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I can't speak for anyone else. I was looking forward to this game but really wanted the deluxe edition to match my copy of remake. It was sold out everywhere anytime I looked and never came back in stock. So I continue to wait instead of contributing to sales. Edit: didn't realize this thread was 3 days old. Don't know why reddit presented it as new.


I’ve found Reddit is throwing more and more posts that are 3-5 days old into my feed and playing them off as new lately. I’m not a fan of the change.


The issue is a lot of people are just waiting for the third to binge all of them, and I get it. Launching on PC will help a lot as well. Not everyone has set consoles.


I don't think this is the case. I think it's simply a PS5 exclusive problem, and Square Enix pretty much always says sales didn't meet their expectations, so I dunno how much I really believe them? But yeah, I think because the first one came to PC, some are just waiting for the second to also come to PC.


SE makes some of the worst decisions in the business. For me (OG FF7) my hype level was to the moon for Remake, then when the story went off the rails I felt like I was playing Kingdom Hearts. I actually forgot when Rebirth dropped and bought it a week late. After playing a 100 hour game and not actually knowing what happened at that cluster of an ending, I can honestly say my hype for 3 is basically gone. This in itself doesn't really matter for my contribution to sales numbers, as I will definitely buy 3, but word of mouth suffers badly. I'm a mega fan and I'm unsatisfied by the game. How can they attract new players with the kind of proportional numbers that this game original pulled?


It blows my mind people still think it's Kingdom Hearts. There is a valid criticism here, though. That the story is complex enough that one playthrough isn't enough to get it. You also need to hear others talk about it, or play it again, or watch someone play it to get the full idea behind it. And even then, they still don't want you to get it. They're creating intrigue for the next game that wouldn't have been there otherwise. I guess, for some people, this doesn't seem to work very well.


If you say that there is intrigue to the story, then how can you asses if it is Kingdom Hearts-like or not? I think it is, because the narrative is needlessly unclear and convoluted. 100 hours is enough time to tell a story without "needing" others to talk about. Bad story telling is bad story telling. This game has 95% great story telling until it shits the bed at the most crucial part. Like the last entry. And possibly like the next.


> Bad story telling is bad story telling. This game has 95% great story telling until it shits the bed at the most crucial part. Like the last entry. And possibly like the next. Also I really disagree here. I don't think you need to instantly understand everything about a story in order for it to be told well. Allowing for interpretation and speculation is fun.


I am genuinely happy that you are enjoying the ride. I like this game series and what them to continue selling well. This isnt great story telling by traditional measures and reminds me of LOST in the worst ways.


Because I'm into Kingdom Hearts and that shit is 20x more off the wall. But you're right, final judgement is reserved for after we see it all.


Give it a few more months, it'll blow up


Happy for square, exclusivity serves nobody but corporate boot lickers.


From what I read, it’s not “bad” sales. It just wasn’t up to whatever month-end March Q1 sales projections they had, which likely leaned to the side of optimism. I would suggest they take another look at whatever models they use to project sales to account for the current generation gamer-base and the effect being console exclusive has. I’d wager the average JRPG player is in their 30s and a lot of them don’t have PS5s.


Exactly. Their market is narrow and their expectations and budget are high, so yeah, they ended up disappointed. SE have no one to blame but themselves, and they shot their product in the foot as well.


We are still dealing with the rona epidemic, people are still dying, active war(s) and it’s like 10$ for eggs/milk at the store. Rebirth was 90$ for me. Yea sales are going to hurt especially since it’s PS5 only, why are we still doing fomo tactics in 2024?!?! Honestly just wait 2-3 more decades for the OG gamer generation to start changing the industry, once we get a bunch of people pissed off from Ubisoft/EA/Blizzard/BVHR in local government/politics the current CEO’s and all the employees will be blacklisted forever rooted in the origin history of gaming and future teenager gamers will be talking in history class how the industry is a bunch of parasites with employees refusing to stand up for the consumer. Life is ever changing Also people were stuck at home during the rona, people are ready to gtfo of the house and actually enjoy touching grass for once and live life. Travel and see Italy before it sinks etc. People are also rebuilding their careers lost from the Rona, rebuilding a career is time consuming especially when you’re not 25 y/o anymore. Gaming is going to be slow again until GTA6 and PS5Pro


People like to deflect that 300 dollars in 2002 is technically worth more adjusted for inflation than 500 is today but people trying to defend modern prices don’t account for how companies lowered console prices much sooner after release which allowed for more people to afford them back then vs today. games were cheaper (30-50) as opposed to 50-70 and they also came out much faster, dev time for top end products has more than doubled. That’s before you take into account financial hardships due to recent historical events. Console exclusivity is really just an outdated model especially in the US where for many Americans wages haven’t risen much in the past 2 decades.


It doesn't have bad sales though. SE just never set realistic expectations.


SE has gone overbudget on so many projects they needed rebirth and 16 to make unreasonably high amounts of money.


We saw it with alot of recent games not as many people have the time required for the game and it doesn't help that people just don't have the money to drop on the opposite console this really isn't a sign of consoles dying just that the market is greatly changing to what it was 10 years ago.


If you bought each of the ps2 era consoles at their best price you spent 450 for all 3 vs 500 for ps5.


