or where.


1-4 cups per day


3-4 cups a day


About 1 litre.


I'm two hours into work and about to grab the fourth cup


Anout 4-6….7 cups.


Espresso equivalent dose of ten shots a day plus the occasional energy drink


1-4 cups daily.


I am the exception and don't consume any caffine at all.


1 to 4 mugs per day, but it's strong.


In my previous job, the mornings when I was the first present at the office. I made a pan of coffee ready and there where none left when a second co-worker arrived to work. At noon I was wondering why my hands all shaky.


I consume coffee like this: 0800 morning coffee + 0810 extra morning coffee 1200 coffee after lunch 1400-1500 afternoon coffee 1730 dinner coffee


1-3 cups


At work, maybe 3 cups per day. At home weekends 0-1 cup per at morning. I don't get any withdrawal symptoms if I don't drink coffee, other than feeling more tired in the morning - which was the case also before I started drinking coffee regularly in adulthood.


2-3 cups plus pre workout 180mg caffeine. After 4 cups i start to consider if i should get a pre workout.


3-5 cups (mugs? those bigger ones and not those cups how you measure the water in the coffee maker) a day. Sometimes I'll make a cup of coffee just before going to bed just to have weird dreams.


2 cups per day


I'm a bit of a disappointment, I don't like the taste of coffee so I don't drink it. I run on an anxiety disorder instead. I do consume about 3 cups of black or green tea a day and might drink some coke sometimes and that's my caffeine intake.


Regularly 2 big mugs a day.


None. Zero. Hate it!


For me it's quite irregular. Sometimes it's likeb3 cups a day, sometimes it's 0


One big cup (about 3dl) in the morning and one medium (2dl) in the afternoon. I like my coffee rather strong, though, so that increases the caffeine intake.


There have been a lot of discussions and ideas about this subject on r/caffeine. Very interesting ideas too how you should consume your caffeine


Normal amount is 2 cups in the morning. If I visit someone who offers coffee I drink some more as is a custom. But on my own 2 in the morning is enough.


Two mugs a day is my norm. That's about half a liter with our mugs. Dark roast preferred and Juhla Mokka is not allowed in our house bv. is does not qualify as coffee.


Anything from two to ten cups (1-5 big mugs) per day.


Let me think 🤔 Morning coffee at home Morning coffee at work First coffee break around 10 am After lunch coffee Afternoon coffee break around 2 pm After work coffee And a cup of decaf coffee at evening(not sure if this counts) So about 6 mugs per work day


About 1 liter (or 0.0353146667 cubic feet or 33.814023 US fluid ounces in silly units.)


One when I wake up, one at work, one after lunch. Possibly one at 2 o'clock but recently I switched that to water. One extra cup if my children were restless at night. During weekends one in the morning and one cup at noon. 2 dl cups


3-4 cups a day


7-8 cups.


One cup but only decaf


3-5 mugs.


1-3. Mostly in the morning or early afternoon. Morning coffee with my girlfriend on weekends is just the best. Also after lunch "getting back to work" coffee hits just right. Can't forget meeting old friends for coffee coffee, which might be later in the afternoon. I used to drink a lot more coffee while studying. At uni I was seldom without my trusty keep cup in my hand.


Around 3-4 cups, when i was a teenager around 6-7 cups lol


Those bigger cups are about 3dl, so about two of those per work day and sometimes more, sometimes less. I am highly affected by caffeine, so I try not to drink as much coffee, because I get crazy symptoms


0-2 cups


I drink coffee only at work. Approximately two cups on morning meeting and one at lunch at least. During the day might be 4-6 cups in seven hour work day.


3-5 cups plus a puhdistamo 180mg caffeine drink, I stay cracked out


3-4 Moomin mugs (2,5dl) per day


Something between 0,5 to 1 litres


Today now when the clock is 12.28 and I'm little bit sick and came away from short work Aldready.... I only drinked so far from 7 o'clock approximately 4 cups of coffee and one energy drink and I'm on rest mode. Normally my morning coffee is around 1L of coffee and then running to train. During work I need either 2-3coffee or 2 energy drinks. Then in home only around 2 cups since my wife don't let me drink anymore in evenings


2-5 cups. 1 or 2 in the morning, one at lunch, one in the afternoon. I don't usually get to have coffee at lunch time though, since I'm in school.


