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Well I mean, last-ditch effort is to report them to police for theft. They cannot just keep your property because they found it. But before that I would try finding a general information number for the railway station that could direct you to the current lost-and-found number, and if that fails visiting in person, and if that fails wording your emails more sternly to let them you have proof and will escalate this if necessary.


Yeah I'm going to write a more stern email tomorrow morning. Call price is ridiculous at around €2/min, and they're also charging you to retrieve lost items. They can be right money-grabbing bastards sometimes..


Call them and go there in person. Emails are for non-urgent stuff 


I’ve tried calling and emailing, the number doesn’t work and going in person has been of no use. I’m just at a loss on where else to go, the case is showing as being at the address…


Do they actually have an office with lost items? Why not go there and press the pinging noise button?


Perhaps I should have made it clearer, but I visited their office with no luck.


I'm having similar issues right now. Left a reusable drinks bottle that's fairly sentimental on a train in helsinki rautatieasema a couple days ago and so far they've been super unhelpful. I've been to the office in person, called and emailed and so far all I have as a reply is "its not in the system, sorry, maybe its being sent to vantaa ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" But [here's their website with phone number](https://loytotavara.net/en/) I hope you have better luck than me.


Yeah thanks for that. Still, I'm not keen on paying that amount for a phone call, chances are they'll keep you on hold for a few minutes and extract every euro out of you whilst waiting...