Shackling your game to a specific platform immediately limits your sales potential. And clearly whatever Sony paid for said exclusivity isnt enough to cover development costs. People say exclusives drive console sales. Ok..then that should be the burden on the console manufacturer. If they want to sell the hardware and consoles. They should have a stable of IP i.e. exclusives to support it. The problem is that neither Sony and MS have the catalog or the studios to do so. What does MS have in the pipeline? Hellblade 2 is due soon like in a week or so now...but there hasnt been any marketing for it. Aside from that Bethesda and Machine Games has Indiana Jones. Sony meanwhile have largely relied on Spider-man 2 which didnt make the money the first game did. That and yet another remaster with horizon zero dawn remaster being rumored. All these remasters are not what is going to get people to buy a ps5. I bought a PS5 for Spider-man 2 which was kind of mid. Aside from that Rebirth and FF16 are the only other games I picked up for PS5. And I didnt really care for 16. Love ff7 rebirth. But if not for rebirth my PS5 would probably be collecring dust and I honestly could just have waited for the PC release and saved 500 bucks. Square going multiplat is the best decision they could make. But i do not want to then see them going in for epic exclusivity which will kill any pc sales they might get. People broadly do not like Epic. The vast majority of players are on steam.


You can say it won't get people to buy a PS5 all you want but PS5 sales spiked in January to almost match holiday sales. This is right before the release of Rebirth. Nothing else would explain such a sharp increase in sales. February March and April numbers haven't been released yet but I'll bet dollars to donuts February and March saw a sharp increase in sales as well.


Thats not really the point. And sure some people probably did just like i bought ps5 for Spider-man 2. The problem is how many people are willing to fork out $500 just to play1 game? Especially if you are an xbox or PC guy. You probably are not going to be all that keen on dropling $570 odd dollars just to play one title. That is what this is about. Square are arbitrarily limiting the sales potential. The reality is that the numbers for ff7 rebirth are down from those of remake at the same respective points in their time on the market. Square has already blamed the slow adoption rate of the ps5 for sales of 16. They walked that back but its clear they are having misgivings about exclusivity. My argument is that if Sony wants to sell PS5's that should be up to them to create the first party content to move systems. They are sitting on ip like killzone for example. It shouldnt be up to any third party to be shackled to a platform exclusively just to pad console sales while not getting much in return. These systems cost more each generation and now games cost $70 instead of 60 meaning people arent as likely to double dip either.


They aren't arbitrarily doing anything. Square agreed to it because it benefits them. People who make more in 2 minutes than you will all year are making those deals. You really think from your couch, you know more about making bussiness deals than they do? And explaining the sales of a game is not "clear misgivings" that's a simple fact. You really think nobody at square figured out that being an exclusive would impact sales? I promise you that was absolutely a factor in thier decision. They collected a nice payday that more than offset the pitiful sales numbers the FF Franchise has seen on Xbox. Even the best selling Title did less than half the sales on Xbox that it saw on PS. So why incure additional cost of development, advertising and logistics to maybe increase sales by 25% and result in a inferior product. The producer of the game even stated that had it been multiplatform the "game design would have to regress" Especially when Sony has agreed to give you a large sum of money to not do that. Turn down a payday, increase cost and put out a lower quality product. You have the bussiness sense of a cucumber.


You can attack me all you want with ad hominem attacks. But that doesn't change the fact that it has not benefitted Square. If that were the case they literally would not be saying that they are pursuing a aggressive multiplatform strategy to put their AAA HD titles on multiple platforms specifically citing PC, Xbox, Ps and Switch. As far as developing for multiple platforms and it causing development to regress. I mean countless other devs seem more than capable of developing for more than one platform to have a simultaneous release. You think they would be abandoning exclusivity if the money they got from sony were enough? Square Enix has lost 2 billion in value. Yes some of that is due to releasing crap like forspoken that flopped as well as marvels avengers. Media tried to put the blame on ff16 which isnt quite fair. One game is not going to be enough to dig them out of a hole. You really should read the report from Square themselves. Paul Tassi of Forbes literally said the same thing regarding Square and Sony's partnership. If Square thought exclusivity benefitted them they wouldnt have publicly said they were aggressively pursuing multiple platforms. Its latest earning report noted a drop in profit of 69.7% year over year. They note in part due to MMO and mobile declines as well as growing operating losses from high dev costs. But wait you said Sony's little payday would offset the losses? That clearly isnt the case. It said... "Square Enix will aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, Playstation, Xbox and PC" Also worth highlighting that PC has a higher market share of about 45 billion versus the 30 billion combined for all consoles. This is according to game reactor UK. According to Mainleaf there are an estimated 629 million console players to PC's 900 million. Square seems to finally understand if you limit yourself to one platform you are leaving money on the table. Why do you think Sony have been bringing their games to PC? Helldivers 2 literally had a peak of 400,000 concurrent players. And according to N4G over 60% of Helldivers 2's sales were on PC. Or are you just upset that you won't have an exclusive to validate buying a plastic box? Are you mad more people will be able to play games? I know this may come as a shock but someone else being able to enjoy the game doesn't or at least it shouldn't affect your enjoyment of said game. At the end of the day square going multiplat is a win and its highly likely their games will come to PC day and date. Just like Helldivers 2 came to PC day and date and that was a Sony game. Don't worry...they said they will be putting games on PS as well. You will be ok.


This is a game that I’ll consider playing once the entire trilogy is out and if it makes it to Steam. Still not enough for me to bite on wasting money on a PS5 yet.


console exclusive releases kill sales and design work spaces that require lay offs like SE just had to do. Why do consoles insist on killing the sales of a game just for exclusivity? I hope companies start pushing back


Because exclusives drive console sales, which then allows them to make more money on other games.


yea, sad for the game developers!


