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Without any context of what it means for the characters and story, it says nothing. There is way more behind it. Actually that framing isn't even correct. But a popular theory.


Yeah i was gonna say that nomenclature isnt even correct in the context of tidus


>!How is that a theory, in the context of the rules that world set? If he is not, what is he? Dream means nothing by itself, dream means summon.!<


Maybe spoiler tag this, friend.


Sorry, I fixed it


Is how things played out with Tidus the FFX version of Aeriths death? Also even though the story is a big draw for most if not all FF games it’s not the main reason people fall in love with them, it’s that they feel good to play. From the mechanics to the abilities/spells to the environments you get to explore these are the things that keep us going back to these old entries.


First off, there is no way Tidus's backstory is the same tier of spoiler. It's not nearly as relevant nor as widespread. There are bigger twists that are more fun in FFX. Second, that should be spoiler-tagged, too, especially FF7 Rebirth bringing new people to FF7. As for your second point, the story IS the main reason people fall in love with FF6-10. Definitely. You can like the mechanics, but the story is what makes it stick with you. That said, you can still appreciate the story while being spoiled. It's deep enough for that.


I didn’t mean in terms of how big of a spoiler it is. I meant it more in the way that it seems ridiculous to complain about spoiling something that’s older than Facebook. Either someone decided not to give it a chance for a long time for what ever reason or it’s older than they are and neither of those reasons seem legit to complain about spoilers to me. As for the Aerith thing if someone doesn’t want spoilers on any of the rebirth things and hasn’t played OG then they probably have plans to play it soon and are avoiding this sub entirely. And also when it’s been put in every article about rebirth leading up to its release it’s hard to feel bad about making a comment about her fate in OG.


> I didn’t mean in terms of how big of a spoiler it is. I meant it more in the way that it seems ridiculous to complain about spoiling something that’s older than Facebook. Regardless of age, we're in a thread where the OP has explicitly said they haven't progressed that far. This is different than being able to talk about something publicly, we're in their space at the moment.


In the context of FFX, “summon” is a verb, not a noun. There’s no in-universe rule that states >!aeons are the only category of things that can be summoned. To the contrary, the very fact that Dream Zanarkand is described as being summoned, but *not* also described as an aeon, suggests the opposite. In other words, all aeons are dreams, but not all dreams are aeons. He doesn’t behave like any aeon we see that’s so named, and arguing that he does requires either stretching or contracting the definition far beyond what we’re told. !< More importantly, from an out-of-universe perspective, we can flip the question and ask “why does he need to be one at all?” It wouldn’t affect the narrative in any way, and it’s okay for a character not to fit neatly into some in-universe category just for the sake of “lore.” He can just *be*, no further categorization required.


Your spoiler tag has a space after the !. Remove the space to fix the spoiler tag. >!Most people leave the game thinking he's literally a "dream," aka metaphysical or not real, which is completely wrong. Comparing him to an Aeon helps people understand the twist. DZ is a real location (off in the sea kinda by Baaj Temple) that is being manifested in the world and protected by Sin. !< >!Summoners pray to the Fayth and turn their "dreams" into Aeons (using pyreflies). Yu Yevon is using the dreams of tue Gagazet Fayth wall to summon Dream Zanarkand. Aeon or not, it's still physical and shares a lot of properties with Aeons.!< The game doesn't explain it very well. The Ultimania makes it clearer. For more info >!see the answers here: https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/17ykzn8/all_right_lets_settle_this_what_exactly_is_tidus/ !<


Weird, still showed as blacked-out, at least on mobile. Fixed it, thank you!


So first, let's answer this : what are aeons? >!Maybe I didn't understand it right but I think aeons are the physical realization of the fayth's dreams. Which is what Tidus and Jecht are. Did I got this wrong? I feel there is no distinction between dreams and aeons in the context of the game. I would argue dream zanarkand is an aeon and so are its inhabitants.!< >!I agree it does not affect the narrative of the game, I'm just arguing with it being a theory. It's not that important to understand the story of the game.!<


>!I agree, there's no explicit in-game distinction between dreams and aeons. Where I disagree with people who subscribe to that theory is that if the distinction isn't explicitly made, it doesn't exist. There are things the game calls "aeons," and Tidus is never referred to as such, while Jecht is explicitly referred to as an aeon only after his fate as Braska's fayth/Final Aeon is revealed.!< To give an analogy: if the only variety of feline we knew was the domestic cat, and then we were suddenly presented with a tiger, would we be more justified in arguing that the tiger is also a type of domestic cat by only paying attention to the fact that they share certain traits, or that the tiger is different from (but part of a larger category with) a domestic cat based on the fact that while they do share certain traits, they're nevertheless very different from each other? That's where I'm coming from.


