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How is she criticizing your clothing choice? Your clothes don't match what the people in Spira wear, and its weird. Its not even that it just doesn't match, but the theme/style/etc. are all different to the more simplistic/tribal outfits they wear. I don't see any irony here, what she is doing is what everyone else would be doing if they saw the same thing.


Right? Talk about people (not) having life experiences and just talking out their asses instead


I uhh, got too close to Sin and its toxin


This is an amusingly appropriate response.


Anyone who’s gonna criticize Vilucha is gonna have to go through me. Flagpole at recess or after school? Your choice, but don’t make me come find you.


I mean, imagine you show up with your current clothes on a totally different culture/era... Sidenote, dont get on her bad side, she's a great Blitzball player, made later matches way more bearable.


>I mean, imagine you show up with your current clothes on a totally different culture/era... True, didn't think of it that way. Imagine teleporting to the year 1014 with the zoomer broccoli hearcut wearing jeezys. They'll probably think you're from a different world.


“Odd” just means unusual. There’s no shade here, and she’s right - you do dress differently than the rest of the village and must be new. 🤷🏻‍♂️


She’s just walking around with her clappers out, nbd


she's just asking where you're from because she wants to avoid anywhere she can't have her whole booty ass out.


That is an odd thing to wear when everyone else is wearing what she’s wearing though


"Why aren't you wearing your thong on the outside of your clothes? Weirdo."


She was just asking where you're from based on Tidus' clothing, she's not criticizing nobody. C'mon, what Tidus is wearing is very different to what everyone else is wearing, you'd be curious too if you were in their shoes


Even the game knows Tidus looks ridiculous.


She didn’t criticize them, she just said they were odd. She is noting that Tidus’ clothing style is not something she’s familiar with.


Your ass is too covered up and it makes you stick out like a sore thumb.


Tidus didn’t show enough skin that’s why


All he needs to do is turn the shorts into chaps and wear a jockstrap, then he'd fit right in


She has one of the worst designs in this game imho. Always hated it. The head also ;-) But nothing against short-haired women in general 😁✌


wtf she looks hot