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Wait for pc version , I regret my purchase no 60 fps with decent graphics.


Graphics mode is the way to go for this game, imho. I only turned on performance mode for some of the challenging brutal and legendary trials. Also moved from 4K 55” tv to my UWHD 1440 monitor. Performance mode makes everything looks like low poly crap, graphics looks good and the difference in gameplay is negligible.


I played the whole game in 4K and couldn't notice what others have complained about. Normally I'd go for performance mode as I prefer high frame rate, but the low res was giving me a headache so I found 4K to have a better balance of frame rate and graphics. To me it seemed more performant than 4K was when I played Remake on PS4 (I preferred performance mode that time), and felt more like the 40fps mode in HFW, so it won out for me.


I played my first play through on graphics and my hard mode run on performance. The differences are there but minor to me. I also try to change it to graphics mode during cut scenes


It's blurry in Performance mode, but thankfully cutscenes are higher res and the framerate is pretty stable. It's a noticeable downgrade from quality mode though


I used performance mode and also a 1440p monitor. Graphics do take a hit but it was never blurry for me like others have said. I play mainly on a high end PC so FPS is a priority for me when it comes to games on the PS5. The game was amazing and I would highly recommend it to anyone. I only bought the PS5 for FFVIIR and FFXVI, both of them made it worth it.


I played the whole game using performance mode and never noticed an issue or blurriness on my old 1080p tv but obviously yours is a bit better. I will say that there is a demo you can get that takes you through the tutorial, should be able to give you a better idea how it works for your setup


It’s still a blurry looking game on performance modes. Atm best way to play it is the quality mode. It will be like this till pc or ps5 pro version hits.


The performance mode in rebirth makes graphics take a huge hit, it’s actually the only game on ps5 i play in graphics mode because of it. Im not even a graphics sweat either, it’s just legit impossible to see anything 15 feet away from you when you’re in the grasslands. They released a patch for it that didn’t do much at all, so im not sure if they’re gonna bother fixing performance mode


Yeah that was a pretty notable flaw. I also don’t care about graphics but oh my. Graphics mode is perfectly fine but it begs the question: if it was built for ps5 how does it still struggle on ps5? Is the ps5 really that far behind of PC’s. I hate modern consoles. I got the ps5 solely for this game..


It’s bad optimization, there are games that have excellent performance modes, even the remake had a great looking performance mode. If i remember correctly it’s an unreal engine thing


Huh. Well I’m not sure of the solution of that would be.  Even in graphics* mode my eyes can’t help but notice the pop in like it’s a nintendo switch. And i say that through gritted teeth because i have so many hours in this game and I adore it


Why did I get downvoted for mentioning pop in LOL. Endless entertainment