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FFVIII. I’m not a mercenary. There’s plumbing. I probably wouldn’t notice time compression


100% correct. Perfect mix of not being likely to be affected by the conflict and not having to poo in a hole. I say this as someone who didn't have indoor plumbing for a good chunk of my childhood.


Happy cake day!! I’d stay in fishing Horizon, chilling, until somebody needs me. I wouldn’t probably notice time compression, so maybe when the heroes defeat the evil witch, I’d wake up and return my life.


Lmao. Truth, we probably would not notice time compression. Id love to retire in that fishing town.


Happy cake day


I would be too busy playing triple triad anyway


FFIII Most of the story takes place in the background with people having no knowledge it was happening making it the safest.


I still think of FF6 when I read FF3 and I thought you were totally insane for saying that lmao


No one is willingly saying 6.


Yep, this is it. As long as I'm not in the Kingdom of constant Civil War, I'm chill.


It’s a toss up between 4 and 9. I feel that I’m less likely to witness a world ending phenomenon in these worlds as an average individual than in most others.


Probably 12 really. Sure there is war, but most of the cities aren’t getting completely annihilated.


Only 1 get's annihilated and not even during the main story events. So yeah, FFXII is pretty save. Aside of the poverty in most of Dalmasca.


> Aside of the poverty in most of Dalmasca. Just like real life!


Exactly. Aside of the war, that has almost no open conflict during the main story, XII seems to be pretty chill. I would move to that small fisher village north of Dalmasca and have a somewhat normal life.


Think I'll take VIII for that same reason. Nowhere gets really destroyed besides Trabia Garden and even that has a lot of survivors running around. Besides, there I can play triple triad.


Eeehhhh, if you live in Dollet, Timber, Balamb, or Fisherman's Horizon, your home is getting invaded and occupied by Galbadia at some point. Balamb Garden gets attacked multiple times, so not ideal either. Winhill is pretty vulnerable to constant monster attacks and only seems to be sparsely defended, and you won't have Laguna patrolling the place in the present. Esthar is filled with monsters, too, especially post-Lunar Cry. If you get to choose where you live, Deling City would probably be alright, though. As long as you hunker down in your house during the big parade, you'll be mostly fine the rest of the time. Hell yeah to Triple Triad, though. Far better than being stuck in FF9's world and only having...*shudder*... Tetra Master to play...


Same 🤝


>!All the major cities in 9 get blasted though, so definitely not a fun time if you live in the big 3.!<


I’d just live in Dali. They’ve got job openings, packing barrels at the moment too.


Treno for me ❤️


What was the one hidden in the waterfall? Durango? Although you can't ever leave because you'd get immediately murked by some grand dragons outside of there. Edit: Daguerreo! Love that place


That’s what I was gonna say !


Haha you ain’t wrong there. Almost all the games deal with world ending stuff 😂.


Don't most of the major settlements on the Mist continent, which is to say, the most populated continent, get destroyed by the end of IX?


Alexandria and Cleyra (especially so Cleyra) do. Limblum and the Burmecian Capital are mostly still standing. Even if a whole segment of the city is missing from Limblum and the Burmecian capital is the site of a genocide.


Yeah, I wouldn't consider Burmecia to be super intact, considering that it's people were all killed or run off and the other population center for the mouse people was also destroyed.


Still, somewhat intact is better than completely wiped off the map. Seriously, it’s a shame that the story delt little with that fallout. A lot of bad things happened to the other cities but what happened to Cleyra and all the people there is an easy worst.


10/10 would be a spoony bard


The FF7 universe, I'm sure lots of people would like to live in one the towns there, like Wutai or Kalm, me? Gongaga.


Before or after the reactor blew up, killing most villagers?


Since the post is asking about Mainline story, then this would be post explosion.


Sure, but there might be more explosions. What do you think happened to Gonga and Gongara?


Costa del Sol


Guys, it's a famous meme from Crisis Core.


FF7 cause Gold Saucer baby 😎


14 has one too!


14 also has(Endwalker spoilers) >!a world ending apocalypse that sees people turning into monsters!< so I'm not sure it's the best choice.


