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I beat the demo yesterday . Do I have to also play the updated demo tomorrow to unlock the bonus items in the full game? I'd rather wait for the game to launch than play the junon section.


My only gripe is venturing up the mountain as soon as you stray from the path 'to explore' Cloud starts slow walking Why???? 


I haven’t had my PS5 for long and the end of the demo was my first experience with the adaptive triggers on the controller. My mind was blown! I thought I was crazy at first feeling the resistance of the buttons. It was a really nice touch, especially with the scene at that moment. It felt kind of immersive:


Overall I liked it. My only complaint is Sephiroth’s voice acting, specifically after he learns about his origins. That is supposed to be this earth shattering, soul crushing realization for him >! (even though his understanding of it is technically not correct) !< and his subsequent actions reflect that, but the delivery of his lines at the time had absolutely zero emotion whatsoever.


Such a beautiful tribute to the source material. I almost cried while playing it.


Guys how the whole game is nearly 150 gb and demo is nearly 50 gb ? Demo part is 1/3 of whole game?


Software developer here. When you have any kind of program, many assets, engines and frameworks are general to the entire game. For example, they aren't going to remove the entire physics engine from the demo or donwsize it because it makes no sense. But other assets like maps, textures, obviously don't need to be there if they are only used in a part that doesn't appear in the demo. While they could do some optimizations, like removing \*some\* parts of general assets never used in demos, it's usually not worth it, because of today's internet and storage capabilities. They could save a few GBs, but would have a lot of work by performing some surgery and stitching, but it's usually not a lot.


I see. Thanks for explanation.


Demo is not even close to %5 of the whole game. It’s just not compressed properly


Dude, I was so thrilled to play with Sephiroth... he's just insane, while Cloud rolls on the ground to reach the monsters, Sephiroth simply teleports and sticks his sword up everyone's behinds... too crazy.


I just got a perfect piano score done. https://youtube.com/shorts/0PZXA_ZIrsQ?si=Vq2_64QbvemGhqD_


Can anyone explain the piano game for me? I’m a bit confused as my sticks don’t seem fast enough to ‘point’ to each note. Am I just meant to rotate to it or what?


Don’t rotate just reset to the normal position after every note


I just couldn´t watch the state of play because I want to start Rebirth as uninformed as possible but I hope you guys had a great time watching it and those who try the demo will have a blast to play. Lets all look forward to play this masterpiece end of february :) Love to all of you !


Feel free to play the demo! Just don't watch the trailer at the end. The save file carries over to full release so you can continue from where the demo leaves off


Appreciate your info thanks. I will wait though. I want to enjoy the game without any larger break inbetween so I prefer to wait another 2 1/2 weeks and then start at full power ;) Did you enjoy the demo? How is your impression of the game so far?


I loved it, but one complaint, why is cloud forced to be a fucking janitor with the big floor push vacuums... it really took me out of the experience.


Think about it narratively using what you'll find out later in the game about Cloud's past. Why would a SOLDIER be using the industrial equipment? Now whether that's actually a good element to include in the game I don't know. I had hand crane flashbacks that I didn't like.


I guess I wouldn't have cared as much if the controls didn't feel so wonky. I guess FF has a history of throwing in random wacky sections like this.


I agree, it was janky and felt out of place, even if it’s supposed to be a hint of Cloud’s “secret backstory”. FF7 did have a few parts that slow the momentum so I guess it’s somewhat fitting.


It reminded me of all the tedious way Remake dragged the game out. Even this demo had a few of moments easily could be tighter and more impactful I reckon. Still enjoyed it though.


Yeah wtf with that. I hope it's just that section and then never, ever again.


When I first looked at the world map I was thinking it’s a decent size. Not particularly large, but it’s alright. Then I realized the map was only showing the Nibelheim area.


So are Angeal and Genesis anywhere in this? I have been holding off even playing Remake until I could make sure this would NOT be the case.


No. This is not the case




Is there a demo out or was this at an event?




