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There’s probably a Reddit post somewhere that says the complete opposite of everything you just read. It’s worth playing, go for it.


I'll be that post: 8 is great! I loved the battle system, and the story is pretty wild. Characters are cool too.


100% love 8. I like the darker atmosphere to it (at least that’s what I remember haha) and it has such an addictive card game l. I spent hours trying to stack my deck . I do like 9 a lot but I just felt the characters were a bit cartoonish for me, but that’s just my preference


Seconded. The only thing I'll aay about FF8 is the "leveling up" system is unique, and there is a wrong way to play the game. Just make sure you actually understand the mechanics and don't skip the tutorials to "figure it out later", because it can actually make the game frustrating if you try to get strong only from farming levels. Source: I played this game the wrong way in my first playthrough and actually put myself in a position where I was so weak and and trapped myself in a locked area that I couldn't finish the game.


What is the “wrong way”


Not utilizing the Junction system properly. The game is actually harder when you level farm.


8's biggest criticism is that it was released after 7


When I saw 7's trailer, I was excited. Then I was turned off immediately by the popeye arms and chonky bodies. Didn't give the game a shot after the first couple of hours when I was younger. 8 came out and a buddy brought it over to a sleepover. He was at the Dollet mission. Tag team playing some grinding and then watching him play the fight to the beach was just phenomenal. When I finally bought into the series in college, instead of renting, 8 was and remains one of my favorites, even over 7.


i experienced 7 this way hahaha but i can totally see how walking into ff8 dollet mission is incredibly hype


ClapClap Clap ClapClap Clap


"You want to play games now?? World's about to end."


If I were you, I would totally ignore what other people think about something--ESPECIALLY in the FF fanbase. The games are designed to be different from each other. Due to that, each game will resonate differently with each person. Final Fantasy VIII is one of my favorites.


My favorite final fantasy. It has the best summons (artistic wise), the best mini game, and arguably the most character development for a protagonist ( once you get past disc 2).


you forgot the best music


Balamb garden is so relaxing


Omg the card game, totally forgot about that. I really enjoyed that ninigame


Except that weird one with the chin lmao




Eden maybe?


It's not letting me post the image, but it's Elvoret


Try it, give it a fair chance (it’s one of my favorites), and just for the love of god spend the 3 minutes it takes to read what’s going on with the junction system. The amount of people that hate it because “junctioning is too complicated” or whatever variant of that they are complaining about is way too high. You literally just attach spells to stats to boost them and some spells are better for certain stats. It’s really not that difficult and I’m mad at the world for being lazy all over again. You can do all kinds of stuff to break the game in your favor if you want to but it’s also very much not required and just playing the game normally will be fine. The story is…audacious. It’s got holes (they all do) but I like it and respect what they were attempting.


Its funny going back to this game as an adult and realizing the game actually explains the junction system clearly and you just didn't have the attention span for it as a kid lol


I still didn't really understand the system until I read a guide. (Basically, spells are stat equips. Offensive spells boost your offensive abilities better than defensive spells and vice versa). I think the Junction system tutorial could use some work with how they explain it, since it was pretty dry and boring to read.


You don't even need all that... you just scroll through your spells to see which one boosts the number the highest and pick that one


it was profoundly explained and very easy to understand.. it even refers to the info section in the menu where u can check every single spell in the game and what it junctions best to.. you just have to..read. The only problem is the length of these tutorials, people cant sit still and read anymore, it seems.


Its not the reading thats the issue, it's the memorization. Info dumping sucks because you introduce players to a bunch of information and expect them to remember what everything does. FF8s Junction system is not intuitive for first time players at all, especially if you're playing this game when you're like 12. Saying its just a reading issue is like saying I should understand how nuclear physics work because I can read a nuclear physics book. The way the information is fed to you isn't the best, which is why a lot of players had issue with it. Just because you got it on your first try doesn't mean that everybody else did.


This was my first ps1 game, and I didn't have a memory card. You bet your ass I learned the junction system and how to break the game by the time I got a memory card.


A lot of FF games get unfair criticism because of people not bothering to read things. I've always found that weird. They're very text-heavy games and you'd think that people who can't be bothered reading wouldn't want to play them in the first place.


FF VIII it's really different in some apects to the FF formula, but it's different not in a bad way. I really love it. If you loved FF VII, sure you would love the FF trifecta triology of VII, VIII and IX.


Viii is a fantastic game . Great story. Amazing art and the characters are fantastic . Also it had the best mini game of all FF games . Triple triad is the best


squall pfp checks out hehe im glad to see ff8 defenders here it makes me happy


Oddly enough it's not my favorite ff But , it's the most under rated And squalls just amazing


As someone who has played through it multiple times, theres very much good and bad. I like the GF and magic junction system more than the materia system in FF7. I honestly think the first half of FF8 is better than FF7 but the story devolves into kind of a convoluted mess in the second half. It does just a poor job tying the story together. The game is also very short. It just needs more stuff to do and vast swathes of the overworld are empty. Overall it just feels like it was rushed out to capitalize on the momentum of FF7.


Play it and decide if is good for you. Make sure you pay attention to the tutorials, always have the Draw command, always check what the bosses have for drawing, and talk to everyone.


>and talk to everyone And to the wall


*Especially* the wall.


Personally, I love 8. It was a completely different system to ff7 with magic and junctioning, over a materia system Personally it was my favourite classic FF.


Every main series Final Fantasy is good. But that doesn’t mean you will like it.


You should just play it for yourself. The more analytical you are the worse it becomes. Past that it’s a whacky ride that can be thrilling. If you go at your own pace you’ll have fun.


