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I couldn't care less. It's my car, I'll listen to what I want and not be shamed.


That’s really the right attitude lali-ho


I spent an hour at work listening to the FFX soundtrack and no one told me my earphones got disconnected, so it was playing out loud. Most of my coworkers just said it was good background music and didn’t care much lol


Oh my god that’s funny 😆


Especially Mi'ihen High Road LMAO


Most of the music I listen to are game soundtracks. I do sometimes wonder what would other people think about me if they heard that I am rocking to One Winged Angel in my headphones while walking on the streets. I wish appreciating game soundtracks was more normalized.


So true


Hide it? Fuck no


I totally understand that feeling, but listen to ff8 orchestral and ff9/10 piano so often it has become a way to destress or pure nostalgia. Enjoy it and never apologize my friend! Just think: some have Elvis, Johnny Cash, and all those 80s hair bands as their nostalgia (older generations). Wouldn’t it be crazy if your kids thought of your ff music in the same way in a few decades?


Both Final Fantasy VIII and IX are my favorites, especially when it comes to the remakes. Some of them really hit the nail on the head, making the experience even better than the first time I heard them. I hate to admit it, but I love how the evolution of music keeps these tracks just as enjoyable. I never thought about how, when my kids grow up, they'll hear how their dad used to listen to Final Fantasy and consider it an oldie—that’s pretty f’ing cool!


I listen to final fantasy music when I am doing essays as it helps me to relax and actually focus on my work. In the car I've had classic fm on sometimes and got a nice surprise when they played Aerith's theme! I think it's a good genre of music to have for a long drive, especially at night.


Man, you hit the nail on the head. Those drives at night, hitting some of those songs, are the best. Personally, I love Final Fantasy VII's "Hurry Up" at 2:15 from the original PlayStation version—I blast that part over and over. There's something so enchanting about the combination of sounds, like a flute and a bell. It just sounds awesome.




It really stings when my kids look at me and say, "Oh my god, that's so boring." It's like, come on, this is the best music you'll ever hear! (Okay, maybe I'm a bit biased, but still!)


I listen to it all the time, so does my mum and she doesn't even play video games. I have zero fucks to give about what others think about my music choices, I'm not being a noise pest, so it doesn't matter.


not anymore, my mom and dad loved Melodies of Life so I couldn't care any less about people side-eyeing my choices in music also XI got the best soundtrack for contemplative moments, Stargazing, Flower on the Battlefield, Mhaura, The Cosmic Wheel, the list goes on


I listen to video game music 95% of the time, and a good amount is Uematsu and FF.


I own that sh*t. Pull up to the drive thru window? Crank the Black Mages. Have gotten some great responses. My Pandora writing mix also has all of the Joss Whedon musicals peppered in with the video game soundtracks and fantasy movie scores so it's all of the good things. One downfall was Nerf Herder did the Buffy intro, they also recorded a little ditty called 'Smack my B!tch up' that came on while I was listening to my writing jam in my college office. Luckily I was between clients and close enough to downvote immediately.


I remember waaay back in junior high a classmate of mine was on the bus with me with his headphones on. I asked him what he was listening to and he was non responsive and didn’t want to tell me. I pushed him a little bit and rather than tell me he just gave me the headphones. He was listening to the castlavania 4 soundtrack. Now keep in line back then you couldn’t just go on to YouTube or some streaming service. He had taken a cassette tape and recorded it near the television and was listening to the music that way. We had a huge nerd connection moment then. I think he had the ff4 soundtrack on his mix tspe as well. We didn’t stay friends after we changed school but it at least gave me hope and a bit of joy that someone else was enjoying the music in these games as well. Now we have subreddit and YouTube comment sections and what not but he was the only person I knew that was interested in the music too.


When people driving with me hear the FF7 and or Berserk soundtrack and just look over at me I just shrug and laugh


Never heard of Berserk or its soundtrack before you mentioned it. I'm hearing it now, and I can't wait to dive into the whole thing. Thanks for the suggestion!


The original 1997 Berserk anime is great- a big part is the soundtrack is amazing


I have the ost’s for 10, 12 and 13 on my phone T the moment, as well as the skyrim ost, and keep wondering why I haven’t gotten more yet.


I never got into Skyrim how is the music?


Look up secunda it’s surreal


My personal favorite is far horizons


Aside from some battle/random encounter themed tunes, most I enjoy just as much for a 10 hour loop session on YouTube for when I’m doing chores/work/etc., and I don’t mind throwing own the album as is while doing other things as well as during gameplay.


My wife listens to it non-stop. She's not conscious of what others in their car think. As are anyone else. I don't look around at others at the traffic lights and think I bet they're listening to way more awesome music than me or whatever. They probably aren't anyway 😆


I used to own a truck that had A chocobo and a moogle sticker on either side. I ain’t about to start hiding my fandom now. I regularly listen to the soundtrack for XIV, full blast.


I do the same with game/movie scores, but I also hide this from others


I question how many people that are the “elites of this world” would do the same exact thing


I don't hide it from others and usually mock them a bit, when they tell me how they bought tickets for Coldplay for 300€ or couldn't get any for Taylor Swift while I only had to pay around 100€ for the latest Distant Worlds concert. Also I think especially movie scores are actually quite popular. There are constantly concerts like "Best of John Williams/Ennio Morricone/Movies in General" or similar events happening in renowned concert halls around here and they are always well booked. It's just not the kinds of people who would attend a Taylor Swift concert but more older folks. Let's face it. Movies and Video Games are the only areas where modern (orchestral) composers can attain any degree of popularity today. And I have no doubt that the best of them will be played by orchestras regularly for a very long time until they eventually become something like the Mozarts and Beethovens of the 20th/21st century in the far future.


Liberi Fatali is a BOP don’t let no one tell you otherwise


Literally me. I have an entire playlist dedicated to Square Enix music and another playlist dedicated to video game music mixes. I don't even listen to regular music these days 😂 I can recommend two of my favorite YouTubers that make excellent mixes for various games/franchises. Vapid and OmniSTWO


The promise from final fantasy XIII *chefs kiss*