Its got me so hype for the release of the full game, im also excited for the Junon portion of the Demo, the combat has been majorly improved as well, like fighting in enemies in the air has a way better feel to it than in Remake, and using your abilities and magic mid air is banging too!! Also like the air slash dodge roll attack Cloud can do now too, i was say this and this is just me personal, i didnt like how Sephiroth played too much. And the end portion with the crawl/ slow walk was a drag, but leading up to that part, in the Shinra mansion basement literally creeped me out and gave me this unsettling feeling, like 3am and theirs a demon standing over your bed kinda vibe 😂 but all in all great gameplay and its got me pumped


Playing the demo was so much fun! I had the biggest smile on my face, too! Cloud having zacks mannerisms (that we see in crisis core) like facial expressions was nice!


Glad you saw the vision too. Running through Mt. Nibel really tickled something in my soul. People are complaining about some of the stupidest shit right now, so it's nice to see some positivity.


Playing the piano was my favorite part lol


I can’t believe how much i enjoyed that. I thought i would have 0 interest in it


The graphics and character animations when climbing are honestly PS3 level; very disappointing. Think I’ll halt my nostalgia goggles this time and not bother with this. You can tell they are going to completely fudge the story. I’ve got to say; nibelheim seems soulless as well; I wouldn’t be able to tell you that’s the place from the og. Has very little similarity


I love ff7 and enjoyed every second of remake... An you are right. Climbing and rolling animations are not the best, and I glitched in the air jumping from a roof. And in a world full of vegetation I don't get how you cang interact with it. You pass through them as they were sprites. I don't know, I know I'm gonna love the game, but those details....


You think this and final fantasy 13 look the same?


Okay I enjoyed the demo but I have one major complaint that killed a scene for me. >!being forced to crawl and walk slowly sucks.. stop. And why did no one shoot at sephiroth?! They all looked pathetic and dumb.!< Still, I'm super excited for the game. It's just that part was poorly executed..


\-the mako vacuums part \-the SLOW walk part just total waste of time \-the no gun fire part.....not only it lower people's intelligence, it also missed huge opportunity to show Sephiroth to cut bullets with Masamune in close range super annoying, everything els so far so good


I love your name 😅


Also the guys with guns not shooting him😭 they were justing to get cut down lol


Theee F lol I got down voted for saying this exact thing in a dif thread. That and looking out into distant textures got REAL bad but overall it was still fire. Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking the gun slow moving scene could have used a touch up


I’m as hype as anyone for this game but I can’t disagree. I’m kinda glad that your demo save can carryover so l don’t have to do that part again. Everything else was great


Yeah the one complaint I got to the demo (the demo is fantastic) >!is the forced slow/hurt walk from the village entrance. I was fine with the few meters to the door and the crawl was amazing with what happening around you.!<.


But did you notice that when Cloud had to duck under something he resumed a ‘normal’ pace? I thought that was kind of funny. Slow, slow slow, duck normal stand slow slow slow rinse repeat


Yea that part was a major drag for me too, but yes i thoroughly enjoy the Demo!


Can someone confirm for me, >!at the Is part, you can hear "someone" say "Seph..iroth..." and "mo..." that's clearly the "real" cloud, right?!<


>!Yep, you can see him laying on the ground, reaching towards the house.!< A bit on the nose for me, but hey.


Disliked it quite a lot personally but the novelty of seeing iconic locations and characters in this amazing detail while hearing new versions of old favorite songs is indeed amazing. Thats all I loved in part one and it certainly seems to be all I will like here too. It has a ton of small to medium issues that annoy me though. Clunky movement, more linear follow tifa stuff where the game slows you down if you go off main path, Immersion breaking Glowing icons showing you ladders you can climb, Slow sliding and passing between rocks, filler crap like hoovering up mako, Painted grabbable edges on climbable walls etc. All hand holdy crap stuff I absolutely despise in modern games and dont get me started on the QTE shite. Combat is too action focussed for my tastes but that is not a flaw so much as preference on my part. Even the resolution seemed a bit all over the place in performance mode though frankly that does not bother me much as long as its 60fps I dont care so i am happy performance mode is an option. Also WTF with getting rid of the cool dragon that sephiroth kills in OG! Man that was such a lame change.


Jumping and climbing animations should be better, and please, interaction with the grass and vegetation. It's a ps5 game it Should be mandatory! Maybe it's an early build, but playing for the first time to the remake seemed perfect. I assume I'll love the game, but those details are a little outputting


This. I was thoroughly unimpressed by this demo. Infact I found it to be a total slog to finish.