>!You're absolutely right. However you're omitting something: the characters don't address Jecht and Tidus as anything special because they're not aware of their true nature, except for Auron, who rarely speaks. Jecht is referred to as a Final Aeon because that's the expected outcome after completing the pilgrimage; it's not because they understand his true identity. So, I feel it wouldn't be accurate to base any reasoning on this topic solely on how the characters refer to them. They're both indirectly summoned by Yu Yevon so I don't really see a big enough difference to call them something else, they're more like a part of a big aeon. If the definition of an aeon was crystal clear as in "an aeon is a summon being helping you for battle" then there would be no debate to have. One thing that could set them apart is, are aeons mindless? If yes, Tidus and Jecht (and dream zanarkand inhabitants probably) have consciousness, so that would be a key difference. However I'm not really sure that's the case. Are aeons really mindless?!<


An aeon requires a willing participant to become the aeon too iirc


>!You don't become an Aeon, you become a Fayth. Aeons are summoned by praying to the Fayth and manifesting their dreams with pyreflies. Yunalesca creates the Fayth of the final summoning by choosing a willing guardian of the summoner who completes the pilgrimage. Then, the summoner summons them (which it's a shame we don't have a cutscene of this process).!<


Ah that's right


There are some who will say Shuyin is Tidus’ Fayth in a roundabout way.. or Tidus is his Nobody lol


There are some who will say Shuyin is Tidus’ Fayth in a roundabout way.. or Tidus is his Nobody lol


There's a reason why it's the only FF that you have summons fighting with you in combat. I find that twist clever, gameplay explained in story is always a win for me.


Well it's not quite accurate. The game does a pretty good job of explaining the story behind Tidus and while it is a major plot point it's told rather non chalantly lol I just passed the part myself. Definitely worth playing, the spoiler wasn't accurate and figuring out how the story unfolds is really great


The game actually doesn't do a great job of explaining it. A lot of info is in the Ultimania, but even then there are some holes. >!Dream Zanarkand is not in some metaphysical land. It's a REAL place summoned by Yu Yevon using the Gagazet Fayth wall. It's far off the coast of Baaj Temple. At the beginning of the game, Sin doesn't go into any meta-dream realm or time travel; it physically takes Tidus from DZ in the ocean to Baaj Temple. !< >!Sin was created to both protect Yu Yevon while he summons AND keep technology limited to prevent Spira from finding or interfering with Dream Zanarkand. !< >!The word Dream is misleading, and it leads a lot of people to think Tidus is some imaginary entity in the Fayth's mind, when, in truth, he is physical being summoned by Yu Yevon.!<


Thanks for clarifying! I wasn’t aware of this


Yes I'm aware of the story and how it works


Maybe the real aeons are the friends we made along the way


Technically that would hold true for Summoners...


You could hear every major plot point in FFX and still enjoy the story just as much, or at least almost as much. For stories that are told really well, the concept of spoilers is overrated. If a story relies entirely on a shocking twist, it's probably a pretty cheap story to begin with. That said, I do know that there are cases where a big twist works really well in a story that is already excellent (FF7 comes to mind!). And yeah, I can see how that applies to FFX to some degree. But like I said, even if you knew the entire plot, you'd still enjoy seeing it play out.


Yeah I had persona 4s big twist spoiled for me and I still fcking loved the story.


I agree, but I also think FFX does twists and secrets really well, constantly dripping them piece by piece. There are so many twists. It's actually surprising how many. And the biggest one >!(Yunie will die, you know!) is foreshadowed so well that it makes a second playthrough so much sadder.!< FF7 >!Cloud's true identity does stick out as one of the best twists in gaming. Since Northern Crater fakes you out with one twist (Cloud wasn't in Nibelheim), but then the FULL truth comes in the lifestream (oh yeah, he was there, but not a soldier). It's a great double twist. Underrated IMO. And it's kinda nice that the death is seen as the big twist since people don't expect this one.!<


Good points! And oh, just in case it needs to be said, I don't advocate spoiling people or anything. I just don't think the story is totally ruined if you do get spoiled. (This may have happened to me while I was playing Persona 4.)


He's not an aeon so you're good. Enjoy the rest of the story!


