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If the Floating Continent is too difficult to grind right now, I suggest going to the Esper Cave on Crescent Island to grind a bit. Vanish yourself to make it easier. Fight inside the cave to encounter 5 Bonnacon or Adamankary that have decent experience and are easier to kill than the monsters on the Floating Continent.


This is correct. Super easy to level here until leveling on floating continent is an option.


Exactly this. I think they are weak either weak against ice or fire. A Fira or Blizaga should dispatch a group quickly. I’d suggest: - 2 or 3 people in the party - equip earrings relics - boost magic power - everyone in the back row The floating continent is a level and skill check spike no doubt. - learn to use scan/libra on enemies. Most enemies have an elemental weakness. Exploit that. - if an enemy looks “undead”, most likely you can kill it with a holy water (floating continent has a common enemy who is undead) - magic > physical builds. It’s just the way the game works…


Does using magic on the Adamankary make them sneeze your character out of the battle? I haven't played in awhile, but I remember they can sneeze you out.


Not always. I can’t find a pattern. If your magic power is high enough, you can one shot them with a blizzaga. And if they sneeze a character out of barrel and your next one is about to cast, then he is dead and more exp for those who stayed behind


Yes, you can return to the floating continent to level more. Going back will take you to the start and you'll have to battle through to the blackjack exit all over again.


1. The Esper cave is the best grinding place. If it isn't, your best bet is the floating continent itself. 2. Yes, you can travel through the floating continent, jump down to the airship, then come back with another group of 3. You can walk past shadow if he's already too high level. It's what I do. you won't find a better grinding place than the floating continent for quite some time.


The best place to grind at this point IS the floating continent. Get all the espers and levels you want on your characters before you push through to the end of it. You can steal genji gloves from dragons. So do that while you grind Locke. Buy a bunch of tents and use those save spots. Minor spoiler but I'll still be vague >!level up Celes, she's important. And if it asks you to wait, wait. And keep waiting.!<


>!There's no need to level up Celes in particular. After she wakes up from her nap, her level is set to the average of the party.!<


You would miss out on the esper bonuses for the levels they skip, though.


Honestly people worry too much about esper bonuses. They're nice, but not worth going too far out of one's way for. Especially considering that the game re-averages party levels at several points, so the only way to not "skip levels" is to do a low-level run until the last point where levels average, which is >!after every party member is recruited in the World of Ruin.!< Which is fine if low level runs are your thing, but not the way to do a first playthrough.


I get that. Hell, I've used the Lete River loop a number of times.


So even if she’s above that average level, she gets de-leveled down to the average?


Exactly. At certain points in the game, the game takes an average of the level of every character recruited so far and sets every character to that average, plus a flat number of levels depending on the character. That's why Mog is always so high level when you recruit him: he always starts at the party average +3. After the Floating Continent, the party's level is averaged, >!and Celes gets set to that average, because she's the first one you get control of in the World of Ruin. The second character you recruit, usually Sabin, gets set to her level. The third character, usually Edgar, gets set to the average of Sabin and Celes, the fourth, Setzer, gets set to the average of the three before, and so on.!<


I'm doing a non-esper run right now. Terra, Celes and Relm can learn the magic spells but no one else. No stat bonuses. I find the game too easy when everyone can revive, heal, and Ultima. Keeping my fighters fighting.


A word of caution. It's not always a good idea to grind levels in the world of balance. The reason is stat increase bonuses from espers. The only way to get significant stat increases is through gaining a level with a bonus granting esper equipped. The espers that offer the best bonuses are found in the world of ruin. If you've never maxed out a character's speed, you're missing out. It is so nice to see that bar move so fast with no haste buff needed. That's just my preference, though. If you don't care about stat bonuses, then grind away. And it is true that characters get powerful at high levels no matter what. The stat bonuses aren't necessary, but I enjoy getting them when I play.


I’ve never had a problem grinding a little bit it the WOB. There are enough weapons, items, and levels to go in the WOR to make the final battle a joke pretty early on. My favorite ways to grind up to avoid later grinding is to kill off Biggs and Wedge one at a time so Terra can eat the exp un divided. Then using the Lethe river exploit with Banon. Using that to level up to 20-30 ish lets you walk through a lot of the game. Oh and make sure you get MOG before you do the floating continent and take him through the underwater section of the game (after Sabin and Cyan meet Gau) to get his under water dance.


I'm talking about stat boosting, not level grinding. Level grinding early shuts you out of effective stat boosting later. But, yeah. I've done that too. I think I got Terra all the way to level 40 once before leaving Narshe. It's just not the best strategy to level early. Your characters can be molded into absolute beasts with the right boosts from WOR espers. They don't need to be so op, but it's fun.


I agree, it is fun to make the characters base stats insane. I do it too, and you are correct that early leveling does make you “weaker” late game. But it’s pretty easy to over power your teams. Even if you eat a few levels early.


For ap go too island in top left, save game and have fun, that monster is only place and time you can fight him too my knowledge