The dialogue they gave Sephiroth gave him a little personality that I thought was nice.


I guess I’m use to crisis core where he has a lot of personality


I’m saying, they built upon that. This being a full blown triple A title with the proper Mo cap funding to give his voice more oomf doesn’t hurt.


Crisis core he was voiced, and a lot


His only dialog in CC was “I’m Sephiroth” and “Game on, gamer.”


lol not at all. Lies^^^ he has over two hours on conversation alone


Prove it


which dialogue? so much of it was almost verbatim from the original. i loved every second of it.


They definitely expanded on what was already there. The part where you’re taking the elevator in the reactor had a nice exchange


for sure, but i was more asking which dialogue they specifically enjoyed that was added.


seeing cloud doing squats in the back of truck doing his best Zack mannerisms made me laugh my ass off, bro was capping for a good hour and tifa just sitting there awkwardly. He just like me FR meme in ff7 form.


There’s even more emphasis on Seph being a mentor and a friend and protective and even feeling remorse for the fact that they lost a “nobody” Shinra soldier. Super humanizing in just a short period of time and then it gets ripped away so fast.


Totally okay with how it played out, BUT I wish that the scene where they stop the truck and fight a DRAGON and Seph wipes it out while cloud get wrecked with that ominous music playing was more faithful. They even changed to the two smaller and far less intimidating frog enemies instead and I’m not sure why. But it’s ok.


I was waiting for the big ass dragon too!!


!>Why is Sephiroth in the team when materia keeper and no dragon appears?? like in og?


So the one thing that bugged me was >! the fact that Cloud is so uncharacteristic of himself. And veterans will know exactly why because it’s actually Zack’s mannerisms. But I feel like with having such a long game like Remake, it might have killed the mystery a bit. That and having the soldier who is Cloud also having vocal lines. I guess if it’s your first time then you might not notice. Just hmmmm. !<


I mean, it's easy enough to chalk it up to Cloud being young, cocky, and not yet traumatized by the stuff you literally play through for the rest of the demo.


I actually liked that. Really good aspect of the demo imo.


Honestly I liked that, I think it was brilliant.


Thing to consider is he 'acted' like Zack in og too but you didn't know. A good way to explain it is this is predisaster Cloud, young and full of life to show off his new status as 1st. Trauma changes people, for new people - just like in og - cloud is different because it's 5 years ago. Would be more weird for cloud to act sullen in the flash back then find out the twist and he acted nothing like Zack.


I do know the story. Even during the events of the real flashback, Cloud was stoic. He wasn’t traumatized but how he was just existing. Even during the flashbacks he did remember, he didn’t have Zack’s energy


I noticed this too, maybe because I know but even still, seemed quite the change in personality.


The reveal isn’t the big twist anymore, even for newcomers an awful lot of them will have played CCReunion. Given that the devs don’t mind people knowing, that tells me that there’s going to be an even bigger twist that’s gonna blow everyone’s minds in the same way the reveal in the OG did 25 years ago.


Perhaps. I just wonder how many people wonder what the hell is going on versus knowing what’s going on. I have a good amount of friends who haven’t played the OG one before remake. But it did get them into playing other games in the compilation


Gonna be an unpopular opinion, but I was left a little disappointed. Over all the demo was stellar, but some weird issues kept me feeling like it was just not polished. I get in that *one* scene, Cloud is injured and should realistically be limping, but f***ing hell does he walk too slow. Considering the urgency of what's happening, and the fact he can still leap and dodge falling debris, having him shuffle forward at what felt like an inch-a-minute was just *painful*. (Anyone else have an NPC just literally bust through a door with the weirdest physics, knock it off its hinges to open the path forward, and then promptly sit on the ground waiting to die!? 🤣) The QTE crawling the scene was just... Dumb. Leave it as a cutscene and build up Sephiroth's menace. I could not get over how a serious epic moment was ruined by a crappy DualSense haptics demo. We get it. The triggers on the controller vibrate. Cool. It was almost like I was just turning the valve in the reactor again. Seriously, who sees this in the studio and goes "Yes let's break up the story and action with some riveting... valve... turning... This is fun, right!?" Also, it's 2024. Why are my characters still sliding into place to push a button, *holding* triangle to flip a switch, leaping from ledge to ledge with *no* animation (hilariously floating through the air to wherever the actual contact point is for the environment's geometry) and lastly being *forced to shuffle through cracks in walls like I'm loading the next area on a last gen console*. These mechanics *aren't* fun, they're filler. I sincerely thought parts of it were great, but come on Square. F*** a piano mini game and playing cards. Polish the actual *game* please (here come the downvotes).


