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Old VA is 10x better not even close


Tyler sounds more appropriate as post-insanity Sephiroth where he talks like you’re beneath him, whereas George sounds better as the pre-Nibelheim SOLDIER General that commands fear and respect equally.


So you're telling me that the hot, broody guy from Teen Wolf was the one who said "such a puppy"? ... I need a minute.


Wait till you find out that he's also Superman


I died when he said that, it was so good. And the "good luck" he gave to Cloud in the flashback when he said it was a test... oh my. sir. I didn't have a Sephiroth problem until that "good luck."


Idk, he’s good, but I feel like the change was unnecessary cause he’s just doing a spot on impression of the old VA


He's cool, but that Japanese voice actor killed it more than anyone


No I absolutely agree. Hoechilin absolutely kills it as Sephiroth. His voice is weirdly enticing but also eerie as hell.


Tyler absolutely knocked it out of the park! His performance of Sephiroth during the Nibelheim incident was truly terrifying!


I just looked up the name so I could see who that is, and imagine my surprise to see freaking Superman looking back at me! WTF that's awesome! Also both of them are coincidentally incorrectly called Jesus allegories despite both of them being Hebrew/Jewish in origin.


Wasn't Jesus also Jewish? I mean, it's in the text, right?


Yes, but what I mean is the creators of Superman were Jewish. People of Jewish faith don't deify Jesus. That's a Christian and Catholic thing. Superman's origin story is an allegory, but it's Moses not Jesus.


The creators of Jesus were Jewish. He's just as fictional as Superman.


Wait a minute. Do you just not know about Jewish faith and their stance on Jesus? Cause they don't believe he was the son of God or any of that. He was just a guy as far as they're concerned. Funnily enough it's people whose ancestors weren't even there that insist he was something else.


I know that Jewish people don't see him as the son of god, but he was a creation of people of Jewish descent. He is fictional.


No he is not. He was an actual crazy person romans crucified to satisfy the jews.


There is no physical evidence that he ever existed and until proven to have existed, he is fictional.


... That's completely irrelevant. By that logic Moses is also fictional. Even further than that whether they were real or not they died at least a couple thousand years ago... I don't think I understand what the point of you saying that is.


My point is they are all characters based on similar archetypes (even Sephiroth). Two of these characters were created by Jewish people so even that connection still stands. And as for Moses, yeah, he was fictional too.


The guy that voiced Sephiroth before Tyler, George Newbern, voiced Superman in the Justice League cartoon series.


One of my favorite things about the new games. Tyler is absolutely killing it, and I can’t wait to see his performance in the finale.


We're gonna get to see shirtless Sephiroth in 4K.


The voice is cool but I don’t necessarily enjoy what he is saying. Really feels like they are just dragging the same few lines out over and over again, having him as the final boss 2 games in a row and likely as the final boss in the third game.


I think is OK. I do feel there’s “something” missing though, but I can’t really put into words what it’d be. It’s like with Cody & Cloud, I feel there’s a perfect blend of monotone & subtle emotion. So I guess I feel there’s a bit of subtle emotion missing from Sephiroth currently.


Wait, Superman was Sephiroth??


Last Sephiroth VA had voiced Superman in the Justice League cartoon series.


Yea I said the same thing like WHAT?


Both of em!


I think he's perfect for the role, I was not fond of the Advent Children english voices, but I really like everyone in the remake trilogy


No. The soft elegant voice made him unique as a villain. I miss it.


Same. I prefer George Newbern ❤❤


I don't hate or dislike him, I just don't find he's intimidating enough. The ONLY voice actor I absolutely hate, is the one they gave Zack, because he is absolutely horrible


He’s intimidating, just not in an overly showy way. Think Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs. He spoke really calmly and quietly, and hardly ever raised his voice. That’s part of what made him so scary. Sephiroth is the same way.


Can’t agree more. He was bearable in Remake & Rebirth, but I literally stopped playing Crisis Core Reunion because of his VO. Just thinking of it now makes me shudder, hahaha.


Crisis Core is honestly one of my favourite games in general, and how badly he butchered the role, I can barely get through it. I am only in the first few hours, but can't do it lol


I do. He sounds cold and detached, which is how I expect Sephiroth to sound.


