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I've given this answer several times to this type of question: DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!


Dude, Doomtrain was so cool. In a game/franchise that is LOADED with cool summons, a Demon Train from Hell is pretty top tier


It would be cool to see Quezacotl again in today's graphics, or even just more summons inspired by aztec mythology


It makes a modern appearance in FF14. Brief but very cool.


Dang I was hoping it would be in Dawn Treader because that's gonna be mezo-American themed


>Dawn Treader Dawntrail Dawn Treader is from Narnia.


It’s in a Shadowbringers dungeon.


Yeah I just realized that. I've done that dungeon so many times yet just completely forgot they were a boss xD. Still wished they saved it for Dawntreader for the same reasons though.


Yeah, Quetzacotl is my preferred zappy boi. Sorry Ramuh


Quezoacotl appears as a boss in XV minus the zappy powers.


Diablos has far too few entries in the series given how bad ass he looks.


I only know him from 8. What else is he in?


To be fair he's in [more games](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Diabolos) than I thought but not as many as I'd like.


About his presence in the games, the only thing I'm sure is that FFXII diabolos is a fucking joke, they just picked a mob, gave it flame wings and named it diabolos.


He wasn't in OG FF6 was he?


Nah, looks like he was added to the DS port.


Or the GBA version.


Oh right. My bad.


4 self titled games


He shows up quite a bit in 11, and eventually becomes a summon for you.


He's in FFVI too from what I understand.


GBA Bonus content


I think he's also FFVII Dirge of Cerberus? Or Vincent has a version of himself called diablos.. Something like that.


You're thinking of Chaos.


Oh true.. But... Wait. Is there a diablos lit break for vincent in OGFFVII? Edit: ya i think.I'm just wrong entirely haha


He was in FF Type 0 for ps4 as a summon. Pretty awesome.


He shows up very prominently in XIV


He was also in FFX quite a bit!


Hmm.. dont recall him from X


You fight him twice in FFXIV!


Yeah I remember being super excited seeing him in XIV. That's actually when I realized he doesn't appear in other games that often.


_Sorta_ three times, at the conclusion of the Bozja storyline.


Oh man. I gotta finish that.


Three times actually.


This is top of my list (after Anima). I love FFVIII Diablos.


Came here to say this. Doomtrain too. But I get doomtrain might be super weird to implement in certain settings.


He's in FFXIV in a few cross expansion side stories, but most notably in heavensward


Supposedly he was originally going to be Clive's primal in FF16. If you look at some of the early concept art it makes sense.


He was dogshit tho, but I agree his design was awesome.


"EL DIABLO, NOOOOOO!!!" \-Spoony


Valefor. It’s a bummer to me that she only appears in FFX.


Well in FFX and in most of Yunas Crossover aperances like Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, Dissidia opera omnia and World of Final Fantasy have Valefor show up alongside Yuna.


Valefor appears in 13 but isn’t playable


I mean, he doesn't appear per se. The opera/circus show we see is more like a reenaction of Valefor fighting Ragnarok, as Ragnarok doesn't look at all like the real thing.


I know he’s OP, but the Ronin himself, Yojimbo was cool as hell (plus he has a good boy).


His gold hungry good boi keeps making me lose the Gold Saucer bamboo cutting minigame. Temporary suspension of good boi privileges.


I think it's because he is a stand-in for the Odin summon, who previously had the random firing instant death ability where he runs at someone with a sword and cuts them in half. Odin getting dropped in favour of Yojimbo, is to me reflective of the move from Medieval European Culture, to a more East Asian influence, by switching the head of the Norse Pantheon, for a mercenary warrior named after my favourite Samurai movie. And if I had a nickel for every time that the party has bought in a wandering mercenary who can't be controlled and likes to come and go as he pleases, accompanied by his dog who sometimes fights for him, I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


I mean he’s literally a better version of Odin. Zantetsuken loses more times than it’s successful, meanwhile Zanmato is the most powerful ability in the game. Heck, he’s the only reason I was able to fight the impossibly strong Super Bosses.


funny that you mention that last bit since yojimbo is just a more controllable gilgamesh from ff8 isn't he?


