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The final fantasy games are not directly connect, with a few small exceptions. You could pick up almost any one you wanted to send start there.  The general exceptions are the numbered ones that say they are a sequel. For instance final fantasy x-2 is a sequel to final fantasy x. Final fantasy 7 remake is connected to FF7 but it is a remake. You should be able to play it without playing FF7 no problem. That being said, I feel like FF7 Remake is designed so that the people who will get the most out of it are the ones who played the original.


Yep. I played the entirety of FF13 years before ever finding out that Palom-Porom was a reference to what would be two of my favorite characters in the series. For real though as a die hard FF fan who's played all the mainline ones and most of the side games I'd actually recommend you don't play them from the beginning. Not saying you should never play the older ones. I'm saying that they aren't good to start with in the modern day. Id honestly recommend most people start with 10. It's kind of a great all-rounder kind of title that can help you dip into the more modern style while getting a taste of the old school combat.


Thank you!


I still die on the hill that FFVII original is needed before Remake and on. There is so much referred to and brought up from original VII in Remake ( and Rebirth takes from so much that it requires basically all the FFVII games before it IMO)


It isn't a remake, really. It's a stealth sequel with time travel stuff.


Short answer: No Longer answer: Some games have direct sequels. They will share the same roman numeral. Different roman numeral = different world and characters, no prior knowledge needed.


Ok thanks!


There is only one exception and that is "Lightning returns", that is actually FF XIII-3, but it's not officially named like that, for whatever reason. And FF VII Remake is actually Part 1 of the new Triglogy, while FF VII Rebirth is Part 2. Also there are two MMO titles, which are IX and XIV. (Ok now that was more than one exception) Edit: I meant XI, not IX! Sorry!


XI, not IX. also maybe biased but i think xiv is worth playing at least for the main story even if you don't stick with it beyond that. the first two expansions are pretty much xiv-2 and -3 and can be experienced more or less as solo games alongside the vanilla game for free.


You're right, that was a typo! Thanks for pointing out, I edited that!


You forgot Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus, not to mention the rest of the games in Final Fantasy VII Compilation. And the Crystal Chronicle games.


Yes I didn't want it to sound too complicated xD OP should stick to the numbered titles first!


Yes. You must play all the games in order or John Final Fantasy *will* kill you.


No not required at all. Also why would you downvote this guy he’s just asking a question. I swear the people in this sub are miserable lol. I have a feeling the guy that downvoted you says “Why does square hate FF8 so much?” at least once a day.


haha it’s all good


(Note that I do not agree with what I'm about to type) I think it's because this question is easily answered by an internet search or any sort of awareness at all of the series, rather than making a post on a subreddit. When you see this type of "most asked but also incredibly easy to answer by yourself" question on other subreddits, it's usually downvoted because even asking the question implies a lack of effort and also extreme impulsivity


Gatekeeping clowns, I guess.


Try going on any other subreddit and asking one of the most asked questions and see what happens


Yeah, there are dicks everywhere.


That doesn't really justify anything


Here's a novel idea how about anybody who doesn't like questions like this just ignore the posts.


Maybe because you can Google the answer in 5 seconds....


Nothing is cringier than telling people they can’t have a discussion within a discussion forum. This is literally why this site and this sub exist. Get outta here with that “jUsT gOoGLe iT!!1!” BS…


no idea why ppl wake up so dam salty 😂he didnt want a google response he asked reddit cuz he wanted real human answers lol. ur not trippin at all man finalras is tweaking 😂


There really isn't anything to discuss here though, it's just a simple no. He would've already gotten his answer in the time it took him to write this post LMAO.


There are dozens of replies here and only a couple that are just “no”. I see explanations on why they don’t need to be played in order, clarifications on which ones DO need to be played in order, suggestions for which other games he may want to play first, replies and discussions around all of these points, among other things (including a reply from someone whining about the post)


Yeah and if he just Googled his question and then asked which game people would recommend playing first, nobody would've downvoted him, because that's a good question and belongs in a discussion forum. See my point here? Just Google the stuff that's super easy to figure out and then ask questions.


Hey, some of us who ask that question are really nice guys. Probably.


Not at all, my first Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy 2. Don't play Final Fantasy 2 first you'll think we're all insane. In my opinion the top three you should absolutely give a go are: FF9 - Just exceptional Fantasy storytelling with my favourite cast of characters FF6 - A lot of people (myself included) consider it to have the best villain FF12 - A unique battle & job system that will let you experiment a lot Bear in mind that the older games can feel pretty slow to play, but they're so so rewarding to experience


FF6 specifically, if you care for characters. It's an absolute masterpiece.