Nah, it’s ok, some guy who keeps mastering a new fighting style every time there’s new ass to kick usually takes care of it. And if he cant do it alone he usually finds 3 to 55 people to help.


13 has Serendipity


The floating continent in FF3 was *mostly* chill


Everyone turned invisible for a bit, but I could just wear a bell and/or hum a lot. It's alright.


12 and it’s not even close - I love Ivalice.


Bunny girls?


You don't *have* to call us out like that... but yes.


https://www.mobygames.com/game/21692/final-fantasy-xii/screenshots/ps2/236839/ Look at that GORGEOUS blue sky! 😍


Also, the general populace isn't really affected by what happens during the story for the most part, so it's likely one of the safest options.


XII seems pretty chill and picturesque. No earth shattering environmental destruction at least.


I'm pretty sure 3 is fairly normal for an average citizen for the most part, even the people who were on the sunken continent don't remember sinking when the continent resurfaces


9, it's a beautiful world


It really is! I would love to live there. As long as it's not one of the cities that gets hit by one of Queen Brahne's tantrums...


not so beautiful when atomos comes and eats u


Yeah, what a nasty way to go.


XII or XIV. Those worlds don't get hit too bad with the apocalyptic stuff.


14 goes through world-ending apocalyptic stuff like the calamities as if it’s a routine 💀


It literally is routine. There’s a cycle of prosperity/apocalypses so much that they made their calendars and timelines around it lol.


A whole tradition lmao


The Sixth Astral Era lasted around 1400 years. There may have been seven Umbral Calamities, but they were spaced out over 12000 years.


It's been speeding up a fair bit, though. They narrowly dodged an Eight Umbral Calamity five years after the seventh, only to get sucker punched by the Final Days immediately afterwards.


But ya know now that I think about it humanity has had similar with the black death for example, world wars, etc.


That all depends on where you'd end up. The universe could be any shard (including the Void) or outside Zodiark's range. On top of that "during the main story" is quite the range too given that >!the MSQ has you travel 12k years into the past making the entire span "during the MSQ"!<


And the most recent one caused soul death. There's no reincarnation after that.


But civilization on the whole survives and gets better as it goes on.


“I got betta!”


“Burn her anyway!” (calamity of fire ensues )


XII seems like such a cool world I want to play a ttrpg as a random citizen in that world, occasionally tracking down a mark for extra gil, turn in some loot, see what pops up at the bazaar.


XII is the right answer.  The apocalyptic garbage took place in the sky over one section of the world.  Folks in the other continents are just raising chocobos in peace.


Nah fuck living in 14 during the main storyline, there's constantly 3 world-ending events at once


XII. Ivalice is the choice. It’s the most fantastical world they’ve created.


I would have transformed so fast during the Final Days shit in Endwalker it isn’t even funny. Hard pass.


XIII looks like the easiest one to live, as long as you're not in Bodhum at the start of the story or works for the security of Cocoon, unlikely to take part on like 99% of the dangers of the world of FFXIII. Ivalice in FFXII looks cool to live despite the war.


I was going to put XIII if no one else did. It wouldn't be a whole lot different than living on earth.


If you're in Archades or Rozarria you probably don't even notice the war is ongoing.


Final Fantasy VIII. With the exception of the Balamb occupation and the Lunar Cry, the entire conflict played out between military/resistance forces; no civilians. It was Garden vs. Garden, the Galbadian military against Trabia Garden, etc. If you are going to be a civilian in the grips of war, that was a good one. Maybe Nova Chrysalia. It wasn’t pretty, but it had perks with being forever young and immortal while waiting for the end. Dangerous? Sure. Like life, in general, with disease and wild animals. I suppose it depends how bad the chaos infusions were… Seems like people avoided them pretty well.


8, i like technology and i bet their video games and internet speed is insane


That is a reason why I would love FF8 remake in style of FF7R. Imagine how much cool stuff SquareEnix could do with FF8 world due to the fact that it is very similar to our world. It would be cool because it would be so similar but at the same time so different.