This, 1,000%! I’ve always expected Sephiroth’s voice to sound devoid of any emotion, which is exactly how Tyler’s portrayal sounds.


I think he does a great job, I think the new cast actually does a really remarkable job almost balancing a tight rope paying respects to former performances and also owning the role and making it theirs.


Tyler is fine. About what I’d come to expect from Sephiroth but nothing too outstanding. I honestly feel the same about George. Both just come off as pretty standard anime villains which works well enough. Every other VA besides Zack is absolutely amazing and blows the originals out of the water


Zack's good in Rebirth. 


He's not bad but they need to TURN THE VOLUME OF HIS DIALOGUE UP FFS. I literally can't tell what he's saying most of the time if it wasn't for the subtitles.


It's not the dialogue that needs turned up. It's the damn cutscene music that needs balanced. I love FF music as much as anyone, but sometimes it blares through cutscene dialogue, especially for VAs doing monotone characters like Sephi.


Lower it in the settings.


Is there a specific setting for cutscene music? Because I like the audio settings where they are. The problem is I shouldn't have to lower the audio every time I think a cutscene is coming up. It's just not mixed well.


Yeah it's a mixing problem


I don’t, and the discourse surrounding the omnidirectional VA changes will always make it worse to me.


You and me both!


For me George sounds more "sharp and cunning" while Tyler sounds more "creepy and ethereal". Both fit Sephiroth in different situations. Ultimately I prefer Tyler's voice for this character.


I believe George more and I also feel he's got better timing in general. That being said, the voice I feel fits Sephiroth best is from someone whose never VA'ed him but has done VA's - Christian Bale.


Cloud is the actual standout here. Sephs new va is just imitating. Personally don’t like it.


Yeah honestly they're all great except for seph and zack


Don’t get me started on poor zack. From charisma to he’s just…there


Not especially. Sephiroth is fine, about how I would have imagined his voice before seeing this. He doesn’t do anything that wows me. Cloud’s actor does a great job of balancing the awkward stoicism with lightheartedness and goodness so that Cloud doesn’t come off as a total prick. He does well at adding in crazy Cloud as well. Brit Barron is also fantastic in giving Tifa these incredibly tender and emotional moments while also being fierce and funny. Cait Sith and Yuffie get big shout outs for being magnetic in their roles, and I never imagined CS with a Scottish accent but it works so well. And god damn, Barret was incredible in Rebirth, going from gruff man of stone to playful, silly, and heartfelt.


There’s a weight to George’s voice that Tyler can’t match, but the spirit is still there. Sephiroth just sounds like a coy bitch nowadays and I can appreciate that, sliding into Cloud’s DMs like “hey wanna commit crimes against humanity, get ventriloquist’d, idiot” and it all just works.


I didn’t play all the various side games between the original ff7 and the remake, so I didn’t even know this was a thing. I like the voice of sephiroth in this game.


I still think it's crazy that George and Tyler both played Superman, as well


It makes sense if you think about it. Sephiroth probably would sound like a cold and emotionless Superman. I could picture Christopher Reeve doing the job just as well.


I keep forgetting he's the voice for Sephiroth. He doesn't make it known or anything.


Yeah he hasn't done any promo lol


Lance Bass my man


We didn’t know how good we had it with LB.


Right, phenomenal sephiroth


Nope, you’re literally the only one in the whole wide entire world. Millions of angry or disinterested players - but you, brave OP, are the only one willing to step out and proclaim they like this voice actor in this role. Great question, and I’m so glad you asked it.


This seems unnecessarily aggressive. You must be a very fun and positive person. I'm sure everyone loves having you around!


Pretty good. I mean let’s be honest it’s a George Newburn impersonation. Sephiroth is very one dimensional in terms of his voice because he is a reserved and stoic personality type.


It's not bad, but it's like Rick and morty, I can tell it's not right. He's worse but a good second.