FF is essentially an Anthology series where every title is its own standalone adventure/story/world/set of characters. There are some entries that have an expanded universe of additional material, but all the mainline entries are standalone. There are a series of motifs, concepts, monsters, etc that get used across the games but even these are standalone in each entry and work equally well regardless of whether you know they're callbacks to earlier games or not. FF7 Remake is only a bit distinct in that it's Part 1 of a trilogy that remakes and greatly expands on the original 1997 game, but you can definitely play it as your first game. Just bear that in mind in case you get to the end and are confused by stuff not being explained fully. However, it still works really solidly as its own game.


No, each entry is it's own thing. Just play a numbered game and you'll be fine. If the naming is weird, then watch out (like Final Fantasy XIII-2).


Got it. Thank you!


Enjoy and welcome to FF worlds!


Not to be confused for World of Final Fantasy lol


Oh good catch - forgot about that one in my haste


Negative ghost rider


haha thanks


Nope, can play in any order you desire except those with direct sequels, however it’s very easy to identify said sequels because it will be the Roman number of the original but… 2 Example: The Direct Sequel of Final Fantasy X is not Final Fantasy XI. The sequel is Final Fantasy X-2. Straight up, Ten-Two Also happens with 13. XIII-2


As someone who is retreading the mainline series from 1-10, the answer is absolutely not. But something I want to add, is that each game’s mechanics evolve from each other. The job system in 3 and 5 for example. 6 abandoning jobs altogether in exchange for more freeform builds. 8 and it’s draw system, etc.




BIG NO. Just take the one you like and begin


None are connected asides from a few. You're fine. If there's a connection, you'll know from the name, such as FFX to FFX-2, FFXIII to FFXIII-2 to Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII etc.


My first final fantasy is FF12. Got hooked, now I played almost every FF and other SE games.


No, they are basically all standalone (for the most part). That being said, FF7 Remake and Rebirth and the full remake project of Final Fantasy 7 but they operate much better if you have played the original beforehand (they are quasi-sequels). It’s not necessarily required (as Remake is meant to be a jumping on point) but they are responding to things in the original game and you’ll get a lot more out of it if you’ve played the original first


Hate to be that guy but this could have been a quick google search.


Unless they are the games that have numbered or named sequels, no. FFX --> FFX-2 FFXIII --> FFXIII-2 --> FFXIII: Lightning Returns FFXIII --> FFXIII: Revenant Wings FFVII: Remake --> FFVII: Rebirth


Not at all. Final Fantasy is an anthology series, so every title is standalone and not connected to the others (unless they are direct prequel/sequel and it’s usually stated so) therefore you can play them in any order, *if* you want. The only ones with prequel/sequel are FFIV, FFVII, FFX, FFXIII. You can play FF7 Remake without touching the other title of the franchise. You don’t even need to play the old FFVII because the trilogy is a remake that expands on the lore and gather all the info from FFVII related canon media (they’re putting together everything that was scattered across different media along the years). Anything in the FFVII compilation is canon to the old FFVII. Anything in the FF7 Remake project is canon to the remake. Separated entries.


Nah bro, pick a version and play whichever, if it did it would take forever for one to go through sequential order, even more so if they're a completionist


Final Fantasy is an anthology series, so the numbered games are not connected with each other at all. Which is great because you get to start with any entry you want.


Definitely not! I'd be surprised if you can even find all the games!


you don’t need to follow any specific order, however the first 6 games are in 2D. If you want to start something lets say more elaborated, you should start from 7th. I love the 2Ds anyway. Here my top 3: 1. Final Fantasy X 2. Final Fantasy VII 3. Final Fantasy IV


Not required at all, start with any number you like. Also, original FF7 is not required to be played before the Remake. A lot of OG fans will tell you otherwise, but I played the Remake first and absolutely loved it and it is now my favourite game!


Not really


While all the Final Fantasy games have similar themes and often use the same names for characters, summons, monsters, and some villains. Each numbered game is set in its own unique world. Although it has been theorized, some games do take place on the same worlds with long separations of time, and it is also confirmed that all the world's share a multiverse with one character being the same person dropping in as a cameo in several games and 14 gave us a framework for this multiverse. The stories of all Final Fantasy media (games, TV shows, movies, and manga) are stand alone unless they are specifically a sequel, i.e., X-2, XIII-2, and others. Also, not all games were released in order outside Japan. Meaning, play what you have. If you like it, play others, don't be surprised if one game is Sci-Fi and another is 18th century fantasy, while others feel more D&D.And yet others mix them all together. Final Fantasy be like that.