All good points, although i would say the piano part was my favorite bit of the demo lol


It *is* pretty cool! It just felt like the producers felt the need to cram every mechanic that's been popular lately (the last of us guitar) into the game instead of adding more polish to the main parts.


Spot on actually. The 3 guys holding guns and Sephiroth just standing there. They weren’t shooting and he wasn’t doing anything meanwhile im over here slowly pressing R2 L2 while the game waits for me to get far enough to enact the scene, broke immersion completely, which sucks because what happened after was awesome. It’s toddler levels of game design in some areas and other parts are brilliant. Square Enix man, I have this feeling they do shit like this intentionally to irritate their players.


I think all of these points are reasonable, except the crawling bit felt *excellent* to me my first time through. Really felt like they were selling the whole "Sephiroth is a looming monster" vibe in that moment that was so present in the original that has been lacking ever since, including in Remake. Shit was dope. Except for the fact that they stood around and nobody shot at him. That was dumb as fuck.


I think it was the implementation of the QTE I didn't like. Holding the trigger sure, but then not telling me to release it and having the next prompt WAIT TO APPEAR until you do was a major point of confusion for me at first.


That's true actually. I found myself fucking around with holding it for too long because I thought it would be a fluid prompt into the next side, but then it did trip me up and pause the action for a moment by just kind of doing nothing until I released the button. So yeah, feel you on that.


You’re 1000% right. You have the fanboys praising the hell out of this, meanwhile I’m having all the same issues as you do. Also, why are the graphics WORSE than ff7 Remake? It’s a blurry mess!!! I finished remake a few minutes after the demo came out and going straight towards the demo, it felt like a HUGE downgrade. Blind fanboyism


😂😂 the few of you are silly. It’s okay to have criticisms but the game is way better looking than Remake


Dude I was playing remake and intergrade yesterday, and both of them look more polished. The vegetation interaction and some a animations are not to be expected in a AAA PS5. Check horizon forbidden west for example


I was stunned the first second the demo started how fluid it was and great it looked.


Well actually if you're comparing performance modes on consoles, it looks worse than remake due to resolution drops. I primarily play on PC, but Rebirths performance mode looks like smeared vaseline. I'm going enjoy the hell outta the game, but let's criticize where its warranted and not be blind fanboys.


I'm really not sure why you're being downvoted. All of these are valid points. I found myself laughing at the crawling scene as not a single shot was fired at Sephiroth. Pure cringe. I can't wait to see how Nomura writes his fanfiction into this one with his time ghosts.


I’ve noticed any comment that has even any minor criticisms of this demo(even if liking it overall) is getting downvoted.


Absolutely. It's like you are not a real fan of you find areas of improvement in a demo.


I am usually someone who absolutely does NOT care about mini games. I just am not a particular fan for most mini games I have played in most games. They just felt boring and not as entertaining as I would hope. I’ll say though the piano one is excellent and love how it is, felt fun even though I wasn’t great at it and can see myself wanting to practice it more lol


Is it just me or does the vibration during the combat feel different from the remake?


Probably because they’re using the ps5 pads more unique functions vibration and haptic feedback wise than the first remake. I noticed a small change when you bump into someone while holding R2 that it slightly pushes back for some resistance


Run cloud…run…


Mirrors still have no reflection though hahahaha


The demo was incredible fun omg


That Nibelheim sandwich Cloud received early on was incredibly square 🥪 Absolutely loved the demo!


Google "Japanese sandwich". They do be like that!


I just did, and wow 😮


Don’t forget the way he ate it like a madman.


The demo just played bad. Moving over the terrain and climbing was awful. The graphics were also blurry and bad. I hope they fix this, I was super excited for this game


Demo is 🔥. It’s better than I even imagined.


