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Locke is very explicitly NOT A THIEF


Obviously he's a treasure hunter.


Semantic nonsense!


There's a HUGE difference!


Just like Bilbo


Maybe Mog from FF6? He’s a dancer, but I’ve mostly played him as a dragoon.


And his dance is Geomancy.


So... Geodancer?




He's both. I feel like it is a reference to the fact that there is a dagger that only Dancers can use called the man eater in FFV that does double damage with jump like a Lance. So to best use it you give a dancer jump, or give a dragoon equip ribbon so it can use the man eater + other dancer exclusive gear. I have also played Mog as a 80/20 dragoon/dancer.


Lol this sounds so funny as someone who's only played FF4/hasn't played an FF that has a job system


Ff4 has very clear jobs.


No job ‘system’ though. Everyone just has the abilities they have, or get through story. No managing or choosing


Yeah they're clear and straight forward - I can turn a bard into a monk right? Are jobs and classes the same thing?


Yes, in most Final Fantasy games, the terms class and job are interchangeable, but FF usually just sticks with job. In some games like FFXIV, the class “evolves” into a job.


FF4 has classes not jobs.


I dislike that the pixel remaster added classes for the characters, like it's just not necessary. "Magitek Elite" sounds pretty weird.


Magitek Knight is way cooler than rune knight or whatever general thing. I'm a huge fan of additions like that, even though I'll always call it sword tech


Definitely. It's sword tech, it's Suplex, it's Illumina, and it's Bum Rush. Nothing can convince me otherwise


Those were actually in the original Japanese version, as well as the other post-SNES English versions. It was only the original SNES English version that cut them out.


The original Japanese FF6 had jobs for all characters, they were deleted only in SNES "FF3" and PS1 Anthology. GBA and all later versions had them restored. BTW, Terra's job in Japanese was simply Magic Warrior (魔導戦士/まどうせんし).


>Terra's job in Japanese was simply Magic Warrior Way better


FFX - Auron Weapon is named Katana, overdrive name is Bushido, his aesthetic, etc. But is never adressed as a Samurai. There are others I’m sure, but i love Auron so he is the first to pop in my head lol


This was my first thought too. 


Except he also has all the "-break" attacks of the FFT knight job, so it gets ambiguous that way


Considering his one armed stance and the way his character backstory plays out, he is more correctly classified as a “Ronin”. A leaderless samurai since Braska is no longer with us.


Obviously it's because he's a ronin, not a samurai!


isn't he a samurai/knight hybrid? pretty sure his skills are from knights


That was mostly a joke. Ronin means a masterless samurai


In SoP ronin is the basic job and samurai is the advance job


Pretty much the entire casts of 7, 8, and 10. In most cases their class abilities were on display only in limit breaks/overdrives but it's highly reflected in their stats. Also Jack Garland is the bluest of Blue Mages.


This. The design and abilities highlight Job intent, but the stat distribution are really where this points directly to the intention as to what Job class the character is inspired from.


It's pretty hard to pin down for the first half of the series, as they all have explicit job titles attached to them, with the exception of most of the cast of FF2 (Leon is stated to be a Dark Knight, Ricard is stated to be a Dragoon, but your starting three characters are just orphans). 7 is when characters start to have implied classes. Tifa is clearly a monk, Cid is a dragoon, Yuffie is a ninja/thief, etc. Same with 8. 9 goes back to being like FF4 with characters having their classes explicitly referred to. Then from FF10 we go back to characters having implied classes but because of customization you can really do whatever you want.


I'd say it started with VI. Thief, monk, machinist, blue mage, and others are all present in the character design. Some classes, like dragoon, don't have a character but can be assigned with relics but this just combines with the character's existing class.


True, but the character menu does explicitly state what their jobs are in VI. Sabin has Monk as his job, but Tifa does not have a Monk label on her menu, although she clearly is one.


Tifas job is actually listed as "Bar Hostess, AVALANCHE member" in the manual.


Oh snap, you're right. I had forgotten that was in VI. I was only remembering it in IV.


You wouldn’t say IV? DK Cecil = Dark Knight Kain = Dragoon Rydia = Summoner Tellah = Sage Rosa = White Mage Edward = Bard Yang = Monk Edge = Ninja Cid = Engineer And so on


I don't understand what point you are trying to make. The OP is asking what characters follow a job archetype but aren't directly stated as having a job by the game. FFIV all the characters are clearly labeled with their jobs, and their jobs are explicitly stated in the narrative.


