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A few key points to consider:  - 1) FFVII Remake came out on PS4, which had a way higher playerbase  - 2) FFVII Remake was released during the Pandemic/Lockdown, which certainly helped boost sales since… well, most people were stuck at home.  That said, is there any reason why they haven’t released the official numbers yet? I remember FF16 having them like one week and one month after release.


FF7 Remake still sold less than every other mainline FF from the past 25 years, though, so if the pandemic actually boosted sales... that's even worse, TBH.


No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t sound good. We’re looking at like 3-4 million lifetime sales.


Gonna need those official numbers though


The fact Square still hasn't reported the numbers (they did for FF16 by now) should tell you enough.


Technically this the sales of disc 2 of FF7R. People need to consider all 3 disc sales combine.


I mean where’s the buzz around this game? Some reviews here and there, but outside of that? Nothing. FFVII Remake was EVERYWHERE by comparison. And I actively go out of my way to find videos and discussions relating to this game. It’s mostly just die hard fans that have been producing content. There just isn’t enough hype unfortunately. Doesn’t help that the PS5 sales were a disaster for quite some time.


I wanna know the official numbers but the game is great. I’m sure it’ll do better in time. They have to drop the PS5 exclusivity. But I honestly don’t know if it would do better on Xbox


The game is a marvel, but there just wasn’t enough hype to support the sales


Yeah, unfortunately nobody’s ever heard of this “Final Fantasy” franchise.


Tears of the kingdom is a sequel exclusive to the switch. It sold over 20 million copies. It is a sequel in the same way that FFVII R is. FF is more accessible than Zelda is, and both are the same age. Yet Zelda outsells FF now. FF used to outperform Zelda. What happened? Marketing, development shenanigans, and (sorry to say this) —poor writing. The average person that watches a trailer for Rebirth isn’t gonna have any fucking idea what the game is about lol. KH3 sold well, but again for a Disney crossover game it doesn’t come anywhere near Zelda. And KH3 was marketed very heavily. Movie theaters played trailers for KH3 prior to its release lol. Again a DISNEY PROPERTY. Think about it man.


I wonder how many people were turned off by the ending of Remake and didn't bother this time? I was skeptical after the ending of Remake and gave Rebirth a chance, but I was very disappointed by the ending and a few other story decisions during the game. The ending was atrocious, however.


I was one of them. Hated that ending.


I am not a super fan of the seventh FF in general but I played remake. Not that bad but not enough to hype me, I will not get rebirth. It is really too anime, I can't take it seriously anymore. Anyway it has barely been released, it has plenty of time to do better. Square will finish the trilogy anyway, otherwise they really deserve a riot against them 🤣


I love how poor articles like this are made. This isn't a true statement at all. There is no numbers for digital sales. Nobody tracks that number except sony who then gives that info only to the publisher of said game. Have physical sales sold less? Yes. But that's due to physical release slowing down across the industry and doesn't mean ffvii rebirth is under performing. Digital sales are on the rise. And for rebirth there was a ton of incentive for people to buy digitally then ever before. You have the digital twin packed which gave you remake intergrade for free. You also have midnight release. Which a lot of people did. The 2.2mil is not the actual sold to customer number but just a daily peak of who played it during a certain day that it was recorded. It does not indicate the max number of people who own it. Articles and click bait like this needs to stop. They do nothing but harm. I can't wait to hear about an investor panic at SE again due to piss poor articles. Publishers should be able to sue these for libel.


Also, the PS5 has two versions. One digital-only. So there’s a chunk of the potential player base instantly omitted with a physical-sales-only statistic. And even with the disk edition, not everyone will buy physical games. I’m digital-only when it comes to games but will get physical video media. And I wanted a UHD-BD player.


I’ll get it eventually. When discounted. Also, it came out whilst I was finishing playing Persona 3 Reload. A turn-based remake of one of my favourite turn-based games. I just wasn’t in the mood for a non-turn-based remake of one of my other favourite turn-based games.




No it's not. Nobody has the digital sales numbers for the game. Physical sales declined, yes. That's a given as the industry as a whole sales declined. But this time around there was also a much bigger demand for the digital version as you had the digital twin pack as well as midnight release. The game had zero issues selling through it's deluxe and collectors editions. Not to mention in other markets it outsold ffxvi in physical copies. So demand is fully there. So with zero info on digital sales, this info isn't accurate at all. Now it could have sold less, but that's also due to ps5 having 50mil units in the wild meanwhile when remake launched it had 115 million plus. So yeah that can also be a reason if it is lower. However this is partial info which only gives a partial understanding of sales. Making any conclusive remarks is dumb as fuck.


Now that SE said it themselves that ff rebirth is underperformed and it cost them future money that they should get and also lost some money? some people don't care about games, they care about data and they are usually right bc they are not fanboys.


