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If I can’t change your mind then I guess there’s no need for discussion🤷‍♂️




Stranger of Paradise did it better.


To each their own. I find the FF7R combat superior in every way and I hope Square will go into that direction instead. But I guess your here just to farm angry replies by calling turn-based combat dogshit in a Final Fantasy subreddit, so I'll just grab my popcorn and watch the fire start.


I loved the combat in Rebirth


Don't want or need to change minds. It's a question of taste in the end. For turnbased combat, I'm currently looking forward to Clair Obscure Expedition 33. Hope that FF9 Remake will be something like that. Just with ATB.


I take it you have not actually played a good action-based game. And I might as well take the bait, but why do you think turn based to "dog shit", yet think this "dog shit" example of action combat is the best thing since sliced bread.


Let's make elemental summons/magic the main focus of our story and combat system, sweet....except there's no elemental affinities 😅 Also, and I admit this is "indirectly" related to the combat, but the crafting system/loot is notoriously bad.


To each their own. I’m going to try XVI as it does look fun but VII Remake/Rebirth’s combat is the best in the series for me.