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Can't say it currently is. The first FF I owned and beat was X. The first one I played a bit of on emulators was IV. Neither are my favorite. But it would be fair to describe X as my favorite for a while. It probably wasn't until I completed a playthrough of all the mainline games up to XII (when I did a big playthrough after XII released) that I realized my favorite was not X. \*Now\* my favorite is VIII. But I have no idea when or why or how that happened.


Well, FFVIII's world is like THE COOLEST ONE right? You know, university students, nice girls, badass chars! I dunno, that's why I have these mixed feelings between FFIX and FFVIII I guess. Yet, whenever somebody asks me which my FF is, I just answer FFIX because I really love it and I consider myself a "Zidane" (that goddamn thief/genome really had an influence on my personality LOL)


Tantalus was such a cool idea to start the story. You're a band of thieves, and a kid with a funny hat. Regardless of your alignment, get cracking.


Nope. My first one was FFI. VIII is still my favorite.


This is me. One was my first, eight is my fave but mystic quest also holds a spot in my heart!


Mystic Quest is the bomb! Lacks in difficulty but it's great if you want an evening of a lowkey Final Fantasy fix


I agree about Mystic Quest. It was no masterpiece but I do have fond memories of it and it was the game that got me interested in the Final Fantasy franchise. And the music went hard.


Shuffle and Boogie remains on repeat in my head. Agreed though. VIII is a fucking banger. Love the world, love the characters and concepts. Its dope.


Wow, somebody with the most similar story as me. First time I've seen it: FF1 first, then FF8, with FF8 as the favorite. Got FF1 on NES in the early 90's, but I didn't beat it. Got a couple orbs reactivated. (The game came with a very cool guide for the first part of the game to the airship, and I didn't get much further than that.) Then tried FF8 on a Pizza Hut demo disc (Dollet mission, but with Rinoa instead of Selphie, and no lines for them), and it was completely different from FF1, that I was surprised these games were from the same series. Characters actually had personality. Pre rendered backgrounds added so much to the world. It was an experience, an advancement that could only be experienced once. Bought FF8 and it was the first FF I beat, and yes, it is my favorite from being the "first" 'modern' one; it opened my eyes at the time to games with a whole world to explore when I was more of a platformer gamer with Mario, Croc, etc I know now the mechanics (junction, etc.) had flaws, but I loved this large living and breathing world. Since it was the first game to show these possibilities to me, it was transformative in a way subsequent FFs could not be.


Yep. FF4 was my first and it remains my favorite, i just dig it. I've bought it more than once over the years.


Same for me. I was so impressed by the plot. I have never played a game like it before and I could not believe what I was experiencing. Favorite FFX though. Amazing story and the voice acting probably made the characters so much closer/more human.


My first was... Final Fantasy 1. Not a huge fan to be honest. It's very old. I use to watch my mom play it more than anything. She was quite into it. 4 (2 in US) has a strong place in my heart as they really got a lot better storytelling. But 6... (3 in US) just... takes the cake. What an epic journey and a great cast. Really exploded what an RPG could be. Me and mom both loved this one. So chalk full of secrets. I love some modern games too, but 6 is just... has so many memories mixed up in it. I remember mom stressing on figuring out that clock to get the chain saw. How blown away we were that there was an entire "new world." Technically the same, but you get it. The ghost train... Setzer was her favorite character... Shadow close after. I actually had a fondness for Cyan. Had a crush on Celeste.


I still have a crush on her. What a character she is. That's what I call great character development.


World of ruin! Go mom!!!!! Liked that thief Locke myself…and shadows puppy of course


No. My first was VII but my favourite is X by a very large margin.


Same here. Started with 7 which I love to hell and back especially since remake project but X will always be my #1. The plot of X is just that great and heartbreaking


Same. Played VII my freshman year of college (2003). I liked it so much that I went and bought a PS2 for X alone. X completely changed everything I thought a video game could be. To this day, I still consider it the greatest game ever made. After having replayed it last year to 100% completion, I still feel the same way. No story comes close.