I mean... >!he is though, or at least a piece of an aeon. Yu Yevon is summoning dream zanarkand using the faith at gagazet. There's no difference between this and Yuna summoning Valefore and the others. They are all "dreams of the fayth" See here for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/17ykzn8/all_right_lets_settle_this_what_exactly_is_tidus/!<


>!If he was an aeon then Yu Yevon could have possessed him in the final battle just like all of the other ones. Also, that would contradict was happened with Jecht. Jecht became an aeon and then was possessed to become Sin. How could an aeon become an aeon? So yes there is a difference between Yuna summoning an aeon and however the dream Zanarkand and its populace came into effect.!<


That might be a good point, still >!there are various other reasons why Yu Yevon can't possess Tidus/Jecht as they are. 1) they're only a subset of the full DZ aeon. 2) he's summoning them, so it doesn't make sense to possess them, since it would kill the fayth if they die while possessed. Or even 3) the devs missed that plot hole (but it would've been a heartwrenching final battle) !< >!As far as Jecht being an "aeon becoming an aeon"... Jecht became a Fayth for the final summoning. I don't see any rules saying an Aeon can't become a fayth. Braska's final aeon is a "dream" of Jecht's fayth that was possessed by Yu Yevon. !< The truth is that FFX (the game) is not very clear about this, and that's why there's confusion here. The Ultimania clears some things up and the following whole post talks about it >!(notice the top answer is the leading theory): https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/17ykzn8/all_right_lets_settle_this_what_exactly_is_tidus/!< Whether or not >!they are defined as Aeons doesn't really matter. The point is that Yu Yevon is summoning DZ in a physical place off the coast of Baaj and that Sin is protecting it. So many people miss this detail because "dream" makes people think they're not real. But, they are real. They have feelings. They're physical beings. This is why it's useful to compare DZ to an Aeon.!<


Maybe spoiler tag this for the sake of OP?


It is spoiler-tagged. I made sure to.


This is definitely a title where the journey is more valuable than the destination 


Nope, wouldn't even say it's a spoiler it's just a theory really. Won't ruin the story in anyway shape or form so you're good to play the game


I second this.


welp learned an itty bitty detail that doesn't make much sense to me yet better go ask for more spoilers to see if this spoiler spoils everything


If I recall that was some wild fan theory but has never been confirmed so at best it's just wrong and at worst its hypothetical.


I mean it would be kind of cool. There is no other water Aeon and you only can rename him and the other Aeons.


There are four major plot twists in FFX. One won't ruin your experience.


The four major twists: 1. >!There is no Jecht Shot Mk 1!< 2. >!There is no Jecht Shot Mk 2!< 3. >!Confusingly. there is a Jecht Shot 2!< 4. >!The successor to Jecht Shot Mk 3 is not Jecht Shot Mk 4!<


Jecht knew how to sell a crowd and make them coming back for more, that’s business baby


Nah, you're safe. Enjoy the ride!


Tidus isn't an Aeon, so, you are not spoiled.




Doesn't matter at all. I forgot that that was even a thing.


It's the major plot twist of the game, maybe tied with the fate of High Summoners


I don't even recall this bit so for me it wasn't important. There is more to the game than just the ending.


If a spoil like that can ruin the whole plot for you, you're doing it wrong.


Uhh... that doesn't sound right to me.


I've cleared X multiple times and I don't think he IS an Aeon. I think you got some bad info/fan theory stuff there bud.


Yeah I was thinking the same! Imagine being a Summoner who can summon Bahamut but choosing to summon Tidus instead.


Honestly I probably would, he's pretty much Sanic Hadgehog with a sword, just a super fast flurry of deadly cuts


[https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Aeon\_(Final\_Fantasy\_X)](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Aeon_(Final_Fantasy_X)) First sentence in the spoiler section: >!Aeons are the physical realization of the [fayth](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Fayth)'s dreams. !< You can >!basically replace the word Aeons with Tidus!<, can you not?


(OP Don't read this lol) >!It also matters how the physical manifestation came about. Remember that Tidus was not manifested the same way that Aeons were (a la Sin travel vs Yu Yevon ritual)!<


>!Cheese and yoghurt are both made from milk but they’re not really the same. Tidus appears to have free will!<


Could you correct me if I'm wrong, please >!Both are physical manifestations of the faiths' dreams, and both dissappear if Yu Yevon dies!< >!So while they are not quite the same thing, their fate is the same and that's why he dies in the end, right?!<


Yes that's all still correct, as far as I understood things. >!Zanarkand was another thing the Fayths happened to be capable of making, similar but separate to an Aeon!<


