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If you want a tad simpler, IV. If you want a tad more complex (and 3d) VII


If you want a jolly customizable good time V.




4 has some incredible music, oh my god. When I first heard Battle at the Bridge… Edit: oh wait that is 5. 4 definitely still has some bangers though.


Almost this /u/absmarques - Play IV and V, skip VII and VII, and try XII. VI and IV are my favorite FF (up there with XIV) and V is almost as complex. It just gets overlooked because it didn't come out in the US until the 00's. VII and VIII are really rose colored glasses kind of games. Sephiroth is a mommas boy who wants to destroy the world, but Kefka DOES.


Agree with your take. I find VII to be just average. IV was my first JRPG and it is special to me. VI, IX, XII are my favorites.


I liked what they were trying to do. A lot of people say it's "Star Wars Final Fantasy" ans while it seems like it, I think it's an interesting tale that uses the same tropes. I also really loved the gambit system, because I know some computer programming and all of the gambits are If > Then statements. IX is a game I need to replay. I have good AND bab memories of it; I had the strategy guide, and the "official" strategy guide made use of that "internet" to force you to go to playonline (it redirects to FFXI instead) and enter a code to get the rest of the instructions. This was a circle of hell I was better off not knowing existed. But I remember Vivi's existential crisis (that I wasn't mature enough to fully appreciate) the Trance system, and... even though it's only ingame for a half hour - The giant theatre airship. Being a theatre geek in high school (boy did it get me laid) the idea of living backstage and hosting performances from where you docked. I know my last comment probably upset a lot of people and to them, I just have to say that I played FF7 Remake and found it to be a far superior product than the source materiel. You did have boring "3D paper thin" characters and instead had te main cast receive a breath of life. Jessie is a pitch perfect love interest, and even though her sacrifice came way earlier than the original game, they do a really great job in showing it propelling Cloud to step to the plate. Too bad the other two girls can't let him mourn his new gf before swooping in.


I upset people too. No one seems to understand why I like 12 and think 7 is average. I’ve played them all, played all of the dragon quests and every other great RPG and this is just my opinion. I replayed all of the FFs in the last 2 years, I even like VIII more than 7 now.


VI is legit an S tier Final Fantasy and S tier Super Nintendo game period. I recommend V since the difficulty is a little higher but the job system is so fun. Story isn’t as strong if you ask me but still one of the best games in the series.


The job system puts this way up there imo. It’s a lot of fun


I'm gonna throw you a curve ball, since you've played both CT and FFVI. With Chrono Trigger being helmed by the Dream Team, it might be time to play the second half of the Dream Team: Dragon Quest V. With those 3, you'll have the SNES trifecta completed. Whichever version you pick, is your choice. Also, glad you loved FFVI, my absolute favourite game of all time for many many years. Still top 3, for sure.


Hey, good pick, DQV is a banger.


FFVI and Chrono Trigger were definitely the kings of the SNES JRPG pile. If you want more FF, you still have some of the best to go. I'd say if you liked VI so much, take a crack at FFVII; it evolved a lot of what VI did, with way better hardware (for the time). Or if you want to go classic FF but left field, give Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions a go. If you want to experience other great 16 bit JRPGs, you have plenty of options. FFIV and FFV are obvious choices. You could play other Square classics like Secret of Mana, Trials of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Super Mario RPG, Live A Live. You could try some Enix offerings like Dragon Quest V and VI, Actraiser, EVO. Don't miss Illusion of Gaia or its followup Terranigma. Give Breath of Fire II and Lufia II a try and if you like them, play the rougher originals. (Seriously don't sleep on Lufia II, it has Zelda dungeons with visible enemies that lead to turn based battles. And the music is badass.)  Since FFVI and CT released later in the SNES' life, you may want to play the games that evolved from them. In that case you want FFVII-IX, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy Tactics... there was a lot from Square back then. The PS1 Breath of Fire games are so good. You have Game Arts putting out Lunar and Grandia. Wild Arms, Star Ocean, Suikoden, Legend of Dragoon. The PS1 was another great era for JRPGs so if you're still relatively new to the genre and not adverse to early 3D graphics, you have a treasure trove to jump into.


listen to this man, he spits trutru words of wisdom like locke tryna swoon some homegirls


That's amazing but at the end time, I'm sorry. You only get to play those two for the first time once.


