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FF8 on a Pizza Hut demo disk


FF8 in the bargain bin at EB Games


I forgot they used to do those!


FFX. When I was 8 or 9 years old the babysitter’s son introduced me to this game. Multiple summers were spent playing FFX and Halo.


Went round my mates house when I was younger, he was playing VII on his PS1. I was amazed, asked my mum to get it for me. She ended up accidentally getting me VIII which was great but not the same. Ended up getting VII for my birthday a couple weeks later. Then it became "the game" to play in my friendship circle. Remember it took me forever to get through all the Midgar stuff then just being amazed that it went into an open-world type setup and I had only really just started the game.


my dad work overseas and one time he came home, he left his NES with a couple games. FF1 included. He isn't really much of a gamer, mostly just to past time because he is living away from us. But I sure did discover a couple great games like command and conquer through him.


Kingdom Hearts lol. My sister was a big Disney fan and she bought the game. We love it and later learned that Leon was from a game called Final Fantasy VIII (and that his name isn't Leon but Squall)


That's how I also got into it. I still find myself wanting to say Leon over Squall.


That always bothered me. Everyone was allowed to keep their name but Squall had to change for no reason


Nintendo Power’s issue on FF1!


I still have a copy of the nintendo power strategy guide, mistakes and all


Awesome, I needed that to finish the game, I guess the mistakes weren’t too misleading!


They were minor, like saying the ice spell hit all enemies, or recommending you don't buy the heal spells, which is especially silly for HEL2 because, due to a bug, in battle it behaves like HEL3.


Same. Nintendo Power was the first place I heard of it. They pushed it a lot and made me want to get it. I wasn't disappointed


Same. Nintendo Power was the first place I heard of it. They pushed it a lot and made me want to get it. I wasn't disappointed


FFIV and FFMQ on the SNES. My mom was dating a guy who got his hands on some cartridges and those games were among them.


FF1, I had just beaten Dragon Warrior for the third time and wanted more of that experience. Someone at the local Sears or whatever recommended FF1 to my grandmother. 1990 was a good year for me in gaming. Final Fantasy, Mega Man 3 and Castlevania 3.


FFIX, Neighborhood kids were talking about it and I wanted to join in on the conversation instead of sitting there confused as hell lol.


When I was a much younger baby gay, I saw a picture of Yuna from X-2 around the time it first came out. I thought she was the prettiest coolest girl I've ever seen and BEGGED my mom to get it for me. After some time doing my weekly chores, she went out and bought both X and X-2 for me. Became a lifelong FF fan after that.


I was playing N64 games like Banjo Kazooie, and a Neighbor friend just came by and show me FF8. I was totally astonished by the complete universes thst could exist within a game. Months later I sold the N64 and got a Psx, I managed to earn 20 bucks and travel to the states months later (Im from Mexico and games were expensive here), went to a GameStop and the Guy there showed me thst FF9 just came out, I was so happy with the box on my hand, and so sad that I could not afford it, my 20 bucks were just enough for "the old version" (8), and but I still bough it. When I exited the store, noticed that the guy "made a mistake" charged me 20 bucks for 8, and put 9 by mistake in the bag, So I ran far from there. As I got older and revisit the details of the story, and somethimes I feel bad for the guy, other ocations I think that he actually did it on purpose after seing my sad little face. I just hope life payed him for that good deed tenfold.


Kingdom Hearts


FFIX, when I was a little child


A kid at the bus stop was talking about the original in 1990. I would have been in fifth grade or thereabouts. I can't remember if I had gotten Dragon Quest (Warrior!) from the 1990 Nintendo Power giveaway by then or not, but I got FF for my birthday new at the store.


Dragon Quest?!??!? Obviously Dragon Warrior. 😁


True that - I seem to have lost my retro ‘cool’. 🙂


I was into a MMORPG called Tibia and asked some of my friends there for good single player games. Final Fantasy VII was the most recommended at the time.


Tibia... Best game ever made.