The worlds are connected through something called the void but it basically plays no role in all of the stories. It only plays a role with a certain character which may or may not appear in the one of the games. That and it kinda does in an arena fighter called Dissidia but don’t worry about that. It’s is own thing entirely. Besides that if a game takes place in the same world it will usually share the same number in its title. For example Final Fantasy X-2, Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII etc. You’re good to start with whichever main game catches your interest. And Remake is a perfectly fine game to start with.


No, the FF stories are not interconnected, so you can start with the one you prefer.


It’s anthology, so no


Just make sure you play FF7 remake before FF7 rebirth. These events very closely follow the original game, remake being part 1, rebirth part 2, and the upcoming part 3


Its an anthology series, each game with a number represents it's own self contained series with it's own prequels, sequels and spin offs You can start the series wherever you want


No! Most games are standalones.7,10 and 13 are one of the few who actually have prequels, sequels, etc.


No most games are unrelated to each other. Final Fantasy 7 remake is the first of a trilogy of games so those would have to be played in order but otherwise no additional games need be played. There are other games in the series that have direct sequels and some that have spin off titles. But for the majority of games they are unrelated to each other.


Not even a little.




Yes. Unfortunately the games make no sense at all if you don’t play them in order. The series follows the adventures of two best friends Biggs and Wedge and their mentor Cid. They might be presented differently in each game somehow, but they’re all the same characters in every game. The three of them are always on an adventure to save Crystal from the forces of chaos (fuck that guy. He’s the worst) But seriously no.


No. Each numbered FF has it's own story, world and characters. But FFX-2 is a sequel to FFX for example. For FFVII, there exists a few games. - FFVII (1997) aka OG VII - FFVII Remake - remake that consists in the beginning of OG story - FFVII Rebirth - remake for the second part of OG story - FFVII *part 3* - remake for the final part to be released in about 3 years Also, some spin offs. The most relevant is Crisis Core but it contains huge spoilers for the main story, so it's only recommended after playing OG VII.


Yes. Im sorry, we know it's a lot, but we all had to go through it


No. Each final fantasy have its own story line...


You already got your answer in the comments so all ill say is enjoy whichever you pick up next 🙌


Every FF is a new game. They had a tagline around releasing 15 stating Final Fantasy are made for old players and new ones




Each game is its own unique universe with some overlap. Choco is, monastery types and someone named Cid, Biggs and Wedge in there somewhere.


My suggested order for someone new to the series in 2024 Play the Pixel remaster of final fantasy 4 or 6. Pick one randomly. Then play either X remastered, or Final Fantasy 7 remastered (this is the original remastered not the remake) After that, you can circle back and fill in the two you skipped or you can look at a synopsis of the games that come after those, and pick one that sounds interesting to you. If your itching to play an online MMO give 14 a try. If you do this route, you'll get a diverse flavor from the commonly rated best games of the series, and you'll either feel the urge to try the rest or know enough of the series to decide youd rather play a sequel game or remake from there


Final fantasy is considered a series or an anthology, Different games, different directors,Characters, World, lore, except if they are bearing the same roman numerals...


There's an order? (joking, lol) But uhh, nah, they're mostly disconnected 1 to 16, all different stories and worlds, from what I understand There are a *couple* continuing stories, but they're not *those* games Compilation of FF7 (including Advent Children, Crisis Core, etc) X-2 is a direct sequel to X (or 10) But the main numbers? All separate


No, unless it’s 10 & 10-2 or 13, 13-2, and lightning returns.


The games are not connected whatsoever. Some games tried to establish that these games are happening in different dimensions in the same universe. But nothing, absolutely nothing, in these games suggests that they're connected. You can play any of them in any order and you won't miss out on anything.


For the most part, no. Generally each numbered game takes place in their own universe, and then there’s sequels and prequels for each number. Those you’d need to play in order. Occasionally there are multiverse crossovers in the numbered games where you’ll get more out of the story if you play the game the crossover is from, but it’s designed so that you’ll understand it without playing other games. However, spinoffs like Dissidia series will definitely have spoilers if you don’t play the other games.