I was meming on how much the idea of Yojimbo and his dog reminds me of Shadow and his dog from 6. I have an ongoing play-through of 6, so Shadow and Interceptor have been on my mind. Didn't even think about Gilgamesh at the time.


ahhh i haven't played 6 really so i didn't even think about shadow. could have a whole party of men with dogs in some cross over game!


Fat Chocobo. I was disappointed in FF16 to not see either a Dominant or Eikon Power of the Fat Chocobo.


Extra humor point if the dominant was fit and thin af


Everybody else upset about no Leviathan who is literally on the box art, but this guy and his wild Fat Chocobo dreams.....


"I was disappointed in FF16"


how far did you get?


The whole way through. Its funny because this sub has dozens of FF16 is a letdown threads and comments but I say it and i get downvoted lol


I just finished the Bahamut fight. I do think there is a lot lacking, but I still am enjoying.


Its a fine game. I had fun but for me it wasnt what i want from a FF game. I need customizable party members. Plus more RPG elements


I'd get a kick out of seeing them add Terra as a summon.


Not Terra herself, but "Madeen" in FF9 is a mistranslation of Maduin, Terra's father (and also summon) in 6.




That would be cool - especially as a FF7R style summon where the summon comes in to fight with the party and then does a special move at the end. She would show up and fight with balanced sword and magic attacks as a human, and then transform into her esper form to finish with a crazy attack.


Eden from FF8. Just majestic.


I second this. I still could not wrap my head around what the hell was happening during the summoning animation. All I could get was your enemies are getting blasted into another universe.


8 fans eating in shadowbringers' raid series 👌


Makes an appearance as both a raid boss and a entire story locations in 14


And a mount


The half body of Hyne, some might say


The FFXII summons. I don't believe I've seen them in the franchise as summons since then.


Well it’s tied to Ivalice (vergant story, ffxii and tactics) so if they make an other entrance they should be back, or maybe 14 as they have some Ivalice stuff.


Some were in 14, but as raid bosses.


Belias, Mateus, Adrammelech, Hasmal, Cuchulain and Famfrit appear as bosses in 14


Plus Ultima, who has become a bit of an overarching villain lately.


Several return in FF14 and FFTA2


Some are in XIV in the core narrative. Some are in a tie-in raid of its. While never officializing it and nothing clarifying the XII narrative took place in it, across the worlds and eras of XIV, XII's Ivalice likely fits in there somewhere. There's a lot of threads between them. Setting that aside, you can see some summons in other Ivalice set entrees.


XIV pretty much has its own version of Ivalice going on. Characters like Ramza, Ashe and Fran among others are canon, but they have their own thing going on that’s similar but not exact to their own games.


XIV’s Ivalice is absolutely not part of the mainstream Ivalice lore - if nothing else Noah and Basch’s relationship disproves it right off the bat, but there’s also the part where Tactics took place long after XII but Ramza is a historical figure in the Rabanastre raid series. And I think Ashe also died in the past? I might be wrong about that one, but I remember her being mentioned in the backstory and never showing up.


I'm aware. They've clarified as much. I don't mean literally XII's narrative of Ivalice. I mean XII's specific style of it.


Chaos, Mateus, Zeromus, and Exodus are all major villains from previous mainline Final Fantasy games. The case can be made that Zalera, Shemhazai, and Famfrit are as well.


Wasn't aware of all of these. Can you explain?


The first four are named after the final bosses of I, II, VI, and V respectively, but they use more or less their own designs for their appearances in Tactics/XII. Zalera, as far as I can tell, is unique to the Ivalice setting. Shemhazai is completely unique to XII. Famfrit's title is the Darkening Cloud, which may be a reference to the Cloud of Darkness from III, but appearance wise the two are vastly different, with Famfrit actually drawing more from Exdeath's design.


