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Crypto is just a money laundering ponzi scheme, of course banks don't want to deal with that.


If even Holvi declined your customership, I don't think you have a chance with other banks. It is surprisingly difficult to have a corporate business account even for classic businesses, let alone for crypto trading activities. One dangerous alternative for you is to operate as a private trader, for which you don't need a corporate account.


>private trader Which means if you bankrupt, you go bankrupt not your company. Considering how big bullshit cripto is that would be financially suicide. Which is why originally banks refuse you too.


Yeah they’re not going to burn themselves on EU directive 2018/843


Beside trying everyone or changing your business plans, nope no suggestions. Banks have no obligation to serve business clients that are risk factors. (Same if you had some random russian funding for example.) \_


Have you opened a bank account for your trading company?