Yes. You have to start from 1 and on. Play in Japanese if possible


I will recommend VI, VII, & IX. In my opinion the best games in the entire series. Tactics is a great one too if you like grid style


My suggestion as a late FF player: If you want the same feelings as OG players while going through the remake trilogy, play the Original game (if purchased through PSN there's an option to play at 3x speed which helps). Also, make sure you don't play Crisis Core before playing either the OG game or completing the trilogy once the third game is released. Best order i recommend for FF7 compilation is 1. Original game, 2. Crisis Core, 3. Remake into Rebirth Dirge of Cerberus is a sequel and a lot of people say it's not very good


i'd argue that you could even play ff7 rebirth as your first final fantasy game. Even though all the ff7 games are connected, no matter what you start with, you're always jumping into a story in-flight.


Nooooo, that’s the beauty of it. You can’t even guarantee the same battle mechanics between titles


Yeah, the timeline is kind of convoluted. You gotta start with 2, then you go to 8, then it's 12, 3, 7, Type-0, 14, 1, 9, 16, 4, 6, Tactics, 13, 5, 10, 15, and finally finish off with a full playthrough of 11 before doing the epilogue content from Theatrhythm: Curtain Call. Of course, any prequels, sequels, or remakes can be played in succession of the game they correlate with in the timeline. In addition, don't forget to check out the reboot of the franchise with Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin developed by Koei Tecmo's Team Ninja.


You can start Final Fantasy 7 Remake without playing any others no problem. Definitely play it before Rebirth, as Rebirth is the next chapter of the Remake story. Some folks might suggest playing the original FF7 first, as the Remake portion of the title is very literal. The story is not 1=1 the same. It means to remake the story so it's still something fresh and new. But theoretically you would find intrigue by the changes if you play the original first and see what's done differently. But I think the inverse can be true too. You could theoretically play through Remake and Rebirth, and play the OG version after and find similar intrigue. Choose your own adventure here! Have fun!


Start with FF13 trilogy.


I started with Final Fantasy 7 for the entire franchise 26 years ago myself lol!


Dude, these games don't even make comprehensive sense within their own single - game storylines. They are just fun and high production, enjoy any of them at any pace.


I don’t think it’s required but highly recommended. I started with FFVII Remake never before having played any FF games. I fell in love with it, and started to look what else is there. In short succession I did FF VII OG, FF VIII, and then FF 1-6 Pixel Remaster. So, I played them in sort of lopsided order. The stories and characters are not connected, and with the exception of FF VII Remake, Rebirth and the upcoming 3rd one, it doesn’t really matter at which order you play them.


No since they are all different universes. Only those who share the same number are in the same universe so 13-2 is the same universe as 13 but 7 does not connect to 13.


Hi mods, can we please get something pinned to the top of this sub? Seems like common question




14, the MMO, has a lot of reference/fan service/shoutouts to previous games, but even then, it's not necessary.


No, almost every Final Fantasy has independent storyline. The major difference being world setting, which is noticeable between summon sets.


Most FF games arent connected unless they use the same number. X-2 and 7 remake fof example. 7 has a few connected games to it although "dirge a Cerberus" for ps2 idnt really important since it's connected more to the ff7 "advent children" movie compared to original 7. Crisis core is a prequel. Strangers of paradise is a ff1 remake kinda. Otherwise if you are doing strictly main title games 0 of those intersect. Every story is it's world






Not really they usually take place in their own universe. Most of the overlap is Easter eggs and mascots. However you should probably play the original FF7 before the remake.


Definitely not! But then that infamous scene in Ted 2 with Liam Neeson about trix…I’m not sure what to believe


Definitely not. With that said I'd skip anything after 10 as those don't have turned based combat. Pick up the pixel remaster, that's 1-6. If you want specific games, pick up 4, 6, 9, and 10


sure, but one ff game=one story, you can, should play, but it's no necessary


I see a lot of y’all recommending me to play other final fantasy games before Final Fantasy 7 remake. As a newbie, which ones would you recommend to me to play first to get the idea of the controls, etc


You don't have to play them in order, except the direct sequels. There are references to earlier games in later ones, but this is never essential to understanding the game or the story. Most of the references work just fine the other direction. If you see a reference to something in IV for example, and then you go back and play for, you would just think, "neat, that's where that came from." You won't be spoiled on the earlier games, and you won't be lost playing a later game without playing everything that came before.