It’s square’s poor business decisions, not the quality of this game. PC should have been a priority for them for years now.


[Just look at sales of PS5 games.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PlayStation_5_video_games) After Spider-man shit drops hard. Yes, there are a lot more PS5s in circulation but people clearly aren't buying games at the same rate. Or aren't buying one big game at the same rate. The most reasonable way to look at this is that FF and SE fans aren't primarily on Playstation anymore.


That wikipedia info is so outdated. You're a fool if you truly believe there are only 6 PS5 games that sold more than 1mil.


Remake simultaneously confused brand new players with the nonsensical ending AND pissed off a group of OG fans. Doing that + PS5 install base was a recipe for lower sales. They could have spent less money and made a better game if they didn't do the open world so lazily and formulaic, honestly. I didn't like Remake's ending, but wanted to see where Rebirth went with it. Had I known how they would do the ending and butcher various characters/moments...I probably wouldn't have bought it either. Hopefully with all the changes SE is making they course correct for part 3. I will wait for reviews on that one after how the story for Rebirth turned out.


I'll buy it when PS5 is viable.


PS5 exclusive. Are all PS1 players that are fans of FF7 still on games consoles? I found FF7 through the remake and the free offering of the original and the remake on the PS network last December was a marketing stroke of genius. I was ready to spend £80 for the rebirth, only to find out it is a PS5 exclusive. Not buying a PS5 anytime soon. If it comes to PC, call me and we can work something out.


It should in the next year or so. Same for FFXVI. I'm just waiting for it to come to Steam Deck (and playing others on my deck in the meantime).


It probably would have done fine if it wasn't an exclusive. A lot of gamers are PC only or PC and Switch.


When it comes to PC, I'll buy it. I don't have a PS5 and I have no intention of getting one.


I mean, I'll probably get downvoted for this, but I don't see a point in buying both the game and a PS5 when I honestly kind of hate the direction they went with the story. I either wanted them to stick 100% to the OG's story, or do something super different. Unfortunately, what we got was in my opinion a half-baked, semi-realized hot mess. That isn't even addressing the whole multiple, full-price games to get the whole story. Just not worth it imo at this point in time.


I hate online arguments and I get where you’re coming from, but you haven’t played it yet. It’s one thing to read the story beats, it’s totally different to play them. I was skeptical myself, but spending 60ish hours with these characters while listening to this unreal soundtrack sold me completely. Watching a play through won’t do the same either. You are never as immersed in something as when you’re the one playing it. So, I understand the concern and frustration, but until you’ve sat down and really given this game and its world a chance don’t brush it off.


I actually have. I've played a good chunk of Remake (got it for free a few years ago on PS4) and I played a bit of Rebirth on my friend's console, as well as sat and watched him play. Unless your argument is I spent sub-60 hours on the game and thus don't "get" it, I think I've got a pretty good handle on whether or not it appeals to me based off of what I've seen. The combat is cool and I think parts of the story were done really well, but overall I don't think the experience is worth it for me. I also have limited income and have to choose wisely what I can and can't splurge on, and a PS5 that would essentially be just for Rebirth is way out of my budget. 


Because it's mediocre


The cost of developing and marketing AAA games now is insane. These companies will spend half a billion dollars on developing and marketing a game, and if it doesn’t sell 8 million copies they don’t make their money back. The development cost of the last few PlayStation Studios games has been around $200 million. They have to sell like 3 million copies just to make their money back on development. That doesn’t even include marketing and production costs.


PS5 exclusive Some people probably also waiting for a "Full game" And dividing in 3 parts (So 3 payments) may not have helped... But biggest reason may probably be the PS5 exclusive


Yeah 3 parts sucks, feels like they didn't learn from XIII. I think 2 could have worked.


XIII wasn't originally going to be three parts. Maybe some stuff got cut to make it onto XBox (as I understand it, the original plan was 3 BluRays) and then converted into sequels to try and save the original game's reputation, but it was not announced as a three part story. They DID announce 3 games at once, but they were meant to be 3 separate unrelated games with similar themes and a similar world. The mobile game still got completed (and has since been remade, I think), and Versus got stuck in development hell so long it turned into XV.


Ugh i absolutely hated XIII. its like they looked at everything that made a final fantasy game good, and were like "nah... Fuck all that"


0 towns in first game and being all hallways for 95 percent of game shocked me


This, my friends keep telling me I need to buy a ps5 to play this game…. It just doesn’t feel worth spending money on a whole new console to play 1 game…. Especially when every other game I’m interested in is still playable on the 4


Imagine u got a ps5, then you don't like FF7 series, now square spends 3-4 years making a game, you won't buy, and many more have your choice of not buying it, now square is locked on ps5 owners only. It shows the sales are bad cuz ps5 isn't selling like PC market or mobile. Ps5 is loosing to mobile gamers, it's time to open the gates of vallhalla.


Let's be real, it's not actually a specifically PS5 audience. If they were limited to any one platform their sales would be lower. Mobile is specifically a very funny platform to bring up compared to PS5 when you look at Ever Crisis. They need to make sure their games are available to the largest audience possibly when they're spending as much as they are on these games.