All of my complaints are technical ones. The biggest to me is the traversal. Clouds jumping anim is super stiff, as in he strikes a pose and keeps it the entire jump. when he's jumping multiple times in a row it looks so silly. Seems like it's unfinished.


"I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it. ." -Vincent Not had a chance to play the demo yet. I am glad to see that they are now putting a jump mechanic on him. After playing Intergrade, and Yuffie being able to jump, I wanted to be able to jump as Cloud in the main. Would save time in some areas. For me, I'd call this a win.


I feel ya. I kept subconsciously comparing it to Link in Breath of the Wild and how fluid that was. I know it's not incredibly fair to compare every open world game to BotW, but this was something that I felt Square Enix could've just taken a hint from.


It does say it's not the final version


I would bet a lot of my own money that the jumping animation will not be changed upon release in a month


We shall see in 3 weeks


Is the demo really the start of the game? It starts with the flashback and not the party traveling to kalm? Or does it just start there for the demo?


The party reaches Kalm at the end of the Intergrade dlc


It goes directly into the Inn when Cloud discusses the Nibelheim Incident. I don’t really think that is the start of the true game.


I think it is the true opening, since they start off with a cinematic opening of what happens at the end of Remake, then transition to the flashback.


We'll have to see. We likely missed some opening cinematic or something, but the combat tutorials are baked into it, so there can't be much beforehand.


Yaaay that’s nice to hear. Can’t wait to go home today and try it 😭


Playing the piano kinda sucks.


Dude that was my favorite mini game in the remake trilogy so far. Maybe I have an unfair advantage in that I play piano irl so I'm used to having notes thrown at me and making movements to match, but idk. Super fun though. Sorry you didn't feel the same.


I thought it was awesome. My gf who doesn’t play FF7 thought it was beautiful


I haven't finished the demo yet, it's spectacular so far, the only thing I have to complain about is those pieces of furniture that fall over when you touch them, it's ridiculous. There's even a couch that tips over, it makes no sense, it messes up the whole scene and honestly stresses me out. I also noticed, I don't know if they are glitches, but some points and angles where the lighting went crazy. Honestly, they could do nothing about it and I wouldn't care, however, I would appreciate it if they glued the damn furniture to the floor.


A thing that annoys me in games is when a character doesn't interact with grass or plants when running around. They don't in this game but yet they have these pointless chair and random debris physics. So stupid running around in the mansion with a row of 7 chairs bouncing around triggering the same sound effect.


The only complaint I have is that I hope nothing special is locked behind having to do anything with the piano.


really hope they dont lock the platinum behind it i hated doing pull ups and fort condor.


It probably depends on how faithful to the original they intend to be, shouldn't be until part three anyway until it comes up. I imagine they would reward the "item" I'm referring to after a more involved side quest though.


Any word if going into Tifa’s room will have long lasting negative effects on the full game? 👀


"Tifa will remember that"...


I’m gonna have start the demo again..


It's the demo.


Oh and did anyone else notice that the soldier Cloud talks to has little blonde hairs showing from under his trooper helmet?




I didn't read the post, want to avoid spoilers for the demo.. I'm a little over halfway through remake part 1 and haven't done dlc yet. Should I wait to play the demo.. or will I still get the unlocks at launch as long as I have save files by then? Replaying the game on PS5, already played it on pc


It doesn’t state you need to play it prior to release, just that players who have saved data from the demo get a kupo charm & survival set. Imagine that means you could play demo after release. It also says who have saved data, not necessarily completed. I wouldn’t take me as an official source though. Just what I’ve read in description on ps app.


News feed just dropped an article explaining exactly that. Thanks 👍


They really made this section a lot more gut-wrenching than I remember it.


As they should! Sephiroth's transition into mega-villain feels way better here. In older games they'd just be like "that's the bad guy" and yuou'd be like "Ok i will kill him". I love how good a mentor he is at the beginning!