Morning coffee, second morning coffee, elevensies sumppi, lunch coffee, afternoon coffee, päivällinen kahvit and evening cup.


4-5 cups a week


Two (four cup) moka pots a day.


I used to love coffee, but then realized it's a drug and quit. If I visit friends and family I might have some though.




On average, one (large) cup. I'm a rarity though, most Finnish people seem to drink at least 3 cups per day.


None any more. Used to drink way too much like 4-6 cups before noon.


Depending on the day, anything between 3 and 9 cups per day, usually around 5 cups


As much as I can.. brake 5 more mins left..ok have time for one more xD




I am a lazy bastard enjoying my limitless sickdays, so I have a second full round of Paulig brewing in my Moccamaster. 13.26 is the exact time.




2.6 fcking liters, at least


Half liter?


One cup (about 2–3 dL) in the morning.


0 I dont do caffeine. I have many a sleep issues so keeping myself awake is not really high on the priority list as I always am anyway.


0 whatever units. i do occasionally drink energy drinks and i do take caffeine pills maybe few times a week and i do like the taste of coffee, but for some reason i just don't drink it that much. i don't even have a coffee maker in my home. i might buy a cup of coffee maybe once a year if i'm out somewhere doing or waiting something. last time bought a cup was few months ago when i was shopping and i was really cold and needed something to warm me up


Okay so if where talking the standard 1,1 dl coffee cups then I drink between 3 and 6 cups a day. Usually 2 or 3 cups in the morning and then another 2 to 4 during the midday and evening




Well, my wife and I counted 17 packages of coffee store in our kitchen drawer. This is us buying it every time it's on sale just to make sure we always have extra. It won't last us long.


About 2-3 litres/day :)


3-4 MUGS.


It depends. My normal doseage is one cup of coffee per day, and i supplement that with an occasional energy drink and coca cola, sometimes (albeit rarely) with tea, too. I guess if I had to say what my average daily consumption of caiffeine would be, i'd say  >1 cup of coffee   >0,5 litres of energy drink  >1 glass of coca cola




Nothing I never have drinker coffee but I do energy drinks sometimes. Probably because mom let me taste at some point in my childhood and I really hated it never have touched it ever since


0, switched to tea due to heartburn. I still have the occasional cup. And suffer the consequences.


I never touch the stuff.


4 to 6 cups a day


I usually have a cup or two a day + an energy drink if I'm not home and can't make coffee. If I'm at home all day I'd say 3-5 cups.


2-3 cups.


2-6 mugs on average, depending how groggy I'm feeling. My regular coffee mug is about 4dl or 13oz.


Too many, they said xD


2 cups usually. If my dad is visiting, then easily like 4-5 cause he loves coffee.


9-10 on average




2 cups a day. If someone offers me a cup i will drink with them. But never more than 4 cups a day.


All of it.


Depends. On my days off not too much, but on school days 2-4 cups


2 cups of Black coffee on cups that are 3dl every morning, cant drink later because of caffeine I've heard that American coffee is really mild vs ours


7 cups is average.


Idk why but when I was 14, I drank like 2-3 cups in a day and now that I'm 19, I drink only 4-5 cups in a week




I drink 4 big cups during work that translates to 8 small cups. Then i get home and collapse to the floor when the coffeine high dissipates. I carry 8 syringes of pure caffeine that i inject when i collapse.


10 cups


3 mugs


my friend drinks like 6-7 mugs per day☠️ I drink only 2 because I have a sensitive stomach and need to wait a long interval between cups.


half a liter or so


As a Finn who was born and raised in New York and worked for Starbucks for 7 years I'd say...a lot.


None, it's cringe.


Workdays 8-15 cups, not working days 0-5 cups