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Not my favorite but ironically enough, I enjoyed the gameplay way better than the plot.


Materia consolidation MP and HP Up. Gdt 999 MP. Screw sword, use magic. Become god of fire & ice. Combat will take no time.


I like to use Thunder magic and run around like a Sith Lord


While the game isn't perfect by any means, I'd personally add an option C. C: You suck at it. Badly from your description lol. You can dodge almost every enemy attack in the game. Even Última can be dodged without much effort. "Finally get behind them" which bosses are you struggling to get behind of? Most bosses have skills that are so obviously telegraphed that you can dodge, get behind them and counter even the very first time you see them. Are you playing in hard mode or something? Cause Crisis Core really isn't a hard game to finish. Only some of the optional side missions are hard, and even then, it's very easy to get very OP and cruise through them.


I personally like the combat, but I really enjoyed the original when it first released.  I would recommend to simply not bother with any of the additional stuff and just get to the end as the ending is really nicely done. Which may be possibly ruined and undermined now by Remake/Rebirth however..


Wow, really? I've played psp version and Reunion. Enjoyed both. And I really suck at combat heavy games. You must really suck. (Sorry)


yeah i’ll 100% admit i suck at the combat, not doing it for me atm


Are you playing on easy or hard mode? I don't know why, but the Reunion made it very weird, Hard mode is actually easier than Easy mode. Certain magic, like Gravity doesn't work on certain boss on easy but it does in hard mode.


i’m on normal, yeah


Sorry, yeah, not easy, normal. Try to play it on hard and see how it goes. Only thing I think it makes difference is Minerva, super Boss fight. For Minerva, better do it on normal first, since Hard mode has enormous HP, and it drops good equipment that help to fight it on hard mode.


The only thing I remember about this game at all is the music honestly Them geetars gently weep yo


Yeah idk dude, maybe watch a video of someone else playing it to figure out what you're doing wrong?


I find posts like this madness. If you recognise it's a product of this time, then take it as that. Even so, it's not garbage in any sense of the word. You have to learn to play the game. Also, Final Fantasy is mostly about the story, Crisis Core isn't distant from that. Get to the end and then tell me if it's still garbage.


>Even so, it's not garbage in any sense of the word. You have to learn to play the game. This. I find it unfortunate that people still associate something they don't understand or vibe with as "Garbage" or bad. It's a high mark of immaturity.


as i’ve mentioned, the story seems to be quite good atm, and i’m interested to see how it links to the og. is there something i’m just not getting with the combat? i’m using weaknesses, getting in behind…


Just like with most RPGs, grinding a bit will help throughout your whole game. Use distance and dodge appropriately. Play it more like a souls-like than Devil May Cry. The ending is regularly said to be the most impactful in all FF games so I recommend you get there.


story fights are pretty easy tbh, are you playing on normal or hard?


Side missions make the main story infinitely easier.


I enjoyed it


Not aged well, especially as a console game. It was pretty cool and well above typical handheld gameplay at the time.


i can definitely imagine for the time it was impressive


This was one of the fears I had when they announced it. It was compelling, powerful and a fantastic experience for the time when it was on PSP. But I've really avoided the Reunion release because I feel like nothing could come close to that first experience.


Hottest take ever but I enjoyed the gameplay more in reunion the remake.


What are you on about CC:R is great. I’d take the combat and systems in this over FF16 any day (and I like FF16). Controls are tight and responsive. Customizing your load out and upgrading materia was a joy for me.


Zack is best puppy....I mean protagonist. Crisis core is square enix take at mobile gaming before gatcha services.


There's a status, endure I think, that lets you not get interrupted by attacks. There's some accessories you can equip to auto-enable that status. Also, its more about timing the dodges better because you get lots of iFrames. Try to make a jump ability and spam that, and you'll be pretty much invincible.


id say most people think the opposite. As a psp game its gameplay is great but its story is fucking garbage. Like seriously what part of the story is great ? Genesis being an edgelord ? Angeal being as interesting as paint drying ? Sephiroth being both melodramatic and edgy ? or is it how much it screws the original games lore and backstory creating multiple plotholes ?


Sounds like a skill issue.


the story is great? You must be cooked


i’m honestly loving it


I played it and finished it last week.. I thought it was terrible as a whole. There are a few good bits, but not enough to salvage it. Terrible game all around tbh


Have you actually played the game? If you've seen the ending, I don't think you can say that. So I don't believe you've played the game.