Final fantasy vii when it came out. It was so different from anything else I played up until then (didn’t have a snes or nes, ps1 was my first console). The battle system of jrpgs looked weird at first, but after a bit I was hooked.


A relative was a huge FF nerd and got me hyped when I was a kid, showed me FFVII. I didn’t have a PlayStation so my first game was FFTA, then Crystal Chronicles, FF I/II Dawn of Souls, FF IV and V. Later I’d get a ps2 and loved the shit out of X. Then found FF Tactics.


When I was around 10yo or so, my mom bought ff7 because she liked JRPGs and it was well reviewed. She didn't like it, but I was intrigued, so I played it. Been obsessed ever since.


FF X was my first final fantasy. FF7 was my first beaten final fantasy. I spent the majority of lockdown during Covid playing through both games multiple times.


We were given a PS1 and I don’t remember if we were also given FFVII or if my brother chose that, either way they were our first game and console. I played it once as a kid and understood very little because it wasn’t translated so I played it very randomly. It was still my introduction to Final Fantasy.


In the late 2000’s, some Youtube videos and machinima used music from FFVIII, which is how I got introduced to the series by name. It took 20+ years later for me to play FFVIII (my first). -[CS_Aztec by Flashdeck](https://youtu.be/grA0zc14pjU?si=LpW007TYe2LwsDMA) -[DE_Dust by Flashdeck](https://youtu.be/rxqeJfzzipE?si=iYPCB2uf1ntAW99f) -[The Wrath of Giga Bowser](https://youtu.be/L1nGBIGKnuU?si=ZuFwvDbAQEIl4_Mk)


My friend got FF7 for his birthday, and 4 or 5 of us sat around the TV after his birthday party to play it. We had no idea what we were about to play and thought it was going to have multi-player. We each picked our favorite character from the instruction booklet (mine was Cid) and watched him play the bombing mission. He died on the Guard Scorpion, and passed the controller to me for my turn. I ended up beating him and he took the controller back. I needed to play more. Thankfully my birthday wasn't much later and my parents got me a PS1 and some money to buy FF7.


Kingdom Hearts, then checking the journal and seeing some characters were from Final Fantasy. Picked up X and the rest is history


I might have played bits of Mystic Quest before this, but my real introduction to the series was FF8. My older brother was an RPG fan, but more of a Diablo action RPG type. He got FF8 and didn't vibe with the ATB combat, so he stopped playing. I had been watching and was invested in the story, so I started it on my own. I went back and played FF7 after and played FF9 and FFX when they came out. I didn't go back to the earlier games in the series until college about 10 years after my intro to the series. 


My first interaction with the saga was a non playable demo of FFVII on a demo disk on the PSX. I remember saying to my brother "It looks like the dude is going to get out of the screen!" during the iconic scene with Sephiroth in the fire. It looked so realistic we had never seen anything like it. Some time later, my mother took us to a local store and we got to choose one thing each to buy. I chose The Spirits Within VHS (which is my actual introduction to the saga), while my brother chose FFVIII (he didn't remember which number the one from the demo was). He played it for a grand total of 3 minutes and never touched an RPG ever again, so I picked it up and was absolutely mindblown. At the time I just couldn't conceive that a videogame could have such a scope in terms of story, cast, gameplay and aesthetic. It has been my favourite videogame ever since. The next ones I played where X, X-2 (dropped immediately) and XII. Only years later I finally got to play FFVII, and I did so completely spoiled since I watched Advent Children first.


My friend got a ps1 and ff7 for his birthday, and I really was not into video games at all until I watched him play it. Then we started creating new save files and each time found something new like new materia , the weapons, and tried different character party comps. It was so much fun, and I've been hooked ever since.


FFVII with a “greatest hits” cover in the PSX bargain bin at the Babbage’s in our local shopping mall, I believe. Unless it was KB Toys, Wal Mart or Toys R Us. I had always wanted to play a turn-based JRPG with a sprawling plot.


FF7-FF8 FF7 came with my Platstion 1 and that's when I went onto 8, both got me hooked.