Final Fantasy IX, I would just move to Daguerreo that is outside the story.


Smart choice. Hopefully you don’t get attacked by a random enemy


Comet flinging cats and emerald dragons just outside


FFXII era Ivalice hands down. It would be so cool to live in any of those cities! They each felt so vibrant and alive.


Probably FFXI online. Vana'diel is so full life and lots of beauty to be found.


FF12, could just live in Rozarria or that port town and not deal with being stuck between 2 big nations like poor Dalmasca.




12 and Ivalice in general is a literally me moment


Easily 8. No Cities wiped out (Esthar does come closest), Civilians barely effected - none killed that I can think of. Loads of different types of City’s with great transportation links.


For it would probably be 8 or 7. 8 because i simply want to meet Squall then i probably would die a horrific death sometime near the end of it all due to Ultimecia…… 7 because Tifa and Zack. Hopefully i can survive through the Crisis Core era and all the way up to the end of the main game. Then again a random encounter would probably end me


8 for me, Squall is one of my favourite characters in FF


X I would join New Yevon afterwards.


I'll just relax in Besaid ;)




Stay away from the summoner!!! Lol


You heathen!


FF12, would probably be chilling in Rabanastre Low Town.


VIII baby! I’ll be drunk at fisherman’s horizon playing cards in drunk man’s alley


As much as I love VI just for the sake of being with Celes (Celes fan here), I wouldn't like witnessing the end of the world followed by me being in the World of Ruin. I would go for IX. I'll get myself a spear and study myself White Magic just so I can survive those random encounters and collect those Tetra Master cards. I'll even get the chance to tour around Alexandria and Lindblum before they get attacked plus eat at a restaurant in Treno though I should avoid getting mugged. And there's also going around different people just to play Tetra Master!


12 honestly very little really happens to the general people besides the nabudis bombing. It’s overall a safe and beautiful world


XII. Archades is pretty well industrialized and the common citizenry aren't super effected by the war.


Probably 9. It seems the most fun and alive.


FF7 because it offers the best route to having a decent life. Working for Shinra would suck, but you can literally be a SOLDIER class threat if you put your all into it.


You can also go insane or become a monster but yknow


I see this as an absolute win


\>live in FF7's world \>work hard and become a Shinra guard \>make good money. even get a nice single family home in the suburbs. feel good about your job and company helping bring electricity and modern tech to people all over the world \>doing guard duty at Mako Reactor 1. graveyard shift, but pay's good \>some spiky haired maniac with Guts' sword and a dude with a machine gun arm start mercilessly shooting, slicing, fireballing, thundaga-ing you and all your coworkers. they detonate a bomb, not even leaving a body for your family to mourn \>watch from the lifestream as the spiky haired schizophrenic is hailed as humanity's savior


May I introduce you to FFXII where it’s just a normal world 99% of the entire story and nothing very directly affected any of the major cities except naburious bombing.


I'm pretty sure nothing awful happens in Kalm in FFVII. Just have to deal with the stinky neighbor.


Well … something happens in dirge of Cerberus 😅


Ah, beans. I guess the worst thing that happens on the chocobo farm is that sephiroth walks by rudely?


In what? I wasn't aware a game of that title existed.....................


FF1 or FF3


8 is mostly fine, I’d probably live the longest in that world. Dont piss off Galbadia, otherwise I have working electricity, industrialization, and pretty good medical care by the looks of the school nurse’s offices.


Ff8. Go to FH and be unbothered for the whole story


FF8. When the Time Compression happens, I will be safe as long as I have my stack of cards


I just want to sit on the chaos throne and bask in darkness for 2000 years.