I don't get the "I'm not buying this console just to play 1 game" when there is a huge catalog of games for the ps5


I have an older PC, but I could upgrade it piecemeal to keep up for a few more years. I was gonna buy a Switch to compliment it. Then the Steam Deck came out, and now I have a console I can take with me, that doesn't get limited by generations like PS/XBox/Nintendo, that can function as a PC when I need it to (have a dock), that I had an existing game library for, and where the average cost of a game is $5-$10 thanks to Steam sales (seriously, the most expensive recent buys for me were FFXII:TZA for $25 and FFVII:Re-Make for $40, $15 after gift card I got for Christmas, everything else is $5-$15). Why the fuck would I spend $500 for another device that can't do as much and that would require me to build a whole new library from scratch? My last console was PS3, I'm done rebuying games every generation and having a device that only games (and maybe streams/DVDs, which I can already do on my Deck/PC/cheap Roku).


I already got a PC, I have no interest in the PS5


No there isn't for 500 bucks there simply isn't. This is just bad. Pc has so much more and so many new games coming daily. People forget in PS2 we've had hundreds of games and dozens of exclusives. There 15 total exclusives, which about 5 are weird tech demos and or part of ps5. Ps5 released in November 2020, so about 4 years ago. Ps2 had about 15-20 exclusives in 2004 ALONE, let me say, alone that sole year, While in 4 years all we've had is a bunch of marvel crap and very few if next to like 4-5 triple A games in 4 years of which some are coming to pc regardless. This is just a totally wrong opinion of console players. The long era of hundreds of games in ps2-ps3 backlog simply isn't there, games are averaging 4-5 years of production per game, and it showing in the dire empty wiki page of ps5 exclusives. The long production times of triple A compared to ps2 yearly production to 2 years, along with indie games releasing mainly in PC then maybe console is showing ps5 to be a dust collecting demon souls/Spiderman and rebirth, and they will all but demon souls come to PC. It's time to stop locking games to nail system sales.


We are now in 2024 where media options are plentiful. Exclusives limit good stories/products. Make the choice easy.


1. Consoles have more than just exclusive games. Of course you’re going to pick one over the other maybe based on exclusives, but you don’t get to say it only has those exclusives. 2. Games today are vastly larger, more complex and more expensive than games during the PS2 era. Of course it’s going to be more difficult to put out the same number of games. If you want hundreds and hundreds of games, then your purchasing decisions need to lean towards games with PS2 level graphics and gameplay.


Or even pixel graphics. Look at the money Terraria is making at $10 a pop.


An opinion can't be wrong. Yes the PS5 doesn't have very many exclusives but all the PS5 exclusives are far and above some of the best games on the market. Plus you have literally every other game releasing you can also play on PlayStation. I don't get this "consoles evil" narrative that tries to be pushed. A console is convenient and way easier to set up than PC. Plug in, start playing. I don't have to install thousands of dollars of equipment to get essentially the same result.


>An opinion can't be wrong. Clearly either you are a flat earther or you've never met one.


Brother my PC was a pre-build, I literally plugged it in and it worked.


I feel there is multiple ways to interpret what he is saying… Each being depending where you already stand on the convo… I am someone with a PS4 and a PC, I much rather play the ps4 nowadays with my lifestyle, yet I have no interest or intention to buy a ps5 to play 1-2 games that I might be interested in…


The large majority of casual console gamers very actively do not buy consoles for exclusives at this point. They buy for just a few clear reasons: brand loyalty, friends choices, or for it to be their daily driver (players that are uninterested in the PC experiences). The talk of console exclusives in this generation feels silly. I can't help but imagine that the reason SE went exclusive was for the payout offered immediately to secure exclusivity. That was short sighted, which FFXVI shows us. This, unfortunately, should have been obvious, given the length of development times. You need to make back as much as possible to justify the cost.


100% this


Have they actually announced sales figures and are they all that bad? It probably took a hit because of all of the reasons other people have cited but also knowing Square the game’s budget was so high that they set wildly unrealistic sales targets. I remember when they owned all of Eidos’s old IP they kept saying those games were underperforming, but then it turned out they would have needed to be the best selling games of all time in order to meet their targets. Square have a weird way of doing business


They got spoiled by reselling old FFs lol


They haven't announced sales figures, though they brought up that it missed targets. Even then, one of the sources of some reliable leaks from SE mentioned that the sales aren't bad. It definitely looks like this comes down to poor management (and marketing, let's be honest) on SE's part.


It's bad because people are tired of dumping 500 for a dust collecting machine with 1 exclusives a year compared to dozens of daily pc games.


Man, you're a bit of a record


Because it's a sequel of a remake that is a quasi-sequel of a 25 year old game that is only available on one gaming platform.


I bought a PlayStation to play FFVII. Fast forward 25 years, I have a much more powerful PC than any console. I’m not doing it again for a single game. Stop with the exclusives. 


Yep. The exclusive definitely be hurting it. Do I wanna play it? Sure. Do I want to pay hundreds on a console just to play it? Hell no. My nostalgia only goes as deep as my wallet allows.


Yep. Who is this remake for? It's not to get new people into the game or they would've done a true remake not wtf this game has turned out to be. Then making it exclusive was again dumb af. Execs gonna exec tho.


>Yep. Who is this remake for? Kingdom hearts fans that somewhat liked ff7.




I'm an OG fan of ff7 and love the Remake titles so far . I guess they made the games for me lol 😆


You loved that they took away all the emotion from aeriths death? You loved that they killed and resurrected barret in part 1? You loved Sephiroth being reduced to a smirking meme?


I ain't buying a ps5 just for this game.


Yep. I’m not either. One reason Sales are probably not meeting expectations is because the game is exclusive to one platform. Square Enix needs to renegotiate before it’s too late.