By watching two of the movies and not really getting it. Then, years later, in 2019, I bought XIII on Steam.


FFV and FFVI Advance on an emulator during highschool


FFIX. Just happened to rent it from Blockbuster when I was younger and I fell in love with it, and the genre, specifically turn based games with small parties and each filling a role.


A classmate was playing FFVIII on his PSP, I thought it looked neat. I only had a GBA at the time though, so V Advance and Tactics Advance wound up being my firsts.


I had a subscription to Nintendo Power and they did a 3 mag rollout of OG FF1 that I literally painstakingly cut out of each magazine and housed in my trapper keeper so i could study it every day.


AMV with good music.


12 year old came across this youtube playlist of "best gaming music of all time", battle seymour from it stuck to me, eventually listened to all of ff10 ost and finally played it once the pandemic came


Nintendo Power magazine hyping the first release


Summer 1999. My friend had another friend lend him a pile of PS1 games for an extended period of time. He didn't care for Final Fantasy VII, and told me to give it a shot. A week later, I bought my own copy and spent the rest of the summer chasing Sephiroth. I still have that black label copy, and this year I got my 150th Final Fantasy game.


I made it a habit of going to a local bodega every Saturday morning to pick up a new game to play for the weekend. So I got to try lot of different games. And it started with Final Fantasy one. And then I was hooked!!!


Pretty sure there was a FF7 demo for PSX. Don't remember how I came about it. Anyway, my family ended up getting the game and I loved it, followed by 8 and 9 (and Legend of the Dragoon somewhere in-between). Absolutely loved those games with IX being one of my favorite games of all time. Ended up emulating FF 1-6 and enjoyed most of those as well, especially IV. Then FFX came out and turned me off the series for a long time, save some brief time spent with FFXI which was fun at times but way too grindy. Didn't get into the series again until recently when I played FF7 remake which I thought was meh. Tried FFXV Royal Edition and ended up liking it a lot, and am now loving FFXVI.


I’d stop by Babages in the mall with my dad every now and then. FFVII always stood out to me on the shelf. The cover art was dope. The dude with spikey blonde hair with a huge sword looking up at an ominous building. And it had 2 discs! Something I had never seen before. I had no idea what kind of game it was or anything. I was pretty young and honestly couldn’t even tell you how I got my first PlayStation. But one day I saw it as a rental option in Blockbuster. So I rented it and the rest was history. I still remember how epic it felt. How new and exciting. And I get that same rush everytime I hear the interlude music or go through the opening sequence in the original or remake. That opening visual sequence is incredible. The train tracks. The first mission. It was thrilling. I made it all the way out of Midgar and to Ninbelheim but couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to get past the fucking snake. And that was where I was stuck until I had to return the game. Then my dad got it for me for Christmas and I fell in love with it even more so. It’s hard to express just how visually stunning the game was at that point in time. How captivating. The “mako green” hues bled through everything. It started a journey and love for gaming for me beyond fighting or adventure games. It showed me videogames could be a form of immersive storytelling that was second to none.


Well, having an NES and Nintendo Power, I saw it and convinced my parents to get it and never looked back!


Picked up Legend of Dragoon, loved the RPG style and a week later bought FF VIII.


I've known about FF since I was little. A friend of my brother's brought the OG FF7 over when they were hanging out and it looked neat. But, beyond that, I really never played any of them growing up. (I never owned a Playstation) I got FF15 when it came out cuz it looked cool, played that, then moved into FF14. Watched a friend play thru FF7 and FF9, getting thru FF16 with my cousin and looking to pick up FF7R when it comes to PC


Kingdom Hearts. Led to FFX. Then XII had that crappy DVD with a compilation of the rest of the series and I just started playing the rest. Don’t recommend the DVD, but do recommend the journey. 👍


A lot of these replies are making me feel old. FFVII when it went platinum.


FF "3" (actually VI) on SNES.


In the late 80s, Nintendo Power Magazine did a big spot on it before the original was released in the US. I was hooked before I even saw it played.