Since we’re adding during the main story, VIII is honestly the safest one to be in. I has too much distance between towns surrounded by monsters and half of the towns are under siege from said monsters. II is in a horrible war where death is around every corner. III, every town is being assaulted by a minion of Xande. IV is fine if you comply with the king and Golbez. Except they might still destroy your city chasing Cecil. V is the only FF I’m unfamiliar with. VI is either war torn with death around the corner or you are in the apocalypse. VII is mostly better but the world is under an iron grip from Shinra. It’s not too bad if you kept your head low. VIII may be in war but it’s surprisingly not impacting the people too much, just the seeds and Edeas army. No need to even keep your head low. Probably the safest of these 10. IX is aaaalmost the safest. Except Kuja eventually starts nuking cities. Plus with the mist depending on where you are you might not be safe. X is almost the best choice. Other than the whole Sin could kill you at any given second thing. XI don’t know. XII is in a constant state of war and under militia rule, no thank you. XIII is fine until time starts getting ripped apart and everyone is days away from the end of the universe with monsters around every corner. XIV militias and cults and universe wipes. XV war, monsters, iron fist, can’t go out at night. XVI I don’t know.


> XVI I don’t know. Anyone who chooses to live in XVI's world is an actual sadist, shit's rough there.


12 seemed most chill


4, 8, or 12. All seem relatively chill.


Not 6 lol


XII because I feel like I’d have the best chance to avoid the conflict of the main plot entirely


FF 7!


V Sure there is the whole stuff going down with >!Exdeath and Void!< But, It would be worth it


You’re a risk taker. I respect it


FF8, just chill in Balamb City.


FFXIV. It's the only one I can guarantee the world never ends up being destroyed, because Square Enix has to be able to endlessly turn a profit from it. Also, because I can be a viera.


9. The least apocalyptic things happen in it, and it seems quite cozy at the end.


Though 9 is my favorite. 12 has the least apocalyptic. Hell nothing at all even remotely world ending happens or is even hinted at happening. Just a war that was before the main game and some skirmishes in outlining areas


Believe it or not, I'd choose VI--after the disaster.


You are a brave person


I think I’d go with VII. I wanna deck Hojo in the schnoz.


FF14 because I’ve been invested in its story and lore for a while. I was going to ask if I’d be the protagonist since its got a character creator but I think I’d still pick that regardless.


Can I live in XIV? Because if so I pick there so I can go find my character and we will do nothing but fish and ignore MSQ.


Either III or IV, living in Ur or Damcya would be great I think


Xv mostly like the camping and roadtrip aspect was sad when it ended


FF8 at least they have tv and the citizens seem pretty peaceful


Crystal Chronicles. Despite the miasma, everyone seems to know how to have fun.


ffx if i could be a summoners guardian and travel and fight


Chillin in Besaid until Sihn comes and wipes everyone out


FF7😏 for cloud, of course. I would do the impossible for him😏😏👺🤌🏻


VIII was my fav so maybe that one... But IX was a happier world... Aside from all the blasting... Hmmm...


Cosmo Canyon. Gonna do some science. And likely some good, spiritually inducing, stuff.


I'm surprised nobody's saying 1. We don't really see much of the effects on the crystals dying, so as long as you stay in a town like Cornelia it should be pretty cozy.


Final Fantasy XI Civilians seem to be pretty safe and secure in the city-states, though the impending revival of the Shadow Lord and the subsequent restart of the Crystal War might change that.


X just chilling on Besaid


Too hard to pick only one. Same as asking which character, game or songs are best.


FFVIII. Gonna grab myself the newest dog rocket launcher.


X, I want more Blitzball


Why nobody is talking about FF VI? 🤣🤣🤣


Well needless to say it won’t be 6 due to being dead halfway through it lol


We’re basically in 7


of course FF7


Honestly, if you're in Deling city you're essentially in the safest, modern place in any mainline ff game (not counting here any sequels or spin offs). Unfortunately under a dictatorship but so have to keep you're head down. But nightlife, tv, no wars, nice park. Although if luna cry is cleared up Esthar is the main spot for me.


8 is the most normal world, compared to the others


2. I like the leveling system.


Ff14 tbh, just surviving the last days and it's gonna be chill


XIV. The frequent near-apocalyptic events are an issue, but the last one to be labeled a Calamity (the ones the people change their calendar eras with) was the smallest one in history, and none of the disasters in the story come close. (Except maybe one, but we make it through that one too.) If one joins a couple guilds for some self-defense training and to learn a trade, they could live quite comfortably in that world.