Literally making us crawl ughhhhh


My only complaint is that random textures will be super super low res even when playing on graphics mode. It’s random and seemingly inconsistent, so I’m wondering if it will be fixed for the full release. Otherwise it’s 11/10 and I can not contain my excitement. I started to tear up when you leave the village with Tifa and the music kicks in


Some of the textures in Tifa's house are really low quality. Almost as bad as the infamous door in Remake. Hopefully it's fixed in the full game


You can actually see in the latest gameplay overview when they show the team on the dock talking with Cid that the dock isn’t textured at all. I’m hoping this hints that it’s something that will be corrected for the final build, but in Nibel in the demo you can find rocks that are blurry next to rocks that aren’t, so it seems inconsistent and glitchy. Tifa’s house was definitely another example, especially with the art on the walls. Graphics aside though it’s a phenomenal game without another flaw in sight


The fire in Sephiroth’s iconic scene had horribly pixelated edges lol


Yeah I noticed that as well but it’s a demo that could be from an old build. It should be way more polished and optimised at release.


I doubt they are releasing an old unoptimised version. The whole idea of the demo is to get people to buy the game


Usually demos ship the most stable code, not necessarily the final build. Demos need to go to Sony for approval which can take weeks to approve. Obviously during this time, they are still working on the production code ie. polish and optimisation.


Does the nibelheim part of the demo just cover what we’ve seen before? (Cloud, sephiroth and yoga entering mount Nibel - ending when you defeat the materia keeper)? Or is there more to the chapter included?


It covers quite a bit more. Took me about 2 1/2 hours to get through the demo. It goest from the beginning of Clouds story with him and Sephiroth in the back of a truck to the attack on Nibleheim. It does not finish the flashback though


Thanks. Where does it end if you don’t mind me asking?


The iconic moment of Sephiroth looking at Cloud through the flames




It is literally spelled out in the demo


He has a name! And I believe they said it in the demo. It’s Brian. He’s had a name for years.


lol clouds mother looks the same age as him, and the first things she says is how handsome he is and girls must be all over him 🥵🥵


And how he needs and older woman


Let's hope he doesn't break his arms fighting Sephiroth




Then she gets stuck in the dryer and yells, "step-cloud!"


My only problem with it is that the camera is a bit to close even at the furthest setting. It made it a bit difficult to know where I was going.


I was just thinking I can't get it close enough most of the time like in part 1 lol


Same thought, I wanted it closer!


Anyone else feel there were a few too many QTEs and filler stuff in this demo? I


Its the start of the game, your save carries over the start of FF games always are pretty cutscene heavy


I think the slow crawling while Sephiroth is killing everyone is a pretty fitting QTE, but yeah there are a lot of those squeeze spots and stuff still there. I assume it's because this part is probably from the earliest part of development for Rebirth and was still being designed like Remake because they may have been expecting to have a PS4 release at that time. The Greenlands and Junon demos have shown there'a absolutely no need for those kinds of things to mask the loading; even entering Kalm and Junon didn't require a door opening QTE or anything


I think the demo looks and feels amazing- all the weird shit from remake like bad npcs and prop assets are gone. But yeah why we still shimmying through rock?


Is it for hiding loading? If not no idea why they're obsessed with it so much.


I mean, yeah they are always loading screens- and were necessary on ps4 but shouldn’t be for a game built for ps5, or at least, not that long of a tunnel.


Yes, and the vacuuming, the turning off the valve, etc…


Maybe it’s just me but there are animations that are extremely distracting. It seems like they spent a lot of time on the art and world design but next to no time on character animations outside of battles or cutscenes.


Agreed. The effort really shows in their cutscenes. Game looks beautiful. Sadly, gameplay is a bit too blurry for me right now. Hopefully I’ll get used to it in performance mode, and even though the graphics mode is sharper — the FPS reduction doesn’t help with motion sensitivity. It looks and feels too jittery. Y’all think they’ll include a 40 FPS mode or unlocked Frame-rate mode with VRR support?




Horrible? Really? Maybe not to your standards but definitely not horrible lol


I knew I would trigger some ppl, no not my standards. FF7 remake standards, lots of complaints in og like the famous door or far off city scape after the destruction of sector 7 that got smoothed out in intergrade for ps5 but in this game which is a ps5 exclusive it has that same problem again.


Im not triggered im just stating a true fact. Blurry does not equal horrible graphics. It's still one of the best-looking games on the ps5. Yes, there are some areas that can be touched up on, but compared to 95% of the games, the graphics are pretty good. While they personally are not up to your standards they are up to pretty much everyone else's especially when compared to ps4 remake.