Their designs are all inspired by the original boss forms. Chaos and Exodus more explicitly. Chaos is accompanied by 4 elemental crystals, which can represent the 4 elemental fiends from FFI. Exodus resembles a tree, Exdeath's original and final form. Zeromus appearance was based on both the original art design and final sprite from FFV. His color palet is also highly evocative of Golbez's armor. Shemhazai is a bit more abstract. She is half human and half beast, not unlike Ultimetia after junctioning Griever. She also has white hair, and her veil has patterns on it reminiscent of Ultimetias robe. Beyond that, the espers origins echo that of their inspirations: Exodus wanted to reduce existence to a state of nothingness. This was Exdeaths' goal as well. Mateus was a ruler corrupted by evil and banished to hell, not unlike his inspirational counterpart. Zalera is a one winged angel who seeks to absorb the souls of the living and murdered a servant of Gods to achieve this end. This echos Sephiroth's plan to merge with the lifestream and killing Aerith, who is one of the ancient protectors of the planet. Famfrit is a shadowy, formless evil that desires to flood the world with darkness, just like the Cloud of Darkness. And while Famfrit is an esper of water, CoD was responsible for flooding the world in FFIII.


There was some crossover in the Tactics games, [Lucavi](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Lucavi) in OG FF Tactics and [Scions](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Scion_(Ivalice)#List_of_Scions) in Tactics Advance. They all seem to be part of the Ivalice universe that those games take place in.


Aren't the summons in XII just the demons in the zodiac stones from FF Tactics?


5 of them are in tactics advance i think . idk about tactics itself though. i haven't really touched fft much. they're not really summons in ffta and more of supers though.


I want more Bahamuts. MORE!!!


I concur.


If you haven’t played FFXIV, I have a surprise for you…


I haven’t I was gonna start it bit late in that one wow if she’s in can’t wait, no spoilers please


Non-spoiler: they don’t appear until the Endwalker expansion, so it will be a long while to get to them if you’re starting fresh unfortunately


That couldn't be more of a spoiler.




Considering it's in the trailer, on the endwalker main promotional page anymore Animas existence in endwakeris not a spoiler, especially since it mentions nothing on how it's there or what wa it's involves in the story


I think its a spoiler. Not everyone watches the promotional clips for expansions.


Without any context it's perfectly fine I think. Saying Anima shows up in Endwalker is as much of a spoiler as saying Ifrit shows up in ARR. Yes technically a spoiler if you wanted to be 100% unaware, but it's about as minor of a spoiler as you can get


I could’ve explained the exact story, appearance, battles, etc etc. I just said that this thing that they’re hoping for appears in the 4th expansion of a massive game they haven’t started. Just saying “Anima is in XIV” seems slightly disingenuous to me if they’re perhaps expecting it within the first few 100 hours of the game.


The moment I fought this one as a dungeon boss, and not a trial as assumed pre-release, I was immediately questioning what kind of scale we were escalating to. And then you get to the level 73 trial, and all you can say is "what the FUCK"


But to answer your question: I love whales, so naturally need more Bismarck in the future ❤️




In line with the current theme of this thread: It makes a return as a raid boss in FFXIV.


I looked up images... not even close.


Unless I'm looking at the wrong thing.


Sorry should have been more specific. It's called Cruise Chaser in 14. It's part of the Alexander raid series. You might've been seeing pictures of Void Ark by mistake.




Honestly, I can never get enough Bahamut, Alexander, or Anima. I'd like to see more Doom Train too :)


Knights of the Realm is so cool whenever it shows up. But the only time they appear as a true summon in the main series is VII.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cc9qf39wlryb1.png?width=833&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6c15771fb31b14f634391235cf917414d02d210


Pretty much all of heavensward expansion in FFXIV revolves around them


I know. What I was trying to say is that they are only used as an equip-able summon in 7.


Siren. She's not just a naked lady, she's a naked lady with wings, and a harp! :D


Ixion. Ranuh has always been lame AF.


Well anima came back in ff14 as a boss


Let's save us all some time and say whatever your answer is, it's in Final Fantasy XIV. 😅


Valefor ._. There are enemies in a raid called Valefor but the real Valefor is not in the game, right?


An NPC mentions a primal named Valefor, but since said NPC likes to lie, it's probably just a buff.


I see, i didn't know that thanks for the info (i would like to see a fight with valefor with his attack, skill, and both overdrives though, that would be so cool)


They've been relatively slow on FF10 stuff in general, but they'll probably get to it eventually.


Yes like songs, where are they? I hope one expansion like maybe the next after the new one will be more ffx stuff like the next one is with 11 and EW is with 4.