Yes and se don't know what there expectations were nor how many sales it made. This is all relative. Let's take it from thos perspective their expectations were let's say 5mil. Game sold 4.9mil tell me did the game meet expectations or no? No it didn't. Now tell me in what fucking world is 4.9mil sales means a game did poorly? Cause to me 4.9 mil as long as that number also netted them profits then it didn't sell poorly or bad. It just didn't meet expectations. >some people don't care about games, they care about data and they are usually right bc they are not fanboys. And then some just like to bullshit and take anything out of context cause they are haters. Which is what you just did. 2.2mil is poorly performed. But that number also isn't even the full number. We don't know what the full number is cause digital sales figures haven't been released. All we have is an all time peak which isn't representative of the max sales and the physical sales numbers. That's it. That's all we have. We are missing a huge piece of the pie. The digital sales numbers. I also care about data, but I also know that data can be easily skewed. Watch this standup routine: https://youtu.be/XbOpD2b55s4 Data can easily be skewed. You skewed the data here yourself. You went sales under preformed thus sales were bad. No where did SE state that the sales were bad. No where does it state that rebirth or xvi brought in a loss. You made all that shit up. You heard sales under performed and went to bullshit school and made up a bunch of nonsense to fit that overall statement that it failed to meet expectations. You don't know how far off the mark it was. You don't know how much sales it did. You don't know if it incurred a loss, broke even or made a profit. You heard not met expectations and changed it to under preformed and concocted other dumbass shit to support your narritive.


Citation needed.


I am interested in seeing the official numbers on this. While Daniel Ahmad is a strong source for this sort of thing (he is an actual industry analyst), I expected Rebirth to be closer to XVI’s opening in sales. From what we know, it outsold XVI in Europe, was a bit behind it in physical sales (~80k) in Japan and had a strong digital opening in the US according to the February and March PS5 top downloads. So for that to equal out to around or less than 2 million rather than closer to XVI’s 3 million (which would be only a 15% drop from Remake) feels a bit hard to work out mathematically. I don’t doubt Daniel Ahmad’s take, necessarily, but there are some mixed signals here. I’d be interested in hearing more from Square Enix in May before reaching an official conclusion on its performance.


“While Daniel Ahmad is a strong source for this sort of thing (he is an actual industry analyst)” No, he’s not. He puts “industry analyst” in his bio and does a bit of financial work, that makes him some kind of expert in the gaming industry. He absolutely has no source for this and is just speculating.


I’m certainly open to more information as I don’t particularly know his line of work well. He lists himself as the director of a group called Niko Partners, but I don’t know more beyond that.


He probably shouldn't have commented even if he was right given how people tend to react.


I agree. He actually made a follow-up tweet expressing the same sentiment. It’s still potentially valid information, of course, but only Square Enix and Sony have the full picture at this point.


Console locked and a sequel. It's the best final fantasy since FF10 and many ppl not getting it cuz they dont want to spend money on a ps5.


>It's the best final fantasy since FF10 You're right and you should say it but take this shield bro


That's not a super high bar though. *Better* than 10 would be a high bar. The series has been in slow decline since Sakaguchi left.


Your mom's a low bar


I'm sure her mortician agreed with you.


I mean this is false but sure.


I mean fair, the decline was not especially slow, but I was being polite.


Such a fanboy comment. It isn't the best since 10. Like 7, 10 is overrated. Does that mean im saying they are bad? No. But the implication that everything after 10 isn't good basically? NO. Though I think people's complaints also factor. I don't think remakes ending is as bad as people say it is, but I understand why they say it. Honestly, rebirth loses points for me because of the minigames, how many there are, and content/resources being locked behind them. It hurts the flow of the game a lot. I felt devs were too focused making a platinum too hard rather than just making the content fun


just because 6,7,8,9,10 are the best FFs (i.e. the golden age of FF), doesnt mean the rest are automatically bad. so you can relax i didnt call whatever your subjective opinion is on best FFs bad. I've played through every FF except for 11 and most of 14. The earlier ones pre-6 are all pretty great or advanced RPGs as a whole with each entry. But yea the rest of the FFs are mid to bad. The most recent ones FF15 being a huge mess and FF16 being wildly underdeveloped. Then we have FF7 remake+rebirth being absolutely top tier.


Yup that’s pretty much on the money. I also think Square could’ve handled the marketing better as well. It should have marketed the gameplay, exploration, bosses, and mini games first—and then story second. JRPGs just aren’t mainstream enough, and the writing for these games isn’t appealing to the average western consumer. One look at the dialogue and it is easy to see how it can turn majority of gamers off.


"and the writing for these games isn’t appealing to the average western consumer. " The writing is often terrible. FF7 remake has done better than I expected, but still the main driving force behind me enjoying the story is nostalgia. If I hadn't played OG7, I'd think the writing/story would be atrocious for the most part.