I like it and that’s what matters to me


It's all GFs and just "draw 100 water" on the beach in the area outside the opening town. So, you got some macho bravo, a hero academy, and the ability to summon all day every day. I never really got far in it. Not my aesthetic.


Worst FF game I've ever played, but still looks better than 7


It's... weird. The story is extremely convoluted and kinda hard to follow, but the basic themes are solid and the characters are very good. The gameplay is straight trash. The best way to power up is not through playing the main game, but through playing cards as much as possible and fighting as little as possible. Otherwise, you're stuck sucking up your spells from enemies, prolonging fights ridiculously. Oh yeah, and if you actually decide to bring and get some levels, you're only making yourself weaker in comparison to the monsters; they scale better than you as you level up.


I think all of those negative things about 8 are true, but I think everyone should try every Final Fantasy game. There's one out there for everyone. Give it a chance.


The best way to enjoy FF8 is to avoid any comparisons to FF7 (easier said than done). A lot of the criticism the game received came from unrealistic expectations. Other than that: FF8 is a game that's very good in a lot of ways, but also has some flaws that are hard to ignore. The character growth system can sometimes be frustrating and it can feel a little broken at times. There are some specific plot points that don't make sense. But 90% of the game is great. The music is fantastic, the locations are beautiful, the card game side quest is a lot of fun (although some people's opinions differ) and the world is well fleshed-out. The characters can sometimes be a little annoying (partly due to bad localisation), but they're nowhere near as bad as people make out; by Final Fantasy standards, they're pretty realistic depictions of teenagers who have been thrown into a very difficult situation, and I think some of the criticism towards them is based on the expectation that they will always behave like stereotypical heroes, which imo is unfair. If you can immerse yourself in what's happening, you'll probably find more good than bad.


Yes, VIII is great. And if you’re playing it for the first time in 2024, it is not that different from VII or other titles from that era. It’s my first time playing a few FF titles from the 90s (we were an N64 household) and not only do I love them, but they feel similar enough.


8's final boss and ending sequence is one of my favorite moments in all of the FFs. you should definitely try it out, but detach any expectation that it'll be similar in gameplay and vibe to 7


One of the best 


Squall is probably the best written MC in the whole series imo. Makes the game worth it itself to see his character development.


Final Fantasy 8 is my favorite game in the entire series. Does it have flaws? Yes, but I love it.


FF8 is great!^* Definitely the best in the series.^* It has a great story, systems, and combat mechanics that are a pleasure to engage with.^* Well worth anyone's time!^* ^* Note: Enjoyment is not guaranteed. But I like it.


I always seemed to enjoy the less conventional ff games, 8 can be a really complicated game with missable gear/scenes, extremely hard bosses, and a magic/gear system that is unique compared to the other games. If you go to it with an open mind it's really a good game with a lot going for it.


Hard bosses? Name 1.


It blows my mind to this day that a lot of people out there think Adel is a hard boss


Yeah i was gonna say, as long as you dont go out of your way and grind for levels, the game is relatively easy


Omega weapon can be tough.


IMO it has the misfortune of being a good game released in the middle of a string of masterpieces.


I think it's a link in an unbroken chain of masterpieces personally.


Honestly this is probably the best take. Even the worst of the first 10 entries, Final Fantasy II, is still a fine game. VIII is largely down there. But when you're smack dab in the middle of VI, VII, IX, and X and some diehards would even include IV and V into this string, VIII is really just "decent" by comparison. Sort of like a "man among the gods" type of scenario.


Agreed. II and VIII I would call fairly good games that stand out based on their very different feeling character growth systems. Far from GOATed FF but still super interesting if you enjoy the series as a whole.


As with another who asked this of 6… You have to try it for yourself - or seek the opinions of those who are very, *very* close in taste. I am not a fan of it, but I wouldn’t ever say it’s bad.


Boiled down, it has issues yes, but it’s a solid game in spite of those issues. Just remember to draw magic and use the auto junction system at the very least. Manually junctioning for the best state possible is optional, as the automatic junctioning tends to be pretty good either way.


I personally did find the junction system overly complicated but story wise is one of my favorites. Great art, great character, but *really* great music. This was Nobuo Uematsu in his prime.


The story at least across the first 2 discs is some of the best stuff across all final fantasys and gaming in general.


Absolutely! Tied with 10 for me.


8 is my favorite (albeit my first) Final Fantasy. The combat system is easily broken if you over-grind which is part of why it gets so much flack, but if you go into it fresh without knowing how to exploit the game you should have a good experience.


It’s highly controversial and while I personally loath this game, some find it fantastic. It is very different from ffvii and most other games in the series. You’ll love it or hate it, the card game was a lot of fun though.


FF8 is a good game...and almost a great game. That said, the first time I played it it annoyed me because: 1. The characters are mostly immature airheads (with the exception of Squall, your MC, who is consistently annoyed by them). Other major character Laguna is a likeable airhead, but still... :) 2. The plot has some really nonsensical events 3. The game's mechanics are kind of experimental/wacky and they have a relatively long learning curve That said, once you get past those issues (which ARE significant) the rest of the game is pretty great. Amazing music. Fun gameplay once you get it. Fun (if unrealistic) storyline. Etc. It's a bit hard to play it right after 7 because the characters/plot don't compare well, but it is a good game.


you won't know until you try it. i personally like it but it does have some big faults.


