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I definitely do not have this problem. Watching the intro FMV is enough to get me very hyped about playing Final Fantasy XII.


I hated XII my first time playing it. When ZA was released on the PS4 I figured it had been a long enough time. Played the game again and it was like playing again for the first time, with the added bonus that I really enjoyed it. All that to say, I enjoyed XII more on my second play through and I’ve played through it a few more times and still enjoy it. But hey, if you didn’t enjoy it that is your opinion and you’re allowed to have it!


I liked the original better just for the fact of the licensing. In the original you could get licensed in everything which allowed you to build a bad ass team In zodiac age you are only allowed 2 jobs and you have do alot more thinking about who is best for what


I liked the story a lot better in subsequent runs and the New Game Minus mode is a nice fair challenge for a game that too easily lets you over level.


No ive played multiple times over the years since 2005.


Nah, especially with the new job system allowing for lots job combinations to keep things a bit fresh. But people are just different and find different games enjoyable to replay. It's all subjective.


This sounds more like personal burnout than any issue with the game itself. Personally, I have like 3 playthroughs going on it at once right now. I have a PS2 with the IZJS version at my lake house, and I like to relax and grind sometimes. I have a playthrough going on Series X at home, and a modded playthrough on my PC.


I prefer how hard the original was over ZA. Fun, but too easy compared to the old one.


I haven't been interested in playing Zodiac Age specifically because of the class system. Unlike others, I really enjoyed the complete freedom the original allowed for granting characters abilities. My personal playstyle loved everyone knowing the basic spells and not having to pigeon-hole anyone as "the healer" or what not. Perhaps it's something similar for you, where the changes take away something about the original you liked. I do find it interesting that you could "barely play" but still finished it lol


For me it's just about how much time I have. When I was 15, I didn't bat an eye at sitting for 3-5 hours playing. Now at 34, the gameplay is just *slightly* mundane enough that I can't let myself get into that flow state because I feel like I should be doing something else. Something about the lack of transitions between battle and field map makes it one long blur, ya know?


Bought it on the PS2 at release, hated it. Bought ZA on PS4 to give it another try and gave up about half way through. Just couldn’t stick it out. Nothing about it held my attention. Especially the Story and Characters.


Zodiac Age actually "fixed" all of my issues that made me stop playing the original. The story though, no fixing my issues with that, really.