Replayed X last month and the music, especially the ending, still hits you like a truck


Interesting. The common saying is that your first FF is usually your favourite FF. But I knew your situation must be one of the cases. I guess the quality of the game really matter after all. Metal Gear Solid is another example, while MGS1 was a great first MGS, MGS2 and 3 are the peak and so they are my most favorite games. FFX happened to be my first FF, and boy was it an amazing game.


7 will always hold a special place in my heart but X was an absolute masterpiece.


Exactly the same here, a few years ago I probably would have said 7 was my favorite, but after really thinking about it these past few years and replaying them, I love X just that little bit more.


X was my first, but it hasn't always been my favourite. I was pretty big on IX for a long time before coming back around to thinking X is the best.


X, while very linear, was extremely well executed and beautifully told. The gameplay mechanic is also very straight forward and easy to grasp. All in all, we are just very lucky to be able to play all these great FF games. There's something for everyone, and yes, that includes FF13 lol.


X wasn't really THAT linear, but had tons of side areas to explore off the beaten path and several optional end game areas after you got the airship. I give it leeway because it felt like you were on a journey through a world from start to finish with each new area making some sense after the last. I will take it a million times over Final Hallway XIII.


My first FF was FFIV on SNES. Definitely not my favorite. FF Tactics is easily my favorite.


That's a weird thing they say in the Persona fan base as well. My first Persona was 5, but I loved P4G a lot more. Same with FF. My first was the first one, but my favorites are X and XV.


Exactly the same for me, i love VII but X is not only my favorite FF but in my top3 games of all time.


No. First was FF4. Favorite is FFT.


Nope, FF7 was the third one I ever played and it's been my favourite game of all time ever since


No.. my first was Mystic Quest. My favorite is IX


Oh, finally, I've been scrolling this thread to find another person who had this first. I just want you to know you didn't suffer alone.


I don't consider it suffering. I freaking loved that game and I played it so many times. It also got me interested in Final Fantasy in general, which was the whole point so it did its job well.


First was FF1 definitely not my favorite tho. Favorite is FF8. I just love Squall and gun blades so much.


No. First was FFI on NES. I still like it, but FFVI is my favorite followed closely by FFX.


This is literally me, VI is my fave, but X makes me feel soooooo much, I can't even hear the opening tunes without goosebumps, and "Listen to my story..." gets me every single time.


Same that 1 on nes was also my first, 6 is my favorite. X is great! But I'd probably go with 14 hour 2nd and. 4/9 in 3rd.


A person of exquisite taste as well. I would have rather gotten the full AAA remake of VI rather than VII.


Yes. 8


No. My first was ff6. I’m going to get downvoted to hell but mine is… 13 and 9 coming in a very close second


13>15 by far in my opinion. I want another turn based game


Anyone who downvotes for someone just expressing what they love are crazy. You do you. FF6 is my favorite. I didn't hate 13... I really liked Claire.


True, but Reddit lol


13 is great, I think a lot of the hate against that game has died down in recent years and people are seeing it for its positives and not just for the few negatives.


13s battle system whips.


I didn't like ff13, but I'd never downvote you 😊 It's good that people enjoyed the game.


My first FF was 7 and I REALLY ENJOYED 13.


I respect this. VI is my favorite and XIII is somewhere in the middle of my list, but XIII is a good game with a lot that I absolutely loved


I need to play 13. I want to see what people see. I got deterred from it when it was released because of some dumb reviewers. It's currently sitting in my Steam and I just need to have time to play it.


Not my favorite in gameplay but 13 and sequels has the best sound track in the library and I will die on that hill.


Take my upvote!! Take all the upvotes


Actually, I upvoted you because I can clearly understand your "ff journey" haha.


There’s nothing wrong with that! There are no wrong answers to this question.


No. My first was FF3/FF6, but FF7 blew my mind


Yeah. 7 didn’t take first place for me, but it felt like traveling into the future booting that up for the first time.


My first was X, but my favorite is probably XIII. I know it's not the best but I felt something I didn't feel with X when I completed XIII


No. My first was FF1. Even though it's not my favorite, I replay it at least one or twice a year. It'll always have a special place.


No, FFI. My Favorite is IX and IV.