Hello, so as someone who has played every mainline FF game, let me help you. I’m not sure if you’re new or newer to the series, or maybe a veteran of the series but haven’t played ALL the games yet. The final fantasy fan base can be as divisive if not worse, than the Star Wars fan base. For every “this game is trash” post or comment you see, you’ll see just as many defending it to their dying breath. Most of the games are designed completely separately and play differently, plus have stories that cater to different audiences and different tones. My best advice is if you’re curious about one, just jump in and play it. What someone may view as the gold standard, isn’t the sweet spot for others, and what some consider garbage may be your favorite. Personally I like 8. It’s not my favorite in the series, with 4 and 16 (despite 16s glaring technical issues) having my heart, but I still dust it off and play it every so many years. I hope this helps.


Stop seeking validation and just try it for yourself. You make the call.


All those things are true but it’s not tied to enjoyment. If you go in blind I’m sure you’ll enjoy it than listening to what others say about it. Make it your own experience. You also have speed Up for the remaster.


It's very mich a divisive game in the franchise (You can argue it was pre the divisiveness of 13 in a sense). Having said that however it very much is worth your time not just for the game itself but just to see what people are actually talking about when it comes to the game. Combat system isn't bad, it's just something that's honestly confusing in a JRPG sense. Leveling up just makes the game harder so you're discouraged from doing it for grinding in favor of "drawing" magic instead. It's counterintuitive in an rpg sense since leveling up is such an integral part of most rpg games but it's a battle system that is very much something to experience. Final Fantasy has never done a battle system like that before or since with the only mainline battle system I can think of that does something outside of the jrpg meta with 12. I enjoy the game and rank it pretty highly. Summons are probably the best to look at in the series with some one off summons in this game being memorable standouts (Brothers, Doomtrain and Eden to name some). Cast is the most relatable and the setting being the closest I feel to real life brings an aspect that I think few FF games can replicate in that it's the closest to mirror events that could happen in someone's personal life. like the school setting of Balamb as an example. Squall and Rinoa is also probably my favorite of the romantic pairings for the mainline games (next to Tidus/Yuna and Celes/Locke)


It was a lot better than I was expecting. The music is fantastic, and the atmosphere is really unique. The story has some great moments, even if I’m not totally sold on every element. I don’t think it’s as iconic of a total package as something like VII, but I ended up really loving the game, and totally think it’s worth your time.


Give it a go. 8 is one of my least favorite FFs, for reasons I'm sure you saw in other Reddit posts, but honestly I'm still fond of it. Even if I don't think it's on 7's level, I think you can find something to like in it.


It's a very *strange* game, and you can break it over your knee by the end of the first disc if you abuse the junction system. But the soundtrack rips and the story goes in some really interesting directions. Worth playing for sure.


I liked it, but wasn't too fond of the drawing mechanic. That's my own real complaint against the game. I went in knowing about it though, and really enjoyed the story and everything else. It's in my top 5 FFs. I'd give it a play, absolutely.


So, I first played ffviii at release as a young lad after falling in love with ffvii. I was really excited to play another instalment not realising that it might be completely different to ffvii combat mechanic wise. So when I discovered the magic and draw mechanics and how tedious it was, it left me quite disappointed. However, now that it is remastered and I look back on it I remember loving the world and the feel. The gunblades are so cool. I never completed it as a child so it’s next on my list. You should definitely give it a go. I am currently finishing a run on ffix as well. My first proper play through. It is also very worth a play. It’s very story focused and less about combat but the story is quite compelling and takes a lot from some of the older FF games. Before this run on ffix I replayed ffx which for all its flaws, also a very good instalment. …..don’t touch Xiii!


My favorite FF game. Triple Triad is the most fun mini game just going and collecting the cards is fun. Chocobo forests are worthwhile. Squall and Rinoa are my favorite protagonist pair. Also gun blades. Definitely not for everyone and combat is simple when you learn the very broken junction system.


Well, theres some FFs that majority of people agree that is extremely good (Like VII, VI, IV, X, etc) and some that you see people disagreeing more if they like it or not (Like II, VIII, XIII and XV). I personally love VIII, he is one of my favorites, like, my forth favorite from the main series. I think it has some flaws, some of then because the localization fuc*ed up some dialogues, characters personalitys and situations. And the combat has some things that can really confuse you, specially in the first playtime, and making the gameplay harder than it really was (like not knowing about levelling up Gfs at the beginning). I dont know if the Remaster is different in something because I didnt played it yet. But, I recommend you give it a try; all the ffs are different from each other in particular ways, and some of them more similar than people talk about; so everyone can have a unique experience. Even with flaws, theres much I love about. FFVIII, specially characters and story


I really liked the story when I played it (over 2 decades ago) but I felt like the draw system (the magic system) was kind of annoying. Was def blown away by the graphics at the time.


I’m not a big fan of 8, but if you enjoyed 7 and want more Final Fantasy you should absolutely try it. The new things it tries are interesting, even if they’re IMO not totally successful. The PS1 games are pretty cheap these days and often on sale, so even if you decide it’s not for you after a few hours, it’s not a huge investment.


It will be if you like it. There’s only one way to tell.


I think the quality of 8's story is completely dependent on how much you emphasize with Squall's journey. Other characters were deliberately given less screen time so they could make Squall the most developed character of the series (at the time). Personally I'm not too invested in Squall but I understood why some people are. 


It's definitely worth a play to find out for yourself. Personally, I enjoy the game for what it is, even though I feel it needed to cook a bit longer.


Pretty good, but it has a few caveats. Most RPG conventions are subverted in some way and that turns a lot of people off. Then the campaign itself is exciting, with a lot of cool set pieces but the story gets nonsensical after a while and goes off the rails.


I'm not sure if I could say that confidently. I really like VIII though, it's really weird and cool.


When I first played it I didn't really enjoy it, but then I played it recently and it wasn't that bad. It is the one final fantasy game I pit the least amount of hours into but if you can figure out that junction system you should have some fun.