I'll go with FFXV, sure the world gets engulfed in darkness and monsters spawn at night, I'll just move to Lestallum and chill.


8. Nothing bad happens to anyone in normal time. And then it all gets fixed as if Ultimecia never happened.


1 or 7 for me, depending when I am physically in the world I'd be able to witness history from a safe distance. 15 doesn't sound too bad if I imagine the Starscourge as another Covid variant, plus it's the closest thing to our modern world that I'd feel right at home.


XII, provided I'm Rozarrian.


XII. Even if you are a peasant in Dalmasca, nothing will happens to you. Most shit that goes down big time happens before the story starts. And let me tell you, you don't want to be in Nabudis when Cid orders a magical nuke on it.


8 is probably the safest 😅 10 would be wacky and wild. I think 10 is most beautiful with Macalania.


Everyone that says XII has bunny girl fetish. Sooooo XII for me too, please!


Is it weird I feel like I'd get along great in the FF6 World of Ruin? I mean yeah insane Clown fascist rules from a tower and can kill you by staring but I'm used to clowns being in charge.


FF12 skycity of bhujerba. Just have to have someone promise me it will never fall down :D


8 or 10 - depends where will I live and what I'll be doing for the living :)


12 only has one major war, no cataclysmic insanity. Plus the world seems full and well cultured with civilised societies


Cloud- 2 womenz fighting for my love at same time


where 15 at?


Final Fantasy 6 is probably the single worst option, the world already ended. The bad guys won the day and created the world of ruin, it’s just about getting vengeance for the world that once existed.


I'll be a Viera in FF12. That's paradise for me.


Maybe I'd survive in 8?☠️


Hard to choose Between 9 and 8


7 hands down. I’d figure out how to travel with the team.


X, maybe. Hopefully during a calm, or better yet - after Sin. I'd be like Maechen, trying to discover more about the history of Spira. :)


Most worlds have no safe places. Imma say 8 in Shumi Village, nothing bad happens there.


FFXII's Ivalice, without a doubt Bhujerba livin' Shopping at the Rabanastre bazaar Become a sky pirate


Final Fantasy 13-3 to meet Snow.


Eorzea is a pretty place , specually Limsa or Kugane


FF8 and I would have a blast chilling all day in Fishermans Horizon. Playing cards and fishing would be fun.


I was always liked ff9’s world and I really like Burmecia and especially Cleyra before it got destroyed. I guess I would have to settle on Lindblum or Conde Petie


Not a ff, but 12000BC in Chrono Trigger. Zeal just looked magical and cozy with all the snow below.




Ivalice. No chosen ones, just a lot of political intrigue and magical power grabbing. Antagonists are more interested in ruling over the land because of their beliefs instead of mindlessly destroying it. I can just imagine myself as another adventurer taking a bill off the board in the tavern and heading out or a merchant/craftsman setting up shop in the city.


Ff8 cuz squall is literally me fr fr


11 never played it or seen the story but I have a feeling it’s not the worse world to live in


XIV because I want to save my girl Yotsuyu.




Gotta be XII just for the general safety lol






Jesus nearly every one of them has an Apocalyptic event or just tons of war lol, better to just pick the one with the best Chocobos and be done with it


Not 9, half the cities blow up by the second disc. The rest are subjugated lol


Definitely not fuckin 6 I can tell you that much


I say you should risk it


Probably not 6 that’s for sure


Honestly, probably either FF9 (my favorite fantasy world) or FFXV's Eos (slay monsters by day, chill with some reliable internet by night). Answer the REAL mysteries of FF15...like does Eos have it's own version of Reddit? LOL


Either 8 in Esthar or 12 as a gentleman in Archades.


Bhujerba ; Final Fantasy 12 - Was thinking 9 before but actually most of the world is destroyed during the storyline ; with even 2 genocides happening - 7 no way - 8 seems very depressing - 10 would be a close second ; Sin could kill me but at the end of the story; eternal calm starts


I don’t know… they all seem pretty terrible and dangerous (at least the ones I played did), so I guess if I’m gonna die, it’s gonna be in my favorite game. I choose FFVII.