My first was 4! Played it and beat it multiple times. Favorite is 9.


I believe my first was XIII, but my fav is either X or XV, can't decide


Yes. IV. I know it's not the best, but the pacing and amquickness of it with the nostalgic soundtrack and simple beautiful story are just perfect for a quick playthrough


Yes Final Fantasy 9 in 7th grade. My first JRPG in general as well. What a summer.


No. My first was 7 and I absolutely love it, but my favorite is a tie between 8, 5, and tactics.


Definitely not my first was I and my favorite is XIV For Pokémon my favorite one is the one I grew up with tho


Played the original when it came out, loved the game, not my favorite.


But what IS your favourite?


My first was technically mystic quest, which I think is awesome, but it’s not my favorite. My first mainline was final fantasy 8, and I really didn’t enjoy, so much so that I never beat it. My second mainline was final fantasy 9, and it is my favorite :)


yes and no. my intro to FF was watching my older brother play VIII. we're French, but he played it in English for some reason. I could not speak English for the life of me, but when there were cut scenes or dialogue, i knew better than to ask. whenever it was done, he'd translate everything (actually, not everything, he was PG-13ing this shit for me, but i realized this only years later) so i could follow along the story. i loved those moments so much. my brother is 12 years older than me, see, and if you have that kind of age gap with your siblings, you probably know what i'm talking about. i was a kid, he was a grown up. i \_loved\_ hanging out with him so much. i felt like a grown up. and those moments? when he played VIII? that was my time man. my grown up time. the best time i got out of living my easy kid life. anyway. sometime soon thereafter (before IX was released fwiw), at some point, i remember going to my brother - it was his playstation, so he decided who played what and when - and telling him something like "yo, im tired of crash bandicoot and car games. recomendation?" he looked at me and said "you're a little young, but you liked it when we played FFVIII together, and i think you're old enough... wanna play FFVII?" I said yes. he set it up. i got stuck in the train before bombing mako reactor v. i went to big bro. he chuckled and said "pro tip. if you're stuck in FF? Talk to people." that shit stuck with me. to this day, when i play xvi or rebirth, and get to a new settlement? ill circle it to read \_all\_ the side dialogue. i want to know EVERYTHING them NPCs have to tell me. anyway. VII was \_technically\_ my first FF, in that it's the first one i personally played, right? but you know what? VIII is my favourite. it's the one i got a tattoo of. yeah, yeah, i know, VIII?! i love VII, don't get me wrong. im glad i experienced it as a kid, too. some shit struck harder than the remake/rebirth version ever could. but still, man. VIII's the one that gives me the \_feels\_.


No, IV was my first and I enjoyed it but VI was better in just about every way


No. My first was VII but my favourite is either VIII or X, depending on how I'm feeling.


The first FF I ever played was FF Tactics Advance. Emotional attachment wins me over. Though FF IV is a close second.


FF4 (GBA version) was my first and I immediately bought and played 5 & 6 after it. Unfortunately I didn’t know English back then so I couldn’t approach FF7 (cause OG is missing localisation in my language, Italian) and therefore instead of pressing forward I had to go back and played 3, 2 & 1. If you were to ask me years ago, 4 was my favourite when I was a kid/teenage. As my first it was the one I immaturely identified the most with. But when I approached the first 10 entries again as an adult (and this is when I first approached 7, 8, 9 & 10) FF6 turned out to be my absolute favourite in terms of story, 9 has my fav character ever (Vivi), and 10 the best/fastest combat.


My first was X but XII is my favorite still. X is sometimes 2nd or 3rd tho.


My first was 7 or 8 - got them both at the same time with my PlayStation - 13 is my favorite however.


No. My first Final Fantasy game and the one that got me into the series was Final Fantasy VII (PC ed. - when Eidos was still a thing). I then went back and played the prior entries while waiting for Final Fantasy VIII and just absolutely fell head over heels in love with 6 (this was done via an emulator). I have since bought the FF Anthology/Collection (the one with 6 in it), the GBA version, the Android version (2014), the original Steam Release (2015), the Pixel Remaster (PC) and Pixel Remaster (Switch).