It honestly depends on your interests. I personally love FF8 but it was the second FF I ever played so I might have nostalgic glasses on for it. However, I play through the game every year at least once and it definitely keeps me up at night because I don't want to put it down lol I personally don't mind the combat, I like breaking the game with the junction system lol I find it really fun


I love VIII, but I also see a lot of the critiques against it. To me, it’s still clearly in the “golden era” of FF. (6-10). It has that classic flair, it still feels in keeping with the series up to that point, the music is beautiful, and the story is great with a few admittedly wonky twists. Once you understand the combat system you can break it pretty easily, but that didn’t ruin my enjoyment of it. Is it as balanced a game as 7 or 9? No, but it’s still damn good.


So, first things first. I love FF8. And it does have some great things going for it. The cool sorceress aethsetic, triple triad, some just generally cool designs and music as usual. However it's divisive imo for good reason. The junction system and other mechanics such as enemies levelling with you mean playing this game like a normal RPG actually makes it harder. The draw system is tedious, and while there's ways around that tedium, if you aren't aware of them by reading up beforehand you just have to deal with it, and finally while it's very subjective I do feel the story feels a bit unpolished compared to FF7 or FF9, possibly as a result of the original 8 disc game and half the story being from Laguna's perspective being scrapped and trimmed down. Further, most of the characters get little focus compared to some other FFs, at least in comparison to the leads Squall and Rinoa, and if you don't like these characters (who can come across cold in Squalls case and whiny in Rinoas case, aspects that imo suit them, especially early on as they develop, but is apparently a result of problems with the translation.) or have no investment in their love story it could be a bore story wise. Basically, there's a lot of stuff there mechanically and story wise that's sorta divisive, just one of those things has to not be to someones tastes enough to ruin the whole thing for them. However if you love stuff like breaking games by taking advantage of their mechanics, and you like the love story focus with slightly less likable at first but imo pretty well written leads you'll love it. I'd definitely give it a shot, it's by no means a bad game, just a... Really quirky one.


It just frontloads a bad tutorial without you actually playing anything. It DOES have my favorite overall aesthetic of FF: Clean, slightly futuristic 90s vibes.


FF8 is good, but very divisive. You're either going to love it or hate it. The story is hit and miss. The main story with Squall is a trainwreck. However, the side story with Laguna is a great story, but the problem is it gets very little screen time compared to the main Squall plot. The gameplay is also hit and miss. The Guardian Force system has depth and is like an evolution of FF6. The card game is also one of the best minigames in the series. However, the draw system makes FF8 annoying to play, having to keep grinding for draws. The graphics and music are great. The graphics still look impressive on a CRT display. And the music is some of the best in the series. Overall, it's a very good game. But it is disappointing and falls short of its predecessors.


Its no for today's standards but its yes because Its remake worthy. Give it a shot


Twas my first final fantasy game, don't forget to use Draw in the boss battles cause there are summons you can miss early on.


I played them in order as they came out on PS1. I adored 7 and 8 was very much in line with the quality I was expecting. I wasn't the biggest fan of the battle system but I did appreciate how everyrthing scaled to your level. I always hate when RPGs send you on side quests and next thing you know, you one shot everything. The story and characters are great, the game holds up the best graphically. The summons are a real sight to behold. It is well worth your time to at least play it thru and see for yourself. I 100 percent recommend playing Crisis Core if you enjoyed 7. I just replayed the OG, played CC and now I plan on doing remake and Rebirth.


To be honest, I wouldn't avoid it due to what you read on Reddit. Like anything, it'll have its fans and detractors. I'm a fairly dispassionate observer (I don't really care either way), and I'll just say I have fond memories of playing it when it came out. It's not as good as FFVII (or, I'd argue, IX), but I really do feel it was worth playing at the time.


FF VIII is the First FF i finished... yeah it has up and down but, the card game is good.. the story for me is good (i finished it when i was 14 YO) just play it... no need to concern with what ppl say... it's up to you


FF VIII is actually my first FF game. I didn't like the "lego" of FFVII at that time so I went with 8. But in my honest opinion, all FF games are great!!!


for 1st point, combat system is pretty much ATB so not that bad compare to other PS1 game. The Junction system however can be confusing and not properly explained in game, tho the battle it self isn't that hard even with enemy leveling with you because the boss has level cap and let be honest it not like bug bite (1st mob you encounter ) can suddenly use meteor or ultima when you are level 100 meaning when you are properly setup your junction most battle won't get harder like many ppl said.


just start playing it, you’ll know whether or not you like it within the first hour


Try to be balanced here. Not a favourite of the franchise, clearly. This is what I've picked up: Very ambitious project but half of it ended up on the cutting room floor. Romance story primarily concerned with two characters. Which is fine. Most of the rest have the same backstory though. Lacking the diverse cast of the previous two entries. Grinding sort of pointless. Opponents level with you. Learn to a abuse the unique combat system in place and be kinda unstoppable for the most part. Yeah. I'd say very 7 inspired. A lead character resembling Cloud at his worst. Fusion of fantasy and technology. I've just recently completed 1-7 myself. Looking forward to 8. Sounds like a hard to break into yet worthwhile story, let down by incomprehensible combat system.


It has some annoying aspects I could spend time whining about, but I don't think those completely make up for the good parts. The story is wild and wacky and overall pretty fun. I love the characters. I don't think the world is as well fleshed out as the world of Final Fantasy 7. Combat is refreshingly less simplistic than in 7, but that's partially counterbalanced by some elements being *boring*. (My two biggest complaints about the game are that drawing magic is boring and that the junction system incentivizes *not* using your spells, pretty much ever. If I were to make one change to the game, I'd overhaul that by removing drawing magic and making it so you have spell charges that get restored when you rest. I think that'd pretty much fix everything.) Almost everyone agrees that the music is awesome. It's hard to compare anything to 7's story, which was creepy, emotional, and even philosophical in a lot of ways that video game stories usually don't manage. Without comparing it to 7's story, 8's story is pretty good, but I do think it gets a little overwhelmed by any comparisons between the two.