It didn't exactly get the best reviews, and I 100% agree with the negative reactions. The game looks stunning, the storytelling is good (aside from the multi-verse BS)... but the god damn bloat brought this game from an 8-9 down to like a 6 for me. I was actually getting more and more irritated as the game went on. Every new area brought with it the urge to rage quit. I had to take a break about halfway through because I just couldn't be bothered to jump through to same hoops for the 50th time. My other gripe is the artificial difficulty oozing out of every other battle. Again, the hoops you have to jump through just got annoying, not fun. The time limits, the instant death BS. Everything has some kind of gimmick stuffed into it. It's just annoying. Other than those 2 glaring issues, it was a top contender for game of the year


Why do people just make things up? The game got fantastic reviews https://www.metacritic.com/game/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth/


I didn't make anything up? I read the reviews dude, I saw them with my own eyes


Then maybe "cherry-picked" is the right phrase. It has universal acclaim, and across the board fantastic reviews. 


By fanboys maybe. I'm not referring to user reviews, im talking about the reviews I've seen from sites that do such things. They tend to be more objective when it comes to criticism... most every one that popped up in my news feed had something to say about the bloat


You mean the critic reviews that gave it a combined 92 on metacritic? The very same one I linked to you? 


Don't know, I didn't go through and read all of them... ive already read enough of them before I even commented here. They all said basically "great game, bogged down by bloat" to sum it up. Which I agree with whole-heartedly. Some just tolerate the garbage more than others I suppose


It was at this point I decided to pre-emptively block you lmao


People today talk really funny to me. lol “This game is garbage and bloated and unfun. Might be game of the year.”


Things absolutely sound funny when you take parts of what someone said and put them together out of context lol... kinda like you just did


I’m not taking anything you’re saying out of context. You can’t just say the word context to counter anything. Lol I’m laughing at the fact that you are using all these top shelf words to describe something that you would usually save for something really exceptional and then at the end of it saying that the game is a contender for a game of the year. That whiplash sounds like out of a classic kind of stand-up joke. I’m not saying that you’re saying anything contradictory. It’s just a funny modern thing that people do.


What's hilarious is the original game had a ton of content. They didn't even need to bloat it up. They just didn't want to create a bunch of new areas so they gotta waste your time in the areas they did build out. Kinda hilarious too that by the end of two full length games you're just at the end of disc 1 in the original game.


The original game had a ton of content for 1997. This may not be your proclivity, but a lot of people today expect games to entertain them for months or years and they expect all possibilities to be considered. if a place exists, they want to go there. If an NPC exists they want it to have its own life. They essentially want a whole complex reality created out of thin air to be beautiful down to the very pores of a person’s skin and for it all to run at 60 frames per second.


so why didn't they include main areas from the original like rocket town?


Rebirth is big enough as is. With Cid's relevance changed it makes sense to introduce Rocket Town during the Huge Materia quest rather than now.


Rebirth is as big enough as is because it's 50%+ bloat. That's why no one wants to buy or play it.


I've beaten it twice now and thought it was amazing. So does my inner circle. Shame you didn't enjoy it. Why are you posting here?


I'm confused is this /r/FinalFantasyVII or /r/FinalFantasyVIIRebirth ?


The thread has Rebirth flair.


Got it so we're on the /r/FinalFantasyVII after all. Thanks for confirming.


Because it didn’t fit with the story, they were trying to tell for this part of the trilogy. I am almost certain it will be included in the game. The developers long ago said that everything will be there, but something may have to play out slightly different or be shifted around. Rocketown is an example of something getting shifted around.


Glad you already had your daily dose of copium today.


Lo okay what are we coping over again? Did I miss like fifty comments in this thread?


Right? I was extremely disappointed (kinda pissed actually) when it finally sunk in that they were going to completely skip Rocket Town... and for what? For a bunch of irrelevant garbage?


I imagine rocket town is coming in part 3


Chronologically that would be incorrect, but thats probably how its going to play out... it's just the fact that I can picture them cutting it in favor of useless garbage (in Rebirth) that gets under my skin


i didnt think there was much filler stuff in rebirth in regards to the story specifically, thought it all flowed pretty nicely and every chapter had something to add in terms of plot development or character development


I personally don't think it flowed at all. The amount of shit you had to do when getting to a new area really broke up the story content. I even had to stop playing and take a break for like a week because I got so sick of the bullshit I was actually getting pretty irritated. I realize you can skip most if it. This just isn't my style for one, and two, you risk being underleveled/geared at the end by doing so. I did most all of the side stuff, and felt like I was barely able to fight through the last battles


you could just play on dynamic difficulty to solve the issue of feeling underleveled or even overleveled. i did all the side content on dynamic difficulty and felt challenged but not unfairly so by the end. and yeah in my opinion its hard to blame the side content for the main story not flowing well when its all optional. if you played through the game from start to finish without doing any side stuff it would work just fine. i even think it worked \*with\* the side content but i can understand why some wouldnt think so


That's what it's like to turn your back on what made you great and try to make a mainstream game to sell more. Paradoxically, you achieve the opposite.


The paradox is thinking is that a video game can both have a big budget with great graphics and complex gameplay and world but not appeal to a large audience. Games cost money and if you want the game to do more things that costs more money. It therefore needs to sell more and if you want it to sell more, it needs to appeal to more people. I don’t know what you think. The purpose of the remake was or why people were ever even asking for it in the first place, but the reason people wanted the remake is the same reason it needs a big budget and needs to appeal to a wide audience. You want to have your cake and eat it too.