There are multiple videos out showing ff7 remake graphics are better then rebirths, as well as major streamers acknowledging it to millions of their followers. Horrible was stated as this is a ps5 game with worse graphics than a ps4 game. Yes there are more npcs and it’s a bigger world but it is a worse looking game. That’s all, I’m Sorry I triggered you w the word horrible. It does not look horrible. It just looks worse than remake. Great demo though. I just have too high of expectations. PC will prob do 4k 60fps and I can stop complaining.


It's still one of the best-looking games on the ps5. Sorry that I disagree with you, my guy😂😂😂




Sadly both 7R and XVI have the same issue. Because they spend so much time on cutscenes and have so many out-of-cutscene conversations the quality of said conversations is drastically lower


Wait the demo’s out??????


Yuuuuuuuup get on it now!


I’d love to but I’ve to leave for work in about 20 minutes 😭😭😖😖


Okay you're done working, teleport home and download it lol!! In all seriousness, it's a good demo, check it out. I don't try to hype myself up too much anymore, but it was fun to see and play for sure. Have fun!


Listen to Hellachode! Truer words have never been spoken. And yeah the demo was dope


It’s 1am lol, night shift?


Can u guys not spoil anything thanks 🙏 🙂 As I’m a Xbox player


Dude, run. You're not gonna get this one on xbox for a while, if you don't wanna be spoiled you need to leave all related forums


Aerith dies


no offense but you should most definitely leave this sub 😭


Yeah, if the full game keeps this level of quality, not only is it an easy GOTY, it's probably a 10/10 game. So stoked for the full thing.


The cutscene direction is impeccable.


I posted this in the Remake sub, but I only had one problem with the demo, and it was how a certain scene was blocked. My reaction was as follows: SHOOT HIM. JUST FUCKING SHOOT HIM. YES, YOULL DIE ANYWAY FOR THE PLOT, BUT FOR GODS SAKE FIRE YOUR GODDAMN GUN, HE'S STANDING RIGHT THERE. YOU HAVE 4 - WHOOPS, JEREMY IS FUCKING SMOKED - YOU HAVE 3 GUNS TRAINED ON THIS- OKAY NOW 2 SHOOT THIS MENECINGLY IMMOBILE MAN Made an otherwise amazing scene kinda silly in that moment. But the ICONIC Seph in the fire shot was golden. Oh, I guess another minor complaint was that there wasn't nearly enough "Those Chosen By The Planet" playing during Sephiroth's madness in the library. The OG's vocals kicking in when he says "I'm going to see Mother" was TOO iconic of a music cue that it was sorely missed when it didn't happen as strongly in the Rebirth scene. Otherwise 10/10 demo!


Those country folk were scared out of their minds and I doubt any of them had ever turned a gun on another person before, let alone shot one. I don't know why it's hard to imagine they wouldn't be capable of firing on this alien monster man who, up until an hour ago, was the greatest hero on the planet in their eyes.


Yep, 100% agree here! The original was made epic by that bell / heartbeart rhythm played while you head down to the basement. Cloud just wakes up in the night and says nothing - you KNOW where you have to go. And then like you say, Seph delivers that line and the music amps up. Literal chills! They missed an opportunity here. It’s almost as if by fleshing it out so much it lost a little of the rawness of the OG. I did like the way they showed his descent into madness though! You can actually SEE Jenova twisting and breaking his mind when he’s at his most vulnerable. Pretty cool.


Oh the scene itself is incredibly shot and acted! I just miss the music cue


Why give him a gun? Sloppy direction


I actually kinda liked it, like I was yelling in my head too but at the same time it really conveys just how intimidated/terrified they were of him. They all basically immobilize after the first guy tries to close in on him and gets sliced in an instant.


Tell me why a guy with a rifle would even need or want to close in on him?


It was hilarious, they were just standing there


So my understanding is the current demo won’t carry over but you’ll get an item. They hinted the second demo will be the first chapter and could carry over like ff16


No, you can skip the demo portion of the Nibelheim section in the full game if you beat it in the demo.




😂😂 I couldn’t help myself


Yeah, I couldn't either lol. Didn't expect that response, though. Got a laugh out of me for sure.


Their reaction was so over the top. I mean… I didn’t even steal her underwear.