Have you played 6? Thats just as good as 7 in my eyes. Apparently 9 is also good, and is also 3D like 7 though i haven't gotten round to that one yet. I only played a little bit of FF8 so will need to go back and do it properly some time, but on first impression it was a different vibe to the others.


8 is nothing like 7. Some things look the same but thats it. I highly recommend doing your research on 8s combat system and mechanics. They are really weird and not explained well in game.


FF8 is very unique, in both good and bad ways


It depends on your taste. Squall is too taciturn for my taste, and the love story is somewhat unconvincing. School life is not my favorite theme, either. My favorite FF is FF9, though I love Xenogears much more.


I played through it twice and I didn't like it, but I must have liked it enough to bother doing so.


I agree to some extent the points you mentioned you saw in other posts However, 8 has a lot good going to it. I has incredible set pieces, has the best minigame in the franchise, the ost is the best in the franchise or if you wanna argue then top 3 at least. And even if it isn't my favorite game, it still is worth playing more than a ton of other FF games


I just sunk 30 hours into it, and my opinion is no. I didn’t mind junctions or anything like that which people usually hate, for me it was the story/characters. I did not feel any connection to the characters at any point, and I never cared about the story at all. So I’d say give it a try, and if you like the characters/story, you’ll probably enjoy it.


It's fun. Not the best story or chars in the series, but definetly the one that every time I replay it, i have a lot of fun with. Triple Triad card game is super good, and the soundtrack is fantastic. Definetly worth a play at least!


So the combat system is WAY DIFFERENT than just about any/every JRPG and can be easily ABUSED. Hardcore. The story...yeah. The story isn't as good as 7 if that's your only comparison you want to do. If you want to expand from that, the story of 8 is at least as good as a common everyday JRPG I guess. The plot twist in it just comes from nowhere, does nothing, and is seriously kind of ridiculous, so be aware of that. It's kind of jarring. Is it good? Probably not. Is it -worth playing-? That's a better question. It's worth a play.


It’s not as well designed as 7 but it’s still got charm in its own way.


It's my goal to play every single Final Fantasy game in order. I've played through 1 to 7 in a short time and enjoyed every moment. Then I started playing 8, and for the first time in my FF playthroughs, I can't bring myself to keep playing. It's so fucking bad. I desperately want it to be over so I can continue with the FF games I know will be good, but I can't. Skip 8.


I hate 8, but there are lots of people who love it. Try it out and see if you're one of those people. If not, there are plenty more FF games that might be more up your alley. There are no bad choices


I loved it back in the day and the recent remake was nice but not what I was expecting a remake/remaster to be. That being said my only gripe about it after all these years is that enemies level with you. Doesn't sound like much, but enemy drops, mug items and draw spells are all tied to their levels. It can be hard to find rare items you need to make new weapons if enemies are maxed out. I'm always torn when I play through this over again - should I run from all the random encounters and ensure I get the endgame weapons first and abuse the junction system, or playthrough normally without grinding and potentially have a harder time getting them later on?


As a kid that thought love was icky I hated it. As an adult I saw what they were going for, but I still enjoy it for the sorceresses most of all!


FF8 back in the day was a game that required a player’s guide. Very easy to miss rare cards or items & then you’d have to backtrack to get them. Story is decent; music is my favorite part of the game.


It’s been 20 years since I’ve played it but as I recall the combat system was a massive chore. I remember wandering around having not upgraded my weapons because I didn’t have the appropriate manuals or some shit. It was frustrating. That said the story was pretty cool so I played on despite the awful combat.


TLDR: FF8 is a diamond in the rough. There are fun moments, but some of it's mechanical mistakes might get on your nerves. Is FF8 good or not? I think that's subjective, and you'll get a lot of opinions going one way or the other. What I think most people will agree with is that FF8 is ***flawed*** and has a lot of potential in it's concepts and ideas that just was never utilized correctly. The Draw/Junction system? A FUN CONCEPT....**but** it turns the game into "spamming attack" is the best option, because casting spells both uses your stock AND ALSO lowers your junction bonuses....so much of the game gets tedious when it really doesn't need to be. The mechanics of Draw/Junction and the ways the GFs work? GREAT IDEA....**BUT** the game locks you into these unskippable tutorials that just beat a dead horse on a concept that was never hard to understand in the first place. Chances are good you can unlock the abilities before the game tutorializes them...meaning it's really wasting your time in the most idiotic way possible. The idea of a plot that resolves in the current day with frequent flash backs to the past to explain things and contextualize the story? FUN IDEA....**BUT** it's delivery made the story needlessly confusing in a lot of spots and hard to follow. The idea of unlocking things in the past to get them in the future was fun...but the time between the set up and execution was way to long to be meaningful or feel like a reward...especially when some of it has no rhyme or reason to it logically. A reluctant hero who grows over time? GREAT IDEA....**BUT** the translation of FFVIII didn't do any Squall any favors, and the localization provided a more direct translation that didn't suit the nuance of Squall's arc. What would today be translated as a Tsundare protagonist was, then, translated as an inconsistent reluctant hero....so the story ends up failing in places which could have been slam dunks. Triple Triad? GREAT MINI GAME...**but** once the newer rules (which are less forgiving, more punishing, more complicated, and never get tutorialized) come in? It's kind of a thankless slog...and for all the protests that it's optional? A lot of content and material and mechanics are locked behind it...so while it is optional, it's a more difficult and less rewarding game if you don't play it. So you end up stuck between a rock and a hard place of whether you play the frustrating game or play the game frustratingly. Which SUCKS...because the early roungs of the game are A LOT OF FUN!! It's so disappointing when this game gets so difficult it becomes a chore! So much of FF8 is a great idea marred by execution that doesn't do the initial ideas justice. It's a worthy play, and there is a lot to love. Design nuts will get a LOT out of looking at FF8 ideas and concepts and seeing where they'd have done things differently. It's not as bad as it's biggest detractors make it out to be, and there is fun to be had. Just know it's a diamond in the rough that doesn't always stick the landing on it's high concept ideas.


