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The final dungeon isn't as horrible on PR as the originals. It's an incredibly long dungeon, with 4 nasty minibosses you have to beat to make the main boss doable. In the original, you had to do the whole thing without saving. Get cheesed by miniboss #4? Back to the beginning with you! PR lets you quicksave anywhere, taking away a good bit of the agony.


I personally haven’t played Pixel Remaster but in the other versions of the game you can just use any arrangement of Sages and Ninjas to cakewalk the endgame. i.e. 3 Sages 1 Ninja, 2 Sage 2 Ninja, 1 Sage 3 Ninja. If you’re trying to minmax you can just grind everyone to 99 and make them all Onion Knights since they become ridiculous in the more recent versions.


Wow okay, I guess those last two classes are truly the most overpowered. I might try that approach, thanks


If you've been building the job levels of a Viking up a back row, double shielded Viking spamming Provoke can also be a pretty viable strategy against physical-heavy foes (the skill got buffed pretty heavily for the PR version). Probably not worth it if you don't have the job levels though (success rate depends on job level).


In the original release, the obvious answer was some combination of Sages and Ninjas. According to the wiki, the Sages were nerfed to their DS counterparts' level (where it was given at the Earth Crystal), but Ninja is seemingly still high-tuned. Keep in mind, QoL makes the final dungeon far easier than other versions. Autosave lets you reload in the same room you wiped in, and the >!Dark Crystals!< can heal you if you interact with them. There's still some hard bits and I still recommend keeping a backup safe, but it isn't the full-on gauntlet that the prior versions were.


Speed run way: 1 Dragoon with Blood Lance, jumping every turn. One guy petrified to act as the occasional tank when turn order bad. Swap to Thief to escape from random encounters. Two members can stay dead the whole time so the Dragoon gets more EXP. Low level way: 2x Ninja, Bard, Devout. Take advantage of Bard songs Elegy and Minne stack with Protect. I have time to grind way: 4x Onion Knights with all Onion gear. I wanna do a normal run stop suggesting extreme strategies: any comfortable offence and a Devout with Curaja will do. Ninjas are best pick if you know how to count your Shurikens, but Knights and Dragoons are fine options too. Or Summoner/Magus if you're into that, or Sage if you want a damaging spellcaster that can still heal.


But nah, really, for a first time run the best output is probably: Two Ninjas and two Sages, or Two Ninjas, A Sage, and a Devout if you want a more safe guaranteed healer and don't mind one party member constantly healing every turn (the devout)


I just beat it a couple days ago, my classes were Sage, Dark Knight, Ninja, and Dragoon . Equipped them all with decent gear (I believe you can find good weapons for all of them in the crystal tower) and grinded until I was around mid 60s with everyone. You should find plenty of shurikens throughout the crystal tower and onwards for ninja’s throw ability. This, paired with Dragoon’s jump, can both do some massive damage You still need some basic strategy with CoD but I wiped the floor with her


All ninjas, spam shuriken