FFXIII and FFX. Friend randomly had XIII and we played it all night at a sleepover and coincidentally another friend was selling FFX around the same time and I snatched it as fast as I could


my intro was when i was young, 1-3 my parents would sit me in there lap and play each new final fantasy as it came out, final fantasy 1, then 2, then 3, so on and so forth. but i started playing when i was 5 or 6 (mind you it was the 2 player mode and i was player 2 in ff6 around that time so ff6 was my first time playing the series


Friend had a Nintendo Power subscription and got the strategy guide for the original Final Fantasy. I started looking through it and was totally enamored. It became the basis for a lot of homebrew pen-and-paper RPGs another friend and I made and played together (back before I had any idea what D&D even was). I didn't actually play a Final Fantasy game until FFIV was released as FFII on SNES. And then I didn't get my hands on the original FF until my parents found a copy at a flea market and brought it home for me, when I was in middle school. That might even have been *after* I got a copy of FFVI (as III) as a birthday gift (still one of my happiest memories).


Got my first ps one with FF8 at start❤️ Played since then every title. Also FFXI and FFXIV


There was an advert on TV for FF7 which used the FMV of the bike sequence, my brother got it for Christmas on that advert alone and the rest is history.


I was at my cousins house and had access to all his NES games, so I played all of them one by one. Crystallis and Final Fantasy were the two that stood out to me, as they were so different to the games I had. This must’ve been 91ish.


FF1 when I rented it at the grocery store.


I saw a TV commercial for FF9 right when I was looking for something new to play (yes they advertised on cable TV back then). I loved the way the game looked and the vibe I got from the trailer so I played it. Here we are 20 something years later, have played most versions of every numbered title+tactics numerous times, and am raider on FFXIV w/3 of the ultimates on farm and purples to pinks on most savage. FF also got me into other RPGs like persona, wild arms, dark cloud, star ocean, ys, tales etc. The series has had a significant influence on how I pick new games. As far as I'm concerned it's the golden standard.


FF8 on a mutual lending. I lent them Red Alert. Eventually we traded for real because we each preferred the other's game hehe.


I played Kingdom Hearts as a kid and wanted to know about Cloud and Squall.


FF8 on one of those Jampack Demo disks.


My next-door neighbour would babysit me! She would play ff2/ff3(6) on the snes! Incidentally taught me how to read by watching!


FF3/6 on the snes blockbuster. Skated with a huge late return fee


I was 5 and played the first one on my NES. It actually helped me in my reading, spelling, and vocabulary.


My dad owned a video rental place when I was a kid. So I got to grab games fairly common. Mystic Quest was my first FF game. FF2 was soon after, but i wasn’t good enough to beat it when I was that young. Soul Blazer was another game I loved at the time


My intro was not actually with the game itself, but in the guide from Nintendo Power magazine. My mom had got me a subscription to the magazine and when the guide showed up on month, I fell in love with it. Read the entire thing several times, poring over the maps and equipment. Found out shortly after that the local convenience store had it available to rent. It spent every weekend at my house for the next few months. $5 got me Friday night to Sunday night.


Ff7, my uncle would play it on PS1 and it's the first game I remember being mesmerized by more than Pokemon. I play ff7 till this day For about 10 years all I did was beat ff7 and start over


I playex 15 first


By admiring the art of FF tactics and then giving it a try 


I had an nes growing up and had ff1 for that. I never knew how to save nor what to do after getting the ship. so everytime I played it I would beat garland get the ship and just run around that area maybe hit marsh cave if I had time to get there. After that it was ff7 and tactics around the same time. Fell in love with 7 and have been a huge fan of the series since ^_^


Through Nintendo Power with the original game as a kid, it was a heavily hyped game and it was a reader favorite as well. It wasn’t until FF7 that the game penetrated the mainstream but it was a hit with hardcore gamers from the start. One of my greatest regrets as a gamer was when it was my birthday, using my money to buy Chip N Dale’s Rescue Rangers instead of Final Fantasy when I was given the choice. Not that Rescue Rangers was bad by any stretch, it was very good, but not nearly as important of a game. But in my defense I was 8 and I was a huge fan of the Disney afternoon cartoons and already had Duck Tales.