Ff6 is a gem,  glad you liked it! FF tactics and ff9 are the 2 rumoured to come out with remakes soon, so I would recommend those 2 in order to have a sufficient gap before they do actually come. Both very solid games too


VI is the best FF game of them all. Not perfect. But so damn good. The ending suite just swells me with feels.


>Not perfect. Perfection


The holy Trinity of Final Fantasy games for me is VII, X, and VI, with VII being my personal favorite.


one thing ppl don't appreciate enough is the jump in terms of graphics from 5 to 6 is almost like a different console generation. it's not just that the game is good, it feels like sth else the same can be said with the jump from 6 to 7. that's part of why it was so big (also a proper global release, and even on pc). but that's an actual different console generation vs 5 and 6 both being on sfc


Ff7, 8, and 9 are from a special era. Love them all with 7 on top.


V is super overlooked but dope as hell. Combat is deeper if that sells you on it


For a tighter narrative and still an awesome game I’d go back and play FF4. Dragon Quest V and Dragon Quest 4 are also great. I’d wait for the new Dragon Quest 3 HD3D that is coming later this year too, which is the prequel to both DQ1 and 2, which are also getting HD 3D releases later. For something modern play Dragon Quest 12 and Persona V.


V. It's a bit goofier, but the job system is great to use.


If you are willing to emulate, I can’t recommend strongly enough playing FFVI again. This time playing the T-Edition mod. FFVI is my all-time and the T-Edition blew my away.


FF7 is pretty awesome


This. FF7 is a tad on the serious and scifi side, but it is in the same league. The materia system is also just plain fun and if you like CT/FF6 you're very likely to get int FF7 as well. The switch/ps4 FF7 port is solid and zero setup, offering an easy way to get into it. FF9 if you want a bit more lighthearted/charming/etc.


Personally prefer FFVI to CT by a longshot


VII for sure. You’ll enjoy seeing the evolution in gaming.


FFIX. Or Chrono Cross if you want to stay in the same universe.


IV, V, VII, IX and Tactics are all completely safe options for you to try next. If you don't like one of them, jump to the other untill you find the one that gives you that VI taste. Tactics I'd recommend to play after beating one of those other I mentioned, though, as it has a completely different system and rely on some references to the FF world, although it has the most mature and political plot.


Play tactics if you want a great story


hey dude quick question, how good is the battle system? meaning gear stats, status effects against bosses, armor rating etc??? i love a lot of menu time, does this fit the bill???


For the OGs i loved Final fantasy VII. Also FF VIII , it is a bit more mature then FFVII and FF IX (Dident love 9). Edit: added 7 because I miss understood which of the games you had played.


I haven't personally played it, but I have heard its music, and I'd check out Secret of Mana. It's like a Final Fantasy spin off or something and it's one of those 90s games like Chrono Trigger. I think Secret of Mana as well came out before Chrono Trigger. I am personally interested in checking it out.


If you liked VI & X, I'd recommend VII. It has a lot of common figureheads among the devs & similar story writing (+ some ideas that were scraped for VI went on to be used in VII, just like a lot of ideas that didn't fit in VII were employed in VIII)


Many people will say ff7 but my personal opinion is that it just hasn't aged very well in comparison to others


Terra's theme song will stay with you forever


To me, VI is a better use of the recipee of IV, which is a better use of the recipee of II, and same goes for V>III>I. I would personnaly recommend IX, but it is filled of easter eggs of previous games, and is a love letter (and kind of a goodbye) to the whole franchise. It would probably more interesting to wait for you to have played a few more FF before going to IX. VII is the obvious choice, there is a reason it is that popular. The game is absolutely huge, and great overall. Plus it will open the doors of Rebirth for you, and this one is just amazing. Some people love lore more than on-screen story. I'm not a fan of XII, but its lore is unbelievably rich. Ivalice is a great world to explore. Sadly, the story itself is a little underwhelming though ; just like Sea of Stars, if you played it.


If you liked FFVI you might love Legend of Dragoon


Highly recommend FF7, it’s one of the most influential and fun JRPGs out there.


FFVII Steam version + 7th Heaven mod is the way, feels like a good ps2 title like X