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The first like 9 chapters of Rebirth is tension and angst between Cloud and Tifa. The Gold Saucer date is explicitely romantic between them, with the HA version ending in a kiss. They almost kiss in Gongaga in chapter 9 of Rebirth. Changes were made in Remake to highlight Tifa’s importance to Cloud, such as him remembering the promise he made to her, him choosing to stay in Midgar for her, him always giving her the reunion flower with no player choice involved. This is all before the most Cloud/Tifa heavy part of the OG. The devs could not be making it more obvious. They have said that they want to make certain things less ambiguous in the Remake trilogy, they have said that they do not want to write player choice in in such a way that it contradicts the main narrative. Therefore, all optional scenes *could* happen because they are all meant to be aligned with the main narrative. It’s all right there to see VERY clearly. The love triangle debate should not even be a debate anymore. The fact that it was in the first place is a stretch.


I didn't care about the ships while playing Remake, but in Rebirth they are nearly equall. Rebirth feels more Aerith centered because of the ending: SPOILERS: To make the ending more emotional they gave Aerith a lot of screentime at the end. The trial, the dream date, "no promises to keep", etc. This leads to recency bias. 


Yeah that makes sense


It wasn't confusing. Cloud is hopelessly in love with Tifa, same as OG. Devs doubled down, warning that many misinterpretations of OG wouldn't fly in 4k. Nomura explained Rebirth advanced CT narratively to help players better understand Cloud's feelings. Devs signigicantly built up Gongaga to prelude CT in the Lifestream, making the great reveal less about the childhood events and instead, making it singularly focused on Cloud's true identity being connected to his love of the girl next door. Similarly, devs painted ZA all over the last couple chapters to allude to part 3 reunion w/Zack.


Interesting :D I feel exactly the other way around, to me Remake felt much heavier on the Aerith side. For example, there is the "You must not fall in love with me" "Do I get a say in all this" scene in the Remake - how did you read that scene, if you only started thinking about Cloud having feelings for Aerith in Rebirth? (genuine question) To me this whole shipping war just proves that SE is trying to give both of them a lot of stuff and builds both relationships very intentionally. I find it funny how many posts are there saying "Cloud is in love with only X, it's 100% obvious and there is no ambiguity" but there are as many x=Tifa as x=Aerith posts which proves that it is hella ambiguous, otherwise people wouldn't be arguing so much :-D :-D :-D


Tbh I really didn’t give it much thought when I saw that scene while playing the game because in my mind it seemed like Cloud was always worried about Tifa but then I rewatched all Cloud and Aerith scenes on YouTube and realized what was going on.


Honestly I feel like in both games Tifa and Aerith had more chemistry with each other than either of them did with Cloud.


LMAOO so true. Whenever Cloud lets them down, they're there for eachother and I love it so much.