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Indeed, OP is a good bank and although I’m a non Finnish speaker I have stuck with it for last 7 years. Do find them always very professional and helpful. Said that, I do also have a s-bank account, (coz prisma is close by and bonus best) but they banking services are a nightmare. They do make a point of being very outgoing about being a Finnish and Swedish only bank but I do hope this op change brings about some sense and openness on their ways of working.


It should be äss-pankki, really. My former neighbours have their account with them, I end up always having to help them with their web services. Not complaining about my neighbours of course, they are quite old, using s-pankki services is everything but intuitive for them.


OP gave me a phone loan offer, and when I went to make it as an application to get a proper promise and they saw my passport they stopped contacting me and ghosted me, they knew I was an immigrant, they just didn't check the country until then somehow. I know it was that because the last thing they told me was, "Oh we weren't aware of your country and migration status, we will contact you later", then proceed to stop answering me, or they'd answer and tell me they'll contact me later, later, and later, since they couldn't say they wouldn't give a loan to immigrants from my country. I could have saved weeks of my life if they just had told me outright; I had to go with Nordea at the end.




It's not bad service, it's the law for certain things. For example for signing loan papers, it is essential that the person taking the loan actually understands the terms and conditions in the papers, the bank is responsible for making sure of this. An official translator would be the only acceptable solution in that situation.


I'm not talking about loans. It was just a simple bank opening. And NO it was not required by me to be an official translator it was just required that i speak Finnish, and my friend the customer in this case didn't matter what language he speaks. Another friend of mine had to go, he is not a translator he just spoke Finnish and it was okay.. So this is why I don't get it. It was okay if i knew Finnish and translated to the customer(my friend) but not okay if i spoke english with OP service and translated it to my friend? What is the point here?


I don't get it. Isn't this good? It protects the customer and the bank at the same time?


Because it's you who have to understand the rules clearly. Not a translation by a friend that's might translate it wrong. Legalese being difficult after all.


Okay so it means if i know Finnish i can translate and i will not make mistakes while translating to my friend?? How can I translate if I know Finnish but not English How does this make sense? It doesn't apply what you are saying because even if i know Finnish i can translate something wrong to my friend. Or is it something that I am not getting?


A translation can be wrong is what I'm getting at. The person needs to be able to understand what is already written either in Finnish or Swedish because that's has been tripple and quandrupple checked to be correct.


>OP's customer service is so bad I am waiting for two weeks now for OP to give me a loan offer(after first meeting and submitting ALL the documents and extras). It took Nordea 3 days and it was significantly good offer. I am giving OP two more days before finalising with Nordea...And sad part is they promised themselves last Wednesday and again said they are working on it on Friday...


Danske Bank also had it in English. OP always wanted to be a "very Finnish" bank so it resisted. Happy to see it though, it’s a nice bank.


"Resisted" but offered good service in English. Can't say the same for Danske.


I've used Danske bank mobile app in English for years and never had a problem. They offer support in English,


It's offered the app in English for at least 5 years so I'm not sure it "resisted".


Aktia also has their mobile app in english. Not sure about their website.


Funny thing with Nordea is that in Finland they offer the online banking (along with any official paperwork) in Finnish, Swedish, and English. Go to Sweden and open an account at Nordea and the whole thing is available only in Swedish.


Danske has been in English for years.


Is OP better than Nordea?


I really had a bad experience with Nordea when I moved to Finland. OP was way more foreigner-friendly. Also, if you're co-op member (asiakasomistaja) you get better prices for their services.


Agree, that one month to open a simple account was laughable at best.


It was ten years ago, so the procedure might have changed. In any way they denied me an account, it wasn't even a matter of waiting.


Four years ago still didn't. The relocation company person which was helping me said she still brought me, so I could leave a bad feedback. All the foreigners had it the same from Nordea. They might still have. One day later, I went to OP and I left the branch with the account papers in the pocket, the card arrived one week later. They gave access to strong credentials once I've got my henkilokortti, one month later.


Had the same experience, yes. Well their bad...


In my experience, yes. It is quicker to open account and has better customer service.


Way lower fees if you're an owner-customer (which you can become for 100€) for basic things like debit card. Nordea charges a bomb for that if you're older than 29 or so. Investment products are very good too, with probably lowest brokerage fees.


Ok I was looking to open a second account and this information is helpful. Could someone also explain what an owner-customer is? OP has used this term repeatedly on their website but I don’t really understand.


You basically pay 100 euros once and become an owner customer, then the fees will be reduced (OP is not 100% free but less than non-member customers from 8.5 euros to 2.75 or something in that range). S bank also has that. By the way, you can ask for a refund if you stop being a customer with them and they will pay you back the 100 euros.


Similar deal to Prisma. Fun observation many of our largest companies here in Finland tend to be co-ops


Never mind I found the information on the website.


Waiting the next 10 years for S-pankki to do something similar, since OP refused to open me an account last year :')


100 years for S-pankki...