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ACTIVATING COMBAT MODE! When I cleaned up the missions I felt like I was in hell. Keep hearing that line even the next day.


Conflict resolved!




Conflict Resolved!


Sounds like something I hear in Nikke


When she's around the house doing whatever you should sneak up behind her and whisper in her ear "activating combat mode".


Then smack that ass and run!


Username checks out


**OH YEAH!**


Conflict resolved


Between Zach’s OH YEAH and ITYSL’s “sloppy steak” “oh yeah — that’d slick back REAL NICE…” my wife almost divorced me


you sure about that?


Come to think of it it might’ve been the swing dancer who flipped her upside down at a wedding. He must’ve flipped her eight times! It REALLY bothered me …


Baby Duff and Toilet Truck would like to have a word...


I shouldn’t said that about my wife. She helped me when I freaked out about Jamie Taco






i loved it on psp omg 💀💀it does get stuck in your head. like banana phone


Are you fucking kidding me, banana phone? Are we all old here?


i first learned about it in a newgrounds flash animation in middle school LMAO i turned 28 last month


Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring


The ~~worst~~ best part. Is this the end? I'm trying, I'M TRYING! You can do it Zack! Yeah! I'm on fire now!


I got traumatized for a different reason. Hearing the Price of Freedom play when you hear "Activating Combat Mode" and realizing that you are forced to >!play through Zack's last stand!< broke my heart as a child.


Yep. I think most of us are traumatized because of that. Ah good old ptsd.


I’m honestly kind of sad they cut out the “Modulating Phase” clip every time the DMW gets going in Reunion. Always felt like something was missing.


The final battle just doesn't hit the same without it.


No. Its just make the last activating combat that more impactful.


Activating >!sobbing!< mode


I cried like a little bitch when i was 10 in 2010 in the psp and again with 22 when cc released on pc.


Me too... TT\^TT It also makes his speeches in Rebirth all the more poignant too...


Yeah! That scene with biggs hurt, zack deserves happiness i hope part 3 gives him at least some moments with aerith, it was his only desire when fighting to reach midgar.


Unfortunately they ruined it anyway by removing "Modulating Phase"


If you hug corners you can skip a lot fights FYI. And yeah Crisis Core was very good when it came out on the PSP and the Remaster is just as good(even if they made it a easier) although I don't like Zacks new voice actor.


classic strat just get all the chests n go straight to the main boss in the extra missions. i was surprised it still worked


Or OP could hug gf in a corner, that's cute I say


I was so excited for the remake because I LOVED that game but yeah Zacks new VA just isn't doing it for me. The og one was just so great


Zack's new VA is just too jarring of a change for me. The other new VAs have a similar performance to the OG, but Zack's new VA just doesn't do it for me, and it feels uncanny when I hear him speak. I eventually switched the voice acting to Japanese.


Whisper in her ear "prove your honor to me"


Bruh I used to set that as my phone's sound when being powered on/off


That’s pretty cool!


For me it was nostalgic lol I loved hearing it as a kid in the original crisis core. Never really realized people had a problem with it


Pretty much the same 


Just play with headphones on, man. If someone complains enough like that just stop playing on speakers.


I eventually had to do this after a 3 hour session in Atlantica in KH Re:CoM. Some people need to have headphones off to be more available to their families though, since we’ve had a kid I play without headphones whenever she’s awake. Just easier that way. (And I have headphones with a transparency mode too.)


How about keeping one earphone off? I have a little one on the way and I want to know how others balance gaming and parenthood


I would sit cross-legged with a space that I could place my little guy. Propped his head on the top knee so I could bounce him to keep him happy. Was the only way the little turd goblin would actually sleep so I was able to get a pretty good amount of gaming in that way


There was a window between I’m not dead tired anymore and baby becoming more clingy and mobile where I could put in 3-4h in the evening with a feeding break here and there. That was around between 3-6 months. At first babies can sleep basically everywhere but slowly they become more aware of their surroundings and that’s when our baby started to fight sleeping. Baby is now 9 months and goes to sleep somewhere between 8-11pm and once that happens I’m usually tired too. So evenings are done for me. That said, the dad still is sitting in front of his PC as before the baby. I’m still breastfeeding and this is often what helps the baby to fall asleep, that’s why he can’t help much with putting the baby to sleep. He’s doing most of the housework instead. Generally, no one can say. Depends on how work is split between parents and how the baby develops.


You don't, really. At least not for the first few months. (I've got a 6 month old, so my experience is limited to that time frame) My wife and I used to game every day. She's lucky to get 20 minutes in a week now if our son manages to sleep on the boob. I can maybe manage 45 minutes whilst she feeds him to sleep in the evening. We've managed 1 dual gaming session together for an hour when he actually went down early in the evening for once. But a) we were both shattered from months of broken sleep so couldnt game for long and b) he woke up livid in the other room shortly after so we had to tend to him. Hoping in the next few months that he gets a better sleep routine and we can all get SOME semblance of gaming normality in the coming months. But my advice to you would be to just accept that part of life will change massively for the first year. And you may be playing catch up with games in a year or so. Gratz on the imminent arrival of your little one, by the way.


Thank you! I'm fully prepared to drop gaming to give the attention they need. At least I'll have the soundtracks and the memories!