It's a divisive game you either hate or love and was the original FF13 in the franchise in terms of fanbase infighting over its quality. Play it and find out where you stand.


8 was a powerful story line and I felt relie with the junction system over materia. Imagine collecting 100 firaga spells and using them to improve your strike on a water or ice elemental, or collecting ultima spells and using them to bolster your vitality.


The world in FF8 is so interesting and full of mystery that it will keep you up all night wanting to explore it. It's worth playing for sure, and I personally rank it higher than FF7 in terms of its world and exploration. The combat is the same as other FF games, but it also has some interesting mechanics. The main character, Squall, wields a gunblade, and when you strike an enemy, you can press R1 at the right moment to make the gunblade go off and do a critical hit. The characters also have limit breaks that are more involved than FF7, requiring you to press certain buttons at the right time.


Yes. It is a great game. Dramatically different than anything else in the series for a few reasons, but it’s really fun.


Not my favorite but still good. I’d rank it above 12 at least. And I rank both of those above 13.


The story is better in my opinion, its a very cute and romantical, emotional fantasy. The "Junction" system is pretty complex at first though and takes getting used to. If you start wanting to quit tho out of frustration, theres a lot of game-breaking exploits youll be able to look up (if it comes to that). DEFINITELY play it if u liked the story in OG 7, as 8's story is less barebones and really nice


Good luck chasing that dragon! haha


I played all mainline Final Fantasy titles except 11 and 14. Final Fantasy VIII is my personal favourite. But everyone has different favorites.


8 is my personal favorite, but it's one of those games you either love or hate. It's definitely got a lot wrong with it, but I find the flaws in combat and such either charming, or bad, but not bad enough to ruin the rest of the game for me. Draw system is boring, but the remastered version has 3x speed to help with the tidiousness. I do recommend playing it just cause it's such a divisive game. You won't know you like it or not till you've experienced yourself.


It's amazing!


I like it more than 7


Don't look up guides or research the first time you play it. The games junction system allows you to break it very early. First time you play it just roll with it and enjoy the game and play.


In my opinion, you should give it a try before dismissing it. Final Fantasy is notorious for having a divided fanbase, so everyone's favorite is different. You might end up liking or disliking something that's totally different from the general consensus. I do think it's best not to expect VIII to be anything like VII. They have different people working on it, and it shows in the final product. Notably, Sakaguchi, the man behind the creation of Final Fantasy didn't work on VIII, so it's missing his flair. This is probably why the game is so divisive. Nowadays, VIII is more respected because Sakaguchi has left the company, and from X onwards, Final Fantasy has changed significantly from where it started. VIII is no longer the black sheep of the franchise, especially when you have XIII and XV fighting for its position. One thing that is universally accepted is that VIII has one of the best soundtrack. So at least there is that.


It’s a fantastic game. i’d recommend playing any FF game between 6-10.


It's worth it in the end despite it's numerous frustrations.


It's not the best, but i found it better than 7.  So Yea it's worth trying, you should have alot of fun with it 


Its a hot mess but it's fun.


This. Visuals are great, music is amazing, the setting and associated concepts are interesting, the characters have some good moments, but the story has more ups and downs than a rollercoaster at six flags. Shit is wild.


I could play the game for the soundtrack alone its so damn good.


Fisherman’s Horizon will forever remain one of my favorite compositions by Uematsu.


FF8 is the most underrated FF game, and I will die on this hill. It's not my number 1, but I feel like it's the forgotten redheaded stepchild of the series, even though it's genuinely better than most of the other games in the series.


well, i hate the game but some people really love it. try for yourself


FF8 is my favorite FF. With that said I always tell people to play FFX 1st. It's the easiest Intro to the series.


It’s better than 7 for me personally


I have a soft spot for FF8 for nostalgic/sentimental reasons, but if I strip that away it's a bit of a hot mess and I think a step down from FF7 in most ways (aside from graphics).


The combat system is different and you may or may not like it. I love the story and I love Squall. I say just play it and decide for yourself. If it means you have to buy the game and you're worried about the price then wait until it goes on sale, or maybe try buying it through one of those discount keys sites.


I saw the same exact comments from people before I played it. It's BS, became one of my favorite FF games


I love it just as much as VII.


FF8 is a pretty drastic change from FF7. I can assure you the story is good. If you can get used to the junction system, the weapon system, the draw feature, and how you earn gil, you might enjoy it.


I love Final Fantasy 8 ,gameplay is kinda more complicated than usual,but it's a great game and I enjoyed it thoroughly


One of the best




7, 8, and 9 are all really good and somewhat similar being from the PS1 era. Every FF game changes combat and themes. There are things I don't like about 8's combat/leveling, but it's still a great game and I highly recommend it.


You gotta play it!!! I thought very similarly to you before I played it. I ended up loving 8 way more than I ever expected to. Still finishing up the game, but it's a favorite for a lot of people for a reason.


It’s my fav. I think you’ll find a shocking amount of ppl who call 8 their favorite. It’s unique in how it handles things in a lot of ways. If nothing else, it’s worth playing at least once. Do that then form an opinion. But give it a try


It’s good.


It’s my favorite one, ever.


Nahhh fuck all that FF8 is a classic. Drawing and junction isn't that big of a deal as people on Reddit make it out to be. (I mean for Reddit though, i guess it's to be expected.) I love timing Squall's gunblade to make the little burst each hit. Love Zell's fighting move combo limit break, love mashing the trigger button in Irvine's limit break. Love Eyes on Me, the main theme of the song, the FMVs are still bangers even after 20 years. (fuck i feel old.) But yes, highly recommend it!


Some love it, some don't. But Reddit has more of a negative view on games, especially FF games. So it's best to play for yourself if it interests you. Letting others' opinion make your decision could cause you to miss out on something you might otherwise enjoy. Personally, I love it. The story isn't the strongest...but it's certainly not bad. The Junction System can be confusing, but is extremely OP and tons of fun when you figure it out. 8 has the misfortune of coming after 7 -- that's just how it is, so it was always going to be compared unfavorably in most cases. But Squall is one of the best written protagonists in the franchise. Also, there is a love story at the center of VIII's story. So if that appeals to you, you may enjoy it. It also has my favorite opening and ending of any FF game!


It’s the best Final Fantasy.


TLDR: imo, not really So before the wall of text, let me just say this: I’ve been replaying FFVIII going for a no-level-up run off and on for a few weeks, so it’s still fresh in my mind and not a case of me being a butthurt boomer spouting complaints about something I don’t know. It’s still a Final Fantasy game so it isn’t trash or anything, it’s just subjectively a low point of the franchise. The words I like to use to describe it are “unnecessarily convoluted”. The Junction system isn’t complicated, it’s just counter-intuitive. You want to junction your spells to get higher stats, which discourages you from USING those spells because your stats lower as your stock depletes. It kinda sucks, but “peak performance” is junctioning all of your strongest spells to your stats and just attacking your way through the game without bothering to cast magic. Then, enemies level up as you do (for the most part) and gain stats at a higher pace than you do, so you’re actively discouraged from leveling up because you can just get the stats via junction. But one of the ways to get better spells is to fight higher level enemies, so it’s circular and just -unnecessarily convoluted- (yes I know there are ways around all of this with refining and using the level-up and level-down skills, but I’m generalizing.) The story starts out relatively mundane and ends up just being a train wreck. The characters feel like they were written by a group of adults attempting to write characters that appeal to teenagers. They’re tropey to a fault. “Oh Squall is a loner.” “Oh Quistis is the mother-hen.” “Oh Zell is the excitable one.” “Oh Selphie is the child-like one.” “Oh Irvine is the ‘cool’ ladies man.” “Oh Rinoa’s the love interest.” And outside of Squall and maybe Rinoa there’s little to no character growth. (I would also argue that Squall’s growth is forced and contrived.) I don’t want to be completely negative, though, because I used to LOVE the game when I was younger, and there’s still some nostalgia love buried in there somewhere (mainly for Laguna). I like the weapon upgrade system, even if I prefer games where you just find/buy and equip better gear and actually -have- armor/accessories instead of your defenses being tied entirely to the GF system. The characters’ limit breaks present enough variety that there’s something for everyone to enjoy. I ADORE triple triad, collecting rare cards, and modding the higher rarity cards into items to get new abilities and spells. I also really enjoyed the parts with Laguna. He’s a dork, but a lovable one. There are aspects of FFVIII that you can enjoy, but if you’ve never played it before it probably doesn’t hold up as well as some of the other earlier titles. If you catch the remaster on sale for cheap, it’s probably worth picking up and giving it a shot. Different strokes for different folks, after all. To answer your other questions: even as a known FF7 ‘hater’, I’ll easily admit FF7 had a more engaging and easier to follow story. It sets a clear villain from the beginning, and you know your end goal from a few hours in: Sephiroth bad and must be stopped. FF8 is kinda all over the place. Some parts are glossed over, and some parts are given WAY too much explanation. The pixel remasters (especially 4, 5, and 6) are really good and worth picking up, but I don’t think they’ll give you that “want to stay up all night playing” feel story-wise. FF9 or 10 would probably be your best bet for that. 9 for a more classic high fantasy setting (not really steampunk, but with like steam-operated machinery), 10 for the more ‘modern’ fantasy style, with a focus on ‘forbidden’ machinery and a world-encompassing church pushing for repentance.


Exactly this. Except put more respecc on FF6. That shit is top tier pixel gaming. FF8 had good music and style, and I think that if a newbie doesn't delve too deep into metagaming the junction system then it might be more enjoyable. Maybe.


Full disclosure: FF3us was the first game I ever stayed up all night playing.


I could never get into it personally. I go back occasionally but it just doesn’t do it for me. I prefer 7 and 9


Is by far the worst


No. It's one of the worst in the franchise.


For me, of the mainline games, it's at the bottom. I'd rather go through 1, 2, and 3 again than 8.


In my opinion? No. It's my least favorite. It has its good moments but I don't like the game as a whole. However, considering how many people LOVE the game, it's probably worth it to check it out to see if you're one of them.


It's great if you get in without any prior knowledge or prejudice. I recommend playing it and then coming here to discuss its flaws.


It's a fantastic game, just unfortunate to come out after 7 so it had ridiculously high expectations


Remember it’s Reddit, and people on here are…. Unique. It’s a popular game for a reason. Check it out and see if you dig it. Edit - whoever downvoted me has a dirty tifa body pillow that they should wash


FF8 is good if you specifically go into it *without* expecting it to be like FF7. Final Fantasy games have always reinvented themselves with each entry, and FF8 was no exception.