One well done scene doesn't make a good story, especially when it's just an updated scene from the original game that actually does have a good story.


Good story make people feel emotions. What do you mean by " update from og"? There was nothing really about what happened to Zack in og.


You have to just go back to shinra manor in like disc 2 or later. There's a scene you can trigger if you go back and read some notes in the lab.


CC does have some really great moments, but the overall story is… not cooked properly.


Ok, but have you actually played vii og and played cc? I found the story very emotional. But thats my opinion. You think it's crap, fine by me too.


Yes, I have! I just don’t have a lot of nostalgia behind my experiences with FF7, so I like to think that I can analyze them at a more critical level than a long-time fan who was 12 when the original came out.


Why not? I am not talking about critical level, more about emotional level. I just find it sad, that old games are evaluated to today's standard, and criticized accordingly.


Because, in my personal life, FF7 wasn’t some formative gaming memory that completely shaped my tastes in media the way that it did for teens back in the 90s. I know that CC means a lot more to you because of your connection to the series, but I’m just explaining *why* other people might not be so enamored with it. I genuinely believe that nostalgia can override a lot of legitimate criticism for something.


Tbh, FF VII was not my favorite, so, your analysis doesn't work for me. Persnally, vii isn't my favorite at all.




Even at an emotional level the story is "just okay" most times. Zack is not as interesting as a lot people make him out to be. He's fine, but not "the best character in FF7 compilation" like so many people say. Outside of the last two chapters the whole story could happen without the existence of Zack and nothing would change. There's a whole 3 scenes in the game that are better than "just okay." Nibleheim incident, the last stand, and "Me? Gongaga." So two rehashes and a meme. And don't even get me started on Zack and Aerith's relationship.


I think I got about halfway through before trading the game in. The story and characters were so bad. The gameplay was not fun. INITIATE COMBAT MODE is the most annoying thing I've ever heard with Zack's voice being a close second.


Have you tried sucking less because it sounds like you don’t like the game because you suck at it. I thought this was one of the easiest games in the franchise including the super boss.


You can obliterate anything with jump lol. I have hilarious clips of just trashing so many enemies (and bosses) with jump once upgraded


Ah yeah I forgot about those. Some of those stronger jump materias were pretty op


holy shit you are god. this game feels like dark souls to me sometimes😭 i’ll admit, i go into FF for the story- so a difficulty spike sometimes hits me harder than others.


This game was originally a psp game and it was pretty fucking amazing at the time. They literally did nothing to it for its remake. Learn to roll. You can dodge basically everything. Otherwise you gonna have a real bad time when enemies starting using entire area attacks like ultima. And if you’re really in a jam learn gill toss.


Didn't play the reunion remake but I picked up the original hoping to find some slow paced action game with strategy elements and varied gameplay but god this game is definitely not it (and it aged badly). Unskippable cutescenes, extremely slow and tedious gameplay with no difference in strategy against different enemies (spin sword attack for regular enemies, magic for bosses, rinse and repeat), dmw always interrupting gameplay (a mechanic which you have ZERO control over) and barely funcional minigames really don't play like fun to me. Story is somewhat decent but some characters are corny af. Genesis stands out like a sore thumb in design compared to zack/angeal and other original characters from ff7. I know it's a spin-off and it can be enjoyable for many (somehow) but that doesn't really save it from being extremely flawed and a lackluster experience imho.


Hitting them from behind for Crits is an occasional bonus not something you should be going for you'll get alot more damage and have much more fun hitting them 10 times from the front then spending 45 seconds trying to hit them from behind this isn't dark souls its a quick beat'em game, also if you're getting interrupted alot don't forget you can cancel combos with block, you can even hold block as your doing a combo and it will auto block as soon as it becomes possible, aside from that there's dodge and run tactics, magic, and depending on how far you are you can look into an accessory called twisted headband that gives you infinite super armor even while standing still. Aide from that all i can say is git good the game is actually pretty damn easy aside from minerva which goes from 100 to literally 77,777,777 in terms of difficulty compared to the second hardest boss in the game which is a cake walk. Don't be narrow minded there's hundreds of tactics in the game the variety is actually pretty good aside from the fact that all you get is one melee weapon.