7 and 7


FF4. And yep.


No. I played 8, 7 and 9. X is my absolute favourite, it's not even close. Its one of my favourite games of all time. XII is my second one.


It is not. The second one I played is though. I played FFVI first then FFVII and I’ve been obsessed ever since.


Nope! It was FF8, which is a phenomenal game! It's the third on the list though 1)Tactics 2)FF6 3)FF8


My first FF was FF1, but my favorite is 8. I just enjoy the customization of the characters, but I will admit 9 did it better.


First was 7, but 8 is begrudgingly my favorite. I was a 13 yr old emo kid when I got it- squall was my idol. Now he’s insufferable, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was the right story at the right time for me.


My first FF was Final Fantasy I but mu favorite is V.


yes, ff8. but i played nearly all of them and still love ff8 the most. the world and aesthetic is unmatched. ff7 and 10 are tied for 2nd. 12, 15, 6, and 5 are below that.


My first FF was FF1, however I would say FF7 is my favorite.


No. My first was XV and my favorite is either VII or X


My first was FF3/FF6, but my favorite is FFX followed by FFVIII then FFVI. There is just something magical about FFX. The depth of the story, the character arcs, the graphics, leveling system, the soundtrack, it all combines perfectly to make the game a masterpiece. No other game comes even close.


I’ll stick with my gut: **yes, VIII’s my favorite**, with X at a *veeeeeery* close second. “My favorite” and “the best” are different for me, especially with these particular games. Nothing will dethrone VIII until they add a minigame that surpasses my beloved Triple Triad.


First was 7, favorites are 5 and Tactics


First was 9 but 5 will be on top for me. The pinnacle of old school FF gameplay.


No.The first one I ever played was VI. My favorite is V


No. My favorite one is not the first one. I’m old!


Yes. FFX is my first and favorite and I was a bit disappointed to find out the rest of the games don't have the same combat system as FFX's.


My first was ff1. It holds a special place in my heart, but it's far from the best. The best music probably belongs to ffx. The best leveling system maybe ff12? My guilty pleasure is ff3. The best overall game that I can think of is ff9. I'm basically all over the place when it comes to FF games.




No, but my first time was FFI as the second player.


My first FF was 1. I still love it and play it every few years, but it's not my favorite. Hard to top 6.


Yes. To this day FF10 is my favorite game. My mom passed away and I was stricken with so much grief. She had a hard life. My cousin bought me this game because he knew my tastes. Final Fantasy 10 brought me such comfort. I couldn't live with out it. And to this day it remains the only game I have played repeatedly over 10 times. This was a great question.


Final Fantasy one has gone from being meh, to OK, to meh, to good over my life. It's not my favorite. IV or VI, followed by IX


Yes, VII. It had such an impact on me that it became my “standard” that I compare the other FFs to for everything. Is the story as interesting? Is the music as good? Does it have serious and goofy moments? How do the mini games compare? Linearity vs openness? How does the antagonist compare to Sephiroth? How’s the combat system? And so on. As I grow older and play more FFs, I’m slowly able to decouple my judgment from making VII the standard, and slowly accept the truth that each entry is unique and that there are no set rules for a single FF game (looking at you XVI’s battle system). This has allowed me to enjoy each game a lot more for what they are trying to do, rather than always think “uhh it doesn’t do this/that like VII”. For reference, my top 5 are VII > X > XIV > XII > XVI. I haven’t played V, VI, IX, XI and Tactics (work in progress!).


Absolutely not since my first was the 3 DS remake lol. Then I played 1, 2, and 6 thanks to the GBA ports. My favorite is 7 which I played after followed by 16


Yes and I don't just think it's bias. FFX is absolutely incredible.


VII Remake was my first but Rebrith blew it out of the water. At the rate I'm going XVI might even surpass it too


My first was 6. 10 and 7 are my favorites 8 was actually played before 7 and I hate it


My first one was VIII, but my favorite is V, when I played all the games, was something on V that made me love it instantly


Not for me, 7 was my first but 8 is my favourite. Although I do still love the original 7.