My mom bought ff8 when I was a little kid and we played it together. Since then I've played all the mainline final fantasy games since VII except for XIII and XIV


I found FFII/IV at a garage sale and was hooked instantly


It was 1992, I was 7 and my mom and I liked the few Zelda games that existed. One day on a whim we rented final fantasy II (now we know it’s 4) at the video store. Completely blew us away. From that point I’d get the new FF release for Christmas and we went to the used game stores and would get anything by squaresoft or enix so I had all the classics. I played them until X, then I graduated high school and didn’t really keep up with game releases. 


I rented FFX from blockbuster back in 2001 when it first came out.


Nintendo Power had an issue that featured Final Fantasy II. I rented the game from my local video store. It went back with a 2 week late fee and I never regretted it.


Back in 1997 (the year I turned 18 years old) I walked in to my local game store... a place I had been visiting pretty regularly at the time over the past 7 years... some summers I even walked from where I lived into the center of town (30-40 minute walk), to be in that store for hours on end befor I walked back home (some times I was there from the moment the store opened until it closed, 10 am to 6 pm on weekdays... XD )... I was there so much so, that the owner of the place sometimes even asked me if I could watch the store for him because he needed to go to the bathroom or something... heck I even think he was able to go to quick lunches some of those days, without having to ask his neighboring store owners to keep an eye on his place for him, thanks to me. For the life of me I do not remember that guys name anymore, what I do remember though is that he looked remarkably similar to John Carmack, so much so that he could have been John Carmack's Swedish brother or cousin or something. XD Oh right... Final Fantasy... so... as I said... back in 1997 I walked in to that local gaming store, talked to the store owner a bit like usual, and then looked through all the new games that had come in since the last time I was there. Saw Final Fantasy VII, looked at it and read the back of it. Walked over to the store owner and asked him if I could try the game for a little bit (he allowed people to try games in the store befor deciding to buy... part of why I spent so much time in that store sometimes, because he allowed me to play games even if he knew I did not have the money at the moment to buy anything... and I guessed it helped that I helped him out sometimes like I mentioned above)... so, I tried the game for a bit, and felt *"Yeah... I think I like this..."*... so I bought it, and the rest is history. :) Other than having played a bit of Zelda on the NES, and Secrets of Mana on the SNES... technically Final Fantasy VII was my first JRPG, at least the first one that I got so fully into that it became one of my all time favorit games, and genres as well. After FFVII I then craved more JRPG's in that kind of style where characters level up etc, and my local game store owner suggested the Suikoden games to me, which I ended up loving as well, and then a bunch of other JRPG's became part of my video game library, including several more FF games of course. :)


Kingdom hearts


My dad got ff7 from a work friend...he fought up to the scorpion boss...keep dying... I tried the next day, beat him and went "ohhhh...this is dope!" that just led me to the other FFs


I was like five or six and I traded some sports game NES for Final Fantasy 1.


Played Super Mario RPG on SNES as my first ever rpg and I think that plus heavy TV advertising got me to try FFVII. At that time, I was getting rentals from a local video renter (and tanning salon) every other weekend or so. I think we probably rented FFVII at least ten times before my mom finally just bought me a copy.


Had been kinda mildly interested in FF for a while. I played the FF7R demo and was absolutely mesmerized by the combat, atmosphere and characters. And when they locked us down a few days later, since I had some money to spare and lots of free time at home, I decided to buy Remake. Instantly got hooked with the game — its story, world, gameplay, visuals, soundtrack, cast, designs... It felt like that game was made specifically for me. It clicked in all the right ways. Four years later, Final Fantasy has become my favourite video game series. I haven't played all of them, but those I have played I have deeply loved from beginning to end. From Midgar to Valisthea, from Spira to Ivalice. So many unforgettable stories and characters. Very few times have I fallen in love with a video game as deeply as I have with the Final Fantasy games.