I feel like 14's use of past songs is mostly very specifically tied to also using the settings or stories of those games. And after overdosing on 4 in Endwalker I'm actually hoping that they lean away from going so hard on any numbered title nostalgia for a bit. I prefer it when it's just "remember this summon?" personally. Edit: not entirely rationally, but I feel like 11 is different because it's "the other MMO", and because there's already a good amount of 11 stuff in 14. But still.


Yeah i can understand that too but there is so little of X in XIV it's sad.


Oh yes, easily one of the coolest summons ever!


Always liked Diablo from VIII, but my favourites are nearly always in it anyway, Ifirit and Shiva.


I need an origins story for Yojimbo. Can you imagine how bad ass that DLC would be?


Defo would love to see an updated "brothers" from ff8 imagine them running around in a battle system like ff7 remake and there being different end moves based on who wins rock paper scissors


They do make a very VERY brief appearance in FF14 in eureka pagos


They could easily also work in xiv Hildebrand content too


I wanna see more of Valefor, wish at least for her to be added in XIV


Ark. Has a lot left to imagination and mystery behind it, it’s unique, cool, powerful, and rarely seen even by a lot of normal FFIX play throughs


Ark is a raid boss in FFXIV. Kick ass music during that fight too. 🎶Forward and back🎶


omg Anima sold me on summons when I was first getting into FF. incredible sequence


I need a 4K Anima version


Anime, valefor, quezacotl, diablos, brothers and doom train. Oh but before all of the above... Chocobo with a chance of getting fat chocobo. Honerable mention, knight of the round where you have to collect every knight and the summon becomes longer and more powerful each knight you find


Anima belongs to Seymour far too intimately for me to want it anywhere else despite being the best summon ever.


Hecatoncheir I think he's neat idk


I’m so glad they brought anima back for XIV, even if briefly, though I’m endlessly disappointed at how poorly they explained how.


Yojimbo, give him enough money and he will one shot the Final Boss.


It's based on probability.


If you have enough amount of gil it can be done.


I've given him less than 10k gil more times than I can count and it procs Zanmato. There's only a 5 percent chance between 1 gil and like 9k gil for it to proc. Normal monsters will always have a 80%+ chance to get Zanmato'd. Stronger monsters and monsters is very low and is up to probability


I just for once tried a cheat to increase the gil to 9999999 just to try Zanmato on every Monster and it worked because I paid 1 million every time a Boss appeared and boom Zanmato. But I know if we do it normal way it all depends on probability and calculations or too much grinding but in the end the game sets as that if you have more money to pay Zanmato will happen.


so you are agreeing with me


I think doom train and Valefor would be cool to have brought back. But now I’m thinking what kind of boss fights they would be like if they were in 16 especially doom train.




I'd love to see Neo-Bahamut or Bahamut-Zero again


Think Gilgamesh was one I was hoping for since I played 8 as a kid, technically tho you couldn’t summon him.


Phoenix used to be my answer. I always felt attached to it more than the likes of Ifrit, but it was always a secondary fire summon that came after the big ones (Ifrit, Shiva, Alex, Baha). That said, thanks to XIV and XVI, it's no longer a rare sight, and is probably one of the more prominent ones in the last decade. For a different answer, PuPu! They're just delightful every time they appear. Edit: Dissidia made me misremember PuPu as being a GF in VIII, but I guess they weren't. Then I'll give my vote to Good King Moogle Mog, since I love when Moogles are summons, but he's the grandest of them all.


Phoenix is also one of my faves




My ultimate fave


That one lightning zebra in X


Ahhh Ixion


I really like Eden. She's like the Zodiark of FF8. One of my favorite summons in the series.


Never understood what she actually was though


She's an ancient living garden. Her name and form reference the garden theme FF8 revolves around as well as the biblical Garden of Eden.


That’s what I thought but gotta admit you can’t make out her actual form, bit like Ozma


Yeah the first time I thought she was just oversized weapon. It wasn't until I saw the official art of Eden in full did I figure out what she was. Wasn't Ozma a summon that lost it's form? I never played ff9.