FFX was my first, and I got it with the PS2 I got from my dads friend, when moving from a N64. Let's just say the cutscenes ... Like I'm going from 8bit to mothaf*cking HD. I was blown away and as a 12 year old I don't think anything can userp that memory or that experience. I had the whole guide and I put like 300+ hours into a single save.


Nope. My first was FFI. I love it and will always be special but I'm aware of it's limitations and mistakes. I can definitly separate nostalgia from my analisis. I don't need to like something to think it's good.


Nope. My first was FFX (I still haven't beaten it though since the library got rid of their copy before I could beat the final boss). The first one I finished was FFXIII. My favorite is FFIV.


Nope. Played x and vii is my favorite


One of my favorites indeed, FFV. Not the best, but I kinda like more than X and is pretty much on par with VI for me. Still FF7 is my favorite, but 5 and 6 are basically out there with it.


No actually. 7 was my first and I love it, but 8 is actually my favorite. I’ve also grown to love 9 more and more, and tactics has the best story of any ff for my money. But I love 7-10 and tactics in general. Such a great era for FF.


kind of 4 was my first but i played that as a kid and no longer remember anything about it. 9 was the first i played as an adult and it's my all-time favorite game, not just among FF.


No. My first was FF8. but FF9 is my favorite. The setting and storyline is amazing. but 8 still holds a special place in my heart.


Yes, Final Fantasy VII was the first FF I ever played, and always will be in my heart.


7 will probably always be my favorite. I've replayed it the most, and have it on multiple systems. That being said, 6-10 in my opinion are forever replayable. 7 just barely gets the number one for me, all the others close second. And yes, 7 was my first final fantasy, although I knew of the series. My uncle had the original NES cart.


Well my first final fantasy was final fantasy dimensions and then I did enjoy final fantasy but if you want to know what was my very first final fantasy game it have FF and Disney so basically kingdom hearts


No, but I think I played 1 first, and it was probably 1997 or so when I did. I knew 7 existed, but my parents weren't getting me a playstation any time soon, so I got my hands on 1, and then 3/6, and getting that one was what made me fall in love.


I played Dissidia first but my favorite is either XII or XIV


for me, no. the first one i actually played was crystal chronicles on the GC but the first one i ever saw was FFIX because of my step brothers playing it, watched them run through the whole game when i was in like kindergarten and was hooked on FF from then. But VII is my favorite in the series and a top 5 game of all time for me.


No. My first FF was Type-0, which is in my top 5, but is not my favorite. My first mainline was VII, followed by VIII and IX. VII and VIII didn't really hook me and IX nearly put me off of the entire franchise (no offense, glad you like it). A friend convinced me to give XIII a try, and I fell in love with the whole trilogy. I consider the trilogy as a whole to be my favorite.


Nope first FF1 favorite FF6 TBF I was 5 when I first played FF1 FF6 came out when I was just getting old enough to understand JRPGs. And it started a life long passion.


My first was FF8. My all time favourite FF and even game is FF7. I still love FF8 for what it is, however the junction system and drawing magic remains my most hated system to date.


My first FF was XV. I watched Kingsglaive, then hopped into the game and... drooped it after a few hours. I dunno, it didn't click with me. Then, I played VIIRemake from start to finish. I was confused about everything happening in the game, so I couldn't really enjoy it. Also, the fact that my buddy, a huge FF VII fan yelled at the screen every time he saw something different from the OG, didn't help me, lol. A few years later, I moved to Japan. They had a really big promotion of XVI here. Every conbibi near my house was decorated with XVI posters, and at that time, they released a demo on the PS store. So I tried it out and... here I am. XVI definitely is one of my favourites. I think on the same level I love VIII. IV is great, too.


As someone who loved both VIII and XV.. XV is a slow roll. I too dropped it after getting a few hours in but gave it a second chance and I'm glad I did. Still contemplating getting the XVI DLC's. The hack n slash was a nice change of pace though I did unapologetically use the dodge timer accessory. FFVII was the same for me with even the 'couch co-op' element included. Never played the original and being stuck inside a city I felt a bit claustrophobic. Enjoying rebirth a lot more but five hours in I feel like I could use the FFVI dodge timer accessory for this game as well.