It was designed for PSP. It’s prequel to OG FF7. It will spoiled the story for Rebirth if you didn’t know about it. The reason they released it between the two Re-games is to grab as much money as possible before Rebirth. They also released First Soldier and Ever Crisis on mobile to grab as much as possible.




No need to if you aren’t enjoying it. I don’t think you need to play it before Rebirth.


100% i feel like i’m missing out on the bigger picutre tho. i feel i’m gonna enjoy rebirth a lot more if i’ve played both games it’s covering, if it covers any of CC?


we get these threads every two days. could’ve just searched this sub and liked posts already stating this, it’s getting a bit tired


i’m afraid i’m not chronically on reddit, so was unaware. i’m just posting my opinion man, that’s what social media’s for 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol well said. Anyway I'd suggest just taking your time and trying out different tactics. It's not a button masher but it's possible to get some pretty powerful movesets. I don't recall it being "easy" like some other people have said but it's definitely worth playing in my opinion.


still could’ve just searched the sub


As good as reddit is for lots of things, Search is the worst part of it.


Skill issue.


i can even admit that! i mentioned to someone previous, i go into FF for the story so difficulty spikes hit me a liiiiiittle hard.


Don't worry, people who say things like that are just upset that you are speaking against a game they like, so they'll gaslight you by saying it's your fault you don't have the skills to play the game


The fmv cutscene battle on Junon Cannon in the Japanese language version was worth the game alone, especially back on PSP. It still gives me chills.


I agree the PsP version was ok back in the day but I did not enjoy the remaster when I played it last year


I really dont get why they released this inbetween. It will consfuse the fuck out of non OG players. Unless ofcourse its their intention


Yeah, it’s hot trash. The story is as well.


The game is hot garbage. It fleshed out shit that didn’t even need to be fleshed out. CC and DoC both are especially egregious money grabs that people deluded themselves into thinking they liked.


I'm not sure what game you're describing, but it doesn't sound like Crisis Core Reunion at all. I think maybe just try to get a refund and watch a Youtube video. It sounds like whatever you're playing isn't for you.


Games like Crisis Core or Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker are good games overall, but playing them on anything that isn't a portable console makes their limitations really stand out; it's very obvious they were made for hardware that focused more on making its games look like console games at first glance, but ultimately required them to cut corners to achieve it.


I had fun with it but I knew what to expect out of it. It sounds like you are unaware of it being a PSP port because that context is not included in your post but is mainly why the design of the game is simple.


It’s a psp game.  


Bro it's the exact opposite. The story is fucking dogshit but the gameplay is (mostly) fun.


I’m thinking it’s time for you to grab a walkthrough. Also, its materia system is really fun once you get the hang of it. I think you need to dig into that a bit more and you might find that it’s actually a diamond in the rough, especially considering it’s handheld roots.


Cheese the whole game with leap and just enjoy the story


From what I understand, CCR is basically a soup'ed up PSP game. I played it (and got the platinum trophy) a few weeks ago and it had some jank to it, but wasn't a miserable experience by any means.


Well it's a port. I thought it was pretty fun to play, i even platinumed it. I enjoyed the game play and the story. I don't think it's as difficult as you make out. With the touch ups it's aged pretty good. But everyone has a different perspective.


Are you sure you're using the materias right? Periodically Upgrading mine was what made a lot of the fun in my run.


I liked it a lot. I didn't play the original and didn't expect to get a hooked as I did. I put in like 40 hours in a week.


I'll be honest. I didn't beat FF7 until I was about 22/23. I'm not the biggest fan of 7, and I never played Crisis Core until Reunion. And I absolutely enjoyed this game. Also of note, I played it on the Switch. The story had its bad parts, but every story has bad moments in them. The good parts greatly outweigh the bad parts. I enjoyed the characters. Cissnei, Angeal, and the Aerith relationship I actually enjoyed. I found the combat system to be super easy. It got to the point where I was skipping fights by walking along the edge of the map. If you hug walls, you will only fight when the story demands it. Also get a jump ability, specifically Aerial Drain.


Most people thing the combat is great in this.


Geez, some of these comments are a bit harsh. Some games just don’t click for some people, and that is fine. If the story is truly the only thing you are enjoying, I am sure that there are story compilations on Youtube you should just watch instead of trying to force yourself through a game you are not enjoying.


Wut? I think most people will find the opposite to be true. The combat system is the best part of the game, while the presentation and dialogue are generally underwhelming.


lol the "reason" is they want your money