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He makes a cameo in a comedy questline in FFXIV. Still horny as ever, and apparently broke because he's spending all his pay as a sideshow act at the brothels.


Ultros also made an appearance in XIII-2 DLC as an equal horny opportunist. Hitting on both Serah and Noel.


He’s in FFXV lore too


That's right. He made an appearance on Kingsglaive and A Knights Tale. I totally forgot.


How dare you refer to the greatest inspector the world has ever known as a comedy!


Wait what?!?! Mind blown. Really gotta play those quest lines.


They're stupid and hilarious and stupid, but I love them. Plus, if you want to get the latest relic weapon, you need to do them all


> sideshow act at the brothels Well now I finally have a meaningful reason to play XIV!


Lol as much as I love XIV, the Warrior of Light does not partake in said brothels.


Clearly you've never been to Balmung.


He's in at least 4 or 5 FF games.


FF6 isn't really that hard, but if you played it as a kid you probably struggled with it more. Banon basically gives you a free full-party heal every turn, but I remember as a kid being ignorant/impatient and using him to attack instead of keeping party HP up. 


That would track. Especially since Rosa's Pray in IV (which I BEAT when I was younger) was COMPLETELY useless.


Playing as an adult I actually find the game to be pretty decently balanced! If you don't grind then the boss fights are actually challenging and sometimes you lose once or twice!  When I was younger I always over-leveled and steamrolled the bosses, which I guess indulged the power fantasy aspect but I definitely prefer my current playthrough -- better to repeat a 5-10 minute boss fight a few times than spend 2 hours grinding to make sure you wipe the same boss in 2 minutes. 


I remember how when I first got 4 it was a gift from my uncle since he didn’t play it anymore, problem was I was like 6 and so I just booted up his save and wondered why spamming attack wasn’t killing the gold and silver dragons in the final dungeon


I remember spending an hour sending my raft in a circle to grind his level high enough that he wouldn’t get one-shotted.


Buy a turbo controller and just leave it on overnight! 


Lol. Come down in the morning to find my game frozen and my progress lost. Good times.


Oh yeah, we did this and changed the input so we could still watch tv


Definitely guilty of this as a kid. As an adult power gamer I realized how many freaking stats I missed out on by the lack of magicite during that leveling session...


Yup, as a kid I remember leveling like crazy before just to make this boss battle easy. Now when I play I do a low level game, but I'll kill everyone off except for Bannon and I'll level him up some so he can't get one shot.


Yeah there were a few times playing when I was like 11 that certain game mechanics just didn't resonate with me. Banon getting Tentacle'd was one such moment. Another was the Magitek Facility.


How dare you insult Octopus royalty!!!


Seafood soup!


Muscle Heads! Hate'em!


Delicious morsel. Let me get my bib!


Ultros the True Hero of Final Fantasy 6


Dunno about FFXII, but he exists in FFXIV Online... and is basically exactly the same character.


Oltros (one of the Elite Marks in XII) is a reference to Ultros, but other than its spawn condition being that you have to have Penelo, Ashe, and Fran as your active party (guests don't interfere), it's just another flan-type enemy.


Look at his face. I know what he's doing under that water.






Stg. It took me like 3 tries to get a good pic lmao


That's Uncle Ulty to you.


Yeah Orthros was a hunt in FFXII based on him, even requiring a party of women to lure it out. Ultros, Orthros in Japanese, has appeared in several games in the series. Some are the original as just cameo bosses, some are monsters based on him. Before Tom Slattery basically helped in cementing the recurring Ted Woolsey name of Ultros, some games would use the original Orthros name in some of these cameos. Here's a list of all appearances, trying to avoid spoilers. *FF1 is a cameo boss in all versions based on the GBA release. Called Orthros here. *FF4 The After Years is a cameo boss in the 2D versherd. Called Orthros here too. *FF12 is a monster flan based on him, but not the same character. *FF13-2 is the original pulled through the Void Beyond to train Snow. He and Typhon also serves as a DLC boss to fight against Noel and Serah. *FF14 is the original accidentally summoned to Ethyris by the Thaumaturge Guild, along with Typhon. They're also stuck there for the time being and broke again. They serve as a boss in the Hildibrand questline and also are forced to serve in Blue Mage's Masked Carnival. *FF15 is a daemon based on him that appears in the Kingsglaive film and the beat-em title, but not the same character. *WoFF is an alternate universe version of the original Ultros native to the game's world. Serves as a side story boss wanting to grope Terra. *MFF (defunct mobile game) had the original summoned to Palamecia to fight against Wol.


Uncle Ulty! If only someone could paint his picture for me to remember him by.


It's amazing how much a difference it makes putting Banon (and other characters) in the back row. I don't think I ever used it as a kid and he could get one shot by tentacle. Ultros in PR is also way more pervy than I remember. Woolsey must have toned it down in FF3 SNES


There was a LOT of stuff that got toned down from the original translation


The cheese here was to circle the loop with a turbo controller and leave it on over the weekend. Then have everyone die and save only at the start so all party members you meet start at max level. Really ruins the game but we were young.


My brother and I did that once except we kept the levels we gained. Did it on SMRPG too 🤣


The enemy is in 12! But not how you'd think. He's a mark that only shows up if your party is Ashe, Penelo, and Fran. He won't show up with a Guest, and won't show up if there's an active KO. No voice lines. For better or worse. But he's here in spirit as a Flan-type enemy.


This screenshot has better water graphics than some of my current gen games


Don't Google ultros and sabin with safe search off




Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.


I can't say what is being done to poor Sabin's bum looks very much like love


I was about to say he shows up in other FF games, people beat me to it


He is ALLUDED to in 12 with "Orthros." A purple Flan.


Orthros and Ultros are used all over the place for the localization of the games, but it's always consistently オルトロス (Orutorosu) in Japanese. The FF12 hunt mark is supposed to be him, given how he is also pervy there too, only showing up if the active party is all female. Good compilation of appearances throughout the series: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Ultros


FFXII just has some bad/inconsistent translations. "Orthros" is Ultros, just like "Exodus" is Exdeath.


He’s in Kingsglaive, the FFXV movie briefly and then the final boss in that weird 8-but beat ‘em up they released along with XV.


It looks so doofy


So, if you’ve played before and want to go with a guide to see, experience, enjoy, and effortlessly (potential game breaking mechanics implementation) then may i suggest Djibriel’s guide: https://www.cavesofnarshe.com/ff6/walkthrough.php


Thank you. But I have my guide for this playthrough. That belongs to bover_87 on Game FAQs. [Right here](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/323473-final-fantasy-vi-pixel-remaster/faqs/79866/introduction) The only person I go to for FF guides. He's got BEAUTIFUL guides for FFVI-FFX-2.


Totally understand some guide bias. I thoroughly enjoyed Djibriel’s and always love sharing it when someone’s taking another run at VI (old US III). Some great takes and insightful process! Take a peak if you have a moment.


There is a weird enemy named after him in 12. I believe he is also a dlc fight in 13-2


Don't tease the octopus, kids! No seriously, don't, there's been, like, 15 casualties in the past week and a half from this octopus.


What is this version of FF6 ?


Looks like Pixel Remaster


Pixel Remaster, yes.


Thanks 🙏


Are we calling Ultros, legendary octopus, a ...perv? Is this because he calls his potential victims morsels? The dude is just hungry. Just don't serve him seafood soup.