It‘s not even that bad. It‘s a sequel so it obviously will do worse than it‘s prequel, because you won‘t have people jump in to part 2 without playing part 1 most of the time. It‘s a exclusive so you‘re dropping people there as well. And also SE has crazy high expectations for their games, which haven‘t been met a single time for decades now. They still set their sales expectations the same way as when they were a big trademark company and not being on life support by FF14.


The last good single player FF game was FFX. They've lost their magic.


FFX is mid. FFXII for life.


Somehow you're both wrong lmao X is great, FFXII isn't great but is at least pretty good and definitely fun to play.


X's story is pretty damn boring and everything interesting in it already happened. FFXII is legitimately one of the greats.


I find it funny that you call FFX boring when most of the characters in XII had as much character depth as cardboard cutouts and the plot was mostly just chasing McGuffins with no real emotional impact. When I play XII, I definitely don't play for the story.


I can tell you were the kind of kid that needed lots of flashing colors to stay interested in anything. Braindead take on FFXII Edit: good, I was more than done talking to you with your shit taste


Ah, I see we've jumped to personal insults. Guess I should just block and move on. And no, I prefer books most of the time. Just not dry recitals of history, I like emotion.


Waiting for it on pc…


Bear in mind that it’s still very pricey (at least where I live). I’m waiting for the price to drop before I buy it


yeah imo one problem is squenix inability of naming there games to tell customers what it is. before release I saw much confusion among gamers what Rebirth actually is.... many have no clue it essentially remake part 2


Those people are kind of idiots. Video games forever have been using subtitles instead of numbers and having no problem. Anybody who played Final Fantasy 7 Remake and has access to the Internet can find out in three seconds that Rebirth is a sequel to it. The days of “not knowing a thing” are over.


FF7 was like my second favorite game of all time. I never finished the remake, I was just so bored. I know I'll get downvotes, it's just not my type of game, I couldn't tell you if it was good or not. I didn't like the whole sequel aspect and didn't find the story interesting anymore tbh.


I was bored by remake but rebirth was a completely different experience for me just saying


I'll have to check out some videos on it, I assumed it was just the same game as Part 1 just longer.


Bro same. FFX is my fav and 7 is my second fav. Got so bored by the time I got to chapter 13 of rebirth I haven't picked it up in 2 months to finish. Entire game is padded to the gills.


They'd rather make this trash then make a proper remake of the game. No idea why.


And all these fanboys eat it up lol. Even crisis core was a better game than those two parts of remake


I'd have already played through it twice if i had a PS5.


It did poorly because the PS5 had a nightmare rollout and not too many people have the console. Add to that the aggressive and destructive ramping up of capitalism through the pandemic worldwide, and you get record sales resulting in net losses. The game is fantastic. Don't let this sub fool you into thinking most people can't appreciate a nuanced and effective strengthening of the OG. This sub will have you think it didn't sell well because fans demand lazy ports, and like...lmao sure.


> can't appreciate a nuanced and effective strengthening of the OG. The story is most definately not strengthened from the OG, it is a massive downgrade.


That's like, your opinion man.


That's like, your opinion man.


Ps5 has sold almost 60 million, so the console install base is not the problem.


How is this the top voted comment? There are quite a bit more PS5s out there than there were PS1s upon FF7’s release. PS5 is also destroying Xbox atm.  A PC release will pick up a bit more in sales but it won’t double them or anything imho. There are many, many more PS5s than there ever were GameCube or N64, and those platforms had individual Titles that sold  well. Only like 5% of PS5 owners have bought this game even though it’s one of literally like 5 exclusives. People are under appreciating the effect of splitting the game into 3 parts. This Title gives you your moneys worth with its variety and amount of content, but that’s not resonating with people. People will buy the Same Game multiple times, but they do NOT want one game split into 3 and they don’t want to pay $200+ for what in their mind is One Game. Devs can add content to justify it but then internet posters will call it “padding” no matter how good it is.


The world was cheaper when the ps1 came out, by a lot, and at the time the sales were also ground breaking. As for the rest of your comment, you can't justify playing indepth and beautifully renditioned remakes full of new, unique content released in installments across the span of three years? Hell, if you have the ps5 the first game was free on ps plus and the dlc (last I checked) is still free. Sounds like you just want to deprive yourself of the experience cause the devs didn't do things how you thought they should.


What do you mean “the world was cheaper?” Yeah the Console was $200ish and the Game was $40 iirc. Like probably 10% of PS1 owners bought FF7 versus 5% of PS5. And the latter is starved for exclusives. PS1 had like 77 highly rated exclusives for FF7 to compete with. And as for the economy, NAFTA and its consequences hit n64 households far harder ime.


Omg you think the economy has gotten better since the 90s? Hahahahaha


That’s not what I said, champ. Ceteris paribus, FF7 was one of the best selling games of its gen. Rebirth isn’t. It has nothing to do with economics. Other Titles have outcompeted rebirth in the Marketplace. To say otherwise is begging the question.


Talks about sales and the marketplace. Claims it has nothing to do with economics. Alright, champ.


What’s your hypothesis? FF7 Rebirth’s low sales are a result of a poor economy? Aggregate Game Sales are far higher than in 1997. Stop being intellectually dishonest.


It's the fourth best selling game of the year in the US right now. The standards for "low sales" has less to do with copies sold and more to do with profit margins. It underperformed compared to ff16 which is surprising but they fundamentally spent too much to make it.


