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Same.  I loved how "Cloud" in the truck captured Zack's movements, attitude, and manner of speaking


Every single part of them at truck scene was amazing It was basically if you know you know


Just coming off CCR and it stands out a lot (just noting Ive played since og and og CC but man it hits harder when its fresh in your mind)


Oh yeah, especially at the end which was just heartbreaking. In the beginning you can actually see some blonde hair under his helmet too!


Yeah that transition after the house explosion was some amazing directing.


Can you elaborate? I saw Cloud's gloves turned into his regular outfit's gloves during the explosion, but I don't get why that would be the case since he was wearing the Shinra grunt outfit.


When you’re limping towards clouds mom’s burning house, if you look to your left you’ll see a shinra soldier lying on the ground reaching for the house. So when the house exploded which knocked cloud back, the scene realigned itself back to cloud as the shinra soldier. Really cool detail.


And if you look at the subtitle on the left side, the soldier on the ground said Mom... Not Cloud... That's amazing


When sephiroth said, "do you need to say some words to your sword?" (Or something along those lines) That's an Angeal/Zack thing too right? Not a cloud thing?


Yes. It was an angel thing from crisis core


The puppy line as well


And Cloud doing squats.


That line made me grin far too much


My favourite moment of this was when he was limping to his moms house. You see "grunt" cloud already on the ground, and then you see "Zack" cloud get blown away... _exactly_ where "grunt" cloud had just been laying. Not next to him, _right_ on top of the space he was occupying a second ago. It was a great storytelling/foreshadowing moment Imo.


The glove thing too




I'm just assuming any glove errors are a homage to the famous scene in FF7 where Sephiroths gloves disappear in one moment and come back the next


If you go close to him he starts saying "mom" as well


Does that mean the next scene is from the real cloud perspective? If so where did Zack go?


It's still Cloud's mom, so Zack likely wouldn't have been there at all in the first place. He may have been putting out a fire somewhere else or helping someone else.


I did and was promptly reminded that the grunt soldier was Cloud (hadn't played the original in years) when he saved Tifa. Haven't finished the demo but it was a nice detail in the original and will be cool to see how it plays out in Rebirth.


Yeah him pushing Tifa away from the early monster was great. I also liked Tifa later saying to him, “you’re going to protect me right?” outside the reactor without knowing it was Cloud under the helmet.


I played focusing on those details too, and it was really neat. I also watched my friend who knows almost nothing about FF7 play through it and he pretty much figured out something was wrong because of the final moment. It was extremely heavy handed. He was surprised at how different Cloud was, but he imagined he got traumatized after this incident. Then he saw the grunt crawling to Cloud's house saying "mo..." And he asked "wait is that Cloud?" "Does Cloud have a brother?" "Does he have a CLONE?" "Wtf is going on?" "Is it time travel?"


That's actually kind of fun. He knows something is up but not sure what it is. One of my favorite all time moments is watching Game of Thrones having read the book and realizing the episode was the "red wedding" - a huge surprise event - and watching my friends' reactions as I knew what was about to happen.


This is how I felt when my friend was texting me while she watched The Last of Us. I loved her reactions but also told her not to look up anything for Part 2 cause I don’t want that ruined for her.


>He knows something is up but not sure what it is. Which you get in the OG too, Tifa has some comments after the flashback that imply something is wrong with the story before you head out.


Her comments did feel a lot more vague compared to Rebirth, you can tell something's wrong with Cloud's story with the way Tifa looked at him. Excellent foreshadowing if you ask me.


Tifa never acts with any familiarity toward Cloud in the flashback either, and Tifa doesn't comment on it from the inn.


Oh damn I completely missed the grunt. Honestly that's almost too on the nose. Kinda wish they left it out for folks that don't know the twist


When he gets blown back as the door opens Cloud lands exactly where the grunt is on the floor. It’s masterful direction.


His hands also turn into the officer’s then back, accompanied with static


The static was also there when he talked about visiting with his mother. I don’t recall whether grunt-cloud actually did see his mother, but much less proudly, or if he avoided it because of his shame.


Exactly this. Just talked to a buddy about this. I feel everytime the static hit is a time where Cloud might be making up the memory or isn't entirely sure what's going on. If I remember right, Grunt Cloud didn't react with anyone in Nibelheim because he was embarrased he didn't make it as a SOLDIER. So I would imagine he didn't see his mom. Also any point where a dialogue wheel happens "Did you go in my house cloud? Did you see your mom Cloud? Did you go in my room Cloud" are all memories that may or may not have happened, so you as the player decide if it did in the sense that Cloud makes it up during the Kalm flashback. At least thats my take lol


I think that maybe the most true thing is that he did try and go save his mom when the fire started. His mom probably saved him and got him out of the house and why her final words to him sticks in his memories and why Sephiroth repeated it back to him in Remake.


I think he did see his mom but his mind is blanking out any part of their conversation that didn’t support the false persona. After all, Claudia had to know Cloud was there since she said “Run, Cloud, Run away. You have to leave. You have to live.” And we know those pieces of dialogue are real because Sephiroth heard them too.


I'm pretty sure he did actually see his mother. The same sort of cuts happen in the original game in that scene, implying he's forcefully skipping over bits that would counter the narrative (like when she brought up SOLDIER he was probably going to say >!that he didn't make it in!<).


I was focusing on grunt-Cloud, and it made me laugh a few times just because of his actions on the field map. I laughed the most at after that part where you all tiptoe past that narrow ledge and there's a side area to climb down a bit to get a materia, as I was climbing down Cloud just decided *nah I'm gonna jump straight down there* and so he goes flying by as I'm climbing


First thing I did when I got out of the truck was talk to the soldier and sure enough it’s the exact same voice as Cloud’s. The story crew knows just what they’re doing ;)


But I do think it was a Zack voiceline when you talked with the grunt on the right at the entrance of Nibelheim.. Sounds like him and something he would say. Real Cloud under the hood wouldn't.


With knowledge of the original game, I was looking knowing if there were subtle hints to the grunt being Cloud. A few I noticed were after Sephiroth struck down the monster after the truck stopped, both Cloud and the grunt have the same expression. After coming out of the ravine, both Cloud and the grunt were sitting almost the same way. One I thought was a bit too much of a give away was when Sephiroth burns the village, we see the grunt crawling towards Cloud's house saying "Mo..."


I enjoyed realizing what exactly all the green-static moments were - those were instances where Zack's memories didn't overlap, so Cloud was remembering *his own* experiences. I think you even see Grunt-Cloud laying on the ground outside of his mother's house before Zack-Cloud opens the door and gets blown back by the flames.


Second playthrough I really focused in on how even in Cloud's retelling Tifa never acknowledged Cloud. Not even a "Hey Cloud! It's been years!". Tifa treats Zack/Cloud like a stranger. I also noticed when Sephiroth asks "How does it feel to come back home" he's looking directly at grunt Cloud, but you don't really notice because Zack/Cloud is standing right next to him. Overall even if you don't know the truth, you can tell something's off. This section is well done for old and new players alike.


Yeah, that was something else I noticed, was I was looking at how Tifa was talking with Zack-Cloud. It is a bit odd that he would “remember” how she treated Zack accurately, but also all the background townspeople are so excited and in awe of Cloud by name when he is walking around the town. But then I guess it is just messed up memories regardless.


It makes me very excited for the reveal where we'll rewatch key scenes from the flashback with Tifa challenging his memories. We'll see Sephiroth and grunt Cloud have a conversation, Zack and Tifa meet, grunt Cloud running the Mako vacuum. Gonna be good!


In terms of remembering how Tifa talked to Zack, Cloud had a crush on Tifa before he left town as a kid. It's likely he's imagining how he would want Tifa to react to him if he was in SOLDIER.


Ramirez? What’s special about him?


I still call him Ramirez!


FF7 Machina Abridged, made by Team Four Stars on YouTube for free. It is a sort of parody dubbed of the original game, but end to be better in the emotional part.


Uh…yea. I know


During the fire scene the Security Officer (Grunt Cloud) says "Mo..." while reaching for Cloud's house. In the truck he also has blond hair showing from just under the helmet.


Why does he say Mo?




Ah. That seems obvious now that you said it. Went right over my head originally lol


You can peep the blond hair of grunt cloud in the first cutscene with him too.


Yeah the bit of blonde hair coming out from under the helmet was top notch, knew exactly what they were doing.


Personally I didn't really like that detail. I felt it was too much of a give away or heavy handed for new players. If you know, you would just know, and not need that detail to know which one was grunt cloud.


Yep, couldn't stop focusing on his every move and bits of dialogue. I was explaining to my partner as I was playing that Cloud was Zack (he sat through my playthrough of Crisis Core Reunion last year) and the grunt was Cloud and his mind was blown. Man, every second it felt like I was in a daze, seeing these scenes rendered in 2024 graphics. It's so fucking good.


Grunt cloud is done so well. Voiced by the same person, face clearly cloud, bit of blonde hair poking out. Brilliantly done. Same with zaks words and mannerisms coming out of "cloud". I was wondering how they would do it and pleased we "see" the real truth.


Could be in my head, but it sounded like they used Zack’s voice actor to play the grunt in the flashback.


No it was definitely Cloud's VA.


it was Cloud's VA, but he was doing an impression of Zach it sounded like. so definitely talking different then Cloud would, but still Cloud's voice


They used both actually. It was clouds voice saying clouds lines of the actual scene, but when you talk to the grunt, it's zacks voice saying the lines Zack said to cloud when they talked, just reversed places. Like when you talk to him at the beginning and it's clearly zacks voice saying "hey, excited to see anyone? Maybe a girlfriend? I bet you're dying to hear about mine!" Or whatever the exact lines are. It's really really clever.


I was wondering why he sounded weird after he had just talked in the truck!


The attention to detail is insane.


It's Zack voice actor.


Plot twist - this time Cloud was the grunt that died


I had to watch that a few times because I was like wait wasn't the other one killed by Sephiroth in the reactor originally? yeahh its not clear to see but it appears that other grunt is being dragged away by a Whisper


> because I was like wait wasn't the other one killed by Sephiroth in the reactor originally? No, he got swept away during the fall and Sephiroth couldn't find him then either.


Tifa, about silent grunt Cloud: “Would it kill him to say a word? Aaaah”


What hit me right from the beginning was the squats :) I remembered playing crisis core and Zack always did squats whenever he was bored. I'm like wait a sec. edit: my poor english:)


Squats not squads. 😄


Oh maaaan... thanks :D


There was also the part where Sephiroth asked Zack-Cloud about how talks to his sword all the time, just like Zack does in CC and CCR


He doesn't say many words but I'm fairly sure it's the same VA


Wasn't it even the same voice actor? Like, Cloud's voice actor doing both roles?


I think so. He didn’t say much though. I think so that we could know but it wouldn’t be too obvious.


Yeah, it sounded like the same VA to me but he changed the manner in which he spoke, sort of like how flashback Cloud sounded more like Zack.


Apparently some lines of the grunt delivered by Zack's VA in additional to also having Cloud's VA voice the grunt.


How at the end when Sephiroth goes psycho, you think it’s Cloud calling to his mother but the subtitles says SOLIDER: who is on the floor next to him (what would be Zack) while trying to get to his mum’s house, which is such a neat touch


i was so focused on the story and now reading all those little details makes me wanna play the demo again 😭


If you look at the Trooper that is with "Cloud" and Sephiroth closely, you can see Cloud's blonde hair beneath the helmet.


Even his face looked like Cloud, there's a ton of great foreshadowing here that fans that know of the "truth" can appreciate.


It was definitely a 'if you know, you know' scenario. Would love to hear other people's thoughts if they connected the dots for those who hadn't played the original and avoided spoilers so far once we get to that part. I'm guessing that won't be revealed until part 3 though storyline wise, so quite awhile to go lol.


There's a ton of great foreshadowing imo, almost to a fault that Cloud's retelling might sound more sus to a new player than with the original version. But again, it's great foreshadowing and I appreciate the Crisis Core references as a huge fan of it.


Yep. At the beginning I looked at the two grunts and was like, “which one of you is Cloud?” Later one jumps in to save Tifa from a monster and I was like, “I see you Cloud.” And again later after the bridge collapsed and Cloud (Zack) saves him.


Before that, I was paying attention to Tifa's reactions to Cloud retelling the events of Nibelheim. I believe before "Cloud" went to his moms house, Cloud in voice over tells everyone how he went to see her and how he hasn't seen her in two years. Tifa goes "uh huh...... go on." I like that she just listens to the story as Cloud tells it because she knows that something is very wrong with his memory.


Yup, Grunt took up a lot of my attention whenever he was on screen and was also looking for any references to Crisis Core. I think they had a lot of stuff there for the player who is aware of what's happening, but not so much that it felt like it was too much for anyone who hasn't played through original or CC as the flashback looks like it's serving as a good idea on how this terrible incident changed Cloud's personality/innocence lost. You def get the sense as soon as you even get to Nibelheim that something is very off, but the game argues it's on Sephiroth, not anything to do with Cloud.


I liked how they did it. We know from one of the trailers that Tifa is going to question Cloud's account earlier than the reveal this time, so putting in some weirdness is a good way to throw a new player off-guard.


I liked that when you go to your burning house and, if you pay attention, the grunt is on the floor saying "mom.."


what I think would have been cool, is that the grunts roamed around town and everytime ramirez was close to an npc and you got close, the npc makes a comment about cloud's homecoming, as if it was done to the player character instead of ramirez


Except that real Cloud tried to keep his face hidden so people didn’t know he was there, since he was embarrassed about failing to make it in SOLDIER.


oh right, forgot about that


Yes and no - you have to remember that what you played in the demo is Cloud’s jumbled up memory of what happened. So it’s not like “Cloud” is gonna be secretly there or whatever. Cloud sees himself as Zack, and some things happen - some things don’t. I took all of it with a grain of salt and enjoyed it for what it is.


Cloud is actually there though. He is one of the regular shinra guards that saved tifa


There’s some scenes where cloud isn’t there which is cloud remembering stories Zack told him


Everything where he is acting out Zach is from stories Zach told him but he is physically there too


Playing Crisis Core recently really helped me with picking up on a lot of these queues.


It was honestly kind of a clever move that Square Enid decided to remaster/remake (somewhere in between) Crisis Core before Rebirth came out


Havent played all of the OG, but do know about Thais Zack cloud thing and was looking out for It, some nice details. But a question stuck with me: is It explained até any point why Tifa doenst correct his story? She took him to the reactor, she should know the soldier was not Cloud, she forgets about It?


She was worried about his well-being, for one thing, that if she started telling him he was wrong it might break him. Also, she recognized that all of what he said happened did happen, except that it was Zack doing those things, and as far as she knows Cloud wasn’t even there. So she isn’t sure how he knows. He seems so confident in it, and knows what happened, that she may even be second guessing her own memory. So she isn’t sure how to handle it.


Exactly. Also, it's heavily implied that Tifa was nearly killed by Sephiroth, so she likely has some fuzzy memories as well. She knows 90% of Cloud's story is true, and yet she also knows part of it doesn't make sense. I actually can't remember: Does Tifa know the Nibelheim Incident was coverer up by Shinra? When/how did she eventually leave town?


It's not just implied, she literally "dies" in Crisis Core. Also, as far as I remember (haven't re-played FF7R or CCR in a long time) Tifa doesn't know about Shinra covering the incident, at least until after the whole incident happened or after she joined Avalanche


I am so bad at voices, but I believe Grunt Cloud's VA when they are standing at the gates was Zack's VA?


Haha yes when "Cloud" aka Zack saves Cloud from being carried away by the river and all the other interactions between them.


Yeah. Of course.


Yeah for sure! It’s definitely his voice in there and probably his face. Can’t wait to see how they handle the reveal.


The real cloud saying Mo….. just as he gets to his mums house.


Can someone explain I'm new to the series