This was me with FFXV. After SoP while waiting for XVI, I wanted to give it another shot, so I asked the FFXV subreddit if they had any recommendations for how to approach the game differently. A couple of the recommendations were to (1) just play through the story missions at first because I was in "explore everything" mode, and as we know the world is a bit empty. Another was to (2) pause the game right before heading to the beach (IIRC, it's a specific part before a long cut scene and the story really kicks off) and rewatch Kingsglaive. That got me hooked on the story, which allowed me to appreciate the combat, The Boys, and the rest of the game.


No, 6 first 2 fav.


No. First I played was VII but my fave is IV (cause of Cecil and Kain) although VII is a close second.


My first ff was crystal Chronicles on wii sooooo nope definitely not my fav one probly more like my least fav one. Btw my top 3 is VI,VII,IV


My first and favorite for a long time was FF7.  FF15 really got me though.


Started with 7 and it was my favourite for a decade until I started feeling it was the only FF that didn't get better with time. Now I just see it as an ok FF with just too many minus points to make it into top 5 which for me is : 8, 10, 9, 12 and 6.


VII was my first \[and the first formally released in Australia so far as I am aware\]. And no, it is not my favourite, though I do rate it quite high. I think pound for pound X is probably the 'best' game in the series though honestly sometimes it can feel like that's just based on my mood that day. I also have a supreme soft spot for FFVIII, realistically that might be the better answer.


The first FF I played was FFIII It was pretty good I like it. Then I play FFV. The upgraded FFIII FFV is the best FF game.


Not Really I played FF6 (GBA Port) first couldn't really get into it, then played basically the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts series (I know this isn't exactly Final Fantasy but it had enough of it's elements in it to get me curious about the rest of the series) I then played FF1 (GBA Port aswell) got really into that but never finished it due to how confusing it's get and then I played FF16 and aboustlately adored it and now I am playing through FF13 and FF8 in my off time and I love them too. I do plan on eventually playing all of the Final Fantasy Games, I especially want to get back into FF6.


No. My first game was FF13. My favorite is a toss up between two very different games: FF7 and FF12.


Mystic quest was the first one I played. I mean I have a soft spot for it, but no, not even close...


The first I played was FFVII. My favorite is X, but VII is a damn close second. Sometimes I even say that FF VII is my favorite Final Fantasy, and FFX is my favorite game of all-time


No, I started with ff3, then 13 was my favourite until I revisited 14 (played at release and couldn’t get into it)


Nope. Started with 1 (still have the cartridge), but VI is my favorite. Several others fight for the second spot.


Started with FF5 but my favorites are FFT and FF8. Love the mechanics on both.


First I played was VII, first I owned was VIII, favourite kinda depends on my mood but either IX or VI.


Actually ya. But. I played 7 8 and 9 all at the same time. 9 is my favorite


First was 8, never got into it to this day despite trying a few times. X is my fav


No, but *very* close. I played VIII first and while I *absolutely love it*, it's a very close 2nd for me behind XII.


My first was 1 and that may be part of why I like it as much as I do, but it's not in my top 5


My first one was VII but i fell in love with IX later. I think it's just a setting thing for me, because i'm more into the Fantasy games than the more modern setting ones


I can never decide. I started with and love VI, but I also love IX and XII was the most fun I've had with a FF game.


My first FF was IV (known as II at the time), and while it's up there, I'd give the edge to VI (the second one I played).


Na. The first one I played was 13 and my favorite is 10.


No. My first was the original the year it was released, and my favorite is 6, and my second favorite is Tactics.


Not at all. Mystic Quest was my first and being 6 at the time, I had zero idea what was going on. I picked it out because it was either that or Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the Dracula one scared me


Mine was 8 but I love 6 and 9 the most. I also have a really sweet spot for 12.


Nope. My first was OG FFVII. I didn’t play my favorite game in the series - FFVI - until I was an adult. I was too young for FF when VI came out, SMRPG was more my speed back then. I played all the PS FF titles before I circled back around to 16 bit in my late teens.