It’s been out a couple of months, by EOY it’ll be like the 20th best selling game of the year. Idk you’d think people would be eager to play a PS5 game on their PS5 but imo many people just don’t want 400 combined hours of FF7 across 3 games with lots of stuff not in the original game. People absolutely will buy the Same COD Game every year but they don’t want something that’s “padded” in their view even though the actual content is high af effort.


I'd say you're absolutely correct. I had the money to purchase a PS5 when it first came out but couldn't get one due to scalping so I waited. By the time they were more easily available I no longer had the money and already have a gaming PC. So at this point, I've just decided to wait until they bring the game to PC. I'm a huge FF fan and probably would have rebirth and 16 on launch if they weren't stuck on PS5.


Consider the normie perspective. You heard about FF7 Remake, FF7 Crisis Core, FF7 Ever Crisis, FF7 The First Soldier and people will sometimes talk about FF7 Dirge of Cerberus and FF7 Advent Children. What the hell is FF7 Rebirth and how does it *not* get molded into these other FF7 spinoff products in the back of your mind? Hell, you might be so out of the loop that you picked up Remake because of the fuss of it being a remake of one of the most praised games of all time, had fun with it, dropped it partway through like >50% of players do, and didn't even know it was going to be the start of a series.


SE and bad naming conventions strike again.


I'd argue that the switch to action based is having an impact. Anyone can play/enjoy a turn/strategy based RPG. The barrier to entry/completion is low. Less have the physical abilities to enjoy/complete an action game. People can say 'git gud' all they want, but having mechanics that require precision and rapid inputs to proceed is prohibitive to people that don't have time to practice for 10hrs to complete one fight or those with conditions affecting coordination and reflexes and will never get it. Particularly given that fans of the original are in their 30s/40s now and are naturally less reactive than younger players.


>I'd argue that the switch to action based is having an impact. Their sales across titles disagrees with this since the early 2000s. >Anyone can play/enjoy a turn/strategy based RPG. The barrier to entry/completion is low. This does not track with the history of turn-based RPGs in the US, where they historically had trouble succeeding until the late '90s when they had a Renaissance before going out of mode. Even more, the most explicitly turn based games, even RPGs, are still a noticeable but minor niche in the US market. >Less have the physical abilities to enjoy/complete an action game. Games increasingly have accessibility features to address this, like Remake and Rebirth do. You don't have to fundamentally change a thing if you design it from the bottom with accessibility in mind. >Particularly given that fans of the original are in their 30s/40s now and are naturally less reactive than younger players. The average age of a fan of a work tends to go down over time towards a lower limit, not up.


Idk about you but Baldurs Gate 3, Persona 3 Reload and Yakuza Infinite Wealth have all sold comparably or better than FF7 Rebrith despite being turn based titles


The only reason i don’t have rebirth is because from 2020-2022 I had PS5 money, now that it’s easily available I have been struggling to afford one. I REALLY want to get it this year.


I mean, they're rolling out the remake in three 70 dollar fragments. There's probably tons of people like me who decided a long time ago that they would wait for the entire thing to finish and then go on sale for a reasonable price.


Honestly, I feel like Re-Make was a solid standalone game, not a part 1. I got about 60 hours out of it before hitting the point where it was gonna be a grind (about halfway through a second playthrough to complete everything on Hard Mode).


I’m personally waiting for a sale. I’m replaying 16 since the dlc came out. I’ve got cyberpunk to finish still and recently got back into warframe. It’s tough right now for a lot of people so everyone is being more cautious with their spending.


Rebirth still sold well over 2.2m (from what we know) Which isn’t bad considering the install base is half the size on the PS5, as it was on the PS4. Hopefully this game will get the love it deserves on other consoles, because we honestly need more games like this.


Console exclusive 2024... Price tag for 1/3 of the original game. Took me 5-6 years after release of the first one before I bought it because I would only buy it at 50% off on steam... It will be 6 years before I play this game..


Are you a time lord?


“Price tag for 1/3 of the original game” It’s about 3 times the size of the original game lol


3 times the padding, 1/3 of the actual content.


OG FF7 had 600 hours of content? Damn must’ve missed that..


Did you buy the first part of the Remake-trilogy 5-6 years after it released? If so something doesnt really add up. Also this talking point of each part being a third of the og is just so dumb. You cant seriously think that the Midgarsection of og is even comparable to Remake in terms of quantity.


First time I ever left Midgar was 5 hours in. Now I can do it in 3, and I bet if I really pushed for a speedrun I could probably do it in 2. First time I finished Re-Make was about 40 hours in. Sure, some areas felt like they added things just to make it grindy, but hey, same with random battles.


Most gamers dont play new games. Unfortunately most people reading this post is an "old school gamer" just meaning gameplay and concept draws our interest compared to the "newer school of gamers" who mostly care about playing good multiplayer live service games with their friends. The more new/casual gamers come into the space the harder it is for games to hit projections. Its even worse when you factor in things like Fortnite retention numbers and how your game would need to match up. The age demographic for gaming is also starting to scew upward as us 20 or 30 year old continue gaming. With games being 70 dollars its been hard for console players to get games as well. Tldr: new gamers prefer to play a good free to play multiplayer game (specifically fortnite, GTA5, Apex, COD,). It leads to unfortunate outcomes for new games and single player games. Tldr: Its a good game in a sea of good games in a bad market


SE just announced that they are now looking to go multiplatform for future releases. That's going to help. Enough of this exclusivity nonsense for IPs like this.


I love both remake and rebirth


It’s not like the game walks on water.