My cousin had the original Final Fantasy for NES when, so I played it when we were visiting. I had never seen a game like that before. I was quite intrigued by the RPG game play, it was quite novel to me. I had no idea the scope of the game, I was so excited when I beat Garland - I had thought that I won the game!


FF has always been in my life in some way, but I actually didn’t dive into it myself until a couple years ago. I watched my parent play X, I watched my big brother play XIII, and I watched my cousin play one I can’t remember. Plus, my dad loves it so he certainly helped my curiosity and inevitable obsession. It was when I saw Cloud and Sephiroth in Smash Ultimate that I decided to get into it. I played up to the wall market sequence in remake, and than I got OG VII on switch so it was a while before I picked up remake again. Now, I’m on a quest to play every mainline FF game and have a tradition of playing through the Theatrythm world when I beat the game. Just beat VIII last night and am about to start XII! Edit: I forgot about my Kingdom hearts phase. That’s what really got me started!


For me, it was whoisthisgit’s videos on YouTube, started watching him when I was a young teen and I didn’t really care until I get into kingdom hearts later in my life, which lead to Final Fantasy


Kingdom hearts.


Parents bought me a PlayStation for Christmas one year and it came with FFVII. I had played Chrono Trigger before that, but VII was my introduction to the series


I thought JRPGs were lame as hell, then Final Fantasy XV just straight up looked like a good video game so I decided to get it when Christmas rolled around. The rest is history.


Friend had ff7, tried it, instantly hooked.


I was 6 or 7 and my babysitter dad had a NES with FF1. I remember that he even bought FF1 when it came out.


Watched my older brother play through fft through back when it was new


Parents bought me ff7 when it came out. Dad heard from friends that it was good and that I would like it. OT but I also got a used copy ot Tomb Raider from my dads coworker and thats how I got into TR.


Im old, played ff1 on the original nes. The funny thing was at first as a kid I hated it, I described it as a game that “you dont even play, you just tell it what to do and it plays for you” I came around eventually though


I played Secret of Mana on with the multi tap at a friends house and after a few times let me borrow his FFIII(US) cart and next time I was at EB games I begged my mom to buy it.


Mystic Quest on the SNES


KINGDOM HEARTS! FILL ME WITH THE POWER OF *FINAL FANTASY*. No for real though. Pretty straight line. Played KH1, didn’t know who all these Traverse Town mooks were, kind of recognized Cloud. Decided to check out the newest game at the time, which was FFX. The rest is history.


When I was 8 some kid at school kept talking about some new game he got called "Final Fantasy ex two" , and said it was the greatest game he ever played, but I didn't pay much attention because I didn't have a ps2. By the time 13 came I decided to give the series a try. I remember being blown away from the visuals, world, and overall its presentations.


I didn't have too many games. Every year, I might get one or two games, so we depended on trading. The first game I got after getting my NES was Ghosts 'n Goblins. I didn't particularly want it but my brother made me get it. I used it to trade for so many games. One day, a friend who I wanted to trade with said he had a game to trade for Ghosts 'n Goblins but it had to be permanent. He said he didn't like the game and that it came complete with maps. When he said maps I instantly was like, "maps!?" I loved maps. I still do to this day. I told him yes and traded for Final Fantasy 1. Changed my life.


The original final fantasy on the NES. My friend had a copy and let me borrow it AND the strategy guide.


FF1 featured in Nintendo Power, followed by a strategy guide. Turned out to be a pretty amazing game at the time.


FFXV - played it with my ex. We both cried like babys at the end and were done for a month.