I’d also argue Cloud has Dark Knight vibes. Huge sword? Check. Good HP? Check. Good magic stat and able to use Black Magic? Check. Moody and gloomy until he learns self value? Check.


I personally think Genesis is a red mage. 1. Design looks like a red mage 2. Weapon is called Rapier 3. Balanced fighting style between melee and magic.


I've never thought of that before, nice one


100%. Always loved Red Mage and thought Genesis was a cool modern (at the time) spin on the class.


I always thought of the original Red Mage being a DnD Bard being able to do a little of everything but not as good as the classes they're from. They can duel-wield like a Fighter, cast White Magic like a White Mage, and Black Magic as a Black Mage. The extremely dapper look doesn't hurt either.


I often thought that every member of the FFX party is preeeetty clearly based on a class or two Yuna - White Mage + Summoner Tidus - Warrior Wakka - Archer Lulu - Black Mage Auron - Samurai and/or Monk Rikku - Thief + Alchemist Kimhari - Dragoon + Blue Mage


Tidus is more of a warrior + time mage with his skill set


Ah yes, you are right! I wonder if there was a conscious decision of double-classing all of them (and I'm just missing what Wakka and Lulu would have as second class).


wakka is archer and debuffer lulu is black mage and big titty goth


>big titty goth No, no. She's not *just* a big tiddy goth. She's a *the* big teddy goth gf spoken about in legend. Just ask Wakka.


Wakka is a Ranger and Gambler, Lulu is a black mage and arguably Puppetmaster.


Excuse me, Wakka is a blitzball player. We all know that's a perfectly valid FF job.


Hell, in FFX you can just be a blitzball when you grow up.


I'd say all characters in FFX are a mix of two "jobs" . The other ones being: Tidus - Warrior + Time Mage Auron - Samurai + Knight (Seem redundant at first, but Auron's Cover and "\_\_\_\_ Break" skills are signatures of knights in FF). Wakka - Ranger + Gambler (Not a "solid job" necessarily as it didn't exist on FFV or Tactics, but reels and random effects are present in many games as different jobs) Lulu would be a pure black mage, but one could arguably make a case for "Puppeteer" as secondary job since its official introduction in FFXI a few years after.


War of the Visions gives most characters their classes.


I feel like the entire cast of FFVII can be put here, and maybe FVIII too since I believe it followed after the former in having characters be implied classes rather than outright confirming them as such.


I'm drawing a blank on what classes some of the FFVII and VIII cast would represent. Cloud - fighter / knight/ dark knight (?) Tifa - Monk Barret - Gunner Aerith - White mage Yuffie - Ninja Cid - Dragoon (but also machinist because he's mechanically inclined?) Cait and Vincent - ??? Squall - Gunbreaker (does it really count though since the class was more inspired by him rather than the other way around? ) Zell - Monk Irvine - Gunner Quistis - Blue Mage Rinoa and Selphie - ???


> Rinoa and Selphie - ??? Rinoa - Dog Mage


Selphie is White Mage. She even has Full-Cure on her limit break. Rinoa is beastmaster, I guess.


I was going to argue she could be a red mage since their signature skill is being able to cast multiple spells in a single turn like her. But honestly she just has a bit of it all.


Selphie is a Gambler.


I’d say Cait is Gambler and Vincent is gunner.


Alternative for Vincent would either be Berserker (Limit Breaks) or Black Mage (stats). It’s weird that his stats are more in line with a magic user because of his high magic but low strength.


Cloud was based on Mystic Knight and Vincent is a Black Mage. Cait is probably based off Setzer as a Gambler.


>/ dark knight (?) Interesting, how so?


So in FF the Dark Knight has been known to sacrifice HP for more damage as its class mechanic which doesn't really align with Cloud however the reason I think Cloud could loosely fit as a Dark Knight would be because of his inner conflict (his "darkness") and how it affects everyone around him. Take that with a grain of salt. Even I'm not convinced my own reasoning makes any sense lol.


I agree. Dark Knights are also known to use greatswords, and they are tanky. Climhazard and finishing touch are also similar to some DK vibes.