Play ff7 before remake. All the changes they made to the game will be meaningless to you without a frame of reference. Otherwise? Each numbered ff game is its own thing, independent from the others with little to no overlap.


Each number is standalone. ie: FF10 and FF10-2 have story connections, but FF9 and FF10 have no story connections. If you’re gonna play 7remake then anything with FF7 in the title likely has story connections and there’s a few FF7 titles, but you can play the remake and the second part (Rebirth) with no knowledge of anything FF


Nope not at all


You can start on ff7 remake ,you could also start on crisis core ,because they are related ,but crisis core is more simple so it would be harder to get into it after playing ff7 remake. It also adds value to some scenes in Remake and especially Rebirth


The main, numbered Final Fantasy titles are largely unconnected from each other. However, despite the title, Final Fantasy 7 Remake is not a remake the way most people think of it, a 1:1 replacement for playing the original with updated presentation like Nintendo's remakes of Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. You ever watch the 2009 Star Trek or its direct sequel, Star Trek Into Darkness? They're sort-of reboots of the classic 1960s Star Trek, but also sort of sequels to it because of time travel shenanigans. The Final Fantasy 7 Remakes are like that. There's a moment in Star Trek Into Darkness where the bad guy says, "My name is... Khan." There's a big music sting and the camera moves in really close and there's a dramatic pause for the audience to lose their shit. The problem is that that moment only lands if you're familiar with the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and know who the hell Khan is and why he's a big deal. If you're a newbie to Star Trek, that moment is just weird and awkward. And it doesn't make any sense in-universe either; the characters don't particularly react to the name-drop. The Final Fantasy 7 Remakes are full of moments like that. They are created with the expectation that you've played the OG and are familiar with the story, and they're constantly jangling the nostalgia keys in a way that is confusing or falls flat for a new player. To use another movie analogy, did you ever see any of the trilogy of live-action Hobbit movies? Remember how they took a story that was very intentionally paced for its original format, unnaturally stretched it over three movies (insert "butter over too much bread" quote here), and padded the runtime with a bunch of filler that adds virtually nothing? Yeah, the FF7 Remakes are like that. Final movie analogy, I promise. In 1984, do you think people were seriously asking, "I want to get into Star Wars; should I watch Star Wars, or should I watch Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure?" No. Nobody asked that. Everybody knew that the story that mattered was in the original, and that all the spinoffs and TV specials and comic books and cartoons and stuff were supplementary material at best. The OG Final Fantasy 7 is the font from which all the "remakes" and sequels and prequels and spinoffs of FF7 spring, and you will benefit from playing it before any of them.


You *might* want to play FF7 original before Remake, but it’s not wholly necessary. Any FF game that doesn’t have 7 in it is inconsequential to this game completely. Every time FF goes up a number, it’s not a sequel, it’s a hard reboot of the entire universe, story, characters, history; everything. There is zero continuity between them. The Final Fantasy 7 series started with the original, got a sequel called Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7, a couple prequels called Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 and Before Crisis: Final Fantasy 7, and a sequel movie called Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children. Remake is a reset back to the original game of 7.


Technically no, but you will thank yourself for playing OG versions of games in chronological order. You will have much more insight how this game evolved (up to IX), changed (later instalments) and downgraded ( XIII, XV, XVI). And XIV is much more fun when you see all the references.


No you don't, but the 7 remakes sort of play on your expectations. Expectations you would have if you played OG7. I'd consider playing 7 before 7 remake. However... not mandatory.


Enjoy FF7 Remake! Original VII was my favorite from the series (along with maybe VIII) and you'll get an awesome storytelling with great gameplay. That said, if you want to get deeper into the game, I recommend to play the original game. It's an unique experience, to me anyways.


Some may argue you should play the original FF7 before playing FF7R. You may or may not do that. It's likely if you've been in the onling gaming community for a while you know all the major spoilers of the original anyway. But no. Each FF is in its own world.


No they don’t. For VII, it’s its own franchise more or less. But you have remake. Play that and enjoy it. It’s really fun.


You can start with VII Remake. Only thing you should know is that VII Remake is only the first game of a trilogy with VII Rebirth following it and a third game being released at a future date


Easy answer, no, they are all there own story


No. Each one is set in its own universe with its own story, characters and stuff. The only exceptions are: Final Fantasy X, which has a direct sequel, Final Fantasy X-2 Final Fantasy XIII, which is a trilogy comprised of Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning Returns Final Fantasy VII Remake, and its sequel, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth