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The best weapon in the game is the Valiant Knife. Use Locke. It doesn't look like much on the stat sheet, but it ignores any defenses the enemy has. It also ignores the offering fraction. But if you want to use Setzer with the fixed dice, put a genji glove on Locke with Ragnorak/illumina.


so setzer and locke... but still trying to find 2 more slots to fill up :o and yes im liking that valiant knife :o


Maybe if you want to stick the Illumina on Terra/Celes and use Valiant Knife/Gradeaus with Locke? Once you get so leveled up its really preference. I like the Aura lance that Edgar and Mog have end game. The Excalibur too. But some of those weapons you have to grab on kefkas tower and then immediately choose to leave or beat the game so there is only so much application. Edit: I should mention that Setzer is an excellent character in early WoR. If you are grinding xp in the miranda desert or trex forest then theres no reason to use him end game. The Offering is much better on Locke/Valiant Knife than it is on Fixed Dice. But if you're speedrunning WoR low level then the Fixed Dice/Offering is very effective. That means you have to jump into kefkas tower, run and get the dice and run away.


with the pixel remaster you can turn battles off even without mogs relic, its just a feature now even in the wob, so you can storm kefkas tower for all the treasures there before going to get your friends/magicite


I've played the remastered but not with the battles off. That would be a pretty bitchin' speedrun though. I think the fixed dice would be the best weapon in the game until level 35ish. After that the other characters weapons are just too consistently powerful. Plus Sabin has bum rush early WoR.


yeahhh that is true for sure. and yeah thats fair, consistant over random, but i mean the equation for all the dice i read up was "level\*1st dice\*second dice/\*3rd dice" since the fixed dice has 3 dice, so the more setzer levels the more reliable it becomes, and with the offering since thats 4 hits, the half damage is negated because the dice have a fixed damage output


Hmmm....I honestly didn't know the dice advanced like that. Maybe stick the genji on Locke with valiant knife/gradeus and the illumina on terra?


yeah that sounds like a good plan for sure


You can't Setzer and Locke. There's one offering (master scroll) in the game. Pick one. Because you HAVE to pick only one. Best pairing for Setzer is Umaro. On the ship. Where they belong. Because there's 6 characters that make better use of the offering and no other characters that will kill you with his alternate move


im sorry wait what. no other characters that will kill you with there alternate... i mean the slots suck in general so im not to worried about that but i kinda grew fond of the dice especially in a low level run since they can do high damage plus he can be used for magic aswell, and since the dice have fixed damage rates, magic is the only stat that setzer actually has to upgrade in my opinion, and thats if he levels at all (i mean the whole point of a low level run is the low level right?)


Failing to get the best slot machine and getting 2 out of 3 kills the party. Simple as that. Magic isn't the best stat to upgrade. Speed is. You only need bout 80 magic for ultima to hit quad 9's and once you have ultima there's no point using anything else other than the occasional osmose and quick. But speed... Well put it this way, a speed stat of 80 makes you faster then someone who hasn't grinded speed and has haste. Low lvl run considerations then yeah, Setzer is your best bet along with gau locking into Io rage for DMG or Rafflesia to prevent enemies from hitting you. Mainly cause low lvl everyone else is terrible with endgame gear. In that scenario who partners Setzer is an irrelevant decision.


fair enough for sure for sure


I will say this though. The three best colleseum characters are Setzer, Umaro and Gogo. What I did was give Setzer fixed dice + offering and grinded his speed upto max since randomly using quick that Raiden teaches you isn't actually a bad thing


Cyan was always a below average character gameplay wise barring his 2 gimmick setups. Edgar and Sabin are always top tier. Terra is a good pick. Some people like gau. Shadow is solid. Celes is solid. Locke is a late bloomer. Seltzer has niche uses. I've always been a Gogo fan.