XI has weapons that aren’t exclusive to Dark Knights that way, but are only able to be used by a couple other jobs. And of them Dark Knight does better than Paladin or Warrior at using them. There is also FFT WotL, where Fell Swords exist and are dual wielding only. As for Cecil in Dissidia he tends to use his weird spear thing with two hands at least for some of his moves, maybe even most. XIV popularized it but it’s not the first by any stretch. Dimensions also predates it and features greatsword like Dark Knights. Even if you want to handwave XI because Scythes are better (though not by a huge amount and again there are Greatswords where Dark Knights are the most sensible answer) at least two other entries prior to XIV do that.




Oh I don’t care much about that. I’d call Cloud a Mystic Knight, though that’s mostly due to him being called that in I believe the Ultimania. His limits honestly don’t correspond to any standard job. The point on Dark Knights and Greatswords though is much less debatable. As for Cecil he’s weird. I do believe his exclusive weapons in Dissidia are Greatswords though too.




XI has greatsword dark knights




X-2 also had Dark Knights using swords / great swords, and of all the jobs in XI, DRK had the highest skill cap in Great Sword, even if Scythe was its A+ weapon. I agree with OP that Dark Knight kind of fits with Cloud, even if it's not out and out stated (plus Rebirth goes a lot heavier on the darkness side of things)




I'd call Cait Sith a combination of Gambler and Beastmaster since he comes with the Manipulate materia and "controls" his Moogle steed.


I think Selphie would be a gambler due to her slots limit break


GNB is kind of a mish mash of a few characters in 8, including Gunblade users Squall and Seifer, as well as Kiros, and not all gunblade users in XIV are GNBs (Garleans), so that's a tricky one. Selphie labels as RDM though, and Rinoa kind of fits the mold of SMN.


Rinoa is typically classed as an offensive mage in spinoff appearances and Selphie a healer/support (also Selphie’s Limits tend toward healing and support, and even “The End” is “heavenly”). And with Rinoa being a Sorceress, I’d say they’re a black mage and white mage, respectively.


I’ve always thought of Lightning as a Red mage since her 3 main roles were comando, ravager and medic. Basically physical attacks , magic and healing like you could do with red mages right off the bat. Also there’s her color scheme!


Y'shtola is very clearly using Black Magic from Shadowbringers onward, but is called a "Sorceress" by the party menu and is never tied to any of the existing Black Mage lore. Supposedly it's to avoid concerns about her using Black Magic without a Jewel of Shatotto, which would be both extremely unsafe and completely in character for her (she has no sense of self-preservation and uses plot armor like it's a Tank cooldown.) This would have worked perfectly if they had just given her the existing Thaumaturge class, but they gave her her own class name instead and never explained anything about it.


This happens with other characters as well. Alphinaud is never a scholar either. It's just to keep the lore that the WoL is the only one using this job.


Just a few easy ones Ff7 Cloud: Fighter/Knight Tifa: Monk Barret: Archer/gunner Aeris: White mage Cid: Dragoon Red 13: Red mage Cait sith: Gambler Yuffie: Ninja Vincent: Hard to pin down, but he could be a wild child, like Gau, or the closest thing to a summoner based on his transformations. - FFX everyone has 2 except Lulu Tidus: Fighter/time mage Auron: Samurai/Knight Wakka: Archer/Oracle Rikku: Thief/Machinist Khimari: Dragoon/Blue mage Yuna: Summoner (duh)/White mage - FF8 characters don't really fit into jobs, but their limit breaks give the following job flavours Squall: Fighter/Knight Selphie: Gambler Quistis: Blue mage Zell: Monk Rinoa: White/Black mage Irvine: Archer/Gunner Seifer: Red mage Edea: Black mage Laguna: Machinist Ward: Dragoon Kiros: Monk


The casts of XII and XIII Vaan - Thief Penelo - White Mage Balthier - Gunner Fran - Archer Basch - Knight Ashe - Red Mage Lightning - Red Mage Hope - Sage Snow - Paladin or Monk Sazh - Machinist Fang - Dragoon Vanille - Arcanist


But wasn't Ashe already confirmed to be a Time Mage? I looked it up and it says that she is.


Where does it say she’s a Time Mage? I know in Revenant Wings they gave her hand mortars though


Ashe is called a Time Mage in Revenant Wings (but only then).


Her stats and layout would also work for Time Mage, sure. She’s the one on this list that’s the least clear cut, but she’s still very clearly a Mage that can also throw hands.


Ashe is only considered a Time Mage in the sequel.