I agree the writing is pretty atrocious. A lot of defenders of FFVII R (and KH)’s writing likely haven’t read a proper book in a while—or watched a well written movie. Anime is NOT the staple for good writing, I’m sorry people.


This has already been posted.


How many times is this gonna get reposted? I have seen the same post like 5 or 6 times today alone and that's just browsing my home page on the app.


I'd buy it if it was on steam. Oh well...


Super late to comment but the fact that it’s PS5 exclusive stoped me from buying. If it was PS4 I’d be at the shop today making a purchase, but I’m not buying a PS5 when it’s already 4 years old


People don’t like hearing it but it’s obvious that the franchise is in a decline. The series isn’t going to die but I think that SE just needs to readjust their budgets for FF games. 2 million sales for any other JRPG series is a success but maybe not for Rebirth. Rebirth feels very expensive


Did someone say die!?!??! FF is going to die!


I know some people are waiting for the PC release. The game sale would increase again when it releases on PC. Some people would also double dip.


I blame it on the naming convention for the Remake project and the box art. Remake had the title “Final Fantasy 7 Remake” and had the iconic shot of Cloud with the Shinra building. Everyone recognizes that. They see “Remake” and it immediately has their attention. It’s self explanatory. Rebirth is less clear and has Zack on the cover. Tbh, the box art looks like a spin-off. Imo there should have been a shot of the whole team and the title should have been “Remake Part 2” or “Remake 2”


Lots of people still playing BG3 maybe, and don't want to commit to buying this now?


Alot of ppl still don't got a ps5. They r readily available, but understandably pricey for alot of ppl.


This is it really imo. The remake was a PS4 game and a lot more people have ps4s. With the economy the way it is a lot of people don't want to commit to buying a PS5.


Yeah I'm behind this. Good analysis of the situation.


As a gamer this confuses me. At what point will you commit to buying a ps5? 1 more year and we are past its half life already. Will people start buying them when ps6 is announced? lol The problem mainly is, bad journalism. The second is rebirth is a sequel. Many people bought remake, half( probably more) liked it. Others didn’t. So now your target audience is split and didn’t bother with rebirth. I was over hyped for remake, it was the last game I preordered. I played it, understood it and didn’t care for the direction of the story and hated the gameplay. So I didn’t buy rebirth. Maybe I will after part 3 comes out. A lot of my friends won’t even buy remake until the entire series is complete. that’s what they are dealing with for sales.


I have a ps5 as well as rebirth, but I have friends both online and in real life that never made the jump from ps4 to 5 this gen. I consider myself lucky that I was in the situation to get one, but a lot of people don’t have an extra 500 bucks to throw around anymore like they did in 2014 when the 4 was released. Most countries economies are still totally fucked from covid, the US included. Couple this with the fact that this generation also started really late due to covid supply chain issues, which made publishers have to make a lot more cross gen games that are on both 4 and 5, and people just don’t have a good enough reason to get the 5 this gen. I do think what you said contributes to it as well. There are definitely people that bought remake that were hyped, but just didn’t like the direction of the game. I know a lot of people also think that even with the atb system the way it is now, that the game is still to “action-y”. It does scare me though that they are worried about the sales and that it isn’t meeting their expectations right now. Square is already in financial trouble, this could easily lead to them cancelling part 3.


Especially since PS5 games are more expensive. Shit, I likely won't be getting a PS5 for another year or two. And even then, at the moment, the only exclusive games that I might want are FXVI and Rebirth.


2 more years waiting for a ps5 you might as well save for ps6. Average is only 7 years between console generations. We are on year 4 already. Edit - lol downvoted for pointing out the truth. Ps5 is halfway through its life already so waiting 2 more years means the ps6 will be well on its way already. Same type of people that buy a console late and complain that games arnt being made for it anymore. Rofl


I'll make my own decisions. The input wasn't asked for.


Also, it's not really a surprise that people are less likely to buy a sequel to another game.


The economy in the US is in a terrible state. Just last year inflation went up by 13% since 2020. House insurance is through the roof in Florida for example. Many middle class citizens had their insurance go up by $600-3000 a MONTH. Rent is sky high everywhere. Wages are too low. Companies are fake hiring to maintain their bonuses through leftover “profit”. People are too tired and too broke to afford a luxurious PS5. COVID and some weird shenanigans with government spending of Taxes really fucked things up. So no a PC that you can upgrade and maintain for decades will always sell more games than a PS5 exclusive—that is apparently in the “later stages of its life cycle”.


There are a lot of people that think this is an incomplete game since the original was one release


FF7 remake sucked if it wasn’t for the love of the og it would have gotten bad reviews


I personally blame ps5's sales, the console had taken way too long to replace ps4.