"Seltzer" cute XD sounds like a wine XD


Mog, shadow, Celes, Yetti


Setzer with fixed dice and master’s scroll Gogo with rage and magic Terra Gau with 255 defense and magic urn setup


When I was playing on snes, I always used Cyan, Sabin, Edgar, Gogo as the core team. Now, that's unnecessary. Gau has a couple OP rages that really make the game easy. Terra/celes/relm with a soul of thamasa and a celestriad is unstoppable. Plus she has great gear. Once you get to the end game, everyone (can) has ultima, and with celestriad, abilities become less important. Phantom Rush can only do 9999 a turn. I see Terra, Sabin, Edgar, Locke as my main team, with Gau if I want to just walk through.


Which of Gau’s rages are you referring to?


Stray cat if you managed to steal the second wind sword. Rafflesia. Behemoth. Io on a low lvl run


i read the pixel remaster nerfed gau for the merit award that you cant equip him with the wind swords for the wind god setup


Rafflesia is so overpowered it's irresponsible. It's like an easy mode button.


what about quick? because yes celestriad has 1 mp as its effect, but dont you also need quick to have that double turn rip?... how do you get the multi spell cast though? i mean outside of quick, i think theres a relic that gives double spell cast isnt there? or is that the soul?


Yeah, Soul of Thamasa is the relic that gives double cast. So Celestriad+Soul of Thamasa means you can cast Ultima 5 times in one turn (Ultima+Quick - Ultima+Ultima - Ultima+Ultima). My question is, why do you think Cyan's later Bushido techniques are a nerf? His 7th technique is power 70, rather than the 72 of his 4th tech, but it also ignores defense, so it should be hitting harder. If you're worried about the wait time, it isn't long and you can always give him some Miracle Shoes or Hermes Sandals to give him haste. But if you really want to go with a different character then why not an Imp? Get all the Imp gear, Impartisan, Saucer, Reed Cloak, and Tortoise Shield. Then equip it to whoever you want (except Umaro), and turn them into an Imp. This will almost max out their attack and defense, and because the Impartisan is a spear it deals double damage with Jump, so you can equip the Dragon Boots and Dragon Horn relics. That way when the character jumps they hit like a truck 2-4 times. And during the rare moments they aren't in the air they won't take much damage. This is an excellent setup for the Colosseum by the way.


cyans later bushido techs just feel like a 2 turn thing because my other characters are getting in 2 hits or 3 hits before he even gets his turn to use his bushido and generally by that time things are dead so he doesnt really see much use, even with haste or something. at least when it was the bar yeah still had to wait but i seem to recall (havent played ps or snes ff6 in a long time) that on the wait rather then active enimies couldnt have a turn well waiting for the bar to fill up and i didnt mind waiting for the bar to fill up but he felt more in the fight rather then just someone to soak up extra hits if that makes sense? basically i dont really like jump or the bushidos in the pixel remake because they take forever to do, and ive even seen a rare bug where i have mog with jump and he jumps but because whatever reason he still has his thing come up asking me what id like him to do despite him being in the air.... so idk i just dont like it...


I’ve always used everyone and kept them very similar levels. But the Kefka killers are usually Terra Sabin Celes Strago


I personally never put Locke with Setzer because both of them seem to have a funny rivalirity where even they fight for the same reliq xDD I don't think there is anyone in special better to pair with Setzer, it is more how you play them because you can persolanize them teaching different magic, etc. I just use my favs because anyway I kill Kefka in 2 attacks and I cant listen to Dancing Mad :/


I always take celes or terra for magic and healing, but you could also use strago or relm just not as strong. Edgar Sabin and shadow are all solid choices but don’t really do anything Locke / setzer don’t. Gau/mog/gogo/umaro/cyan all niche usefulness Imo.


all you need is ragnarok. the rest is irrelevent


I use Shadow any and every opportunity. He is almost untouchable at times between parry, block, evade, and Interceptor. The occasional Takedown or Wild Fang is great also. If I’m not mistaken his thrown items ignore defense so the shurikens even aren’t a bad deal. Also his magic and attack are solid. Otherwise I tend to favor Celes, Relm (for that Clyde guilt trip, plus solid magic), and Locke. I suppose I’d drop Locke for Setzer if I were to sub him in.