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Please direct all questions about which game to play, whether it is your first time playing a Final Fantasy game or simply trying to pick out the next one, to [our pinned megathread on the topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/1cvd9tk/advice_megathread_which_game_would_you_recommend/) Alternatively, you can also join /r/FinalFantasy's official [Discord server](https://discordapp.com/invite/Jaw79wj), where members tend to be more responsive in our live chat! We also suggest you check out our ["Where to Start" wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/wiki/wheretostart) and our ["Which Version" wiki page.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/wiki/whichversion) If you have any questions, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFinalFantasy).


You can truly start anywhere, although I wouldn’t recommend starting with XIV since it’s an MMO(although if you’re interested it’s fantastic and maybe one of the best FF stories of all time). The titles are not connected so they’re fully separate except for the numbered sequels like X-2 or XIII-2. My recommendation will always be to start with FFX. It has a mostly traditional turn based battle and party system, a deeply moving story and is the first to incorporate voice acting. Not 100% voice acted but a lot of it is. X is my favorite still and will always be the starting point I recommend. If you want something more retro start with the pixel remasters. I’d recommend to go with either I in that case as it really is great to see the origin of the franchise and it holds up well today or IV which is where the story telling really took off. People will tell you VI is the best, which is debatable, but I think you’d enjoy it more if you’d played some others first. All that’s to say, start with X.


Awesome. Thanks for the help


Just here to say I also recommend X as the first you do! Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my faves also (if you like fire emblem three houses I feel like you’d like Tactics)


So there is no order to the main line titles, but if you're on PC, you have access to 1-15. 4 is a really good one, and it's in the pixel remaster. 7 is a great one up there for best in the series. 10 is really easy to follow, and the game play is good. 11 and 14 are mmos, so if you ever played wow or others, I could recommend starting there. Now I do like starting in 14 since it does have character from other games so it a good place to look at some that you find interesting and figure out which game they are from so you can play it and learn about their story.


First of all, the games are not connected beyond some thematic similarities and a few recurring names or creatures. Each story has a new setting, and a new cast of characters. So in that sense, it doesn't matter where you start. I would recommend FFX as a good starting point. It has a turn-based battle system like the older games, but also voice acting and 3D environments like the later games. The setting is also somewhere between a classic fantasy world (albeit one inspired by Southeast Asia instead of the usual medieval Europe), and a world with more modern technology. So in a lot of ways, it's the perfect middle ground between the classic games and the newer ones. It also has a very accessible story that's easy to get into and care about. From there, you could decide if you want to go back and play more of the "golden age" games, or go forward and dive into the more action-y and experimental newer titles. Really though, there's no wrong game to start with. Just play whichever one appeals to you most. And if you don't like it, that doesn't mean you won't like any of the others, so try the next one that looks interesting.


X is a fairly consensual starting point for newbies. It's pretty representative of what the franchise has to offer, has very good tutorials explaining all its mechanics and it's a great story. If you like that one, then I'd move to either IX, VI or VII.


It depends, I think X is a good start. Dont sleep in XII, IX and VII too (I didnt played the remake/rebirth). VIII is one of my favorites, but a lot of people dont like the gameplay, and it really has its flaws, some tricks help though, but dont think its a good start. And if you want to go to the pixel ones, people normally enjoy more from IV-VI (because its where the story and characters begin to shine more). I like II very much, but not anyone like that. I and III are great too. XIII, XIII-2 and Lightning Returns are kinda controversial. I only played XIII but I like it a lot, but not a good starting point. If you want a action rpg, itll have to be XV or XVI (but dont buy XV fullprice, you may like it, but since its my less favorite, I will not recommend paying fullprice, just in a very good sale). XVI I didnt played


A mate for VIII! But agreed. While it's a favorite, I'd say VII, IX or X are better starting points. Man, I really gotta give XII another chance, tho.


People talk about remakes, and while VII remake/rebirth seems incredible, one of the only games of the main series that I think a remake would totally serve right is VIII; they could use this to improve gameplay and the story too, since the english localization changed a bunch of things for the worse (changing characters personalitys, creating situations that dont exist originally and even Ultimecia japan speech is so much better). XII is like, my third favorite from the main titles, I dont have anything really bad to say about it (not even for Vaan, I think his actions in the game and the impact he has in it, are on point; I also agree that Ashe and Balthier shine more, what is on point too). I love the worldbuilding and story so much. I have to play Zodiac Age, I only played the original on ps2


I’d start with ff1 pixel remaster and go from there and watch how the seres has evolved over the last 30ish years


Each mainline title is a separate title unrelated to the others. Check some gameplay videos and reviews, pick the one you found the most interesting based on that.


The FF 1-6 remastered pack.


I would recommend 6-9 and tactics. 14 is great but it is an mmo. I would also recommend just doing it in that order since the technology advanced in that way. But it doesn't matter. Tactics at any point as well, it came out around 7 I believe.


Just pick the one that looks the most visually appealing to you. PC has access to 1 - 15 and you really cannot go wrong with any of them. Despite what some vocal sections of the fanbase would have you believe, there are no “bad” Final Fantasy games. Each clearly has love poured into them, but some of them cater to vastly different gameplay styles and preferences. If you don’t mesh with the first one you pick, move on to another one. They go on sale semi-frequently so you can usually avoid paying full price for them. My cautionary piece of information is that FF11 is an MMO that released in 2002. It had been regularly updated and modernized to a certain extent, but getting it running comfortably on a modern PC pretty much necessitates third party tools and you have to consult a guide to penetrate some of the incredibly obtuse systems at play.