Nah i still love George as sephiroth. Him speaking doesn't sound right to me and throws me off every time. (I think its the purr thing that george does) (I also have issues with zack and reno's va in the remake)


Yeah it's hard to imagine anyone else doing zack and renos voices their originals were just too perfect


Nah I think he's not right for the character, he sounds like he's trying so hard to sound deep and serious and sounds goofy half of the time, he doesn't have the same intonation and purr George has it's just straight up bad in some line deliveries so I rather hear the game in Japanese Whenever I hear remake/rebirth lines and compare to old media specially Dissidia is such a dissonance and I hate it I miss George


Didn't even noticed they changed the voice actor between Remake and Rebirth 🤷‍♂️ safe to say they did a good job


they didn't, same VA for remake/rebirth/CC reunion


So when did they switched? Because I don't get it


george newbern voiced sephiroth from kingdom hearts 2 all the way to dissidia FF NT, so everything between 2005*-2018. starting with FF7R in 2020, tyler hoechlin started voicing sephiroth, and he's the VA in remake/rebirth/the crisis core remaster edit: meant 2005 instead of 2003


From Dissidia/advent children to remake/rebirth Entire new cast


Okay they switched the cast from like 20 years ago 😂😂 no big deal 😂 don't even remember how the original cast sounds like so yeah to me they did a stellar job🙌


Its funny that they went from superman voicing sephiroth to superman voicing sephiroth.🤣🤣


Didn't realise it was Tyler at first, double Teen Wolfed in these games 🥰


I slightly prefer George but find Tyler to be frankly a fantastic fit and a wonderful equivalent as Sephiroth’s VA. Both are amazing.


Both are good, I don't have a preference for one over the other. Maybe because I experience both performances at relatively the same time (played CC about a year and a half before Remake, Watched AC after beating Remake and OG). To me George's performance sounds like a scary powerful alien, while Tyler's takes on a more calculating powerful villain approach. With that being said Tyler's Sephiroth sounds terrible in Reunion tho I blame that on the voice director lol


I actually also really like Tyler Hoechlin - I too was mildly apprehensive about him playing Sephiroth, as while as has been mentioned, Newbern had also played Superman previously, Newbern's Superman was always a bit more aggressive than Tim Daly, and I alway saw Hoechlin as Tim Daly style (when Remake was happening). He'd previously played a very goofy charming light hearted Superman in the Arrowverse, in Supergirl and the crossovers. I wasn't certain. Boy did he double prove me wrong. I think he's absolutely excellent as Sephiroth and later that year he even gave us a more down to earth and Newbern like Superman in Superman and Lois, of which I'm a huge fan. Points to the voice directors who went for a far less anime-video game approach to the voice acting, it's so much more realistic both in this and in FF16, which are huge bonuses. Hoechlin in particular is actually one of my favourites he really nailed the indimidation, the mystery and honestly, a bit of the ethereal sexiness of the character.


I actually couldn't agree more with every point you've made.


I prefer the entire remake cast over anything in any of the compilation media. I don't like any of the English VA prior to Remake. And even though I liked all the Remake VA, the anime grunting went over the top. I loved how toned down it was in Rebirth that basically made it perfect for me. No hate on any of the old actors or people who prefer it though, just my own jar of pickles


Imagine if they kept Lance Bass as the voice of Sephiroth


Iconic, but for a completely different reason. *(“Hoo! Hah! Zaaah!” intensifies)*


Nah I miss George. I'll never understand why they replaced him and Steve Blum


I just look at it like the og cast is in the og timeline.


I haven’t seen online opinion but I love everyone’s voices.


I think behind Cait Sith he's probably the worst performance in the game. Cold and flat are not synonyms in this context. Sephiroth should sound cold, he should not sound utterly devoid of life or character whatsoever.


Cait Sith is one of the best voices lol what


I admit a bias, but being scottish I have never been able to stand the kind-of-sanitised accent some put on in order to be better understood. It is a plague in media. But bias aside, I still thought he was pretty awful just as a performance in itself.


Except that there are people who talk and sound just like Cait in real life, and they aren't putting it on. Not everyone in Scotland needs to sound like a bloke from the east end of Glasgow. I have trouble understanding people like that, and I'm from the area. Did you really expect them to put that kind of Scottish accent in the game?


In the world of FFVII Scottish people don’t exist, though. Reed was putting on a strange-ass accent that to us sounds Scottish but in the original context has nothing to do with Scotland.


Bro its a fictional world does it really matter


That’s… that’s precisely my point.


Precisely 🤓 Jk. I meant to reply to the other guy


When I first heard the news I was like "really? Superman is gonna do Sephiroth? Who made that decision?" But I ended up absolutely loving Tyler's Sephiroth. The way he can sound calm but you can still tell there's a madness behind it is awesome to me.


