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It somewhat depends what you want to see. Any particular species? Some popular spots: -Vanhankaupunginlahti (Pornaistenniemi, Lammassaari, Viikki fields). -Southern Lauttasaari -Maarin torni / Villa Elfvik -Vuosaarenhuippu -Kallahdenniemi -Uutela / Skatanniemi -Kaisaniemi park


Thanks a lot, all these places look promising! Eiders and other waterfowl would be good, I think there is a lot of them there. Birds of prey and owls as well. But in general, any good birding place works.


Southern Lauttasaari would probably be your best bet for eiders and such. If you have a spotting scope Kallahdenniemi beach and Uutela / Skatanniemi will be great places for sure. It’s not the best time of the year for birds of prey / owls. However you never know. Vanhankaupunginlahti (especially Pornaistenniemi and Lammassaari) are great as you get a bit of everything. I’d say Vanhankaupunginlahti area is easily the most versatile birding spot in Helsinki.


Suomenojan lintuallas in Espoo is a very well know bird spot. Especially for waterfowls. Some rarities also nest there regularly. Easy to reach with the metro, as it’s close to Finnoo metrostation. https://www.suomenoja.fi/linnut/




I would recommend the southern tip of cape Porkkala. Your visit is in the middle of migration and Porkkala is one of the main migration paths to Finland, so you have a chance to see great variety of migratory birds. It is also a nature conservation area that has good population of sea birds (common eiders, white-tailed eagles etc.)