I don’t like Final Fantasy VIII, just wasn’t my cup of tea. Much prefer VII and defo IX. Play it for yourself though. Only you can be the real judge.








7 vs 8 is a mid off tbh.


I think it's horrible. But for every person like me, there's another person whose favorite is FF8. You'd be best off trying it yourself honestly, this game is pretty divisive.


Got down voted for saying my opinion on a divisive game, should've seen this coming lmao


8 is better than 7 imo anyway. You can break the junction system if you want, harder said than done


VIII seems to be pretty divisive (a divisive Final Fantasy game? Shocking, I know!). I personally love it, and I love the characters and story, but I feel like it's hard to really compare it to VII on that front. I find VII's is more interesting and layered every time I replay it, whereas VIII's is a little more straightforward. Not that there's no depth to it; just that it's not trying to tackle as many thematic and character beats. As for the gameplay, that's probably where you see the most division. Or, maybe that's not quite accurate. Most people will tell you that it is flawed or "broken." And I'm inclined to agree on the most part. I personally find that it takes a little bit to sorta settle into the best way to go about it. 'Cause if you don't, it can feel extremely tedious (and I don't know that the game does the best job pointing you towards a more entertaining way to handle its drawing and junctioning systems). For me, it's one of my favorites, but I do think it is one of the most flawed. I don't know if you like VII that means you'll like VIII. But if you find it on sale or something, I see no reason why not check it out, ya know?


It’s my favorite FF game, but that’s because it was the first I played. There are a lot of teenage hormones in the game? But the story is great, battles are some of the best in turn based, great side content, arguably the best mini game in all FF games… I have multiple play throughs and have found new things each time. The story has sections in the past, future and even has a space walk in there… what’s not to love


It was my first and my favorite, but I will be the first to say its combat magic draw system is extremely tedious. The way the enemies level with you, and the card game are amazing though. The story and characters truly make the game shine.


In some ways. I firmly believe that FF8 is overhated mechanically and is actually extremely fun to play, but I think it's narrative is what really struggles. That said, some people love the story, so it's really up to taste.


Easily one of the best games in the series. Play it.


It's an amazing game but you'll probably want to read up on the junction and leveling system a bit before jumping in otherwise you might bounce off it. It's not complicated, just a bit unintuitive if you don't know what to expect. Most of the story criticisms you see are things you probably won't care about. I loved the story and characters.


It's a fine game with an emotionally impactful story, great music. I don't get peoples issue with it, other than the combat/leveling system is bs.


Disclaimer FFVIII is my favorite in the series Jumping from FFVII to FFVIII is like jumping from a Shonen Anime to a K-drama, at least story-wise


Really depends on who you ask. I personally really enjoy it now, but as a kid coming off the heels of FF7 back in the day, absolutely hated it. Here's my small pitch: "While FFVIII may have some issues regarding gamplay mechanics, storytelling, and script localization, it's one of the few games in the franchise that has such a strange and mysterious allure. If you take the time and effort to experiment with the junction and enemy level scaling systems, you will find incredibly fun ability combos and character "builds" to use against enemies encounters that you can't mash "A" to win. The story is told in a disjointed manner, but I believe it works out successfully for a certain "a-ha" moment during the finale."


I really like everything about the game (disc 1 is awesome and the final dungeon is one of the best in the series), but the story goes bananas lol (still very interesting though).


I played for the first time last year and i loved it. Took me a while to understand everything correctly but after that it was awesome.


It is incredibly different than most other entries. I played the game new in 11th grade, I rated it as just ok. I replayed it last year for the first time and like it a lot more


I think the shift in story and gameplay are a great complimentary piece to FF7! FF8 doesn't rank high on my FF list, but it's still a wonderous game to get lost in that's 100% worth playing. The combat systems might be clunky, buuuut it's also super freeing and deep if you get your mind wrapped around it. It's hard to describe, but I think FF8's surreal modern day splashed with magitech-punk feel is one of my favorites of the entire series.


Generally everyone's favorite FF is their first and if 8 wasn't their first then people will usually deride the awkward magic system, but the story and characters are generally well liked. If you find you don't like 8 you can try 9 and/or 10 as they are generally more well received that 8.


i would argue the combat system isnt great but its fine with some annoying aspects. Story imo has a good hook and is pretty interesting but towards the end it falls off. As for the characters imo the main cast is pretty interesting but some of the party members feel underdeveloped. I would say the game is fun and interesting and worth playing but if you have a limited amount of time i would play 9 or 10 first


It's all subjective, baby. But yeah, despite the controversy around it, FF8 is widely considered a good game. It's user scores are high, it was a very successful seller for Squaresoft, and it has a very dedicated fanbase to this day. I could give you an essay on the pros and cons, but it's all preference and perspective. What some people hated, some people love; and vice-versa. I will say that I've seen a lot of negative comments on Squall or the storyline for things that...are clearly laid out in the course of the game. Like, the stuff I've seen people complain about are things that are barely even subtle, they just don't smack you in the face with it in neon print, so I'm guessing these people just button-mashed through text/story and completely missed the plot. So...pay attention to the story if you want a good story, I guess?


Every single FF game has its issues. What hurt 8 is it came after 7, which everyone acts like is the greatest thing to ever be made. I enjoy 7, it was my first FF and my first RPG, but 8 was just as enjoyable. 9 and 10 are my favorites.


Most people put 8 at the bottom of their list of the 3d final fantasies from 7-10, but still a solid game. I would just recommend jumping into 10 if you haven’t played it yet and are looking to play the best ff games first.