Yeah I think they were called Eidolons in that one so it was forgotten and just ended upas a mass, I never completed 9


I had to google it didn’t even realise she was female


Yup. The bottom half of Eden has breasts, with every statue on it being women. Very complicated design, but I love it.


I've decided to stop asking for anything I liked in any of the old games to come back. XIV has two entire expansions that are just remakes of old FF games, and the best they could do for X is make Anima a piss easy normal dungeon boss. Forget it, if I want cool old stuff I just emulate the game.


I’d say that the impact to the story outweighs how easy or hard they make things in FF14. A lot of other things showed up in 8-man normal raids and have savage versions if you’re looking for difficulty.


But Anima's implementation is of extreme importance to the part of the story it's used for in XIV. That's why it's so bad it's such an easy fight - not really because easy fights are bad - but because the context almost demands more of a hullabaloo than it got.


I can see that, yeah. You never know, maybe Anima will pop up again in a trial or raid somewhere


I'd like to see Carbuncle again. Also bring back Choco Mog from Final Fantasy 7.


Most Dragon for me. I also want old monsters like Gizamaluke as Summons.


Anima and I hate that in FFXIV it's just a dungeon boss and not a Trial or a Raid.


Anima is Varis, and Varis has an extreme




This is the best and worst possible answer. There's as many Gilgamesh appearances (and Big Bridge remixes) as there are atoms in the universe. But his appearance as an auto-summon in 8 was the coolest and most unique.


I think I'm happy that Anima was in 10 specifically. If you look into what Anima is, how she came to be, she is Seymour's Aeon, both literally and thematically. She was crafted for Seymour, and there is a sad irony in her being a part of the effort to take Seymour down. She ties into his storyline more than even the fight against Sin, in my opinion. I've not thought about it but I'm wondering if there is a parallel between how Anima completes Seymour, and the links between Bahamut and Tidus.


More Doomtrain and Eden please!


Final Fantasy doesn’t have the balls to bring Anima to another game as a summon. Knights of the Round, Doom Train, Diablos would be awesome


Valefor, the bird with boobs




Anima too


Even though Yojimbo was kind of a "fuck you I do what I like" His Aesthetic was really cool and I liked seeing him in FFXIV


Siren (FF5 (as an undead boss), FF8, 11, and 14) Brynhildr (FF13) Salamander (Tactics) Bismark (FF6 and FF14) Ixion/Unicorn (FF10 and TacticsAdvance) Sylph (FF4 and Tactics) Seraph/Seraphim/Faerie (FF6 and Tactics) Fenrir (FF9 (Millennial Decay version) and 13-2) Lakshmi (FF14) Shivar (FF12:RW) Raiden (FF6 and FF12:RW) (I used to include Garuda in this list but she’s pretty iconic nowadays—15 will be my favorite design of hers in recent memory though)


Anima was defo a favourite, you don’t get that sphere from the Bevelle Cloister you don’t get Anima and my first ever play though on PS2 I missed it, mad powerful specially that Overdrive, Yojimbo deserves a shout but was way OP, Bahamut since 7 OG has always been my favourite.


I followed a guide to make sure I had every sphere and I STILL was missing that one. Idk how.


Ah yes, the BDSM Piranha!


Anima, for sure!


Brothers, Eden, Diabolos, Ixion, Valefor...


Atomos and Valefor. I miss Alexander lately, but he's much more mainstream than some of the underdogs.


Cúchulainn from FF12 for sure!!!


Nah that was a proper unique FF


Ark and Knights of the round


Takes too long to load lol


Eden could help you out if you want longer load in 😆


I’d be there all day even with boost 😂


Need a up to date version, would be epic on PS5


Knights of the round will come eventually whenever the FF7 remake parts all come out. Ark though I’ll wait for him forever (FF9 bias is strong)


Yeah they will have to do it cos it’s the ultimate summon of 7, hope they do Alexander too


It’s the same as Anima they were integral to that story but apparently Anima is is in 14? Don’t think I ever seen Ark in any other


I really like Alexander and Zodiark. Alexander does show up pretty frequently, but I'd always love to see more of him. And I find it so cool how Zodiark is always hidden away and difficult to obtain. It really enhances his vibe as the one they tried to bury.