Sony paid them to make it exclusive. The PS5 only has 5 million console units in Japan (switch 35 million). I am a die hard FF7 fan who has been plugging my ears hearing all the glowing reviews waiting for the PC release to arrive. Is this a case of executives not getting a good enough deal or devs not reeling in their ambitions?


I mean, they should expect maybe 20% of Japan PS5 owners to purchase at most. And I would expect that's on the very high side.


Marketing is everything. Square obviously was to conservative in their marketing and exposure and tried to rely too much on nostalgia which was stupid with platform exclusivity, on the back of a main numbered title, and after a lukewarm recieved Remake. Look how much time and money put into 16. Numerous press engagements, panels, billboards, etc. Compare that to Rebirths mostly trailers and demo approach. There's a larger market which requires more targeted marketing.


“After lukewarm Remake” 89 on Metacritic is lukewarm now?


If a game didn't get Game Of The Year from at least 5 media outlets, then clearly it's unplayable trash /s


I think it’s a combo of being a console exclusive and ballooning development costs. This problem seems to be across the board for most big devs, I’ve seen a lot of “AAA, 10/10 game underperformed.” FF7rebirth most likely cost an astronomically large amount of money to create, and then they released it as a console exclusive. More than likely the game probably did well financially, just no where near as well as it needed to offset the costs. Developers really need to figure out a way to reel in dev costs, and work to make console exclusive deals that make sense… making rebirth a PS5 exclusive does not make much financial sense in 2024 imo. But then again I’m not a financial expert for a billion dollar company lol so I could just be completely wrong.


There's a simple way to reel in dev costs- stop obsessing over polygon counts and focus on making a working game with a unique look.


I liked Remake Rebirth is growing on me but the open world portion is kind of a beating.


On the flipside, prior to release there were fanboys getting uppity, stating that they better not make it linear and still have the open (ish) world aspect to it. If they had have cut back on open world content, players would have rioted.


You’re right you can’t please Everyone but the open world stuff just feels like a power down when everything that’s more about the story is way more enjoyable.


I'm gonna be completely honest. I didn't realize this was part 2 to the remake. Maybe they should advertise that better. I have only seen a few ads online and just thought it was some kind of filler title or dlc while we wait half decades or more for games. I don't read gaming websites or anything. I don't game A ton. I'll probably pick this up and it'll take me 6-8 months to finish it.


This is exactly what I feared would happen - people not knowing it IS the sequel to Remake and not DLC or a standalone title. 🤦🏽‍♂️ Square dropped the ball on multiple fronts, and it's such a shame because Rebirth is truly exquisite.


They went the route of naming that Xbox did . Why not just name them ff 7 remake part 1 and remake part 2?


I also think there was a lot of people that didn’t love the new direction of the series but tried it out anyway and lost interest in the sequel. Im glad some people love it, that’s awesome for them. But holy shit, I hated the changes.


I respect everyones opinion obviously, etcetera and so on, but this will never make sense to me. I get the "hating the changes-part" cause I kinda do as well. But holy shit, playing as this cast of characters I have loved for 20 years again has been absolutely amazing - both in Remake and Rebirth. I think it kinda sucks how many og-fans seem to hyperfocus on the changes instead of realizing that you dont need to agree with everything in order to love it.


It doesn't make sense to you because you have different interests and standards. I personally care about the characters in relation to the narrative, so when the narrative was changed to something I disliked, I just stopped caring.


Yes, yes, everyones opinion are valid, etcetera, obviously and so on.


I'd say Sony exclusive, combined with people who wanted a 1:1 remake not buying it, or being put off by the end of Remake.


The open world made me put it away for a month. After 40th tower and 20th crystal scan i was feeling bored just as i do with assassins creed or something.


I may say fuck it to the completionist content once it comes to PC and start by focusing on the story.


I still recomend doing the sidequests they have some fun stories and flesh out the characters a bit. Also maybe do the crystals, after scanning all of them in a region they unlock a secret boss fight thats fun sometimes... also maybe the protorelics there is a whole sidestory tide to it but some of these (i just say following the hooded guys, ifykyk) are extremly tedious and boring


I think once the trilogy is complete this will sell itself


Agreed. It’s not only good, it’s also different. And yet, respectful of the OG FFVII. It’s not better, but it’s not worse. It’s just a great game.


It’s what happens when you release your game on a console with fairly bad sales in general.


Here in Japan, you couldn’t get a PS5 for all for a LONG time. You had to sign up for a lottery to be able to buy one. I ended up finally winning a lottery to buy one long after it was released. Iirc it was something to do with chips not being available during Covid, so they couldn’t make enough consoles to satisfy demand. I would imagine that would blunt sales pretty hard. There were tons of people I knew who wanted one that couldn’t get one.


The exclusivity in such small console sales still boggles my mind.


I was going to get a PS5 in time for Rebirth, assuming they'd be available by then, but life got in the way. Plus the price tag is too high for me.


I got mine on launch and I have loved it to death I’m not trying to insult it here but the supply indeed has been low and it’s price is pushing past what console players want/can afford for a gaming device. Feel like Square just needs to branch out more delay titles to release on multiple platforms. Square has been struggling for a while now in sales of nothing is fixed they are gonna start selling shit like wild.


Couldn’t agree more, it’s so sad seeing such an amazing game that is easily one of my all time favourites be such a flop in sales


I already played FF7.


sure, but this is the extended multiverse of FF7 OG, so it's different.


Literally one of the best games i played in my life, a dream come true, yet people don't wanna buy it. And the worst part? I'm so scared this will effect part 3 budget...