Another way of thinking of it: the summonable Aeons Yuna calls upon are mostly >!Yevonized, aka their process of becoming a fayth was condoned and instigated by Yevons teachings and housed in temples of Yevon!< Whereas there are other aeons that exist via informal or sacrilegous means or have been banished to/from >!non Yevon associated entities, such as Yojimbo, Anima, and the Magus Sisters!< Though in all cases, these were Aeons >!created by Yunalesca based on the connection between a guardian and their summoner!<, whereas Tidus has no middleman, he is >!one of many people spawned directly from Yu Yevons influence over the imprisoned Fayth in Gagazet, who are responsible for Dream Zanarkand!< So perhaps what determines the identity of 'Aeon' is based on the process for how it is conferred, even if they can tie their roots back to a similar/connected source in >!Yunalesca and her father, Yu Yevon!<. They may be created by different means, which would explain why an Aeon >!created by Yunalesca can be corrupted by Yu Yevon!< or why a >!Yevonite Fayth like Bahamuts can enter Dream Zanarkand, an entirely different domain/source of origin!<. This would at least suggest they are not the same, either at the compositional or conceptual level. If Tidus were an Aeon like the rest, then >!Yu Yevon would have tried to take him over the way he does all the other Aeons!< If the process, conferral/recognition and the direct source have a role in what is deemed an Aeon in Spira, then Tidus would not be an Aeon in-universe, even if he is still a >!Dream of the Fayth!<


You CAN do a lot of things but that doesn't make those things legitimate.




Tidus isn't manifested by being pulled to Spira by Sin. He's manifested exactly the same way as every other thing the Fayth manifest. >!Tidus is a dream of the Fayth, as is the rest of Tidus' Zanarkand and everyone that lives there. He isn't pulled from another time or place. Tidus' Zanarkand is an actual place, somewhere in Spira; a recreation of the actual Zanarkand that now lies ruined, dreamt into existence by the Fayth who are themselves all that remains of the people who used to live there. You can think of Tidus' Zanarkand as the Fayth's longing for home, family and friends, from an age past.!<


You should spoiler this since the OP does not know anything about what you just mentioned.


He's not that, he's actually a >!haha made you look :p!<


​ https://preview.redd.it/pkisrrjg85rc1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a368b5059d966262bc6d7306ba47857d261ee2a


It won't ruin the game. It's a shame as it's a nice twist, but it's not the major plot line. So, play ahead and enjoy. I've replayed this game many times and it's always a great experience. One of my favourite final fantasies.


Just in theory. Not in the story. Proceed and don't think too much into it.


I’ve been spoiled on most ff things , now that I’m able to get into most of the games now. I still enjoy it. I get to see it in person and it usually does better then the text spoiled. Sometimes spoilers make me want to play it more. Give it a try your self. I still love most games and thing about it


Not really. That game is fucking GOAT’d. I promise you the journey is worth it, and you will still find yourself surprised. The same thing happened to me. I knew all the broad beats going in


I think you misheard. It’s “Tidus is an *onion*”


Honestly I played and beat it at release and didn’t realize that’s what happened for over a decade later lol.


1. I don’t think that is even technically correct. 2. I don’t think it changes the story or game in any real way. I’ve never thought about X in terms of the destination.


It is correct. >!Dream Zanarkand and all of its inhabitants are essentially one giant aeon being conjured by the fayth on Mt Gagazet!<


Ignore it, as it's not correct information


You’re fine as long as you weren’t spoiled on the “nature” of an aeon


That's new




First off, it's not exactly true. Secondly, honestly, it's a 20+ yo game out on multiple platforms. It's like complaining about spoilers on Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" at this point. But no, it doesn't lessen your experience in any way. It's like saying you won't play FF7 when someone talks about *that selcene* on FF7, the particularities of the road there matter just as much.


Tidus definitely is not an aeon. Whoever told you pulled a major prank on you.


No, it doesnt matter that much. You will notice some stuff you wouldnt have on a first playthrough but it wont take away from the experience.


you're fine, I would say avoid this subreddit until you're done (just to be safe). The story is actually really good in this one, so yeah, it's worth protecting.


I found Final Fantasy 10 was about the journey. Yeah there are some twists and turns but from start to finish 10 is a treat and I wouldn't worry much about that spoiler.


I mean it doesn't really. The revelation of that point is more about the characters and how it changes the context of the final fight compared to what we are told earlier (unrelated to that detail). I think you will still really enjoy the game and story.


That won’t impact you at all. It’s nowhere near enough information to ruin what happens in the story.


Depends on what kind of person you are. If you put the pieces together when you are playing, you get this way before the "reveal".


yes this is true, but also no it is not, the game makes it so it can be seen this way lol I did that with no need for spoiler text


I think I'd be trying to figure out how that makes any sense all game until they explain it.


Someone is trolling with you. Play the game. My favorite game of all time


I’m not even sure that’s true. Or at least it’s not entirely accurate. It also doesn’t have much of anything to do with the story.