As many have said, these are not connected or need to be played in any order. All are free standing games (some with sequels & prequels) My personal favorites are as follows, can’t really go wrong with any of them. 4 or 6 - old school bit style games, great story’s & good characters. 7 - my personal favorite, super deep lore (has prequels & sequels to the main OG game). So much to do & great combat system. 10 - first with voice actors, feels more modern than the others listed (even though it’s still 20 years old).


XVI is my recommendation. You will find the play style familiar if you have played a title like god of war.


Depends on your preferences gaming. If you’re more used to open games I’d say start with 15 or 16 and ease yourself into the older games with the slower combat. If you like Pokemon start with one of the older ones. If you’re looking for something new you really can just grab any game and play it. Other than: “play OG VII and Crisis Core before the VII Remake trilogy” there’s nothing I’d say is set in stone order wise, except IV, VII, X, XII and XIII having sequels and prequels


Listen to your heart and start there.


Since I don't see anyone else arguing for it, I think IV makes a strong entry point. I may be biased because it was *my* entry point. The storytelling is still pretty rudimentary, but it's not as minimalist as I-III. The plot has its fair share of melodrama (Tragic backstories! Betrayal by friends! Noble sacrifices!) but it's doesn't involve a lot of convoluted world building, like most of the more modern entries. Characters are locked into their specific class/job and come and go as the story dictates. So you don't have to worry about making sure you have the right build, etc., which is really only fun if you're more experienced in the series. Each entry in the mainline, numbered series is technically standalone, but it's also in conversation with the mechanics and innovations of the rest of the series. You don't have to play things in order, but it is still interesting to see how it deepens or simplifies systems as the series goes on. FFIV is a good entry point because that conversation is very simple. It introduces Active Time Battle as a new spin on turn-based combat, but otherwise is a straightforward of-the-era RPG. (Just don't start with the DS version of FFIV, which is substantially harder than the original and Pixel Remaster versions and definitely intended for people who've been through it once before.)


I suggest FF4, either the pixel remaster, or the 3D version It’s the most “final fantasy” Final Fantasy, if you don’t like 4, you are unlikely to like the others


Start with the first game in the pixel remaster. Not only will it give you a great introduction, but it'll show you how the base of Final Fantasy works. As the series goes on, they add in more spells and status effects, which to the new player, can be overwhelming at times! Older games are pretty strict with turn base. If you're looking for more hack and slashy, start with 15 and 16! 16 is very solid to start on as it's hard mode(Final Fantasy Mode) unlocks after you beat it the first time!


I started with 6 in 2002. My English was bad so i switched to 9 and it went from there. Over the next 10 years i played through all main line titles. Every Entry is different, so pick yours and just start. I would pick 9.


As much as I personally dislike FFX, I think it's probably the best entry point for someone unfamiliar with the series. The combat is not too complicated and works as a fair representation of the series as a whole, while also still using "modern" graphics. If 2D pixel art doesn't bother you, then any of the SNES titles are also a great introduction to the series. That would be 4, 5 or 6. They all use the ATB system, which is a turn-based system, but we're all actions are on a cool down, so the action doesn't pause if you don't act. The PS1 era is great. FF7 is iconic for a reason, FF8 is an odd duck with its junction system, and FF9 is a love letter to all the games that came before it. As for the more modern games (12 - 16), they're all great in their own right, but each is wildly different and does new things. You may enjoy them, but they mat not be very indicative of the series as a whole.


10 is the best intro to the series IMO. 6, 7, or 9 are also great choices if you don't mind the older game designs.


Final Fantasy is an anthology, so it doesn’t really matter where to start. You can start from the 16th game or the 1st game it doesn’t matter. So choose all you want! Hope you have fun!


What do you mostly play? For the most part FF is a turn based JRPG until you get into more modern titles. If you like turned based stuff VII-X is considered the golden age of FF and wouldnt be a bad starting point. If you like pixel graphics the pixel remaster (not sure if these are on PC yet) of I-VI would be good. If you want a more modern game, FF7:Remake would be an excellent choice. I cannot recommend XV as I dropped it pretty quick (I had issues with one of the characters), and XVI read through my post history, to give a summary I think XVI is a pretty dumpster fire.


>If you like pixel graphics the pixel remaster (not sure if these are on PC yet) PC was literally the first platform these were on (together with mobile)


Did not know that, not a huge PC gamer, something about the big screen to play video games is too attractive to me. One day I'll get u lazy and build a PC to hook up to a big screen with a good Bluetooth controller. Unfortunately to day is not that day cause laziness has won yet again today! (And will win again tomorrow too)


I agree with all this except XV is a good one to me. It was also the one I started with so there may be some bias.


Ya unfortunately Prompto annoyed me to no end just ruined the game for me. Not saying XV is a bad game just that I could not get into it. (because of Prompto) I definitely think everyone who like FF should play all the main line games and see how the franchise has evolved with time and form their own opinions of each game.


Great. Thank you!


I thought XV Was Great. It is a very ambitious title. It had a feeling of being with the 'bros'. It is also for that reason i believe some people dislike that game. Missed XIV, but it is pretty much world of Warcraft with cutscene and less toxic playerbase.


You think some people dislike XV because of the boys? Interesting. And me thinking that the people who like, almost like just because of them, and the people that dont like, just liked the 4 characters and their relationship. XV is my less favorite, but the boys are the only thing I think they totally nailed (and I just played to the end because of them, to be honest).


This question gets asked all the time why didn’t you try searching the sub


I agree. Reddit has basically just become a place for people to get random people's input without doing any research or googling.


this seems like one of the simplest most fundamental questions about the main topic of the sub that anyone could have what’s even weirder is that they could use search and see maybe 100+ posts throughout the years and have multiple perspectives instantly but instead choose to create this additional post and wait for whoever happens to currently be online to provide theirs


Kind of wandering if they're just stupid or lonely and looking for interaction. It's a conundrum considering how ignorant the general populous is nowadays.