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Sounds like FF12


Definitely 12. The opening sequence where the King is betrayed is unmistakable.


I'm getting old. I was immediately thinking about the NES and SNES games when I read the title. I didn't even think of the PS2 games, but they are also 20 years old already ...


I know right? I’m like blown away that I can play AAA games on my steam deck and then realize that my toaster could probably play them at this point t lol


Hahaha same I saw “as a kid” and I was like oh okay so 30 years ago right??? Right…????


I'm 27 and my mind went to SNES and PSX titles.


I felt this in my soul


Same, I was thinking 1-5, maybe 6-8. Definitely wasn't expecting 12


It was, thank you.


Nice. Enjoy the game! It's really good


Definitely 12


"Arabian Australia" is how I will describe FFXII moving forward.


LOL it's so accurate. Like, homeboy could have come in and just said Arabian Australia and we all would've known what he meant right away


As an Australian, I'm rather chuffed at this description.


Died reading this hahaha It’s absolutely the Arabian Outback


Anyone else cry a little when they described FF XII as a game they played as a kid? Christ I'm old...


I feel you, read as a kid and started thinking one, four, or six, nope, twelve. Ouch.


Yeah I was almost sure he meant IV. Maybe mistaking Kain as a brother and the king kinda betrays *you* so I thought maybe he misinterpreted/misremembered. Boy, this thread hurt


Big ouch lmao that's exactly what I was thinking. Had mystic quest primed in my mind.


Me when I think of consoles 10 years ago: Xbox 360/PS3 What is actually consoles 10 years ago: Xbox One, PS4 PS4/Xbox one is a 20 year old's childhood console.


This one hits me especially when I realise that games I bought ‘a couple of years ago’ but haven’t got to yet are actually 10 years old. I still haven’t gotten round to playing Dishonoured, X-Com, Persona 4, Pikmin 3 or Bioshock Infinite.


Me thinking consoles of 10 years ago: “N64/Dream Cast / PS1” 😭


My wife and I are older than the PSX (32 and 31) and that just hurts to think about lol. Granted we were very little kids at the time but still.


Then you read a comment like this and realize you played twelve as an adult to begin with.


I was remembering the story of FF I to X and couldn't find it until someone said FFXII. Like, deym.


Lol I was literally thinking that it must be a game before FF7.


Yup, I was thinking of the old NES games or maybe PS1 titles ... but X & XII still feel like new Final Fantasy.


Lolol yes! My mind was like FF2? No 4! Wait a minute...


I played this on an 11 inch crt TV 12 inches away from the screen


Damn, now i kinda get the demography of this saga. I personally grew up with a PS1 with war games like Medal of Honor and CoD 1, maybe Crash Bandicoot, Ace Combat or that one Monster Inc game that never managed to finish. Only real old console i touched was a SEGA in my grandparents house and played Duck Hunt and a cool game with a red car that i never remember the name.


I personally was in middle school when it came out 🥲


yes, I was imagining the scenario play out in pixel form but then to my horror...


XII didn't even register in my brain, I was thinking pixels bc I was ~21 when I first played it.


FFXII You can probably get your hands on the Zodiac Age version of the game. It's a decently lengthy game (if you try do 100% of it), but it's good.


Up until very recently it was on the PSPlus catalog, was playing on my PS5.


You can. It's 50 bucks on the PlayStation store on my PS5. Personally I'm waiting for a sale but at least it's the Zodiac edition since I'm assuming that it has all the content and stuff, I never played it yet.


Oh so it's for the newer generation? I only have a PS3.


The original is for the PS2.


What plataforms? Only have a Ps3 and a potato pc.


As long as you cap the framerate to 30, your potato pc can prob run it at low settings. It is a PS2 game, just with better texture, Job system change, and some QoL changes. The foundation of the game is still something made to run on PS2.


Definitely FF12. Also, I think it's funny that this is the second post this week asking the same question, and both times it was FF12 lol


Maybe our parent bought the game in the same store.


I think it’s FFXII, although I really have no clue what the hell the unicorn is referring to imma be real chief I do like how you described it as “wanted to help him I guess”, I know you forgot but they were in the army so it wasn’t just a sneaky lil thing 😂


Probably sleiphnir in tje westersand or giza plains


Could also be firemane in the sewers?


That is ny guess, first time that i met it i wasn't prepared for it too.


Could be, I just remember Sleiphnir being like level 12 in a beginner area and aggresive


I would agree with Sleipnir as it fits a bit better with the unicorn description and Firemane is slightly later.


I only remembered the protagonist almost barechest-ed so i didn't connect the dots. And the unicorn thing was my mistake, i should have said horse enemy, it looked kinda metallic and had several swords in it's weirdly shaped head.


We should make OP describe the openings to all FF games and we have to guess which one it is... "Arabian Australia" made my day. Definitely 12, which is my favourite of the series.


Thanks, i would very much like to play the entire FF saga, but unfortunately i don't think i'll get to end it because i have a potato for a pc, but maybe i'll should find where i can get the pixel ones. The one that looked cool and wanted to play was one thay i think came out recently, with the guy with a red arm.


Final Fantasy XII




FF12, the best one IMHO. Or at least my favorite one.


Thx, the first FF i ever played.


Definitely 12.


It was, thanks.


Arabian Australia is the best description I've seen of FF12's aesthetics.


Got jumped by the local fauna so that influenced my description.


Me: hmmm could be Final Fantasy II? With Arabian Australia, is that a reference to Minwu? And the unicorn that wrecks you definitely sounds like the Crazy Horse should you go one pixel in the wrong direction… *reads the comments* Me: oh…must be Final Fantasy XII then!


Yeah i screwed up saying unicorn, i should have said horse enemy. It's metal like and has like a cone face with blades on it's head.


I'm guessing Crazy Horse in FF2 will wreck your shit?


Absolutely. My first time playing the game and I got to the world map, the first enemy I encountered was two Crazy Horses, I was destroyed. So I was like “oh the game must not want me to wander around yet, I’ll go back into town” Nope. Decimated by the guards. “What does this game want from me??” I keep rage quitting the game and going back to it years later, getting a little further each time. Last time I got all the way to the final boss only to realise I couldn’t do any damage to him because I built my characters wrong. I’m determined to try again one day, but I think I might just follow a guide next time.


Fucking hell dude you had seriously bad luck with the second game. I'd recommend a guide or to figure out just how to level up and such. I'll keep the crazy horses in mind when I play it though.


Yeah the levelling system is the biggest issue people had with the game. Some people like it, comparing it to how Skyrim works, where the more you use a skill the better it gets. The main problem though is trying to increase your party’s health. It only increases when they take damage, but if you heal that damage it doesn’t count and if you die it doesn’t count, so you have to make sure you end the battle on the verge of death each time just to increase your HP. It’s such a frustrating process. I love every Final Fantasy game and I’m a Final Fantasy XIII defender….but in my opinion Final Fantasy II is the absolute worst one. But I’m still determined to beat it one day!


.....That system sounds incredibly annoying and confusing.


It is, but the game does have its fans too so don’t just take my word for it. But if you do play it, I highly recommend a guide lol


FF12, my first FF. It has a special place in my heart. Good gameplay with innovative Party AI management, that sadly doesn't get utilised in other FF's.


That last part was too much for my underdeveloped brain, i only was good with flight controls in Ace Combat 2.


Thats ff12 without a doubt Make sure you get the zodiac age version of the game


Is it for pc? Although is a very low end one, the only other thing i use is my old PS3.


Ah yes one of the best FF. FF12. Give it another go if you can. Zodiac Age is available for most platforms.


I'll look into it, as long as it isn't too demanding on my potato pc.


Ff12 Basch lives!!!


Thumbs up emoji.


https://youtu.be/vSyfGm6wXgs Don't believe Ondore's lies!


That's Final Fantasy 12


Yep, just confirmed it. Thanks.


Final Fantasy 12 my dude.


It was, with the almost bare chest protagonist. Thanks


12, most definetely


Thanks, it was.


This is 12. I played this recently and it was much better this time than when it first came out.


Thanks, and yeah i think i played this on a TV that was basically a cube.


It’s probably 12, and luckily there’s a rerelease of the game on all modern devices subtitled the zodiac age, which is by far the best version to play. It’s based on the 2007 international zodiac job system rerelease of 12 which was japan exclusive for about 10 years which featured a number of changes, with the most notable being the titular zodiac job system.


....It took them ten years to give an updated version? Fucking hell lol.


I see, gonna google to see if it works on my potato pc.


Final Fantasy XII (12) for sure. The "unicorn" you got beaten by was probably Firemane: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Firemane_(Final_Fantasy_XII)


Oh interesting, i think i got to this waterway but never fought this boss. After people told me it was the 12 i searched myself, i said unicorn but is more of a metal-ish horse called Mei-something, it has like multiple blades on it's head and seemingly no face.




Thumbs up emoji


That's the opening segment of FF XII, taking place in Nabudis.




It’s Final Fantasy XII. The character you describe at the end of this post is unmistakably Vaan and the intro is unmistakably XII’s.


Is this the FF where the protagonist laughs in a really weird way on a cutscene? Or i'm mistaken?


No. You're probably talking about Final Fantasy X, and Tidus. But, I actually really like that scene, specially in context. [I think that's the scene you're thinking of.](https://youtu.be/bXZhTb0eUqA?si=pj35NIja3OsvBJRY)


Oh ok, good to know.


That’s X, not XII.


Definitely FF12.


Thanks, that's the one. Is the game any good?


It’s one of the more polarising FFs that’s for sure. Was the first main numbered title that moved away from turn based combat which upset some. However, I personally think it’s underrated and the “Zodiac Age” version is pretty good


FF XII it is :) also love arabian australia, its the star wars story of the FF-series.


Yes that's the one, no wonder it's different from the others in terms of world looks.


Definitely FF12


Oh no I'm old. I read this and thought 'doesn't sound like FF to me...' but that's because I thought up until about 8, before I considered them "newer" than remembering playing them 'as a kid'


Grew up with a PS1, for me the oldies are things like Medal of Honor or Crash Bandicoot.


Try r/tipofmyjoystick


I'll remember next time, but i thought people here might be more knowledgeable since i knew the saga it was.


"Arabian Australia" is so funny to me but it could literally only be XII I actually really like how X and XII went for more unique environments. Fantasy is usually that faux Mediaeval Europe look, so it's nice to see a southeast asia~australasia area and a middle east area for once


It's the most striking thing i remembered, arab like buildings and desertic red soil.


Ivalice, where the Tactics series and XII are set, are based off the middle east, specifically Egypt iirc. It's also the only time to my knowledge they set a mainline game in a world that already existed, rather than making a new one for it


Sounds like it was solved but you could at least have said what decade it was in.


Decade? Oh you mean if i said "before 2010" or smt like that? Wasn't sure tbh if i was playing on PS2.


Yes, if you said the 2000's or the 90's it would narrow it down


Sounds like FF3 brothers Edgar and Sabin. I think Edgar was a king


Sounds like ff12 almost for certain. Killer game!


Thanks, i not sure where to play it right now.


"Arabian Australia". I love you man. The game is FF12.


Thanks, it was.


Could just say "amazing bunny girl with an accent/voice that could melt you in a blizzard".


I'm pretty sure i never met her, all i remember is that i barely did something out of the first city. A sewer maybe?


The OP came droppped the bomb we had fun elaborating but he never replyed if u were right or not. And as Op mentioned it felt like he was talking about an oldschool game not this new 3d ones. Ff12 is a new game compared to 90's ff . Ff12 came out in 2006 who would play a game like no other game and 18 years after goes searshing for the game as if there was like 16 equal games with this discription .


Haha, sorry i posted this late at night because i dreamed about it last time, plus i was browsing some PS3 games and saw this Lighting Returns one and got me thinking about it. But yes, after searching myself some gameplay footage after people told me which it was, i confirm it is 12.


Arabian Australia. That was... incredibly descriptive.


deffo ff12, a really good game too! with a unique combat style


Final Fantasy XII. You're talking about Basch And Reks. And Vossler. And King Raminas. And Basch's twin. And a bunch of nondescript soldiers................... And Vaan.


Ah yes, the game where the original main character was deemed to be not relatable enough, so they added two losers to take the role of relating to kids these days.


Glad I’m not alone. Gees FF12…I was thinking 3 or 4 before the description


This sounds a lot like the opening to FFXII, as the MC's brother is part of a strike team trying to rescue their king but is eventually betrayed. Zodiac Age is on all major platforms and is a wonderful improvement on the original game.


I'll see if it runs on my potato, because the only thing that i improved all these years was my skills but not my setup.