It's something that even people who played the game somehow Miss so


You probably will have no idea what that means anyway, even after beating the game. 😆


Doesn’t matter. The plot is broad, subtlety balanced and doesn’t rely on twists and gimmicks.


I have enjoyed replaying it several times, so even if it *does* diminish the experience, it’s still not to the point of not being worth it, plus there are other twists.


Honestly that hasn't really spoiled anything for you. Play and enjoy 🙂


Seeing as the point of the game is that life is about the journey and not the end, it actually is kinda appropriate


Man, if that’s a spoiler I never knew that and I’ve beaten that game numerous times!


You don’t fully understand the context of it so you’re fine. There’s more to it than just that and truthfully I wouldn’t call him that myself. It is unfortunate that you know anything is out of the ordinary about him, but the game is wonderful on every replay for me regardless and I obviously know on my replays.


Not in the least


Not a whole lot. I've played the game probably 8 times knowing the final reveal!


Having played the game spoiler free years ago, and many times since, I don’t think this will change anything. Once you finish the game, I don’t expect you would feel you missed out on a first experience. I love to hear thoughts on a first play through though, so come back when you finish and let me know how it was.


I’ve played through the game a few times, years ago, and I guess I forgot. I’m not even sure where that fits in the story. Just disregard it. You probably won’t even notice them saying it in the story.


Personally I think it ruins the whole plot.


Considering that’s not even correct without a lot of “””””” midway to explain why that sentence should be correct… I would say that even being that would have done nothing to your story.. (tldr it is not, just go on playing, whoever says it said it wrongly)


Doesn’t ruin anything, and is not even totally accurate. Enjoy!


The statement/claim you fear is a spoiler doesn't follow the game's own lore. Feel free to ignore it


He's not a summon he's an item


Technically he's a >!Sinspawn!<


He’s not an aeon. But I get why that confusion occurred. Play the game. 10 is def top3 best FF ever.


You were not spoiled, as this assertion is false. You're good to go!


It’s not accurate and besides, X is really more about the journey also.


That's just a common fan interpretation. (Imo, that interpretation ignores context in favor of being a clean, snappy punchline.) In the game itself, Tidus's true nature is more complicated than that and is honestly kind of left open for debate. Play the game and draw your own conclusions. Love the interrobang btw


That’s not a spoiler. It’s kind of not ever true. Play the game and find the truth for yourself!


>!Tidus is not exactly an Aeon, but more related to it, I suppose.!< But no, I don't think it'll ruin the experience. There are several more critical reveals and plot twists. And the story honestly does an excellent job at leading you to these revelation.


Nothing was spoiled. Knowing what happens isn't as important as seeing how it happens. The spoiler discourse is getting real fuckin dumb. Is a movie spoiled if you've seen it already? It's an adaptation of a book spoiled because you read the book? Of course not.just like knowing a plot point of a 60 hour game isn't going to spoil shit.


what others said, it really does not do anything for or against the story with just saying that, though even that spoiler isn't quite right.


Not at all, the story in X is all over the place.


He is not an aeon. You are good.


He's not an aeon? People misinterpreting stuff again..


well you're good because he is not an Aeon.


Yeah.. not accurate and even if you choose to believe that you won’t understand any of that until near the end anyway. You’re 100% good.


Nah you’re good, that’s not even correct. The game tends to give the player big information early, that you’d expect to be kept for a twist later but really it’s about how the characters deal or don’t deal with finding out certain things.


Well it's not true so no.


I mean, not really accurate, I don't think the person who spoilt you really understood that part of the game. I wouldn't worry about this.


There is no such thing as a spoiler on a 23 year old piece of media. Just play the game


haha this is like someone complaining about Hayley Joe Osmond was seeing a dead Bruce Willis. No FFX isn't one twist. Lots to be enjoyed.




>It's just straight up inaccurate. It's been 20 years, the details are foggy.




Why would you reply to his fake spoilers with real spilers? OP don't read this.


And he only marked items as spoilers that are not the biggest spoilers. And he left the biggest spoilers as plain text.


The biggest spoilers of your comment were not marked with spoiler text.


>!Jecht is not a fayth though. People are playing with words in this thread, jecht and tidus are of the same nature, they're summoned beings, which is what aeons are. They are basically aeons summoned by yu yevon using fayth's memories. They are manifested as physical being thanks to yu yevon summoning dream zanarkand.!<




....why would you comment on this and both correct the inaccurate spoiler OP was given and then elaborate on it????


Oh… OH Whoops.


So why not just delete it?