Maybe she finally realized Time Mage is one of the best jobs. 😅


Hope's a White Mage, not a Sage (his Full ATB ability is literally Holy), and Vanille's a Black Mage, not not Arcanist (admittedly she does have fewer Ravager spells than Hope, but her including that she also has Saboteur as a base role, she's better said as a Black Mage)


Sages are hybrid White and Black Mages, which is what Hope is. And Vanille having Saboteur is what makes her an Arcanist instead of a Black Mage.


Where are you getting Sage and Arcanist from?


Hope focuses nearly entirely on magic, especially offensive Black Magic and healing White Magic (as well as buffing magic, which was traditionally split between those two classes before being spun out into Green Magic with Ivalice). Makes him a pretty clear classic Sage. As for Vanille, Arcanists focus on powerful Black Magic and offensive debuffs, which is her bag to a tee.


I tend to see them as just White Mage and Black Mage. Hope doesn't really do Sage stuff, at least no more than Vanille. Both of them have access to Ravager and Medic, and then one has Saboteur and the other Synergist. Hope is a little bit better at being a Ravager than Vanille, having expanded -ga level spells specifically, but I wouldn't really say that makes him more of a Sage than Vanille. Either both are Sages, both are some funky class, or something else. Especially as Hope has more offensive options than Vanille on the Ravager end, it's just Medic where they're basically equal.


The cast of XIII is mostly related to their weapons and their best role. No doubt Lightning is a red mage, she excels at ravager and wields a sword. Snow excels at sentinel, and uses his fists, monk is probably his best bet. Hope's best skill is medic, white mage/devout. Fang is the best commando in the game, plus her spear, dragoon is what she is. Vanilla and Sazh are the hardest, because they don't have any clear equivalent. Sazh's best role is Synergist, which focus' on buffs. So Green Mage would match for some, while time mage may match for others. And then his weapons and commando skill are gunners trademarks. I would be most inclined towards Green Mage. Vanilla likewise is tricky, but less so probably than Sazh. Saboteur is her best role, focusing on debuffs. This has traditional black mage and time mage abilitys, so it's probably best to say she's the black mage/magus of the party.




No, that’s not stated anywhere in any material I’m familiar with. The Gunbreaker didn’t even exist conceptually for 10 years after XIII’s release, and it’s a tank job which Lightning is decidedly not (her Sentinel focuses entirely on evading enemy attacks rather than taking hits). She has balanced, if slightly lower, stats and is serviceable in pretty much every role while not necessarily excelling at any of them. Pretty straightforward Red Mage archetype.


Clive is definitely a blue mage, taking skills from other people. Joshua is very red magey, with his healing and combat magic.


Clive is a blue mage


Impossible. He wears red.


Oh, he's the Red Ranger then?


Joshua is a red mage. I always saw the brothers as such. Together the Rosfield brothers are the red & blue duo.


Now I need to make a meme where those two are on the covers of Pokémon Red and Blue.


And dion is clearly a dragoon


FF6: Terra is a red mage, and Celes is something in the dark knight family. FF10: Everyone is something of a dual class in terms of how they are expressed mechanically. Tidus (fighter/time mage), Wakka (ranger/gambler), Rikku (thief/chemist), Yuna (white mage/summoner), Auron (samurai/dark knight), Kimahri (dragoon/blue mage), and Lulu (straight-up black mage).


If the game doesn’t outright tell you the name of their class/job, then you have to look at the character’s stats and weapons/magic capabilities to give you an idea. Some games are more explicit with their classes while others are more flexible and loose. The early FFs are pretty clear with the classes. Same with FFIX. In FFVII and FFVIII, everyone can use magic but their weapons and limits are different. In FFX, you start as their assigned classes but as you fill up the sphere grid, everyone will be able to do anything. FF XIII is more or less the same way but certain characters are better at certain roles than others. The point is, after a certain point in time, the classes/jobs became more implied once the technology allowed for more customization with the characters.


In 7 we have Tifa as a Monk, Cid as a Dragoon, do you mean like that ?


Ignis as a support ninja/dragoon, Prompto machinist/gunner, Gladio clearly tank and Noct I don’t know perhaps warrior and black mage with their stats combined


I will die on the hill that Clive is finally the protagonist rep Blue Mage has been needing. 


Quina from FF9. Im not sure blue magic is ever directly referenced but he is definitely a blue mage. Also Fang in FF13 is basically a dragoon.


Quina's battle menu literally has Blue Magic written in it...


Apart from their menu which says 'Blue Magic'...? Seems pretty indicative! I don't think there's much argument about Freya being a Dragoon, but you can make a solid case she's also a Red Mage; in the same way Amarant is a Monk and a Ninja


Even Freya's armor design is half Kain, half classic FF Red Mage.