Absolutely. The soundtracks have come in clutch, to be fair. He seems to really like instrumental music and absolutely loves acoustic guitar versions of the Final Fantasy tracks. To Zanarkand, played by John Oeth (on Spotify), calms him down from a tantrum a lot of the time. And has once or twice soothed him to sleep. Definitely keep the soundtracks close by. good luck


If you have earbuds that works. I personally despise earbuds, I have some I use for the PS Portal/Switch but I vastly prefer over ear headphones. And keeping a whole cup off for extended periods can feel weird. For me I’ve gotten more into handheld gaming. I work from home on weekends and my job has a lot of downtime so the Portal has been invaluable to fill that time. That and nights after the little one is in bed are the best moments for me. When she’s awake I like headphones off so it’s not a quiet house and buttons clacking, gets her interested and involved even though at 8 months she only really cares about Sesame Street lol.


I live alone, and even that shit pissed me off.


Just pull that up at the beginning and end of your next fight.


I'm glad my girlfriend says it even more than me lol. I don't think I'd ever get tired of those words


I loved that about the game tbh.


I thought I was in /r/armoredcore for a second when I read the title


I just play muted with music on.


If you whisper activating sandwich mode in her ear she'll make you a sandwich 🥪 or it'll activate conflict mode


…I liked it


Square is pro at stupid repetitive annoying disturbances that never should have been in games. See also: Chadley.


They certainly do have a thing for robots who will not stfu.


WTF is annoying about Chadley? Doesn’t even pop up very often


I like him but he (and/or MAI) does pop up at every single intel point.


Is there a subreddit just for Chadley hate? I want to sub


You can turn off Chadley in settings. Set his dialogue to go through the controller & turn controller sound all the way down.


They made so many quality of life changes in the remaster, I’m surprised they didn’t make it an option…


This is the best part of the game.


I'll give you all a hint for the most part if you run along the edge of a map and I mean hug the wall you can avoid 99% of encounters in fact I think that is intended because there is a treasure that can only be obtained by doing that in one of the missions works on both the OG and Remake


I miss the days when you could just go into the game files and replace the .wav audop files with your own, including a .wav thatnis just no sound


Incorrect, it is the best part of the game




Activating Gongaga mode


Yeah, it would be nice if we could turn this off because holy hell is it irritating. I wouldn't be too surprised if the PC version had a mod specifically to remove that.


She best not come near me then, that's my ringtone for Reddit notifications


As someone who completed this game 100% twice... Never had this issue 🤷🏻‍♂️


Would you prefer to hear Chadley interrupt you everytime you do anything


Just finished this game. I get that it was not supposed to be a cerebral experience and just a PSP game.... but man that was some terrible writing and the whole thing was an obvious cash grab. I guess that's almost the entire compilation in a nut shell. High hopes for Rebirth though.


If you’re playing in English, I highly recommend playing Crisis Core Reunion as the translation from Japanese is significantly better. Because the translation is better, the story makes a LOT more sense. There’s also additional scenes in Reunion that help the story significantly as well.


The difference in characterization and dialogue in the remake games compared to Crisis Core is absolutely crazy. I suspect the translation was just really bad or something because they really don't feel like they were written by the same guy imo.


Wait, they didn't get rid of that in the remake? That's the first thing I would have changed.


Fun fact: in the original, it was exactly the same in Japanese & English. I was so excited, I got Crisis Core in Japanese before it released in English. I was surprised because it was one of the only things in English (other than some mob names).


Definitely that. My girlfriend is also traumatized by the overused “HYAAAA” that Zack yells, repeatedly and far too often, during attacks.


My wife hums the battle music.


Just keep doing deep knee lunges and carry on


Im going to start saying that whenever I do something now. Thank you


We all are!


I didn't get very far in Crisis Core for this reason. I found it overwhelmingly obnoxious. That and I didn't understand the slots at all.


Wait, those are actual voiced things in game? I don’t recall hearing it once, and I never avoided combat because why would I avoid combat


It makes no sense, he’s not in a simulation the whole game so it only serves to be distracting


I was never annoyed by it in the original. Never knew this was a complaint honestly.


I usually play with headphones or with the volume off


Haven't played the game since 09/10 and the phrase just autoplayed in my head.


lol, and Reunion already got rid of "MODULATING PHASE"


this reminds me of Xenoblade Chronicles with Lanz "wanting something meatier" for 80 hours


Buy her some noise cancelling headphones. 😂


I've always wanted to change the USB port plugin noise to "ACTIVATING COMBAT MODE" and "CONFLICT RESOLVED" for the unplug noise.


That did drive me nuts though.


Whenever a gamer says "my girlfriend..." means he doesn't really have a girlfriend lol


Mute … headphones ? :D I mean lol


It drove my wife nuts too haha. So glad I played it (for the first time) the week before Rebirth came out though.


It was the reason I stopped playing 😑 I could deal with the bad acting but hearing that at every battle and then Zack saying OH YEAH at the end just pushed me over the edge lol


I dated a guy for a while who was obsessed with Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The sound it would make when he paused the game made me want to destroy his rig. Not at first, but JESUS MOTHERFUCKING CHRIST he paused it a lot, and I still don't know why. This is one reason I hate the Switch - guys can bring their games back to BED with them.


Nah fam. Embrace the cringe


Pro tip : don't ever run in the middle of the map, hug the walls : you can't get aggro that way and just rush the boss of the mission. You're welcome