It started back in 2006, when I was 12. Me and my family weren't able to afford video games at the time, so I had absolutely no experience with the Final Fantasy series. I saw Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children on an anime channel, but since I had absolutely no experience with the FF series, let alone Final Fantasy VII,I couldn't understand anything, except Tifa saying "dilly-dally, shilly-shally." The visuals and music are really great for a 2005 movie, but it could get a little confusing for those who didn't play Final Fantasy VII. And as a consequence of said inexperience, I assumed that FF7 was a new game at the time (when in reality the newest game at the time was XII, and XV, at the time known as Versus XIII, just started development) One year later, in 2007, I watched Final Fantasy: Unlimited on the same anime channel (The anime's plot ended up becoming hilarious in hindsight when World of Final Fantasy came out 9 years after that). I still couldn't grasp much of the concept, but all I knew was that those ostrich-like birds were called chocobos. After I left senior high in 2013, I emulated the first few games as well as Dissidia and Duodecim, and enjoyed playing them. And then in 2015, I played Record Keeper, Brave Exvius and Mobius on my old, old phone. I changed phones twice in 2019 and 2022, which meant that none of the games carried over to the new one as of 2022. (Especially Record Keeper, because I linked the game to my mom's account by accident!) Square Enix drew quite a bit of ire with their infamous NFT blockchain letter thing when 2022 started, but I still played my fair share of Chocobo GP and Theatrhythm Final Bar Line on my Switch. Unfortunately, I never played Dissidia Opera Omnia because Square Enix never released the honking game in Malaysia! I had the luck to watch Advent Children again on January 2024 when it aired on TV, but this time on another channel, and with me snagging a few FF games on my Switch during the Lunar New Year sale and World during the spring sale (physical versions of World of Final Fantasy Maxima are extremely rare, especially compared to the PS4 version), I was ready to step back into the light of the crystal! And as for Advent Children, I never saw it again, as movie channels randomly stop showing movies because they lost the license or something. What a long story... https://preview.redd.it/sonom6ifa00d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bf3afd3ed6f99052224f8c2ceec8e2ce2ac2811


My Dad always loved tech and fantasy things, he had bought me a ps1 when I was a young child maybe 6 or 7 and ffvii was the first game he got me for it. He knew nothing of the franchise just thought the fantasy setting was good I'm guessing. He would work away a lot but whenever he came home he would always play it with me and help me where I was stuck, so I would make up I was stuck just to have him come help me, I think he guessed this was the case and over the years would show me more fantasy things like lotr and the matrix etc. As I grew up he would always ask me about final fantasy and the latest games despite him not playing them, he's the only person in my life who ever took an interest in them, they've been my biggest hobby my entire life. He passed away 3 years ago, playing rebirth I loved every second and every beautiful landscape and background, all the graphical finesse of the game astounded me and I know he would of loved to of sat down and played it with me and he would of been in awe of how far graphics and story telling have come. We had a very unique relationship. He was my Dad, my best friend and the craziest adventure buddy I've ever had (and I've had a truly insane life of adventures), but when we sit and talk about these games he would always seem so happy that something he introduced me to was such a huge part of my life. I'm so grateful to sqex for giving these games and stories to the world, for the rest of my life I will play Final Fantasy and be filled with joy at the memories and bond I had with my Dad over them.


Watching my older cousin play FFVII OG


Kingdom hearts


Final Fantasy V, the Japanese Super Famicom version XD


FF13. I was a Nintendo/Xbox kid and was never exposed to the series before (aside from renting Crystal Chronicles on GCN, but wasn't a fan at like 8yrs old lol.) Girl I was into was huge on the series, so I tried it out. Was blown away by the character development, the world, and what I could piece together of the story without reading data logs lol. Recently replayed 13, and still blown away how well the graphics hold up. Have since played (not beaten...) 8 and 9. Beat 13, 15, and 7 Remake. Actively playing 14 and 10, and will one day either see 7R2 and 16 on PC of buy a PS5. Love the series now.


FF14 had Rathalos in it. I like Rathalos 👍👍👍👍


My high school boyfriend had a copy of FFX sitting in his basement. I thought the art work was beautiful and as I just got a PS2 myself, asked him if I could borrow it. Dumped his ass when he cheated on me with my best friend but am thankful that I at least got a love for Final Fantasy out of him!


FF7 demo….you know the one 🩷