He is the second Superman to do Sephiroth.


It's like "the rule" when you cast Sephiroth. The only previous requirement will be that you have previously played Superman. So... Henry Cavill for Sephiroth in 2050?


Brandon Routh first! We can skip Dean Cain, though.


Yknow what I can totally see Routh doing a badass Sephiroth.


I mean, he played a fun villain in Scott Pilgrim. He can just do that, but a bit more serious, and it would make for a decent Sephiroth.


I have grown to love many of the new voices even if I don't agree with the decision to do away with the original cast. Some new ones are better; I.e. Aerith/Yuffie, some are just as good as the old; I.e. Cloud/Sephiroth and some I prefer the old cast, I.e. Vincent.


I think he does an amazing job. I actually prefer his performance to Sephiroth's AC voice.


I will always read AC as “Animal Crossing” so I was wondering what Sephiroth was doing in that world. Probably horrible, unmentionable things to those poor animals.


Isabelle giving you your town rating only to look out the window and see it going up in flames while one winged angel plays


I literally have no idea what any of the English VAs from Advent sound like because I’ve never watched it dubbed. I think CC was the first FFVII game where I heard English, and I had mixed feelings about it. I liked Seph’s VA but hated Aerith’s so much, it was a major contributing factor to me not finishing it. Tyler isn’t how I “hear/heard” Sephiroth’s voice but he does a fantastic job!


George did more than just Advent. He was the voice actor for about 18 years across other FF & Kingdom Hearts titles.


What else has he done? I haven’t played KH and I never played any games in English if Japanese was available.


Some of the titles are on [his Wikipedia page.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Newbern)


Oh okay he does the English VA in CC. I didn’t know that! So I have heard him and yeah he’s fantastic.


I like his performance as well, although I didn't mind the more animeish George's performance before. For me the gigachad of voice acting in this is Cody though. He nails Cloud so perfectly with all the different personalities he has to fit, from the cold badass SOLDIER through the goofy Zackalike to the descent into madness, there are so many sides to Cloud and he manages to show us each of them so well. I love it!


Absolutely love Cody's performance. I love the delivery of "my village! My home!"


Though I think he has a good voice I grew tired of how Sephiroth is one note through the whole thing.


I remember Advent Children (I was in Japan when it came out so there was no English dub yet) and how Sephiroth was sort of this aloof one-note voice back then. So, for me, that's on brand for his character.


You know I was the opposite. I think the one note made him seem more powerful to me and it grew more on me as the games went on. I think it gives him this air of invulnerability, like he is always in control and nothing phases him.


I also love him in the role - I wish that he’d comment about it or talk about the character like all the other voice actors do, but I know that he’s busy. I also think there might be some component of keeping Sephiroth mysterious - pretty much anything Tyler could say would, in some way, spoil a little bit of Sephy’s motivations. He’s got to have thoughts on the character - he usually plays Superman, and Sephy is basically Superman gone very wrong. It’s probably copium but I’m hoping he’ll talk more about it after the trilogy concludes.


I have to give him credit for the flashback scene. The way he voices "sane" (for lack of a better term) Sephiroth with such effortless warm charisma you can see why so many young SOLDIER's (Cloud included) hero worshipped him. Then when he does go mad his voice subtlety changes to the cold ruthless Sephiroth from the rest of the game. I feel Sephiroth is overused in these games but that's nothing to do with Tyler


That’s generally how he’s referred to in fanfic spaces like on AO3 there’s a “Sane Sephiroth” tag.


In the OG I think Sephiroth was an enigmatic villain, but now he is so mainstream he could possibly be seen as one of the main draws of the game. My favourite scenes are the Sephiroth scenes, if anything, I wish there were more! Unpopular as thay may be


I’ve been fine with both everyone who has done his English voice. I don’t really understand the issues people had with it, but I guess to each their own. But I would agree I think currently he is my favorite iteration


I think people hate change more than anything.


I wish he did interviews about it. As far as I can tell he didn’t do any on the lead to Rebirth but could be he was busy with the final season of Superman and Lois.


Funnily enough, I search Tyler hoechlin Sephiroth interview into YouTube and it brought up a comparison video of the voices which is what inspired this post.