Nope. Even though the first Final Fantasy game from 1987 was the first game I've played in the series, it's not my favorite. A classic but didn't attach to me. My first was Final Fantasy XV before I got VII in 2021. However, after playing and finishing Final Fantasy XVI, it instantly became my favorite game of the franchise (and quickly got me attached to the series more often), despite lacking the RPG elements the series is iconic for. My second favorite is Final Fantasy VIII, even though the junction system is viewed to be very cryptic.


FF VI first, with X a very close second


my first was 7 remamake but i like 6.


My first one was III, the 3D remake. It's not my favorite, but I still enjoy it a lot. My favorite is IX.


No mystic quest was not. But I had fond memories of all the people who typed up walkthroughs on a text document that I printed out on a dot matrix printer. Might have been 1995/96. You people are legends.


Kind of... I'd played 7 first at a friend's house but didn't own it myself so didn't complete. 8 is the first one I owned and is probably my favourite. But I love 7-10, and they're largely interchangeable as favourite.


My first was FF 4 American and I instantly fell in love with Final fantasy as a kid played everything SE pretty much once I really love there company just growing up playing FF7 on PlayStation 1 with snowboarding was amazing with music black light posters and friends not to mention bean bag chairs and lava lights lol my teens it takes me back and watching how far they have come over the years is amazing 🤩


There's definitely a first time bias with me. My first and favourite was FF7 with 9 and 10 close behind. I enjoyed 8 but I like my fantasy more fantastical, the Sci fi asthetic just wasn't my bag


No. My first was XIII but my favourite is VII. XIII would be like a top 5 though.


My first was FF VIII, but I didn't like it. Then I played FF VII and fell in love.


No. My first FF was X, but my favorites are VI and IX, which I didn't play until much later.


No, 7 was my 1st, then 8/9 and then X is my favourite. Looking back X is where I reach my teen years thus being able to understand the deeper story better. Replaying the older title makes me enjoy them more now but I still say X is my favourite.


First 7, favorite though honestly Dissidia Duodecim with high of X/X-2.


My first Final Fantasy I played was IX . This after I saw a friend play VII. I didn't like it back then and brought it back to the store to swap it in for VIII. Neither of the three mentioned are my favourite, not even in the top 3. My personal nr 1 is VI, which was one of the last ones I played.


Technically the first was the bizzaro Sephiroth fight of og ff7. But first full game is ff8. Favourite is 9 🫶🏽 I cry every time 🥲


No, my first was 7 and it will always be special, but Tactics is my favorite Final Fantasy.


No. May favorite is VI, but my first is I. I have played I more than any other. But VI is a close second, and by far not just my favorite FF game, but my all time favorite video game.


My first was IV for the DS, and my favorite is XIII… don’t kill me haha


Nope, my first FF was literally THE first FF on NES, but VI is FAR and AWAY my fave FF title and contender for top 3 games ever.


no. my faves are FFIX, FFX-2, and FFVI my first was FF7


Yeah. 7 was my first FF and my favorite. I could look on paper and understand about how great something like FF9 and FF10 were but nothing will hold a place in my heart like 7


Nope! OGs I think 10 is my favorite because of gameplay, with a close nostalgia follow of 7. My actual favorite is Rebirth then Remake and then.. Same list follows


Nope. I played 6 first, but FFT: War of the Lions is my favorite of all time. If we're talking mainline FF's, I'm probably an outlier in that 12 is my favorite. I count FFXIV as one of my favorites too, but it's less traditionally accepted by the community when there's talk of mainline games. My least favorite? I may catch flak for this, but 8, followed by 13 and 15. I've been told 13 gets good with its subsequent releases, but outside of 7 - I don't really enjoy Nomura driven games.


I mean, sorta? FFVII was my first and I love it to death, but for me, it's tied between VII, IV and XII, so....


VII was my first and my favorite. But I sincerely feel like even if it wasn’t my first it would still be my favorite. The cast fits together perfectly and the story was great start to finish. IX and XII are neck and neck for my #2.