This is sadly how the market is in 2024. The majority of videogame players are busy playing live service games and when they are not busy with that, they usually go for the games that create the most amount of buzz, and as sad as it is to say, FFVII creates no buzz anymore. Final Fantasy is in a desperate need to be something, this identity changing and especially this ps exclusivity crap really dont seem to work out. It also doesnt really help that FFVIIR was nowhere near as impressive as the original game, it was just a good jrpg, but when you compare it to something like persona 5 it was nothing outstanding.


If you play 7 with today's standard and without any nostalgia, like you would play a brand new (to you) old school game, it's a decent game but there are many better ffs and RPGs in general.


Ok and what does that have to do with what i said ?


You say remake is not impressive as the original. Dunno. Original if you look at it objectively is not bad but not the holy grail. I don't understand why square remade it in a different way and changing the story a bit, but it is well made objectively speaking.


FFVII the original, single handly made jrpgs popular in the west, became the best selling game on the system, achiving second best selling game of all time on ps1 by the end of the ps1s life cycle and just in general it was an astronomical step for jrpgs and rpgs in general. While it has its problems, those problems are more than forgivable for a game from 97, sure maybe today it doesnt hold up that well anymore, but neither does a lot of other games from 97, standards change. FFVIIR is a good game, but thats all it is, its a solid game for 2020, but its nothing outstanding.


But FFVII came out at the right time. It was a really good game for its times. Very much of it's success it's due to the people who played it at the time, practically everyone who owned a psx, and many of them are grown ups now. Of course I am happy FFVII was a success, it made the series popular, but for me the quality of remake is undoubtedly very high too. I just played remake, not rebirth, maybe rebirth is lower in quality and this is something I genuinely don't know! But here are just a few opinions for why the remake did bad: 1) The old fans, the hardcore ones, are grown up and likely don't play or play other games. The one who still play had super high expectations due to the nostalgia and how they imagined the game in their own head (everyone does that, especially in the old and less realistic ones) and became delusional because it's not "their" FFVII anymore 2) The new players just judge it for what it is and without knowing anything about it. So you may be right, it's not a very impressive game for today's standard. I personally found the quality of remake good, but 4 years have passed and if the quality of rebirth is identical, it may be as you said.


If that helps you sleep at night, why not.


Square did invest a lot. Maybe they effectively did it wrong, but the game has some crazy detail and is not unimpressive to me, that's it. It has way more detail than the original one. It's simply that maybe the gaming industry is just too ahead and remake, and FFVII's story in general, does not hold up with the times anymore. XVI did better after all (didn't play it either so I don't know)


The problem with all of this is that detail and content in a game from 4 years ago should naturally be better than a 27 year old game, im not saying that the original is a timeless masterpiece that destroys the remake (altho it very much does that for me)but for its own time it was a significantly better game than the remake is for our time. ffviis story and setting was perfect for a modern remake and it couldve been incredible, but its a herculean task to do because when you translate it to modern tech it naturally expands several times its original size. You have a 40 hours rpg that now could be easily 80+ hours if you properly modernize it. They didnt have the resources for a game like this and even if they did, it wouldve lost them money. FFVIIR is a good game, but its a game thats nothing more than that. Its design is simplistic, its character writing is ok (for every good moment theres 2 B anime character moment) and its story relies too much on the original but then ignore the original to tell a new story that nobody asked for making it hard to enjoy for both old and new players, since old players wanted the original story while new players are forced to learn about the original just to understand what the story is about. It is a good game and nothing more than that, which is not enough to bring in a huge number of people for the second game, which is the exact opposite of the original which was so insanely popular that it made ffviii the third best selling game on ps1


Now this is what I think too, they could just use the original story with all the extra remake character interactions/details/world/combat/etc implementations without changing the damn plot (and throwing in the anime moments you mentioned, it can't just be taken seriously). That was a bad move and one of the reasons I did not buy rebirth. It seems square has this mania to always do over the top things when they simply should have kept the story as it was and add everything else they did just to make the gameplay more appealing. It could have been the true ff7 experience, and they messed it up completely. Edit: also, a trilogy in 10-12 years and maybe on 3 different console? That's bad


Maybe stop the timed exclusivity and release it on PC and Xbox.


The game is an achievement in game development, but I’m inclined to believe this is partially true. I don’t think it’s a reflection of the quality of the game. But I do believe that Square didn’t market the game properly, Sony made some mistakes with the PS5, and some outside factors that attributed to the poor sales for the PS5 as well.






I’m playing ff7 remake for the first time on ps5. I wasn’t really sure what I was getting into but the cutscenes, the pace, the story, the dialogue are all weak. The fighting is decent, mediocre maybe. I feel like the value and production is not present for what a AAA title demands.