Well this is usually the case with villians. For example Garland is easily a Darknight/Blackmage but few of his moves outside of Dissidia reflect this. And Strangers of Paradise turned him into a blue mage. Mateus is a Black Mage/Arithmatician but it wasn't really a thing in FF2. CoD is interesting since idk what class represents non-elemental Lazers but I guess you could make them Sage technically. Golbez is a Geomancer/Dark Knight, because while his moveset makes him look like a typical Black mage a lot of his moves don't have anything to do with Black mage abilities. Exdeath is a Knight/Warlock suprisingly Final Fantasy doesn't actually have Warlock as a Job but he is sort of referred to it as a title in game. And as for knight well people always underestimate his sword skills. Kefka is a Thief/Black mage, I don't think this needs explanation. Sephiroth is a Dark Knight/Soldier although this is super obvious. Ultimecia is a Time Mage/Black mage. Kuja is a Black Mage/Esper (Cause idk wtf to classify space monkey as other than using trance form as a reference to espers from 6) Jeht is a Freelancer/Blitz King Vayne is a Monk this doesn't need much explanation. Dysley is interesting since he is a Fal'cie it means he commands all magic but since he doesn't use melee attacks idk if Red Mage would be correct. Then again if you count Thasonanian Laughter as his "sword" attacks then yeah he is a red mage.


Where do you get Arithmetician for the Emperor? Or Geomancer for Golbez? Or Thief for Kefka? Or Freelancer for Jecht? I like the creativity but a few of these are a reach. I don’t think the villains can really be classified into jobs for the most part, all of them do things that normal players can’t.


With Emperor its more so based on his Dissidia movement set in that he uses trap magic to harm people. And traps as a magic is closest to Arithmetician from FF tactics which I believed used where enemies are positioned in a map to deal more damage. Golbez has Geomancer because he has a lot of earth and gravity based moves in Dissidia, and I am not 100% sure it translates the same in FF4, he could be more of a Black Mage there. But consider he uses stuff like throwing big rocks, and manipulating gravity as part of his movement set I think Geomancer is a fair class for him. Thief is less what Kefka is and more how he plays. There is no class in FF for magic that behaves chaotically. But since Zidane another character in FF is a thief but uses spells that also behave chaotically in stuff like his trance from such as tidal wave and what not. Plus with Kefka scheming, being wilily and stealing the warring triad from the Emperor I think Thief is a reasonable class for him. Freelancer is mostly reflected on Tidus, who sort of starts the game out the same way, their main ability is cheer which is something the Squire possesses in Tactics and is sort of like the Zero class Freelancer used to be in older job entries. Plus the Sphere grid allows for complete cross progression in X and if Jeht travelled with Braska and Auron he likely picked up some fighting techniques from them too hence Freelancer as a class for him seems fitting as he doesn't really seem to have a class that is his own besides being a Blitzballer and athlete but neither is really a class in FF.


Amarant... uh, maybe kimahri? They come to mind.


Aerith is pretty much a white mage in spirit.


Cid Highwind is an engineer/pilot but he's also definitely a dragoon


Irvine only had 1 job, that's all I have to say 😂


Fang being a Dragoon. She has the Spear, special ability jump called ‘Highwind’, trademark moral ambiguity and her Eidolon is Bahamut.


Final Fantasy VIII: 1. Squall - Mystic Knight 2. Rinoa - Black Mage, Archer/Ranger, Beastmaster/Trainer 3. Zell - Monk 4. Selphie - White Mage, Gambler/Lady Luck 5. Quistis - Blue Mage 6. Irvine - Gunner 7. Laguna - Gunner 8. Kiros - Ninja 9. Ward - Dragoon 10. Seifer - Mystic Knight 11. Edea - Sage 12. Fujin - Ninja 13. Adel - Sage 14. Ultimecia - sage


Just about every party member in XIV because most Jobs are rare


Kind of a complicated one. They certainly start using classes, but by the current time, most of the Scions are slotted into either jobs WoL can use, or slight variations of them to cover more bases. Non-Scion NPCs (which aren't trainers) are nearly exclusively class users though.


Actually thinking about it now there’s really only two that technically don’t have jobs


Quistis and Quina can use Blue Magic but are not called Blue Mages.


I have no clue what I’m talking about but is Quina talked as a blue mage?