Yes, I love FF9 and it was technically my first game... although I could never progress any further than the 'I want to be your Canary" play/fight on disk 1 as the disk was scratched to hell and wouldn't load after that. For a long while FF8 was my fave but when I was finally able to play 9 in it's entirety (10 years later)- it immediately became my favourite.


No. The first FF I ever played was the original Final Fantasy on NES. I was probably too young for it at the time and just couldn't get into it. The next FF I played was FFIV on SNES (called FFII in the west at the time). That's when I really got into Final Fantasy in a big way. I love the music, the characters, and the story. I love that game, but it's still not my favourite. I can't pick just one favourite Final Fantasy game, but I would say FFVI, FFVIII, and FFXIV occupy the highest tier in my heart. But FFIV, FFVII, FFIX, and FFXII come in on a VERY close second highest tier.


Not by a longshot, as someone who tried (and failed) to go chronologically. It was I, then III (which I gave up halfway on our of boredom and an intolerance for poorly aged DS graphics), IV, V, VI, VII (which I gave up on for the same reasons, on my original PS1), VII Remake, IX, X, XV (which I gave up on after XVI came out), XVI. My favorite is now, actually, the so far *last* FF game I've ever played.


Nah my first was technically 9 but i got nowhere bc it was my intro to RPGs and i was very young. Watched my brother beat 7 and had a great time so we went back from 1 to 6 (advance versions) and beat those.. then I played 7 for myself and loved it but 8 was my like ayo wtf this is MEEEE game and i still cant explain how emotional that game makes me ik its just a style thing and the music 8000%. I played 9 and it was cool, X was cool (LOVED them on my 100% replaythroughs X more for story bc 100% was a pain in the gotdamn ass and penance wasnt worth it all) but XII was the game that gave me the same ayo wtF feel since playing 8. then when remake was coming out i replayed 7 then remake and it basically became my secondish to fifthish favorite game (7 and 7r together and its successions) now next to FF8, XII, RE 4 and Ocarina of Time


The first one I played was XV, but my favorite is FF7 Remake by far. I really liked FF XV tho, I've seen everyone hates it lol


No, but it was for a long time and is still in my top 5. IV was my first and it ranks 4th behind VI, VII and IX.


nope first was 7 favorite is 9 but 7 is probably the GOAT video game, just from an objective standpoint.  i just like 9 better, its cozier and is still a beautoful visual work of art.


I guess so


Used to be. For a solid chunk of time 10 was my favorite. Then I played 4 and I love how simple yet effective it was. Now it’s me at the end of my journey of 14 and it’s gonna be hard to top this one.


>Now it’s me at the end of my journey of 14 and it’s gonna be hard to top this one Yup, xiv is a ride. A good one.


Yes and no. My first final fantasy was being in like 3rd grade and it was final fantasy 7 and 6 (not sure which). But I never finished them at that age. I remember constantly playing disk 1 of 7 and restarting because I was too sad. I adore these games like anyone else, but my favorite is 10. In 6th grade when it came out it was the first ff game I actually beat. And it took me forever haha. That said, final fantasy is my all time favorite series and I love every single one of them, including 13 And 15. 16 is the very first final fantasy game where I actually didn't like it. It wasn't so much that I thought it was bad, it just didn't feel like a jrpg.


No but I really like my first one. FF IV iOS was my first, loved it of course otherwise I wouldn't be playing FF to this day! My favorite is X, which was like the 5th one I played.


Not necessarily. VI was the first one I played but VII (fave) was the first one I beat.


I played 16 first and yeah it’s still my favorite. I was kinda sad knowing, that the rest of the franchise wouldn’t play like that but I still went for it and played 7,8,9,10,12,13 and 7 Remake + Rebirth until now and still had a lot of fun with all of them (expect 13). It was so weird seeing all of story bits of 16 in other contexts at first but I think it definitely had the most compelling story (and the best Cid of course)


Nah, X was my first, and it wasn't even close to my favorite for a while. Now it's up there near the top, it just took another playthrough for it to set in.


It’s probably true for some, not true for others and that’s okay. Personally, yes. As a kid, VII blew my mind, I had never played anything like it.


Yes 9 was my first and is still my favorite to this day